Spedizione Veloce 48h
Pagamento Alla Consegna

Scopri come rivivere oggi stesso l'adrenalina e la spensieratezza del tuo passato in sala giochi

L'unica Console Retrò con tecnologia NowPlay3 per immergerti in 10.227 Giochi Retrò preinstallati con Grafica HD e divertirti insieme ai tuoi amici grazie ai 2 Joystick Senza Fili.



A causa della grande richiesta, stiamo esaurendo questo prodotto, si consiglia di effettuare l’ordine subito!


1 RetroJoy+ 5 Omaggi


SCADE OGGI: 22/10/24

Vecchio Prezzo


Sconto Applicato


Oggi a soli:


Ordini in Sconto Rimasti: 150

Compila il modulo qui sotto e clicca su COMPLETA L'ORDINE per ricevere l'offerta esclusiva

  • Spedizione Veloce 48h
  • Pagamento alla Consegna
  • Assistenza Telefonica
  • 30gg Soddisfatti o Rimborsati

"Svelata la Magia"

Ecco come NowPlay3 trasforma ogni gioco in avventure mozzafiato ad alta definizione!

Stanco di Cercare Vecchi Giochi ed impazzire con configurazioni difficili  che ti fanno perdere tempo? Senza contare i rischi legali nello scaricare  emulatori e giochi vari.  

Per questo nasce RetroJoy, l’unica console con tecnologia NowPlay3, che fa brillare i tuoi giochi preferiti in HD senza perdere il fascino retrò originale. 

Immergiti in oltre 10.000 Giochi tra i titoli che hanno fatto la storia dei videogiochi, il tutto con un clic e senza configurazioni da mal di testa.

Collega, accendi, gioca. E con joystick senza fili? Libertà pura, per divertirti con amici, figli e tutta la famiglia

Con RetroJoy, rivivi le emozioni più autentiche dei tuoi giochi preferiti in una qualità mai vista prima, unendo passato e futuro in un’esperienza indimenticabile.

"Rivivi le Emozioni Autentiche di Ogni Classico"

Con RetroJoy, rivivi i momenti più belli della tua infanzia o  adolescenza.

Ogni gioco è un ricordo, ogni avventura è un pezzo della tua storia. 

Riscopri con gioia i grandi classici di PS1, MD, SFC, FC, Atari, GBA, GBC e GB che hanno segnato intere generazioni!

Ed il tutto con una qualità visiva e una facilità d’uso senza precedenti.

"Trasforma ogni serata in eventi memorabili"

Invita gli amici, raduna la famiglia e scatena l’euforia dei giochi retrò grazie ai joystick senza fili che ti catapultano nel cuore dell’azione per 15 ore di gioco continuativo!

Vivi ore di sfide e risate, senza pause. e senza fili fastidiosi in giro per casa.

Ricarica rapida, manutenzione zero, e divertimento massimo: ecco cosa offrono gli speciali Joystick.

Immergiti nei giochi leggendari che hai amato, ora rivitalizzati in HD e rivivi emozioni indimenticabili.

"divertimento a portata di mano per tutti"

Addio, complicazioni! Con RetroJoy, entri nel mondo dei giochi retrò con una facilità sorprendente. 

Collega il RetroJoy Stick alla TV, premi ‘ON’ e… boom! Sei catapultato nell’azione con i joystick che si accendono e collegano da soli. 

Scegli il tuo titolo preferito e tuffati subito nel gioco, ogni avventura, ogni sfida, ogni momento glorioso è salvato al volo: non perderai mai un passo delle tue imprese. 

Immagina una serata di gioco senza intoppi, immagina la libertà di giocare come mai prima. Ecco, RetroJoy rende tutto questo realtà.”


Siamo così sicuri della sua efficacia che ordinando ora otterrai la nostra speciale garanzia 30 giorni soddisfatti o rimborsati.


1 RetroJoy+ 5 Omaggi


SCADE OGGI: 22/10/24

Vecchio Prezzo


Sconto Applicato


Oggi a soli:


Ordini in Sconto Rimasti: 150

Compila il modulo qui sotto e clicca su COMPLETA L'ORDINE per ricevere l'offerta esclusiva

  • Spedizione Veloce 48h
  • Pagamento alla Consegna
  • Assistenza Telefonica
  • 30gg Soddisfatti o Rimborsati


5 Stelle

4 Stelle

3 Stelle

2 Stelle

1 Stella

Marco I. - 35 anni
Ritorno all'Infanzia


“Wow, RetroJoy mi ha fatto fare un salto indietro nel tempo! Non credevo che rivivere i giochi della mia infanzia potesse essere così semplice e divertente. Mi sono ritrovato a giocare per ore a quei classici che pensavo fossero dimenticati. È stato come riabbracciare un vecchio amico. E la grafica HD? Una vera e propria rivelazione! Grazie, RetroJoy, per aver riportato un pezzo di gioventù nella mia vita adulta!”

Sara S. - 38 anni
Divertimento in Famiglia


“Questa console ha trasformato le nostre serate in famiglia. Prima, cercare di far divertire tutti era una sfida e non riuscivamo mai a passare tempo tutti insieme, ma ora, con i giochi retrò, è una festa ogni volta che accendiamo RetroJoy. I bambini adorano scoprire i giochi con cui io e mio marito siamo cresciuti ed i joystick senza fili sono perfetti per le loro manine. È diventato il nostro rituale del venerdì sera, e non potrei essere più felice!”

Luca P. - 40 anni
Facilità Sorprendente


“Ho sempre desiderato giocare ai giochi della mia adolescenza, ma ero terrorizzato dal pensiero di configurare console complesse e giochi. Invece grazie a RetroJoy, è stato tutto così facile! Collegarlo alla TV e iniziare a giocare è stato un gioco da ragazzi. Niente manuali complicati o impostazioni complicate. Davvero con 2 clic si inizia a giocare. Sto esplorando titoli sempre più interessanti. RetroJoy mi ha aperto un mondo nuovo e non vedo l’ora di rigiocare a tutti i miei giochi preferiti ed esplorare tutti i nuovi titoli che che offre!”



1 RetroJoy+ 5 Omaggi


SCADE OGGI: 22/10/24

Vecchio Prezzo


Sconto Applicato


Oggi a soli:


Ordini in Sconto Rimasti: 150

Compila il modulo qui sotto e clicca su COMPLETA L'ORDINE per ricevere l'offerta esclusiva

  • Spedizione Veloce 48h
  • Pagamento alla Consegna
  • Assistenza Telefonica
  • 30gg Soddisfatti o Rimborsati

Compilato il modulo, ti contatteranno per assisterti e rispondere tutte le domande e/o dubbi.

Affrettati! Stai rischiando di perdere l'offerta!
7 rimasti
Ricordi il brivido dei giochi in sala? RetroJoy riaccende quella scintilla! Scopri l’ultima frontiera del retrogaming con la nostra esclusiva tecnologia NowPlay3.Diecimila duecentoventisette giochi leggendari, ora a portata di mano. Grafica HD che rivitalizza ogni pixel, ogni avventura, ogni emozione. RetroJoy è più di una console; è un salto nel tempo, direttamente nel tuo salotto.Dimentica i grovigli di cavi. I nostri due joystick senza fili portano il divertimento a un nuovo livello. Perfetti per sfide epiche o serate in famiglia. Con RetroJoy, ogni momento si trasforma in un’esperienza unica.Facile da usare, impossibile da lasciare. Collega, accendi e immergiti in un mare di titoli intramontabili. Ogni dispositivo diventa la tua arena di gioco, grazie alla compatibilità universale HDMI.RetroJoy ha oltre ottomilaseicinquantasette recensioni a quattro virgola nove stelle su cinque per una ragione: cambia le regole del gioco. Rivivi la storia dei videogiochi, creane di nuove. È ora di riaccendere la passione. È ora di RetroJoy.

Puoi giocare ai migliori titoli della storia di queste console:


RetroJoy è progettato per essere intuitivo e facile da usare, eliminando le complessità tecniche e offrendo un’esperienza di gioco plug-and-play. È la soluzione ideale per chi desidera rivivere i classici del passato senza i problemi associati alle vecchie console.

Certo, eccola qui:

1. KOF 97
2. KOF 98
3. KOF 99
4. KOF 2002 Magic 2
5. KOF 2002 Super
6. KOF 2002 situation
7. KOF 2002 Plus
8. KOF 2002 Magic
9. KOF 2004 Special Edition
10. KOF 94
11. KOF 95
12. KOF 96
13. KOF 96th Anniversary Edition
14. KOF 10th Anniversary Edition
15. KOF 97 ultimate battle
16. KOF 97 situation
17. KOF 99 strengthens
18. KOF special edition
19. King of Fighters to Street Fighter
20. King of Fighting
21. Super comics hero
22. Super comics hero – American version
23. Super comics hero vs Street Fighter
24. Super comics hero vs. Street Fighter – Japan Edition
25. Samurai Shodown 3
26. Pocker Fighter
27. This magic land roms
28. Street Fighter
29. Street Fighter 2
30. Street Fighter 3
31. Street Fighter 01
32. Street Fighter 03
33. The Last Blade
34. The Last Blade 2
35. Waku Waku 7
36. Breaker’s
37. Breaker’s strengthened
38. Street Fighter 15th
39. Street Fighter2
40. Street Fighter II Rainbow
41. Street Fighter II Red Wave
42. Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior
43. Super KOF vs Street Fighter strengthen
44. Super Street Fighter2
45. Savage Reign
46. World Heroes 1
47. World Heroes 2
48. World Heroes Perfect
49. Century warrior
50. Slamdunk
51. Samurai Shodown
52. Samurai Shodown 2
53. Samurai Shodown 4
54. Va Night Warriors
55. Va Night Warriors3
56. Darkstalkers’ Revenge
57. Dark Kombat
58. Ture Fatal Fury2
59. Ture Fatal Fury special
60. Kawaks
61. Power Instinct – Gouketsuji Ic
62. Gouketsuji Gaiden Saikyou Densetsu
63. Super group team
64. Super street fighter 2 speed
65. Super Street Fighter II: The New(World)
66. The king could fuunsaiki method
67. Fatal Fury 9
68. Fatal Fury
69. Fatal Fury 3
70. Fatal Fury Special
71. Sd Fighters
72. WWF WrestleFest
73. Dragon Ball Z 2
74. Blandia
75. Four King Kong 2
76. Fujiyama Buster
77. Boxing final
78. Final Blow
79. Mobile Suit Gundam
80. Fire Suplex
81. Sue: he’s fighting big gulls Dao
82. street fighter
83. Street Fighter II – Four Heavenly Kings
84. Street Fighter II – Four Heavenly Kings 2
85. Street Fighter II – Four Heavenly Kings 4
86. Street Fighter II – Four Heavenly Kings 5
87. Street Fighter II – Four Heavenly Kings 6
88. Street Fighter II – Four Heavenly Kings 7
89. Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue
90. Galaxy Fight
91. Best Of Best
92. Moutain King
93. Moutain King 2
94. Art of Fighting
95. Art of Fighting2
96. Art of Fighting3
97. CadillacsandDinosaurs
98. metamorphicforce
99. Metal Slug
100. Metal Slug 2
101. Metal Slug 3
102. Metal Slug 4
103. Metal Slug 5
104. Metal Slug X
105. The Punisher
106. Huo Fenghuang
107. Denjin Makai II
108. SWAT Police
109. Liquid Kids
110. pangpang
111. Wonder Boy III
112. Midnight Resistance
113. Nightmare in the Dark
114. Mega Twins
115. Captain Commando
116. Ultraman Club
117. Knight of the Round
118. Bucky O’Hare
119. Three Wonders
120. Magician Lord
121. Out Zone
122. Alien vs. Predator
123. Aliens
124. Gaia Crusaders
125. Ninja Guy
126. Final Fight
127. Dynamite Dux
128. Caveman Ninja
129. Pirates
130. Saurus.shocktro
131. Saurus.shocktro 2
132. Spinal Breakers
133. ganryu
134. Spinmaster
135. Express Raider
136. Battle Circuit
137. Cobra forces
138. Demolition Man
139. Demolition Man 3
140. Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
141. Blood Bros
142. Nam-1975
143. Simpson family
144. Gundhara
145. Thunder Heroes
146. Contra
147. Magic Sword
148. J.J.Squawkers
149. Forgotten Realms
150. Lady Master of Kung Fu
151. Trio the Punch – Never Forget Me
152. Jungle Survival
153. Mr.Goemon
154. MIA Mission In Asia
155. MIA Mission In Asia 2
156. Toki (Toki)
157. serve
158. EightMan
159. Altered Beast
160. Strider
161. Garyo Retsuden
162. Double Dragon
163. Double dragon 2
164. Dynasty Wars
165. Jihad Jones
166. Breakers Revenge
167. Mutation Nation
168. Daiku no Gensan
169. Dai Makai-Mura
170. Lost vikings
171. Scrambled Egg
172. BionicCommandoRearmed
173. Alien invasion
174. Shadow Dancer
175. ninja princess
176. Ninja Combat
177. Ninja warriors
178. Shadow Warriors
179. Kaiketsu Yanchamaru
180. devil world
181. Castlevania
182. Kung-Fu Master
183. My Heroes
184. Sengoku
185. Sengoku2
186. Operation wow 2
187. Act-Fancer
188. Cyber-Lip
189. Golden Axe
190. Karate Blazers
191. Fight for the song
192. Pulirula
193. Sol Divide
194. Black Tiger
195. Dark Sea
196. Riot City
197. Crude Buste
198. manhatan
199. The end of the warrior
200. Robo Army
201. Nemo
202. Dead Connection
203. Desert Breake
204. Mega Man 2
205. The Combatribes
206. Bomberman
207. Shocking
208. Biomechanical Toy
209. Gang Busters
210. Surprise Attack
211. Knight legend
212. Green Bere
213. Prisoners Of War
214. DeadMansHand
215. Tiger Road
216. Street fighting games
217. Superman
218. Super Trio
219. Super Contra
220. Trick Trap
221. Evil city cloud Tecmo knight
222. Rock n Rage
223. Steel Force
224. Downwell
225. Ginga NinkyouDen
226. Captain Silver
227. hunder Hoop
228. Metamoqester
229. obstacle race
230. Charlie’s Angles
231. Highway Predator
232. Ghosts oblins
233. panther
234. Dragonninja
235. Varth
236. Dodopachi
237. Striker 1945 III
238. Striker 1945 III
239. Gemini Wing
240. Gunbird Special Edition
241. Thunder Dragon 2
242. Eight Forces
243. middle east wars
244. zedblade
245. Baby rabbit fighter
246. Prehistoric Isle
247. bird of paradise
248. Dangun Feveron
249. Area88
250. Samurai Aces
251. Tengai
252. Cotton
253. S.S.Mission
254. Mad shark
255. Guwange
256. Hotdog Storm
257. Boogie Wings
258. Blazing Star
259. Brontosaurus 1
260. Hurricane Helicopter
261. 660 mission
262. #N/A
263. SF-X rocket
264. XX task
265. Z zone
266. Twin Bee Yahhoo
267. Vulgus
268. Bells & Whistles
269. Attack fighters
270. Forward tank
271. Andro Dunos
272. Gemini fighter
273. Double Eagle
274. Loop Fighter
275. Hellfire
276. Nemesis
277. Sirius
278. Space landing battle
279. son of the sun
280. Twin Action
281. Gradius 2
282. Guardian Storm
283. Girl warrior
284. Alien Sky
285. Alien Sky 2
286. Empire of the Ants
287. Eco Fighters
288. Star Fighter
289. Black Heart
290. Final Mission
291. Final Star Force
292. Click Pocalypse
293. SD Gundam Neo Battling
294. Rohga – Armor Force
295. Omega Fighter
296. Armed formation
297. Meta fox
298. Sand Scorpion
299. Salamander
300. Salamander 1
301. Gulf Storm
302. Turtle Ship
303. Mars Matrix
304. Gunnail
305. Sun Blast
306. Attack team
307. Falcon Raider
308. Bio-Ship Paladin
309. Captain Tomaday
310. Funky Bee
311. Zing Zing Zip
312. Dragon Breed
313. Air Buster
314. sky smasher
315. Air Duel
316. Air Attack
317. Mega Blast
318. Leroy Stitch
319. Side Arms – Hyper Dyne
320. Legendary Wings
321. Progear
322. Viewpoint
323. deltamacross
324. deltamacross 2
325. Choutoki Meikyuu Legion
326. Super floating fortress
327. Nostradamus
328. Super fighter ntc
329. Turbo Force
330. super spy
331. Truxton
332. Strike Gunner
333. Us Aaf Mustang
334. Steel task
335. Esp Ra.De.
336. Alpha task
337. Carrier air wing
338. Lightning Fighter
339. Strato Fighters
340. Thunder
341. Thunder Fighter 2
342. Lethal Thunder
343. Thunder Zone
344. sonic boom Thunder
345. Sonic Wings Limited
346. Acrobat Mission
347. UFO invasion
348. Flying Tiger
349. Fly over the horizon
350. Speed decisive battle
351. Blaze On
352. The devil pilots
353. Blue Hawk
354. SRD – Super Real Darwin 2
355. Metal Black
356. The Grand Master 2
357. The Grand Master 2 strengthen
358. Puzzle Bobble 1
359. Puzzle Bobble 2
360. Atomic Point
361. Tetris Terminator
362. Rocn Rope
363. Ms Pacman
364. Ms. Pac-Man
365. Ms. Pac Man
366. Tumble Pop
367. Night Shanghai
368. Puzzle bobble savage version
369. The Gold Diggers1
370. The Gold Diggers2
371. The Gold Diggers3
372. The Gold Diggers4
373. Bomber Man World
374. Neo Bomberman
375. Multi 5
376. Ultimate balloon
377. Tetris The Absolute
378. Puzzle de Pon R
379. Caveman Ninja
380. Neo-GeoCup’98
381. Circus Charlie 2
382. Circus Charlie
383. Poo uncle
384. Spatter
385. Sega tetris 2
386. Diet Go Go
387. Saboten Bombers
388. Penguin Brothers
389. Puzzle Star Sweep
390. Kamen Rider Ryuki
391. Egg Hunt
392. Toppy & Rappy
393. Wonder Boy
394. Wonder Boy(set2)
395. Wonder Boy(set4)
396. champion
397. Atomic Point
398. plover
399. Underground adventure 2
400. Race Master
401. Mille Miglia 2
402. Head Panic
403. Wonder Stick
404. pooyan
405. Kitten Kaboodle
406. Blomby Car
407. Fancy World
408. Solomon no Kagi
409. The New Revolution
410. 4Fun in 1
411. Legend of hero Tmnma
412. spelunker
413. Pandoras Palace
414. Marine Boy
415. Panic Bomber
416. Bombjack Twin
417. Boom box
418. zupapa
419. hyperpac
420. Puzzle Bouncing Ball
421. Puzzle game king
422. Puzzle mini game
423. Puzzle mini game enhanced
424. Wally wo Sagase
425. momoko
426. bjourney
427. honeydol
428. strhoop
429. punkshot
430. punkshot2
431. sonson
432. puzzledp
433. pclubys
434. diverboy
435. mpang
436. searchey
437. searchp2
438. supbtime
439. Jump Kids
440. Bomb Kick
441. choko
442. Pass
443. twinkle
444. Puzzled Joy Joy Kid
445. Snow Bros
446. Snow Brothers 2
447. Lady frog
448. Top Hunter
449. nmouse
450. Magic Bubble
451. Magical Cat Adventure
452. Mighty! Pang
453. Devil’s bubble in the sea battle
454. Genix Family
455. Dark Tower
456. 2020 Super Baseball
457. 3D Tetrix
458. Football Champ
459. World Cup96
460. Bottom Of The Ninth
461. Mighty Monkey
462. Backgammon
463. legend
464. Multi Champ Deluxe
465. Crash Wheels
466. Pop’n Bounce
467. sotsugyo
468. Capcom Sports Club
469. tangtang
470. burglarx
471. Donkey Kong Junior
472. Donkey Kong 3
473. Donkey Kong
474. Oh My God!
475. Monster world
476. Imsorry
477. goal!goal!goal!
478. Dingo
479. porky
480. Puzzle Up Poko
481. Super Sidekicks 1
482. Super Sidekicks 4
483. Ninja Combat
484. Neo Drift Out New Technology
485. Digger Man
486. pushman
487. Riding Hero
488. Mang-Chi
489. Cookie & Bibi
490. Cookie & Bibi 2
491. Cookie & Bibi 3
492. Rally Chase
493. Extreme Downhill
494. Berlin Wall
495. galhustl
496. dream-fairy
497. Baseball Stars
498. Baseball Stars 2
499. Water Balloons
500. crush
501. Scooter Shooter
502. Bombjack Twin
503. city bomb
504. Mr. TNT
505. bangbead
506. My sterious stones
507. sidepocket
508. wits
509. mustache
510. Tetris Tetris
511. Back Street Soccer
512. Diamond Run
513. cros pang
514. armorcar
515. bullfgt
516. Snake: Turtle
517. Meikyu Jima
518. Croquis 2
519. alex kidd
520. Alibaba with 40 thieves
521. Thunder Lightning
522. Funky Jet
523. mikie
524. Ghostlop
525. magical crystals
526. Chain Reaction
527. Bubble Bobble 2
528. Bubble Bobble 3
529. SS-World Championship
530. SS-Glorious challenge
531. Undercover Cops W
532. gundl 94
533. Demon World
534. gun bird
535. guzzler
536. lover boy
537. Silent Dragon
538. Solitary Fighter
539. sadari
540. Puzzle De Bowling
541. In The hunt
542. calipso
543. Mug Smashers
544. Lightning Fighters
545. Thundercade
546. Jungle King (c) 1982
547. shootbul
548. Clutch Hitter
549. rallybik
550. Clash-Road
551. finehour
552. Time Limit
553. kungfutaikun
554. shadfrce
555. mrdo
556. gaunt2
557. Bonze Adventure
558. troangel
559. bigtwin
560. bonkadv
561. skysoldr
562. Charlie Ninja
563. tnzs
564. pspikes
565. pspikes2
566. Batman
567. Asura Blade
568. Gunforce
569. blockcar
570. btlecity
571. xmultipl
572. speedspn
573. Bang Bang Busters
574. powrplay
575. jumpshot
576. simpsons
577. xybots
578. socbrawl
579. egghunt
580. rezon
581. bnzabros
582. twinsqua
583. kbash
584. mappy
585. gumbo
586. vsav2
587. igmo
588. Dragon holy
589. Demolition Man 2
590. Dragonball Z
591. Breakers Revenge 2
592. Alien invasion2
593. Vandyke
594. Dragon Unit
595. Donpachi
596. dragon blaze
597. Legendary Wings 2
598. Don Doko Don
599. puzzli
600. dorodon
601. The Legend of Kage
602. Ninjakun Majou no Bouken
603. Elevator Action
604. Elevator Action2
605. rongrong
606. rongrongj
607. rongrongg
608. Crude Buster J
609. Crude Buster W
610. Undercover Cops J
611. Undercover Cops AR
612. RADR Trade
613. RADR Trade A
614. gunfront
615. gunfight
616. lord OF gun
617. gunmast
618. Berlin Wall
619. KonamiGT
620. Grid Seeker – Project Stormhammer
621. Pipe Dream
622. PipeDream
623. Dream Adventure J
624. hoops96
625. Dream Soccer 94 J
626. dokaben
627. basebal2
628. lockon
629. travrusa
630. gridiron
631. joyfulr
632. Ordyne
633. Martial arts history
634. Heli Fire
635. Tao Taido
636. Hoccer
637. Viper action
638. Beagle Boy
639. botanic-changes
640. ccastles
641. ccastles2
642. ccastles3
643. Water pipe big battle
644. Dr. Tommy
645. sarge
646. spiker
647. desertgu
648. shufshot
649. splash
650. slikshot
651. popspops
652. exerion
653. aquarium
654. hydra
655. polaris
656. shpeng
657. buccanrs
658. piratetr
659. sfposeid
660. firetrk
661. minferno
662. naughtyb
663. loderndf
664. greatgun
665. swimmer
666. bounty
667. genpeitd
668. rjammer
669. bmcbowl
670. fightrol
671. Submarine War
672. zero hour
673. Fire ants superman
674. Golly! Ghost!
675. Asteroids
676. Marchen Maze
677. pairs love
678. Altair
679. pig newt
680. Thundercade
681. wheel run
682. Vs. Hot Smash
683. Call of Juarez
684. Sly Spy
685. double dribble
686. Chinese Hero
687. operation wolf
688. Ping Pong Masters 93
689. Dynamic Country club
690. Arch Rivals
691. Gomoku
692. Battle of Atlantis
693. Battle of Atlantis2
694. flstoryThe Fairyland Story (c) 1985
695. Doki Doki Penguin Land
696. hrdtimes
697. Jurassic Park
698. roishtarThe Return of Ishtar
699. Return of the Invaders
700. Tetris Worlds D.R.
701. hotblock
702. medlanes
703. Tri-Sports
704. bowler
705. bakatono
706. vangrd2
707. trucocl
708. Jack Rabbit
709. Strike Bowling
710. hotchase
711. roundup5
712. dazzler
713. Championship Bowling
714. Championpoker
715. blasted
716. Space Duel
717. liblrabl
718. Ganbare Ginkun
719. frontlin
720. borderline
721. warrior
722. actionhollywood
723. powerbal
724. powerdrive
725. Dynamic Shooting
726. Dynamic dice
727. Dynamic Ski
728. hachamecha fighter
729. wanted
730. nightstrikern
731. Midnight landing
732. paradlx
733. wallstreet
734. hjingi
735. hattrick
736. battlcry
737. birdking
738. birdking2
739. birdking3
740. cadash
741. indianbt
742. lethalen
743. liberate
744. curve ball
745. transfrm
746. chameleo
747. gwar
748. gwarj
749. pbillian
750. gypsyjug
751. meijinsn
752. wiping
753. targeth
754. wfortune
755. twinadv
756. dowild
757. calorie
758. thepit
759. dcon
760. vindictr
761. vindictr2
762. vindictre3
763. vindictre4
764. talbot
765. demoneye
766. hotmind
767. yamato
768. mastkin
769. daikaiju
770. raiders5
771. zwackery
772. bigprowr
773. Aguleisi – Strategic Missile
774. Combat double eagle
775. Alien Challenge
776. Alpine skiing
777. radar
778. Anteater
779. Disney’s Aladdin
780. Argus.
781. block breaker
782. Ark Area
783. MechWarrior Project
784. Mechwarrior 2
785. The galaxy spacecraft
786. Halo
787. Space fleet
788. Defense shooting
789. Bank cry
790. beast busters
791. Primitive man Dreamspell
792. Hit stars
793. Road of air combat
794. KONAMI mini games
795. Blades of Steel
796. Knock on bricks (World Edition)
797. Knock bricks
798. Knock bricks 1
799. Brick Beauty Edition
800. Tetris – black hole
801. blockout
802. Big river fighting blood tolerance
803. Blade Master
804. Agou Adventures
805. Bowling three in one
806. Magic bubbles
807. Super magic bubbles
808. Magic bubbles (USA version)
809. Camel orb
810. cannon ball
811. Crazy ladder 2
812. Champion Boxing
813. Choplifter
814. Columns
815. Mighty battle
816. Crazy Fight
817. crusher
818. The Combatribes
819. Karp empty world
820. Mechwarrior: Full Metal Panic
821. Mechwarrior: Full Metal Panic Japanese version
822. RAF squadron
823. Dig for gold 2
824. Battle of great magic
825. Dinosaur Tales
826. Big diamond 3
827. Escape Kids
828. E-Swat – Cyber Police
829. Major league stimulus
830. Formula one Dreamspell
831. Magic zone
832. Firehawk
833. Crazy fish
834. Freeze
835. Big bee 88
836. Little bee
837. Little Bee 2
838. galpanic
839. Patrol airship
841. KONAMI Mini 97
842. Tank Battle
843. Tank Wars 3
844. Forest Guardian God
845. 1000 mile master Racer
846. Metroid Prime
847. Space shooting team
848. Dynamite Headdy
849. Ba Sha dream
850. Magic stone
851. Captain Hook
852. Magic green guard
853. Hunchback
854. Hunchback Rider 2
855. Video Hustler
856. Equilibrium
857. Freeway racing
858. KONAMI games
859. Indoor soccer
860. Peasant rebellion story
861. Insecticidal Wars
862. Legend of Jackie Chan
863. Legend of Jackie Chan 2
864. Happy runner
865. Mahjong tile
866. Jungler
867. Kaos
868. Karin magic
869. Singular and strange bounds
870. Frog crossing girl Edition
871. lemmings
872. Lizard wizard battle
873. Logical PRO
874. Lost Tomb
875. Mars
876. Marvins Maze
877. Crazy wrestling
878. Maximum speed
879. The universal man armor
880. Minefield
881. missw96
882. Sparrow G experience
883. Whac-A-Mole
884. Monte Carlo
885. Lunar landing craft
886. Lunar quasar
887. Friec amazing adventure
888. Mr. spirit Jing
889. Mutant Fighter
890. Baseball MVP
891. Moonwalker
892. Mystic Riders
893. Ver EAA
894. Magic beauty bubbles
895. The new 7
896. Ninja Emaki
897. orbitron
898. Rotating disk
899. out run
900. Crazy Elf
901. Puzzle Bobble
902. power surge
903. Jewel warehouse
904. Puzzle game
905. Spare none
906. Rampart
907. Reactor
908. renegade
909. NBA music basket
910. Baby break up
911. Robocop
912. Robocop2
913. Rock climber
914. Rollergames
915. Aliens Leo
916. Alpine Warrior
917. Dragon
918. Ryukyu
919. Hitter
920. Super KONAMI mini games
921. Super devil bubble
922. Jumper
923. Squash
924. karateka
925. Perfect soldier
926. Red Eagle – Japanese version
927. Red Eagle
928. Super Volleyball – Japanese Edition
929. Super Volleyball – Korean version
930. Mad Tasmania
931. Rugby
932. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
933. Chariot chess
934. Longmen
935. Space Wars 84
936. Vacuum cleaner. kid
937. Eagle storm
938. Wicked pass
939. XOR world
940. Shooting spider
941. Super Cop
942. Super Elfin
943. Great battle X
944. Super Street Fighter II turbo box
945. Sunny 2000
946. Speak Rescue
947. Dandy
948. Space Zap
949. space gun
950. Slap Shot – the showdown
951. Baseball
952. Magic princess
953. SDI- strategic defense concept
954. Super king Chuen
955. STRIKERS 1945
956. Purgatory mystery City
957. Shanghai II
958. Super Ninja
959. Shuuz
960. Sky Army
961. tenko
962. Saturday Night Slam Masters
963. Tank force
964. Super Glob
965. Bingo box
966. Hainan
967. Operation Fox
968. time scanner
969. Space time fighter
970. Last football
971. Mental progress committee
972. The new car X
973. osman
974. Free cannon 1
975. Pinball
976. Pinball 2
977. Pinball 3
978. Pinball 4
979. Pinball 5
980. Phoenix characters 2
981. Wrestling Wars
982. Tekken
983. Tekken 2
984. Tekken 3
985. Street Fighter EX Plus
986. Street Fighter EX2 Plus
987. Mortal Kombat 2
988. Mortal Kombat 3 Trilogy
989. Mortal Kombat 4
990. 64th.Street:A Detective Story
991. 800 Fathoms
992. 88Games
993. 99:The Last War
994. A.D.2083
995. Abscam
996. Acrobatic Dog-Fight
997. Agress
998. Airwolf
999. Akkanbeder
1000. Alien Arena
1001. Alien Sector
1002. Alligator Hunt
1003. American Speedway
1004. Amigo
1005. Arcade Classics
1006. Arcadia
1007. Arlington Horse Racing
1008. Arm Wrestling
1009. Ashita No Joe
1010. Ashura Blaster
1011. Asterix
1012. Asterix
1013. Atlantic City Action
1014. Atomic Point
1015. Avalanche
1016. B-Wings
1017. Bagman
1018. Bakutotsu Kijuutei
1019. Bal Cube
1020. Balloon Bomber
1021. Balloon Brothers
1023. Bang Bang Ball
1024. Bang Bang Busters
1025. Bang!
1026. Batman Part 2
1027. Battlantis
1028. Battle Cross
1029. Battle K-Road
1030. Battle Lane!
1031. Battle Rangers
1032. Battlecry
1033. Ben Bero Beh
1034. Beraboh Man
1035. Bio-hazard Battle
1036. Black Hole
1037. Blasto
1038. Blazing Tornado
1039. BlockBuster
1040. Blocken
1041. Blue Shark
1042. Body Slam
1043. Bogey Manor
1044. Bomb Bee
1045. Boxy Boy
1046. Break Thru
1047. Breakers Revenge Boss Edition
1048. Brix
1049. Bronx
1050. Buggy Challenge
1051. Buring Fight
1052. Burnin Rubber
1053. Burningfp
1054. Cabal
1055. Cachat
1056. Caliber 50
1057. Capcom Bowling
1058. Capitol
1059. Catacomb
1060. Cavelon
1061. Chack’n Pop
1062. Chameleon
1063. Champion Base Ball
1064. Champion Bass Bass Part-2: Pair Play
1065. Champion Pro Wrestling
1066. Champion Wrestler
1067. Change Air Blade
1068. Check Man
1069. Chelnov:Atomic Runner
1070. Chicken Shift
1071. Chimera Beast
1072. China Gate
1073. China Town
1074. Chuka Taisen
1075. Circus Charlie
1076. Cleopatra Fortune
1077. Cloud 9
1078. Cobra-Command
1079. Colony 7
1080. Columns III
1081. Commando
1082. Commando Bridge
1083. Condor
1084. Continental Circus
1085. Cook Race
1086. Coors Light Bowling
1087. Cop 01
1088. Cosmic Avenger
1089. Cosmic Cop
1090. Cotton
1091. Crash
1092. Crazy Kong
1093. Crime City
1094. Crime Fighters
1095. Cross Pang
1096. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003
1097. Crowns Golf in Hawaii
1098. Cruisin
1099. Cuby Bop
1100. D-Day
1101. D.D.Crew
1102. Dai Ressya Goutou
1103. Daisenpu
1104. Dan-Ku-Ga
1105. Dangerous Seed
1106. Darius
1107. Darius Gaiden-Silver Hawk
1108. Dark Edge
1109. Dark Planet
1110. Darwin 4078
1111. Datsun 280 Zzzap
1112. Death Brade
1113. Destination Earth
1114. Devil Fish
1115. Dig Dug
1116. Discs of Tron
1117. Do!Run Run
1118. Dock Man
1119. Dog-Fight
1120. Dogyuun
1121. Dolmen
1122. Domino Man
1123. Dominos
1124. Dommy
1125. Don Den Lover
1126. Dorachan
1127. Dorodon
1128. Double Dragon
1129. Dr.Micro
1130. Dr.Toppels Adventure
1131. Dragon Ball Z V.R.V.S.
1132. Dragon Bowl
1133. Dragon Gun
1134. Dragon Punch
1135. Dragon Spirit
1136. Dragonball
1137. Dream Shopper
1138. Dream Soccer 94
1139. Drive Out
1140. Driving Force
1141. Driving Force
1142. Dual Assault
1143. Dyna Gear
1144. Eagle
1145. Elevator Action
1146. Elevator Action Returns
1147. Enigma II
1148. Equites
1149. Espgaluda
1150. Espial
1151. Eto Monogatari
1152. Euro Champ 92
1153. Exciting Soccer II
1154. Exterminator
1155. F-1 Grand Prix Part II
1156. Falcon
1157. Fantasy
1158. Fantasy Zone A
1159. Fantazia
1160. Field Combat
1161. Fighting Basketball
1162. Fighting Hawk
1163. Finalizer
1164. Fire Battle
1165. Fitter
1166. Fix Eight
1167. Flicky
1168. Flower
1169. Fly-Boy
1170. Football Frenzy
1171. Forty-Love
1172. Full Throttle
1173. Funky Jet
1174. Funny Mouse
1175. Gain Ground
1176. Galaxian Turbo
1177. Galaxy Gunners
1178. Galaxy Rescue
1179. Garogun Seroyang
1180. Garuka
1181. Gee Bee
1182. Ghostsngoblins
1183. Gigandes
1184. Gladiator
1185. Global Champion
1186. Go Go! Mile Smile
1187. Goal!92
1188. Goalie Ghost
1189. Gold Bug
1190. Gold Medalist
1191. Golden Axe 2
1192. Golden Axe II
1193. Gort
1194. Grand Striker 2
1195. Grand Tour
1196. Great Swordsman
1197. Gunforce
1198. Gururin
1199. Gutsn
1200. Hard Head 2
1201. Hard Yardage
1202. Hatch Catch
1203. Hebereke No Popoon
1204. Hero
1205. Hippodrome
1206. Hook
1207. Hoops 96
1208. Hyper Duel
1209. Hyper Street Fighter II : A E
1210. ”””I. Robot”””
1211. International Cup 94
1212. Jack the Giantkiller
1213. Jackal
1214. Jin
1215. Joinem
1216. Journey
1217. Jr.Pac-Man
1218. Jump Coaster
1219. Jumping Cross
1220. Jumping Jack
1221. Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen
1222. Lady Bug
1223. Land Maker
1224. Last Fortress-Toride
1225. Leprechaun
1226. Levers
1227. Liberator
1228. Light Bringer
1229. Live Quiz Show
1230. Logger
1231. lronclad
1232. Lucky Today
1233. Lunar Rescue
1234. Macho Mouse
1235. Mad Crasher
1236. Mad Gear
1237. Mad Planets
1238. Magic Worm
1239. Main Event
1240. Major Havoc
1241. Major Title
1242. Major Title 2
1243. Mang-Chi
1244. Maniac Square
1245. Many Block
1246. Mariner
1247. Mark Of The Wolves Original
1248. Match It II
1249. Mega Zone
1250. Megadon
1251. Megatack
1252. Metal Saver
1253. Midnight Resistance
1254. Mille Miglia 2 : Great 1000M Rally
1255. Millipede
1256. Minky Monkey
1257. Miss Bingo
1258. Mole Attack
1259. Money Money
1260. Monster Bash
1261. Monster Slider
1262. moon Patrol
1263. Moon Shuttle
1264. Mortal Kombat
1265. Mouser
1266. Mr. Do vs. Unicorns
1267. Mr.Dos Castle
1268. Multi Champ
1269. Normandy Landing
1270. Pirate Ship Higemaru
1271. Sankokushi
1272. Small Bug
1273. Sonic The Hedgehog
1274. Sonic The hedgehog 2
1275. Steets of Rage II
1276. The Alphax Z
1277. The Astyanax
1278. The Battle-Road
1279. The Billiards
1280. The Fairyland Story
1281. U.N.Defense Force:Earth Joker
1282. Ufo Robo Dangar
1283. Umbrella Realm
1284. Vs.Balloon Fight
1285. VS.Dr.Mario
1286. Wild West C.O.W.-Boys
1287. Knights of Valour
1288. Knights of Valour Splus
1289. Knights of Valour Super Heroes
1290. Knights of Valour Ytzy2
1291. Oriental Legend
1292. Mario is Missing
1293. Super Mario Bros
1294. Super Mario Bros 2
1295. Super Mario Bros 3
1296. Super Mario 14
1297. Adventure Island 4 (Chinese version)
1298. Adventure Island 4
1299. Contra – Super Battle Soul
1300. Interstellar Contra
1301. Contra -30 life S gun
1302. Contra – Power
1303. Air Contra
1304. Adventure Island Invincible Edition (HACK)
1305. Adventure Island 2 (Chinese version)
1306. Hudson’s Adventure Island II
1307. Adventure Island 3 (Chinese version)
1308. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
1309. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Warriors
1310. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
1311. Mining _ Chinese version
1312. Dajingang 3
1313. Ninja Dragon Sword biography
1314. Hard blood
1315. Castlevania
1316. Jackie Chan kicks the pavilion (Chinese version)
1317. Castlevania 1
1318. Jackie Chan Dragon (Chinese version)
1319. Macross [Chinese version]
1320. Castlevania 3
1321. Lin Zexu ban smoking (Chinese version)
1322. Punisher
1323. Angry black ninja
1324. Bodhisattva war of necessity (Chinese version)
1325. Dragon of Jackie Chan
1326. Dragon Quest 6 (Chinese version)
1327. Jackie Chan kicks off
1328. Fighting frog and double dragon
1329. Tetris 2+ bomb block
1330. Arkanoid
1331. Russian 2nd Generation – Tengen Edition
1332. Newsboy 2
1333. Ghostbusters
1334. Billiard ball
1335. Knocking on ice
1336. Castlevania Zombie Edition HACK
1337. Rainbow Island
1338. Last devil hero
1339. Billiard
1340. Knocking on ice cubes [Chinese version]
1341. Plants vs. Zombies
1342. Sharoman snake
1343. Balloon battle
1344. Sharoman Snake 2 (Chinese version)
1345. Sharoman Snake 1
1346. Sharoman Snake 3
1347. Cosmic Cruiser (Sharoman Snake 2)
1348. Dajingang 1 [Chinese version]
1349. Dajingang 2 [Chinese version]
1350. Dajingang 3 [Chinese version]
1351. Rockman 4
1352. Dajingang-Banana Boat (Chinese version)
1353. I J Special Force
1354. Huang Di (Chinese version)
1355. Little bee [Chinese version]
1356. Gold digger 1
1357. Big bee [Chinese version]
1358. Gold digger 2
1359. Rocket car (Chinese version)
1360. Rocket car
1361. Balloon Battle [Chinese version]
1362. King of bombers
1363. Bomb superman 1
1364. Chinese Chess (Chinese version)
1365. Bomb Superman 2
1366. Mining [Chinese version]
1367. Tennis [Chinese version]
1368. Dragon Soul
1369. Blood march
1370. Cuban Warrior (Chinese version)
1371. Bloody college dodgeball
1372. Frontline battle [Chinese version]
1373. Critical Strike Warrior 87
1374. Egg Ditz’s Fantasy Adventure
1375. Hilarious Life Theatre 1
1376. Mr. Crocodile
1377. Pig younger brother
1378. JuJu Legend (Chinese version)
1379. Qibao Qimou [Chinese version]
1380. Hot blood city commissioner
1381. Three little pigs [Chinese version]
1382. Predator
1383. Bodhisattva Should Be Stringent in War Chinese
1384. Devil Buster II
1385. Swordsman (Chinese)
1386. Spiderman returns
1387. Batman
1388. Yue Feichuan
1389. Unmoved Ming Wang Chuan (Chinese version)
1390. Journey to the West 2
1391. Dongfeng-Mahjong (Chinese version)
1392. Red Shadow Warrior
1393. Macross
1394. Blood hockey
1395. Zhonghua Daxian (Chinese version)
1396. Super Marie
1397. Chinese Bunny (Chinese version)
1398. James Bond 007-Enhanced Edition
1399. Mr. Penguin – Adventure Tour [Chinese version]
1400. Super Marie Plumber
1401. Masked Ninja Flower Pills (Chinese version)
1402. Off-road vehicle
1403. Bing bee [Chinese version]
1404. Motocross
1405. Sword King (Chinese version)
1406. Kung Fu [Chinese version]
1407. Ghana fighter (Chinese version)
1408. Snowman brothers
1409. Devil’s total mobilization (Chinese version)
1410. Thunderbird 1
1411. Aladdin (Chinese version)
1412. Flying Warrior (Chinese version)
1413. Sonic kid 5
1414. Argos Warrior (Chinese version)
1415. circus
1416. Four people mahjong [Chinese version]
1417. Heat in the blood
1418. Yigui Baoen
1419. Little bee
1420. Authentic warfare (Chinese version)
1421. Blood drama
1422. Midway Island 1942 (Invincible Edition)
1423. Mahjong Club
1424. Kanov
1425. Dragon Rider
1426. Tank Fengyun (Chinese version)
1427. JuJu Legend (Chinese)
1428. City Alliance (Chinese version)
1429. Chapter of Ninja Jun Ashura
1430. Street Fighter 6 (Chinese version)
1431. Street Fighting Kid (Chinese)
1432. Popeye [Chinese version]
1433. Midway Island 1942 (Invincible Edition)
1434. Westward Journey (Chinese version)
1435. Tiger Cave Action (Chinese)
1436. Swallowing the world 1
1437. Huang Di – Chinese version
1438. Swallowing the world 2
1439. Castlevania 2
1440. Jingle 2
1441. Dongfeng-Mahjong (Chinese)
1442. Pinball table [Chinese version]
1443. Happy cat [Chinese version]
1444. Warring States Warriors (Chinese version)
1445. Billiard ball (Chinese version)
1446. Firefighting Hero (Chinese version)
1447. Starfighter fighter [Chinese version]
1448. Bing Bee II unlimited life
1449. Bing Bee III Unlimited Life
1450. Billiard [Chinese version]
1451. Hoe the Earth (Chinese version)
1452. Hamburger [Chinese version]
1453. Bomb Superman 1 [Chinese version]
1454. Batman (Chinese version)
1455. Love Cabin [Chinese version]
1456. Tekumo World Cup (Chinese version)
1457. Wilderness Darts (Chinese version)
1458. Tiger Cave Action (Chinese version)
1459. Mickey Mouse 7
1460. Red Pig Fighter – Unlimited Edition
1461. Red pig
1462. Outrageous glory
1463. Prison Break 2 (invincible)
1464. Energy Warrior 1
1465. Energy Warrior 2
1466. Street Fighting Kid (Chinese)
1467. Street Warrior 2010
1468. Kick the king
1469. Diz egg fantasy adventure
1470. Iron fist 2
1471. Dragon Rider
1472. Adventures of Dragon Cave 1
1473. 16 channel truck
1474. Plan B
1475. football
1476. Q version volleyball
1477. SD hero total battle – defeat the evil army
1478. TC surfing design
1479. One sound concert
1480. Qibao Qimou 2
1481. Super Werewolf Battle
1482. Million dollars – the magic king
1483. Shanghai 2
1484. Shanghai Mahjong
1485. Impossible task 1
1486. World Runner’s 3D War
1487. World Formula Grand Prix
1488. World rally championship
1489. The end of the century
1490. Two dribble NBA
1491. Lubang III
1492. Haunted house adventure
1493. Elk and squirrel
1494. Joe and Mike
1495. Gomoku
1496. cactus
1497. Tired hare
1498. Bionic commando
1499. Imitation of the devil
1500. Penguin and seal
1501. Penguin war
1502. Icarus
1503. Icare Warrior
1504. Berg time
1505. Jurassic Park
1506. Jurassic Boy 2
1507. Detective Jinguji Saburo
1508. Invasion Eagle F-15
1509. bowling
1510. Albatross 2 – The Last Challenge
1511. Masked Superman SD
1512. Stealing gold
1513. Zombie Kid 2
1514. Mythology of Light – Legend of Angel Island
1515. All-Star Softball
1516. Eight eyes
1517. Road racing
1518. Road pursuit 16
1519. Road chase
1520. Six three four sword
1521. Birdman team
1522. Mike Tyson Boxing!
1523. Beastmaster
1524. Adventure kid Jack
1525. Adventure team
1526. puck
1527. Ice and snow suspense
1528. Shock wave
1529. Breaking through the fire net 2
1530. Phoenix fighter
1531. Hello Kitty
1532. Hello Kitty World
1533. Hello Kitty Adventure
1534. Hello Kitty 2
1535. Genesis RSS
1536. Genesis hero
1537. Frontline revision
1538. effort
1539. Kung Fu kid
1540. Action 4 in 1
1541. Warriors
1542. Dragon Quest 2
1543. Dr. Avatar and Mr. Hyde
1544. Arctic
1545. Ten yards battle
1546. Millipede
1547. Antarctic pengu
1548. Bokosuka War
1549. Dragon castle
1550. Tour of India
1551. Danger-25 Anniversary Edition
1552. Primitive people’s games
1553. Double adventure
1554. Double Snake City
1555. Double Eagle Stealth
1556. Anti-fighting
1557. Anti-gravity fighter
1558. Deformation tank
1559. Deformation fighter
1560. Deformation fighter Z
1561. Color changing dinosaur
1562. Transfiguration
1563. Devil’s authentic
1564. Witch Little Red Riding Hood
1565. Magic jewelry
1566. Taiwan Mahjong
1567. Lunar pool
1568. McDonald’s kid
1569. Metal Gear
1570. Jimmy
1571. Hudson’s Eagle
1572. Dragon tooth
1573. Battle of the dragon
1574. Columbus
1575. Donald Duck Snoopy Games
1576. Donald Duck World 1
1577. Donald Duck World 2
1578. Jiati rumor
1579. Mole’s story
1580. Four Mahjong 2
1581. Four season tank
1582. Back to the future II + III
1583. back to the Future
1584. Return to the future
1585. Go
1586. Go Guide ’91
1587. Go Guide ’92
1588. Go Guide ’93
1589. Go Guide ’94
1590. Go guide
1591. King knight
1592. Chess master
1593. International Restaurant – Money Game
1594. Tubin
1595. Round little angel
1596. Land peak
1597. Bible adventure
1598. Legend of the bell
1599. Holy Hunger 2 – Devil’s Counterattack
1600. Underground exploration
1601. Underground station
1602. Hell bliss pill
1603. Earth Superman – Invincible Edition
1604. Subway crossing
1605. Kun Island
1606. Tank pioneer
1607. Egypt
1608. Castle adventure
1609. Castle adventure
1610. Resurrection maze
1611. Resurrection Dragon (Dragon’s Reel)
1612. The Milky Way under the alien
1613. Alien war
1614. Doruyagata
1615. Strong foreman Ayuan
1616. Big tank
1617. Big planet
1618. Master and alcoholic
1619. Thief Wuyou Weimen Tour
1620. Big eye frog square
1621. Big stone collision
1622. Big air wing (soccer teenager)
1623. Dajingang jr arithmetic
1624. Big nose primitive
1625. Angel Wings
1626. Angel Wings 1
1627. Angel Wings 2
1628. Genius chef
1629. Tengu eats the moon
1630. Sky kid
1631. Sky shark
1632. Tai Chi Skateboard Challenge II
1633. Space superwoman
1634. Space helicopter
1635. Solar jet ship
1636. Sun superman
1637. Lost Jenny
1638. Mind warship
1639. Qi Tian Lie Encyclopedia
1640. Miracle Superman
1641. Altman’s final battle
1642. Superwoman Laura
1643. Fairy story
1644. Entertainment 3 in 1
1645. Peacock king
1646. Peacock King 2
1647. Big shot of the universe
1648. Cosmic cruiser
1649. Cosmic elf
1650. Guardian II
1651. Guardian legend
1652. Perfect match
1653. Experimenter adventure
1654. Family marbles
1655. Family arkanoid
1656. General
1657. Chess 2
1658. Chess 3
1659. Clown Prince Adventures
1660. Little white rabbit lost
1661. Black street
1662. Little mermaid
1663. Small egg adventure
1664. Little Superman 2
1665. The devil is 2
1666. Little devil
1667. Little Monster 1 – New species is born
1668. Little Monster 2
1669. Kiwi kiwi
1670. Duckling
1671. Dragon Slayer II – Dark Seal
1672. Dragon Slayer 4
1673. Wizard and Samurai 2
1674. Wizard and Samurai 3
1675. Barcelona Olympics 92
1676. Bastu and Taylor
1677. Battle Dragon Fighter
1678. Baruba legend
1679. Hitler’s resurrection
1680. Hat square
1681. Heisei Genius School
1682. parallel world
1683. Drive to fight
1684. Exotic soul
1685. Alien 3
1686. Elastic football
1687. Shadow legend
1688. Battle of Chester
1689. Peter Pan and Pirates
1690. Tolerance Shinobi
1691. Ninja 2
1692. Ninja Jun A – Shura Chapter
1693. Melancholy brother
1694. Happy cat world
1695. Happy dojo
1696. Quick Jie Duel 3
1697. Quick Jie Yang Gun Pill 2
1698. Suddenly
1699. Fury 2 invincible
1700. Monster party
1701. Strange duck adventure
1702. Dinosaur soldier
1703. Demon night attack
1704. Demon Leader – Electric Strike
1705. Earth-shattering
1706. Angry bird
1707. War storm
1708. Battle tank
1709. Combat formula racing
1710. Combat fleet
1711. Key to Solomon
1712. Poker 5 in 1
1713. Poker box
1714. BrickBreaker 2
1715. Newsboy
1716. Save the princess battle
1717. Save love
1718. boxing
1719. Challenge dragon
1720. Digging mine
1721. Defender’s city
1722. Volley ball
1723. volleyball
1724. Push square
1725. motorcycle
1726. Motorcyclist
1727. The Flintstones
1728. modern Family
1729. Moaijun
1730. Attacking animal school
1731. Combatant’s elegy
1732. Legend of the soul
1733. Stanley
1734. Spartan
1735. New human
1736. New species born
1737. New Zealand story
1738. Square fighter
1739. Endless mission
1740. Roller race
1741. Time warrior
1742. Time and space avenger
1743. Insect person
1744. Star Kabi
1745. Star Ocean 2
1746. Star Wars
1747. Star fighter
1748. Interstellar tank
1749. Star block
1750. Dark myth
1751. Best Professional Baseball ’90
1752. Best professional baseball 90
1753. The last star fighter
1754. Carpenter brother (thump-thump)
1755. Future Warrior
1756. Robot demon
1757. Robot cat
1758. Machine gun
1759. Mechanical warfare 1
1760. Mechanical warfare 2
1761. Mechanical War Vs Devil Terminator
1762. Locomotive war
1763. Killing battlefield
1764. The Adventures of Jetson
1765. Extremely crazy
1766. Bai Qingge
1767. judo
1768. Korami World
1769. Fighting battlefield
1770. Dream Zone 1
1771. Dream hero Nemo
1772. Baseball warrior
1773. Baseball simulation 1000
1774. Forest warrior
1775. Model ink criminal
1776. Kabuki
1777. Water gun detective
1778. Water pipe dream
1779. Tom Sawyer Adventure
1780. River fishing
1781. Black Friday-13
1782. Polk adventure
1783. Porter Q Wizard
1784. Titan marbles
1785. Cave warrior
1786. Live treasure trio
1787. Popular Chuck
1788. Floating gunner
1789. Fire station rescue
1790. Gold digger 2
1791. Garden
1792. Skating or death 2
1793. Skating game
1794. Funny captain’s adventure
1795. ski
1796. Rolling ball
1797. Rolling ball contest
1798. Roller brush
1799. Full base
1800. submarine
1801. Fighting arena
1802. Slalom Slalom
1803. Fierce boxing
1804. Four-wheel drive
1805. Fire Bird – Phoenix
1806. Fire emergency house
1807. Rocket Man
1808. Turkey running
1809. Bomberman killman revised
1810. Bomberman is not dead
1811. Bomb jack
1812. Dynamite pitching
1813. Fire 1 Super Edition
1814. Fire 2
1815. Fire 92-Unlimited Edition
1816. Blasting batman
1817. Blasting expert
1818. Tekumo NBA Basketball
1819. Tekumo NFL Super Rugby
1820. Tekumo Baseball
1821. Tekumo Super American Football
1822. Troy
1823. Trog
1824. Rhapsody
1825. Violent destruction
1826. Sniper Chapter 1 – The Dusk of the Gods
1827. Solitary
1828. Lone Ranger
1829. Cheetah Man 2
1830. Cat maze
1831. Cat and mouse
1832. Cat and mouse 3
1833. Monkey monkey
1834. The mystery of Wang Jian
1835. Prince rumor
1836. King’s Sword – Conan
1837. Wing of Madola
1838. Waqiang World 1
1839. Waqiang World 2
1840. Waqiang World 3
1841. The fate of the tile
1842. Biochemical
1843. Miracle of Life – Super Baby
1844. Tiandai Devil Adventure
1845. Electric shock operation
1846. Elevator war
1847. Computer nine-star battle
1848. Boy with bubble
1849. Boy and his snowman
1850. Tomato country princess
1851. Tomato killer
1852. Crazy big feet
1853. Crazy stairs
1854. Crazy elimination
1855. Crazy climber
1856. White Bear Adventures
1857. Puzzle box
1858. Gareth
1859. Stealing
1860. Grand master
1861. True goddess reincarnation
1862. Cobra mission
1863. Cobra Force
1864. Immortal
1865. Holy savior
1866. Mysterious knot
1867. Mysterious exploration
1868. Condor One
1869. Anti-drug guard
1870. Crest’s Fun House
1871. Cluj land
1872. Extreme tiger
1873. Air battle
1874. Air combat 1943 invincible version
1875. Karate champion
1876. Empty wolf
1877. Space warrior
1878. Commando
1879. Horse race
1880. First drop of blood 3
1881. Plasma ball
1882. Arithmetic 1st grade
1883. Arithmetic 2nd grade
1884. Arithmetic 4th grade
1885. Pipeline battle
1886. Basketball enemies
1887. Black jacket anger
1888. Elf world
1889. Red towel special forces
1890. Dark shadow
1891. Hungry Wolf Legend Special Edition
1892. Red Devil Adventure 2
1893. New York Big Boxing Cat
1894. Ultimate stunt
1895. Magic boy
1896. Anti-drug police
1897. Rob Warrior
1898. Robert Magical Adventure
1899. Luo Luo Adventure
1900. Luo Luo Adventure 2
1901. Luo Luo Adventure 3
1902. Sin street wrangler
1903. American dream
1904. American ice hockey
1905. American soldiers
1906. American Revenge
1907. Captain America and the Avengers
1908. American billiard
1909. football
1910. Professional wrestling
1911. Joint operations
1912. Party championship
1913. Dirty Harry
1914. High mobility combat machine
1915. Gundam – great battle
1916. Deadly weapon
1917. Air hero
1918. Fleet war
1919. Elune Treasure
1920. Sesame Street – English Countdown
1921. Huale Street
1922. Peanuts and milk
1923. Playboy and attitude
1924. Ruo Ke and the adventures of his friends
1925. Ruo Dao’s Revenge 2
1926. Hero train saves beauty
1927. Desert Island 3
1928. Ryan and Stingby
1929. Philippine cat
1930. Masked man revenge
1931. Blue navy
1932. Die Hard
1933. Earthworm Warfare 3
1934. Bird story
1935. Honey peak 52
1936. Batman returns
1937. Spiral helicopter
1938. Street fast SD
1939. Arcade 4 in 1
1940. Magic blocks
1941. Banana Prince Adventure
1942. Magic day boy
1943. Sparrow
1944. Magic square
1945. golf
1946. Attack on Bogling Harbour
1947. crack
1948. Journey to the West
1949. Journey to the West
1950. Western rodent
1951. Memory competition
1952. Noah’s Ark
1953. Casino kid
1954. Casino Boy 2
1955. Cyrus Tour
1956. Rowing battle
1957. Racing Racing Shooting (Invincible Edition)
1958. Sainak
1959. ”Win. lose or draw”
1960. Sparrow Wars
1961. Stanley – Search for Dr. Livingstone
1962. Walking!
1963. Superman Club 2
1964. Superman Club 3
1965. Superman Diva
1966. Super confusing star war
1967. Super floating fortress
1968. Super crow’s dog
1969. Super bowling
1970. Super chef
1971. Sparrow RPG Dora
1972. Super spy hunter
1973. Beyond the horizon
1974. Off-road locomotive
1975. Black and white chess
1976. Taekwondo
1977. Falling down
1978. Dancing machine
1979. Dice box
1980. Sinbad
1981. The Simpsons
1982. Simpson and the world
1983. Chain block
1984. Dick Tracy
1985. Magg Max
1986. Lost city legend
1987. maze
1988. Labyrinth island
1989. Maze suite
1990. Confused looking
1991. Confused egg
1992. Summit warship
1993. Runaway (Ver4_0)
1994. Road
1995. Out of reach
1996. Bonnie Rabbit – Birthday Feast
1997. Bonnie Rabbit – Fun House
1998. Free up space
1999. Gravity armor
2000. Heavy combat
2001. Field row
2002. Wild Wolf Team
2003. Measure the destination of the star
2004. King Kong combination
2005. Metal storm
2006. Gold medal Olympics
2007. Steel warrior
2008. Ghoul school
2009. Iron plate array
2010. Astro Boy
2011. Flying fish war
2012. Railway king
2013. Galaxy Crusade
2014. Galaxy Shelter
2015. Silver white sand
2016. destroy
2017. Spy hunter
2018. Underworld Archmage
2019. Alfred Chicken
2020. Alpha command
2021. Aladdin 3
2022. Abbe Road X
2023. Caper Circus
2024. Athena
2025. thunder
2026. Thunder action
2027. Locomotive
2028. Thunder Zone
2029. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 1
2030. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 2
2031. Yoshi s Island – Super Mario Advance 3
2032. Contra
2033. Mario vs. King Kong
2034. Dragon Ball Adventure
2035. Princess League
2036. Castlevania – Moonlight
2037. Castlevania – White Nights
2038. Castlevania – Xiaoyue
2039. Flame Emblem – Holy Light Stone
2040. Flame Emblem – Sword of Fire
2041. Flame Emblem – Seal Sword
2042. The coat of arms – the will of the evil
2043. New Testament Sword Legend
2044. Dynasty Warriors
2045. Three Kingdoms
2046. ”Three Kingdoms. Kong Mingchuan”
2047. Three Kingdoms
2048. Final Fantasy 1+2
2049. Final Fantasy 6
2050. Finding Nemo 2
2051. Fantasy legend
2052. Rockman Zero3
2053. Rockman Zero4
2054. Star Card 1
2055. Bright soul
2056. Naruto – the strongest ninja big assembly 1
2057. Spirit of Light 2
2058. Naruto – Wood Leaf Battle
2059. Legend of Salda 1
2060. Jigsaw – Christmas Game Greeting Card
2061. Frog crossing the river
2062. Sonic 1
2063. Trunik Adventure 2
2064. Medal of Honor 2
2065. The legend of Salda 2 – shrink cap
2066. Super Street Fighter II-X Recovery
2067. Shanghai Mahjong
2068. Sudoku
2069. Snake
2070. Gold Rush
2071. Walio Treasure Hunt
2072. Astro Boy
2073. Clever wolf
2074. CT Special Forces 1
2075. Cheated wolf – endless adventure
2076. Ultimate Jeet Kune Do
2077. Trunik Adventure 2
2078. Attack by Dragon Sperro-Renosis
2079. Sparrow Legend – Endless Night
2080. Sparrow Legend – a new beginning
2081. Super King Kong 1
2082. Super King Kong 2
2083. Dragon Ball Z – Wukong Heritage Legend
2084. Dragon Ball Z-card collection game
2085. Car god 3
2086. Lehman A
2087. Lehman-Affi revenge
2088. Lehman – crazy rabbit
2089. Medal of Honor 2 – Infiltrator
2090. Dressup maze 3
2091. Super gun hero
2092. Lego Wars 1 – Red Alert
2093. Galaxy Star – Luna Legend
2094. Mitrod-zero mission
2095. Mitrod – Fusion
2096. Sonic 2
2097. The Sims – purely accidental
2098. The Sims – the upper class
2099. The Sims 2
2100. The Prince of Tennis 2004 Glorious Gold
2101. Prince of Tennis 2004 Fashion Silver
2102. tennis Prince
2103. Earth Adventure 3
2104. Detective Conan
2105. One Piece – Goal! King of Bounty
2106. One Piece Baseball March
2107. Super Robot Wars A
2108. Super Robot Wars D
2109. Super Robot Wars R
2110. Super Robot Wars OG2
2111. Prince of Persia
2112. Silent Relics – Four Mad Gods
2113. Research level Jeet Kune Do
2114. Royal Knights
2115. Carrying electric beast – diamond
2116. Fullmetal Alchemist – Sonata of Memories
2117. Harry Potter – the mysterious magic stone
2118. Harry Potter and the prisoners of Azkaban
2119. Heroes Altman
2120. Law of planting wood
2121. SD up to the G century
2122. SD Gundam – Friendship
2123. Up to SEED
2124. Gundam-SEED Fighting
2125. Game King Battle of the Monsters – International Edition 2
2126. Game King 7 – Duel City Legend
2127. Game King GX-Duel Academy
2128. Game King – Destiny Tour
2129. Game King – Sacred Card
2130. Game King – World Championship 2005
2131. My African Animal Center
2132. Rhythm heaven
2133. Ghost Taro
2134. Zero racing – climax
2135. Detective Academy q-challenge
2136. Double dragon
2137. World Legend – Summoner’s Blood
2138. Momotaro Electric Railway G
2139. Jurassic Park 3
2140. aggressor
2141. Bright Legion – Dark Dragon Resurrection
2142. Card banquet
2143. Alloy shooter
2144. Dokabang Monster Hunter
2145. Space Channel 5 – Dance Laughing Offensive Attack
2146. Monster Guardian
2147. Sister princess
2148. Speed zero racing
2149. Monster Summoner
2150. I am an air traffic controller
2151. Warring States Revolutionary Biography
2152. Chess spirit king
2153. Happy football
2154. True and evil fantasies zero
2155. Friendship Football 4v4
2156. Alchemist Avery Mary Message in the Breeze
2157. Flame of fire
2158. Blasting Gyro 2002 Fighting Tournament – Chapter of Qinglong
2159. Elevator war
2160. Kronoa of the Wind – Empire of Dreams
2161. Shining duo
2162. Heavy equipment 2
2163. Beautiful dream
2164. Dance Blade – Flash
2165. fireworks display
2166. Virtual tennis
2167. Spiral destroyer – bombing drill
2168. Konami Wow Racing
2169. Air Combat Condor II
2170. Mr. Drilling Ground – strange bacteria
2171. Breath of Fire – Dragon Warrior
2172. Azi comic king
2173. Frog Adventure 2 – Magical National Adventure
2174. Pie 1-Pocket Dream-Fantasy Treasure Survival Challenge
2175. Dragon Warrior 2
2176. Raytheon
2177. Shanghai
2178. Belief
2179. Brilliant Years – The Essence of War
2180. Animal administrator
2181. Shooting Chicken Heroes 2
2182. Thief Wu Youwei
2183. Rolling bar
2184. Cebu bird continent
2185. Simple 2960 Friend – Starlight Magic
2186. Simple 2960 Friends – Desktop Game Collection
2187. Simple English 1
2188. Simple English 2
2189. English 650 sentences
2190. Spiderman – Fight for New York
2191. Superman returns
2192. Fantastic Four
2193. XX legendary restricted-level police
2194. Ice Age 2 – Ablation
2195. Lego Star Wars 2
2196. Lego Crazy Football
2197. Lego Racer 2
2198. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 – The Dead
2199. The anger of Dragon Ball Z-Buou
2200. Split cell
2201. X-Men – Official Game
2202. X-Men 2 – Werewolf’s Revenge
2203. Ham Taro – Rainbow Rescue
2204. Ham Taro Games
2205. Lord of the Rings – Twin Towers
2206. robot
2207. Charlotte’s network
2208. Dance and youth
2209. Electronic World Battle 2.0
2210. Dragon knight
2211. Pink Girl WinX Club
2212. Chronicles of the Chronicles of Narnia
2213. Warner Stars mobilized
2214. Psychic King – the soul of the spiritual heritage
2215. Psychic King – the eagle of the spiritual heritage
2216. Surfing season
2217. Raymond Snick’s unfortunate adventure
2218. Donald Duck Adventure
2219. Knocking on the door of heaven [wind boy]
2220. Photography kid
2221. 3D German headquarters
2222. Little Mermaid Olympics
2223. ESPN X competitive skateboard
2224. ESPN Outdoor Sports – Bass Fishing 2002
2225. GTA Career Concept Racing 1
2226. GTA Career Concept Racing 2
2227. GTA Career Concept Racing 3
2228. GT racer
2229. M&M S Chocolate Whirl
2230. Monster truck devastating
2231. Jet Girl Him and Seek
2232. Snoopy 2 – Dislocated Monster
2233. Bird Man Team – Dragon Thunder
2234. Birdman Team – Powerful Commando
2235. Star Wars Trilogy – Apprentice’s Force
2236. Star Wars Prequel II – Clone Attack
2237. Knock down the king
2238. Disney Monsters
2239. Disney’s Mickey Mouse
2240. Disney’s Mickey Mouse 2
2241. Card duel master – eternal legend
2242. Adventure Little Dinosaur – Mysterious Realm
2243. Pocket puppy
2244. Cute fashion puppies
2245. Shrek-Super Collision
2246. Shrek 2 – Cat wearing boots
2247. Disney Trentis – The Lost Empire
2248. Disney Peter Pan Movie Edition
2249. Avatar 2
2250. Aladdin
2251. Sonic origin
2252. Holy Stone Kid – Special Force
2253. Santa Claus 3
2254. Tucker 1 – Charm of Divine Power
2255. Tucker 2 – The Wand of Dreams
2256. Fantasy dance
2257. Witch
2258. Cosmic Man Seaman – the power of the gray skull
2259. Pet veterinarian
2260. Civilian days 3 – the return of the catastrophe
2261. Black Super SWAT – sequel
2262. Laughing frog racing
2263. Yu Yu Bai Shu – Spiritual Detective
2264. Johnny Mosley’s crazy skiing
2265. Taishan returns to the jungle
2266. Monster Farm A
2267. Shrek – stench catastrophe
2268. Shrek 3
2269. Shrek Swamp Racing
2270. Shrek Racing
2271. Tony Hawk Underground Skateboard 1
2272. Thai Tiger Adventure 2 – Jungle Rescue
2273. Thai Tiger Adventure 3
2274. Ratatouille
2275. Invincible Hot Wheels – Speed Racing X
2276. No rules – street skater kid
2277. Time and space
2278. Superman – back to Earth
2279. Superman-justice
2280. Superman Commando 2
2281. Spiderman – Movie Edition
2282. Dark arena
2283. Best partner – my horse
2284. Future kid
2285. Bruce Lee – Hero Reproduction
2286. Fantastic Four – Bonfire
2287. Extreme water skateboard
2288. Koala Koala Brothers – Inland Adventure
2289. Simulating Pets – Hamster Life 2
2290. Justice League Chronicles
2291. Justice League Hero – Flash
2292. Death pinball
2293. Tom and Jerry – Magic Bell
2294. Van Helsing
2295. Rockman EXE Combat Chip Championship
2296. Rockman and Frudi
2297. Rockman Battle Network EXE 3-Blue Edition
2298. Rockman Battle Network EXE 5-Carnell Team
2299. Rockman Battle Network EXE 5-Plotman Team
2300. Rockman Network Wars EXE 1
2301. Rocky Boxing
2302. Sponge Barber – Creature from Rusty Carabo
2303. Sponge Barber – Movie Edition
2304. Sponge Barber – Revenge of the Dutch Ghost
2305. Ghost horse elf
2306. Fiery Flywheel – World Racing
2307. Hot wrestling 2
2308. Bomberman Marx 2-Red Edition
2309. Bomberman Marx 2-Blue Edition
2310. Blasting gyro
2311. Love cool family
2312. Fanatic boxing
2313. Hunting season
2314. Deer Hunter
2315. Cat and mouse story
2316. Catwoman
2317. Simpson Crazy Avenue Racing
2318. Crazy farm
2319. Blast snowboard
2320. Arithmetic reconnaissance team
2321. Outside the fence wall – forest defense
2322. Pink naughty leopard
2323. Ultimate Killer 3
2324. Sinister nemesis X
2325. Beautiful new world
2326. Major League Baseball 2007
2327. Yoshi’s universal gravitation
2328. Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour
2329. Prison Break
2330. Ax vs Seva
2331. Barbie’s Diary – College Mystery
2332. Strawberry Doll – Camping Ice Cream Island
2333. Super Sponge Barber
2334. Bakerham Football Island Adventure
2335. James Bond 007 – who fights
2336. Bates Doll – Rock Angel
2337. Bates Doll – Permanent Diamond
2338. Ghost Horse Fantasy House – Imaginary Invaders
2339. Monster elf
2340. Mike Tyson Boxing
2341. Super betty
2342. International Super Soccer
2343. Siamese brother
2344. Disney’s Book of the Jungle
2345. Disney Jungle Book 2
2346. Disney’s wild nature
2347. Disney Spicy Girl 1
2348. Disney Princess
2349. Disney Cubs’ brothers
2350. Disney Pig Big Game
2351. Disney Peter Pan – Back to the Dream Without Falling Empire
2352. Disney Star Baby 2
2353. Disney Happy Party
2354. Disney’s Undersea Story – looking for Lunmo
2355. Disney Ranch is my home
2356. Disney Lion King 1.5
2357. Disney Crazy Gold Car
2358. Disney Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck 3
2359. The rise of Hunterskran
2360. King Kong Tour
2361. King Kong King
2362. Metal Robot Wars ax-Six Edition
2363. Metal Robot Wars ax-Blue Bee Edition
2364. Wing of the sky
2365. Spy girl group
2366. Spy Girl Group 2 – Secret Spy
2367. Spy hunter car
2368. Descend the magical power – the last master of the air
2369. Frog crossing the street – great adventure
2370. Racecourse life 2
2371. Madagascar – Penguin Action
2372. High speed modified racing
2373. Frog Adventure – Frog Hall
2374. The Winx Club – Codex Mission
2375. Magic Bubble Conference Battle 1
2376. The rise of the Devil Terminator 3 machine
2377. Coward Milla stunt bike 2
2378. Rat country wandering
2379. Dragon Legend – Dragon Adventure
2380. J League Football Pocket Edition 2
2381. Professional Pachinko Game – Treasure Boat & Oedo Sakura Blowing Snow 2
2382. World Football – the road to victory
2383. Nine Bureaus Battlefield – Digital Edition 2001
2384. Dangerous world
2385. Lovely postman
2386. Holy Stone Boy Light and Dark Battle
2387. The incredible TV adventure of Tama Jun
2388. Angel Wings – the trajectory of glory
2389. Monster road
2390. School legend
2391. Live World Football Pocket Edition
2392. Monster’s Gate 1
2393. Machine beast new century
2394. Mobile angel field
2395. Machine cat board game
2396. Granville
2397. Fighting remote control car warrior go
2398. The Description of God – The Phantom of the Eye of Evil
2399. Yulong War 1×2
2400. Tomato adventure
2401. Super Real Women’s Tennis Tournament – Pocket Edition
2402. Carry on the bureaucracy
2403. Frog home
2404. University’s test-enhanced series – English composition articles
2405. Legend of the Magic Flute
2406. Black Beard everyone to play golf
2407. 3D billiards killer
2408. Evolution zone
2409. Edd and eddy-nagging guys
2410. ESPN Winter Games – Snowboard 2002
2411. ESPN International Winter Games 2002
2412. F1 Grand Prix Racing 2002
2413. F1 heavy loading racing
2414. F24 fighter
2415. FIFA Football 2003
2416. GP motorcycle race
2417. GT Championship car
2418. NFL Football Lightning Battle 2002
2419. V Rally Car 3
2420. WWE crazy wrestling road x8
2421. WWF Wrestling Road
2422. XS motorcycle
2423. XS motorcycle
2424. a serious
2425. Three helpers
2426. Delta Air Force Storm
2427. a task that can not be done
2428. Tokyo Extreme Racing Car
2429. Lego Matador Adventure
2430. Bookworm
2431. Member VIP
2432. Tetris
2433. Children’s backyard baseball
2434. Bunny Adventure – Bad Dreams
2435. National Star Baseball 2003
2436. Champion football manager
2437. Ice Age
2438. Ice hockey court
2439. Final battle
2440. Power taxi racing
2441. Animal squares – save them
2442. Madden scooter
2443. Fast speed car
2444. Brave Canberra Deer Hunter 2005
2445. Arctic story
2446. South Dream Palace Classic Museum
2447. Nanxun Drew – The message in the haunted house
2448. Cartoon net – high speed brake
2449. Cartoon Channel – Crazy Party
2450. Cabbage doll
2451. The anti-fighting family – the mutation of the anti-matter world
2452. Fighting family – rebellious punishment
2453. Fighting Family – Shadow Battle
2454. Pocket professor
2455. Cute kittens
2456. Prehistoric island
2457. Snoopy Haunted House Adventure
2458. Matt Hoffman – Biking
2459. Spy kid high jumper
2460. Dragon City
2461. Combined shock box
2462. Backyard Baseball 2006
2463. Backyard basketball
2464. Backyard Sports – Baseball 2007
2465. Backyard Sports Rugby 2007
2466. Backyard running basketball 2007
2467. Noisy long-eared hare
2468. Haro Katie – Happy Party
2469. Sea of merchants
2470. Jet Girl – Devil Girl Chirps Go-go
2471. Inspector Gadget Racing
2472. Hey Arnold Movie Edition
2473. Christmas Bowling 1 and 2
2474. Sitting duck
2475. Alien land outside land
2476. Night Devil
2477. Popeye – rushing to spinach
2478. Monopoly – monopoly
2479. Genius kid Jimmy – jet melting
2480. Genius kid Jimmy
2481. Space invader
2482. Number one lightning
2483. Goddess Warrior – Xiya
2484. Curious George
2485. Family mobilization
2486. Bunny Rabbit Adventure – Quirky Eggs
2487. Small kangaroo
2488. Little naughty – I want to attend the banquet
2489. Little naughty – jumping castle
2490. Little naughty – wild adventures
2491. Winnie the Pooh
2492. Small ant male soldier – extreme racing
2493. Pony king
2494. Nick Cartoon Racing
2495. Emperor Penguin Diary
2496. Phantom Danny – the ultimate enemy
2497. Phantom Danny – Urban Jungle
2498. Miniature racing car
2499. Drake and Josie
2500. Ninja criminal police
2501. Rapid Power – Dream Plan
2502. Blame projection wave
2503. Shrek’s fierce battle in the castle
2504. Jackie Chan Adventure – Mafia Legend
2505. My pet hotel
2506. Davis Cup Tennis Open
2507. The incredible gem of Totti’s Happy Party
2508. Ghost Hunter Team – ETCo-1 Action
2509. Push Stone Kid EX
2510. The Flintstones
2511. retreat
2512. Rescue hero – Billy Brace
2513. Digimon – the legend of fighting soul
2514. Digimon – Tyrannosaurus Fight 2
2515. New game 2 in 1 – Crazy marbles and cubes
2516. New game 3 in 1 – classic desktop board game collection
2517. Invincible Steel Superman
2518. Planet monster
2519. Violent boxing 2
2520. Violent motorcycle
2521. Dora – looking for treasures of pirate pigs
2522. Dora – Global Adventure
2523. Dora – Superstar Adventure
2524. Dora – Super Spy
2525. Mobile man-robot attack
2526. Robot Wars – Evolution and Destruction
2527. Du Puppet Tennis Open
2528. Need for Speed – Porsche
2529. Extreme fashion scooter
2530. Gebin Kid – Duel Asta Robert
2531. Simulated City 2000
2532. European Super League Football Tournament
2533. Justice and Parents
2534. Crystal Princess – the rainbow of the elf horse disappeared
2535. Tom and Jerry – escape from hell
2536. Beach football
2537. Sharoman snake a
2538. Bubble Dragon New and Old Edition
2539. Polly Pocket – Super Mermaid Island
2540. Sponge Baby – Volcanic Island
2541. Sponge Barber-Atlantis
2542. Sponge Barber – and friends toy robots attack
2543. Sponge Barber – Battle of the Volcanic Island
2544. Photography
2545. Sponge Barber and his friends Nick Tong
2546. Game burst collection
2547. Leaking lake story
2548. Comic strip
2549. Fiery potato
2550. Hot Professional Baseball League 2003
2551. Bomber legend
2552. Hot wheels racing
2553. Blasting Gyro – G-Point Rotation
2554. Love Pet Dog – Dog Sanatorium
2555. Agent Hugo
2556. Wild Thorn Forest – Hunting Chimpanzees
2557. Ace Air Combat A
2558. Mary Kate and Ashley-Sweet Car 16
2559. Toy Soldier – Green Military Action
2560. Toy soldier
2561. Toy robot to hammer
2562. Travel around the world for 80 days
2563. Life and death speed car
2564. Track and field games
2565. Crazy off-road motorcycle
2566. Worms
2567. Worms 2
2568. Salt Lake City 2002
2569. Stone Paradise – big trouble on the rock bed
2570. Detective Jiajiete – Advanced Mission
2571. Konami Boutique Game Collection 6 in 1
2572. Branch Nano Crazy Racer
2573. Stereo rotating block
2574. Midway boutique video game 4 in 1
2575. Ultimate poker game
2576. Ultimate intelligence game
2577. Heart of sheep
2578. Roland Open 2002 – Next Generation Tennis
2579. American Rattan
2580. Professional Wrestling League – Survivor Series
2581. Barbie-Princess and Beggars
2582. Barbie and twelve dancing princesses
2583. Barbie and Pegasus
2584. Barbie Pop
2585. Barbie Horse Racing
2586. Super Hornet FA-18f Attack Machine
2587. Strawberry Doll – Summer Adventure
2588. Strawberry Shortcake Cake – Sweet Dreams
2589. The Smurfs
2590. Vegetable Story – Larry Boy and Bad Apple
2591. Virtual chess player
2592. Bee game
2593. Scorpion King – Sword of the Earth
2594. Bat kid
2595. Caesar’s Palace Gambling Game Collection
2596. Nod’s day in the toy world
2597. Norma professional fishing
2598. Super land war
2599. Bates Doll – Movie Edition
2600. Bates doll – dancing machine
2601. Bates doll
2602. Super Real Women’s Tennis – Pocket Edition
2603. Scrabble
2604. Zidane Football Generation 2002
2605. Racecourse life
2606. Top friend
2607. Atari Memorial Game Collection
2608. Super Black Bass Fishing
2609. Bombing Solomon
2610. Agassi Tennis Generation 2002
2611. Galaxy fighter
2612. Drilling kid 2
2613. Postman Pat and Green Rocket
2614. Creation plan
2615. Speed football 2
2616. K-1 Pocket Fighting Grand Prix
2617. One stone eight birds
2618. Tokyo Disney Attack – Ocean Pavilion
2619. Life game
2620. Billionaire elders game
2621. Nobunaga’s wild vision
2622. Animal cute divination
2623. Friendship mahjong
2624. Big sparrow
2625. ”Actual battle. Bai Qing. must win the law – Beastmaster a”
2626. 24 hours of ghost house
2627. Rotate fill block
2628. Wit puzzle
2629. Morita will play chess
2630. Rolling and unwinding happy square rat turntable
2631. Three-dimensional football 2002
2632. West Principle Keiko Hall Sparrow
2633. Evil Demon – Summoner
2634. Football 2002
2635. Apple arkanoid
2636. On Off Guess
2637. Yo-yo apple ball
2638. Heat fall
2639. Ranch hide
2640. Fanatic gem 2
2641. Fast-moving
2642. Tower of Hanno
2643. Undersea joy brick
2644. Island mystery
2645. Ancient phantom
2646. Marble shock wave
2647. Sledgehammer hero
2648. Pinball fish
2649. Happy checkers
2650. Jungle bomb
2651. Fire hero
2652. Crazy Troll Treasure Hunt
2653. Dragon Valley
2654. Mr. Onion
2655. Gem master
2656. Colorful collision ball
2657. Super music
2658. Plumber
2659. Challenge Lianzhu
2660. Zhang Liangchuan
2661. Prince Anguna
2662. Three-dimensional roller
2663. Code – tiger tiger
2664. Billiards
2665. Lightning plan
2666. Deep sea rapids
2667. Pokemon Dream Light V4.00
2668. Pokemon Eternal Foam v3.0
2669. Pokemon-Leaf Green 386
2670. Pokemon-Flaming 386
2671. Pokemon Rescue Team
2672. Pie 1-Pocket Fantasy-Fantasy Treasure Hunt Survival Challenge
2673. Pocket Casita
2674. Pokemon-Ocean Edition
2675. Pokemon-Blue Ocean
2676. Pokemon Super Dream
2677. Pokemon-Silver Edition
2678. Pokemon-Black Gem
2679. Island adventure
2680. Mountain Island Adventure
2681. Contra Iron Corps
2682. Flying bat kid
2683. Flying bat 2
2684. Destruction of the army’s alien war
2685. Destroyer
2686. karate
2687. The descendant of the dragon – the legend of Bruce Lee
2688. Devil buster
2689. Cat and Mouse (Simpson Edition)
2690. Magic bubble
2691. Magic bubble 2
2692. Magic bubble rumor
2693. Magic Gate 3
2694. Death Pinball MD
2695. Winged warrior
2696. Deadly killer 1
2697. Deadly killer 2
2698. 92 Barcelona Olympics
2699. 96 Atlanta Summer Olympics
2700. ATP Championship Tennis Tournament
2701. BB bird and big wolf
2702. DJ boy
2703. EL Weiente
2704. EX-heterogeneous
2705. EX Bird Fighter
2706. F15 Falcon Action
2707. F1 World Championship
2708. F1 racing car
2709. FIFA Football 96
2710. FIFA Football 97 Gold Edition
2711. JUJU legend – violently thunderous
2712. M1 Abrams main battle tank
2713. NBA Bull Vs Lakers
2714. NBA Basketball 98
2715. NHL Hockey 94
2716. NHL American Football 98
2717. Q version super power beautiful girl
2718. Tecmo Super Cricket
2719. Tecmo Super Cricket Final 3
2720. The Adventures of Tintin
2721. Dragon Ball – Dance Tour
2722. Sega five strong one
2723. World hero
2724. Two fools
2725. theme park
2726. Corporate organization
2727. Bright power 2
2728. Adventure World 4
2729. Creation warrior
2730. Cut throat
2731. Garfield
2732. Action 52 in 1
2733. Action NBA
2734. Animal fast
2735. Snoopy Haunted House Adventure
2736. Nightmare circus
2737. Alien double stupid 2
2738. Alien prince
2739. Big boy
2740. Tecmore Football World Cup 93
2741. Bunny Rabbit – Crisis
2742. Little Witch Coton
2743. Cui Di and Big Stupid Cat
2744. Phantom 2040
2745. ghost
2746. Pinball
2747. Ninja kill threesome
2748. Outdoor Big Car – Arcade Edition
2749. Broadcasting beach sumo
2750. Lemming Story 2
2751. Time killer
2752. Dark pursuer
2753. Mummy hockey
2754. Mech
2755. Game big challenge 1
2756. Slam dunk
2757. Mars Escaper
2758. ball
2759. Crazy Mickey Mouse
2760. Crazy event (Q version)
2761. Real monster
2762. True lie (Devil’s Emperor)
2763. Clay warrior
2764. John Madden Football 98
2765. Sailor Moon
2766. Pulse superman
2767. Virtual Bart Simpson
2768. Crayon Shinchan
2769. Bloody shot
2770. Observation Point
2771. Time warrior
2772. Super King Kong 99
2773. The more the mad dragon
2774. Urban attack
2775. Asterix – Big Rescue
2776. Adams family
2777. Trap – Mayan Adventure
2778. No. 0 special police
2779. Humerus
2780. Demon Master
2781. Rugby World Football 95
2782. Black water pirate
2783. Seven-up kid
2784. Warehouse
2785. World Brave – Shuangliner
2786. Main point racing
2787. King Arthur
2788. Desperate
2789. Iso Country 3
2790. Zombie neighbor
2791. Zombie college
2792. Light and darkness
2793. Bright power 1
2794. Glorious legend
2795. Rabbit Adventures
2796. Shadow of the Beast 1
2797. Adventure experience
2798. Buick Roger final trial
2799. Power racing
2800. Carl 50
2801. Indiana Jones
2802. Atomic warrior
2803. chameleon
2804. Weird world
2805. Stallone
2806. Vengeful Blade
2807. Alien double stupid
2808. The Sea Roar – Rocket Knight
2809. Big melee
2810. Big bucket
2811. Great sailing era
2812. Genius walks forward
2813. Taige Zhizhi
2814. Lost Vikings
2815. Exotic island
2816. Goddess birth
2817. Cosmic cruiser
2818. Space battleship
2819. Cosmic leader
2820. Little Penguin
2821. Peter Pan
2822. Kawasaki Motorsports
2823. Alien warrior
2824. Micromachine 2
2825. Micromachine 96
2826. Ninja rumor
2827. Monster wrestling
2828. Fighting primitive
2829. Combat racing
2830. Outdoor Big Car – 2019 Future Edition
2831. Outdoor big car
2832. Dot baseball 4
2833. Boxing – the king of new legends
2834. Catching the death squad -18 forbidden aircraft
2835. Catching a hero
2836. Monaco GP Racing II
2837. Star Trek – distant space
2838. Star power 2
2839. Interstellar shooting
2840. Star gun cavalry
2841. Interstellar management
2842. Violent buster
2843. Mech
2844. Squirrel fight
2845. Squirrel Lutz
2846. Fruit Philippine dog
2847. Chaco – the eternal
2848. Campus female warrior 3
2849. Rubber gun
2850. Armed predator
2851. military helicopter
2852. Legend of death
2853. Crystal pony
2854. Dune Magic Fort 1
2855. Dune Fort 2
2856. Exile
2857. catastrophe
2858. Fighting at sea
2859. Haunted house 2
2860. Pirate’s treasure
2861. Chaotic locomotive
2862. Flamingo
2863. Rocket knight
2864. Cannon fodder forward
2865. Wolf child
2866. Raptors mercenary
2867. Kingdom wizard
2868. Yujia Bear
2869. Biochemical fighter
2870. Elevator manager
2871. True treasure beads kid
2872. Milling storm
2873. Air combat
2874. Second World War
2875. Fifth movement
2876. Pink Silly Leopard Hollywood Adventures
2877. Roman Warrior 1
2878. Roman Warrior 2
2879. US Captain and Avengers
2880. American winning
2881. Beauty and the beast
2882. Free blog
2883. Barbie Holiday Adventure
2884. Blue age
2885. Bugs
2886. Super volleyball
2887. Fast racing
2888. Street racing
2889. Test driver 2 – duel
2890. Super Fantasy Zone
2891. Super Barbie model
2892. Simpsons battle the space monster
2893. Bangka Cat Adventure
2894. Reloading Nova
2895. Iron man rushing
2896. Iron warrior
2897. Galaxy Warrior
2898. Lightning Attack Special Edition
2899. Lightning Returns – Eternal Pursuit
2900. Akas Adventure
2901. Zero wind fighter
2902. Rexron
2903. Thunder
2904. Top off-road racing 2
2905. Scenery
2906. aircraft
2907. Magic school bus
2908. Bird man fighter
2909. Uncle McDonald’s Adventures
2910. Dragon and dungeon
2911. Dragon’s Pinball – Revolutionary Edition
2912. Dragon knight
2913. World cup football
2914. Chinese chess
2915. Master’s monster
2916. Ixdas
2917. Zombie big attack
2918. Element dominator
2919. Soldier Bee X
2920. Beastmaster
2921. Caesars Palace
2922. Crusades
2923. Legend of Kadaxu
2924. Kind of crisis
2925. Atomic machine boy
2926. Deformation fighter
2927. Coquettish wolf
2928. Roaring like thunder
2929. Four days Ming Wang
2930. King’s grace
2931. Holy sword
2932. Bible adventure
2933. Hellfire
2934. Earth Superman
2935. Tank battle
2936. Doraemon
2937. Dominos
2938. Big tank
2939. Monopoly
2940. Big Bear Adventures
2941. Big whirlwind
2942. Grand car
2943. Sledgehammer
2944. Great Devils Village
2945. Space Harry 2
2946. Altman
2947. Peacock King 2
2948. Space fighter
2949. Gemstones 3
2950. Family competition
2951. Small car challenge
2952. Juvenile Raiders
2953. Mountain Island Adventure
2954. Pat hot basketball
2955. Magic legend
2956. Magical magic star
2957. Strong tracking speed
2958. Rainbow Island
2959. Shadow Warrior – The Secret of Ninja
2960. Fast ball 2
2961. Headquarters chase 2
2962. Dinosaur continent
2963. Demon wave machine
2964. Combat formation
2965. God of war
2966. Playing marble machine
2967. Playing duck
2968. Ghost master
2969. Wrestling
2970. New Zealand Island Legend
2971. Sunset knight
2972. Star master
2973. Star cruiser
2974. Suggest
2975. Mobile police
2976. Granda War
2977. Fantasy simulation
2978. Justice trial
2979. Armed squadron
2980. Armed police
2981. Budokan – Yamato Spirit
2982. Game California
2983. Hot wrestling
2984. Bloody college football
2985. Burning soul
2986. Crack Down
2987. pastoral
2988. TV fighter
2989. Crazy ball
2990. Blast fighter
2991. Blast racing
2992. Goal Earth
2993. Real boxing
2994. Sword in the Stone
2995. Dark castle
2996. Excalibur Legend 2
2997. Magic boy
2998. Magic boy 3
2999. Anti-drug guard
3000. Ion fighter
3001. Airmaster
3002. assault
3003. Assault armor
3004. Assault fighter
3005. Space Invaders 91
3006. Green dog
3007. Rome defending
3008. Match remote control car
3009. Sky Magic City
3010. Deadly maze
3011. Arcade classic collection
3012. Snake
3013. Superbike
3014. Super Monaco Racing
3015. Super turret
3016. Super table tennis
3017. Dragon and phoenix
3018. Three-dimensional line game
3019. Darwin 4081
3020. Little bird
3021. Dickert Lanxi
3022. Douglas Boxing
3023. tribe
3024. Heavy pressure
3025. Heavy metal marble
3026. Rotating square
3027. Lightning Strike 2
3028. Mysterious Pyramid 2
3029. Solitaire
3030. Territorial expansion
3031. Pegasus Knight
3032. Fighter
3033. Devil with Lion
3034. Devil’s Forest
3035. Mahjong Dojo
3036. Egg adventure
3037. Space warrior
3038. Yuyou White Book – Devil’s Unity
3040. F-ZERO
3043. Street Fighers2 Turbo
3045. Kirby’s Dream Course
3047. Super Punch-Out
3049. Indiana Jones Adventure
3050. ALIEN-3
3052. Biker Mice from Mars
3055. CLUE
3061. EVO
3064. FIFA Soccer
3072. gradius 3
3073. HOOK
3077. LAGOON
3079. Lufia 1
3080. Champion billiard
3081. Mario is Missing
3082. THE MASK
3084. MEGAMAN 7
3087. Combat submarine
3088. NBA Live 96
3089. T M N T 4
3097. Pink Silly Leopard – Hollywood Adventure
3099. Ant warrior
3101. Simpsons family – the nightmare of the tyrant
3105. Congo boy
3106. Superman Eggs – Going to the future
3108. Altman
3110. sunset riders
3112. baseball simulator
3113. Send newsboy 2
3114. Alien
3115. Frog crossing the street
3122. T M N T 5
3124. Tiny Toon Sports
3125. Super Tom & Jerry
3126. Barbie Holiday Adventure
3127. Super hot wrestling value edition
3129. U.N.Squadron
3133. Metal team
3134. Rennes and Historic – Crazy Family
3135. Haunted house adventure
3136. Magic star
3137. SD up to 2
3138. Incredible doll
3139. Rockman 1
3140. Rockman 2
3141. Rockman 3
3142. Rockman 4
3143. Rockman 5
3144. Street Fighter II
3145. Dajingang – Classic Edition
3146. Galaxy Warrior
3147. Galaxy Warrior 2
3148. Star of Kabi – Scary Dreams 2
3149. Double dragon 1
3150. Double dragon 2
3151. Double dragon 3
3152. Ninja Frog VS Double Dragon
3153. Super King Kong
3154. Super King Kong 2
3155. Super King Kong 3
3156. Legend of Salda – Dream Island
3157. Castlevania
3158. Castlevania 2
3159. Castlevania – Dark Prelude
3160. Ranch boy
3161. Wario vs. Bomberman
3162. Wario Continental
3163. Adventure Island
3164. Adventure Island 2
3165. Ninja Dragon Sword
3166. Final fantasy
3167. Final Fantasy Legend 1
3168. Final Fantasy Legend 2
3169. Final Fantasy Legend 3
3170. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
3171. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 2
3172. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
3173. Shaped vs. Iron Warrior
3174. Shape 3
3175. Tetris party luxury
3176. Tetris DX
3177. Tetris – enhanced version
3178. Batman – Clown Returns
3179. Batman – Animation Series
3180. Forever Batman
3181. Batman
3182. Ninja frog
3183. Ninja Frog – Ragnar Rock World
3184. T Spiderman 1n
3185. Spiderman 2
3186. Spiderman 3
3187. Spiderman and X-Men
3188. Earthworm
3189. Air combat hero
3190. Yao West Block
3191. Crazy off-road motorcycle
3192. Luo Luo Adventure
3193. Air star
3194. Return to base
3195. Aladdin
3196. Chick Ellie Buddha
3197. The devil is 1
3198. The devil is 2
3199. Arkanoid
3200. Animal kingdom mobilization
3201. Space pinball
3202. Missile command
3203. Space mission
3204. Revenge Elf
3205. Super original
3206. Hungry Wolf Legend
3207. Tinker Bell
3208. Felix cat
3209. Raiders of the Lost Ark 3
3210. God of the gods
3211. The Battleship
3212. Jurassic Park 1
3213. Jurassic Park 2
3214. Double stupid legend
3215. Underworld Archmage
3216. Elite – Free Fight Championship
3217. Biochemical Jianbing – Reloading
3218. Shock wave blasting boy
3219. Myth of light
3220. Bomb jack
3221. bomb-man
3222. Ultimate PC original
3223. Brainstorming
3224. Diablo
3225. Flying mob
3226. Bunny Rabbit – Crazy Castle 2
3227. Bunny Rabbit
3228. Rogue warrior
3229. Hamburg Time DX
3230. Mine king
3231. Super casino
3232. Castle mission
3233. International chess
3234. Cool kid
3235. Crashing continent
3236. Cricket team leader
3237. Crystal war
3238. Duffy Duck – Marvin Mission
3239. Duffy Duck
3240. Toy Story
3241. Hua Mulan
3242. Legend of the Dragon
3243. Adventures of Donald Duck 2
3244. Adventures of Donald Duck
3245. Duke of destruction
3246. Wei Detective Clearance
3247. Elevator war
3248. Nakajima F1 Hero
3249. Cat and mouse
3250. Cat and mouse 2
3251. FIFA World Cup Football
3252. FIFA Football 96
3253. FIFA Football 98
3254. Fire dragon
3255. Beidou Shenquan
3256. Little bee
3257. Caesar’s Palace – the golden of the millennium
3258. Devil’s Village
3259. Legend of the Holy Ghost 2
3260. Ghostbusters 2
3261. Godzilla
3262. Cosmic Cruiser – Interplanetary Attack
3263. The son of Zeus – Hercules
3264. Dinosaur hunter
3265. Altman – Super Fighter
3266. Primitive new human
3267. water scooter
3268. Iron Man – Zero Armor
3269. James Bond 7
3270. Smurf 2
3271. Smurfs 3
3272. Devil City Gaiden – Juvenile Dracula
3273. Knight mission
3274. Master Kung Fu
3275. Puzzle boy
3276. Fishing Taro
3277. Big wild cat and canary
3278. Black Super SWAT – sequel
3279. Mickey Mouse – Magic Wand
3280. Mickey Mouse
3281. Mickey Mouse Ultimate Challenge
3282. Mini locomotive world competition
3283. Dinosaurs Team – Movie Edition
3284. Dinosaurs Team – King Kong vs.
3285. Monopoly
3286. Mortal Kombat 1
3287. Mortal Kombat 2
3288. Mortal Kombat 3
3289. Mortal Kombat 4
3290. Thief Wu Youwei
3291. Violent basketball
3292. Ninja kid
3293. WWF Superstar 1
3294. WWF Superstar 2
3295. Send newspaper boy 2
3296. In the wind
3297. Poke the task 97
3298. Prince of Persia
3299. Prophecy – Viking Junior
3300. Shaped fighter 2
3301. Lehman
3302. Ghostbusters – Threesome Edition
3303. Evil rat
3304. Mechanical warfare 2
3305. Hot fighting soul
3306. Shadow warrior
3307. Life and death skateboard
3308. Crystal mobilization
3309. WWF Super Wrestling Overlord
3310. football
3311. Scud Gonzalez
3312. Super James Bond
3313. Terminator II – Arcade Edition
3314. Tetris – flash
3315. Tecmo Super Bowl Competition
3316. Witchcraft rumor – battle prison 2
3317. Witchcraft Gaiden – Combat Prison 3
3318. Wizard and warrior
3319. Who framed the rabbit Roger
3320. Athletics Grand Prix
3321. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day
3322. Ada family 3
3323. Ada
3324. Pinocchio Adventures
3325. Battle of Olympus
3326. flash
3327. The Flintstones
3328. Book of the jungle
3329. Little mermaid
3330. Simpson-Bart and bean stalk
3331. T Simpson-Bat Wars Hercules
3332. Simpson – fleeing the deadly camp
3333. Simpson – Super Happy House
3334. WWF World Wrestling Federation
3335. Worms
3336. Ding Ding Tibet Adventures
3337. Bunny Adventures 1
3338. Bunny Adventure 2
3339. Bunny Adventures 3
3340. WCW World Wrestling
3341. Travel world
3342. Tony Hawk professional skateboarding
3343. Super King Kong 1
3344. Dragon Quest 1+2
3345. Dragon Quest 3
3346. Dragon Quest – Monster Wonderland
3347. Dragon Quest – Monsters Wonderland 2 – Luka’s Journey
3348. Dragon Quest – Monster Wonderland 2 – Il’s Adventure
3349. Ranch boy 2
3350. Ranch boy 3
3351. Wario Continental 2
3352. Wario Continental 3
3353. The legend of Salda – the chapter of time and space
3354. The Legend of Salda – The Chapter of the Earth
3355. Fingerwheel magic
3356. Rockman
3357. Rockman 2
3358. Biochemical Commander – Ultimate Force
3359. FIFA Football 2000
3360. Metal Gear
3361. X-Men-Special Function Group
3362. X-Men – Wolverine
3363. Off-road locomotive
3364. Toy Story 2
3365. Bombing Superman MAX-Light Brave
3366. Bombing Superman MAX-Dark Warrior
3367. Bomb Superman MAX-Ain Edition
3368. Bomber legend
3369. Crazy locomotive race 2
3370. Tetris DX
3371. Disney Star Suite
3372. Warner Star Suite – Martian Elba
3373. Warner Star Grand Prix
3374. Dinosaur Hunter 1 – Battle of Fury
3375. Dinosaur Hunter 2 – Evil Seeds
3376. Dinosaur Hunter 3 – Shadow in the dark
3377. Bugs crisis
3378. Mobile unit
3379. Alice in Wonderland
3380. Alien encounter
3381. National Star Baseball 2001
3382. National Star Tennis Tournament 2000
3383. Haunted House Shadow 4
3384. Transfiguration
3385. Toy soldier 2
3386. Toy Soldier – Air Combat
3387. Toy Soldier – Heroes Invincible 2
3388. Beautiful New World – Seeking Independence
3389. Atlantis – The Lost Empire
3390. Austin regime
3391. Tower of the Magic 3
3392. Barbie – Pet Rescue
3393. Batman in New York
3394. Batman – The Return of the Clown
3395. Battle of Midway 1942
3396. Tank battle
3397. Gyro War
3398. Steel knife ice hockey
3399. Super confusing star war
3400. Hunting Ghost Buffy – Magic Raiders
3401. Bunny Rabbit – Crazy Castle 3
3402. Bunny Rabbit – Crazy Castle 4
3403. Buzz Lightyear Interstellar Mission
3404. Crazy Speed 4
3405. Agile commander
3406. Squirrel adventure
3407. Guagualong 1
3408. Magic sword
3409. Daffy Crow – Get Rich
3410. Elevator Wars Robot Edition
3411. dinosaur
3412. Legend of the Dragon – Flying Dragon in the Sky
3413. Car god – professional driving
3414. Destroy the Duke 5
3415. Warrior 2
3416. F1 Championship 2000
3417. Frog crossing the street
3418. WWF Fighting Wrestling 2000
3419. Space bee
3420. Jack Long
3421. Devils Village
3422. Godzilla
3423. Grand Theft Auto 1
3424. Grand Theft Auto 2
3425. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
3426. Heroes invincible 1
3427. Heroes invincible 2
3428. Invincible Hot Wheel Racing
3429. Demon machine
3430. Fishing Taro 2
3431. LEGO Game World
3432. LEGO Block Island 2
3433. Lego Grand Prix
3434. Four mad wars – legendary reproduction
3435. John Marton American Football 2000
3436. Black Star Wars 2
3437. Violent battle
3438. Mickey Mouse Racing USA Challenge
3439. Micromachine 3
3440. Mission impossible
3441. Monopoly
3442. Monster Farm Battle Card
3443. Key to Solomon
3444. ”Monsters. Inc”
3445. Mortal Kombat 4
3446. New Yunston Racing
3447. NBA Brian 3 vs 3 Basketball
3448. Madden NBA 2001
3449. One Piece – the birth of the dream road fly pirate
3450. Bit Buddha Adventure
3451. Power legend
3452. Dinosaurs Team – Lightspeed Rescue
3453. Dinosaurs – Powerful Commandos
3454. Alien fighter DX
3455. Rainbow Island
3456. Monster Demolition – World Tour
3457. Destroy Jin Gang 2 – US Tour
3458. Laser superman
3459. Violent motorcycle
3460. Little naughty Paris
3461. Frontline war
3462. Santa
3463. Shrek
3464. The Simpsons
3465. Football manager
3466. Space invader
3467. Shining
3468. Spiderman 2
3469. Spiderman
3470. Mission
3471. Quick whirlwind
3472. Elf Mouse Brother – Home Tour
3473. Yoga balloon
3474. James Bond – Black Crisis
3475. Smurf adventure
3476. Forest Xiaotaishan
3477. Lion king
3478. Flying girl
3479. Naughty soldier
3480. The Simpsons – Halloween Horror Tree House
3481. Smurf’s nightmare
3482. Bunny – Jedi Counterattack
3483. Cat and mouse – group of mice in hell
3484. Cat and mouse – trapping
3485. Rainbow Six
3486. tomb Raider
3487. Professional skateboarder 1
3488. Professional skateboarder 2
3489. Professional skateboarder 3
3490. Bad boy – Didoff
3491. 10 shot bowling
3492. Fierce skiing
3493. 3D billiards
3494. Dalmatian
3495. Life speed
3496. Wizard
3497. Wendy – The Road to Magic
3498. Pig big action
3499. Woodpecker
3500. Destroy the world
3501. Worms
3502. WWF wrestling
3503. Big wrestling
3504. Alundra
3505. Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
3506. G.Darius
3507. Macross Do You Remeember Love
3508. Blade
3509. CastkevaniaX-Symphony of the Night
3510. Wipeout
3511. KazenoKlonoa-DoortoPhantomile
3512. Crash Bandicoot 3
3513. GundamBattleAssault
3514. Silent Hill
3515. Kamen Rider Ryuki
3516. StreetFighterEXPlusAlpha
3517. StreetfFighterCollection
3518. Dino Crisis 2
3519. TwistedMetal3
3520. Dragon Ball GT Final Bout
3521. Tomand Jerry-House Trap
3522. Langrisser V
3523. Command & Conquer Red alert
3524. Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon
3525. San GoKu Shi II Haou no Tairiku
3526. DeltaForce-UrbanWarfare
3527. RidgeRacerR4
3528. Resident Evil Survivor
3529. BioHazard3-LasfEscape
3530. InitialD
3531. Tenchio Kurau2-Akakabe no Tatakai
3532. Poitters Point 2
3533. Mortal Kombat Trilogy
3534. OdaNobunageDen
3535. Armored Core Project Phantasma
3536. 100 Man Dollar Kid – Maboroshi no Teiou Hen (Japan)
3537. 10-Yard Fight (Japan) (Rev 1)
3538. 10-Yard Fight (Japan)
3539. ”10-Yard Fight (USA. Europe)”
3540. ”1942 (Japan. USA)”
3541. 1943 – The Battle of Midway (Japan) (Beta)
3542. 1943 – The Battle of Midway (USA)
3543. 1943 – The Battle of Valhalla (Japan)
3544. 1991 Du Ma Racing (Asia) (Unl)
3545. ”1999 – Hore. Mitakotoka! Seikimatsu (Japan)”
3546. 2010 – Street Fighter (Japan)
3547. ”25th Anniversary Super Mario Bros. (Europe) (Promo. Virtual Console)”
3548. 3 in 1 Supergun (Asia) (Unl)
3549. 3-D Block (Asia) (Hwang Shinwei) (Unl)
3550. 3-D Block (Asia) (RCM Group) (Unl)
3551. 3-D WorldRunner (USA)
3552. 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (Japan) (Rev A)
3553. 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (Japan)
3554. 720 Degrees (USA)
3555. 8 Eyes (Japan)
3556. 8 Eyes (USA)
3557. 89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai (Japan)
3558. A Ressha de Ikou (Japan)
3559. Aa Yakyuu Jinsei Icchokusen (Japan)
3560. Abadox – The Deadly Inner War (USA)
3561. Abadox (Japan)
3562. Abarenbou Tengu (Japan)
3563. Aces – Iron Eagle 3 (Japan)
3564. Action 52 (USA) (Rev A) (Unl)
3565. Action 52 (USA) (Unl)
3566. Action in New York (Europe)
3567. Adan y Eva (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
3568. ”Addams Family. The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (Europe) (Beta)”
3569. ”Addams Family. The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (Europe)”
3570. ”Addams Family. The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (USA)”
3571. ”Addams Family. The – Uncle Fester’s Quest (USA) (Beta)”
3572. ”Addams Family. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
3573. ”Addams Family. The (USA)”
3574. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Dragons of Flame (Japan)
3575. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – DragonStrike (USA)
3576. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Heroes of the Lance (Japan)
3577. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Heroes of the Lance (USA) (Beta)
3578. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Heroes of the Lance (USA)
3579. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Hillsfar (Japan)
3580. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Hillsfar (USA)
3581. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Pool of Radiance (Japan)
3582. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Pool of Radiance (USA)
3583. Adventure Island 3 (USA)
3584. Adventure Island Classic (Europe)
3585. Adventure Island II (USA)
3586. ”Adventure Island Part II. The (Europe)”
3587. Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (Europe)
3588. Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (USA) (Beta 1)
3589. Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (USA) (Beta 2)
3590. Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (USA)
3591. ”Adventures of Bayou Billy. The (Europe)”
3592. ”Adventures of Bayou Billy. The (USA)”
3593. Adventures of Dino Riki (USA)
3594. ”Adventures of Dr. Franken. The (USA) (Proto)”
3595. ”Adventures of Gilligan’s Island. The (USA)”
3596. Adventures of Lolo (Europe)
3597. Adventures of Lolo (Japan)
3598. Adventures of Lolo (USA)
3599. Adventures of Lolo 2 (Europe)
3600. Adventures of Lolo 2 (Japan)
3601. Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA)
3602. Adventures of Lolo 3 (Europe)
3603. Adventures of Lolo 3 (USA)
3604. ”Adventures of Rad Gravity. The (Europe)”
3605. ”Adventures of Rad Gravity. The (USA)”
3606. ”Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends. The (USA)”
3607. Adventures of Tom Sawyer (USA)
3608. After Burner (Japan)
3609. After Burner (USA) (Unl)
3610. Ai Sensei no Oshiete – Watashi no Hoshi (Japan)
3611. Aigina no Yogen – Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori (Japan)
3612. Air Fortress (Europe)
3613. Air Fortress (Japan)
3614. Air Fortress (USA)
3615. Airball (Unknown) (Proto 1)
3616. Airball (Unknown) (Proto 2)
3617. Airwolf (Europe)
3618. Airwolf (Japan)
3619. Airwolf (USA)
3620. Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha (Japan)
3621. Akira (Japan)
3622. Akuma no Shoutaijou (Japan)
3623. Akumajou Densetsu (Japan)
3624. Akumajou Dracula (Japan)
3625. Akumajou Special – Boku Dracula-kun (Japan)
3626. Akuma-kun – Makai no Wana (Japan)
3627. Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (USA)
3628. Aladdin (Europe)
3629. ”Alfombra Magica. La (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
3630. ”Alfombra Magica. La (Spain) (Rev 1) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
3631. Alfred Chicken (Europe)
3632. Alfred Chicken (USA)
3633. Alien 3 (Europe)
3634. Alien 3 (USA)
3635. Alien Syndrome (Japan)
3636. Alien Syndrome (USA) (Unl)
3637. All-Pro Basketball (USA)
3638. Alpha Mission (Europe)
3639. Alpha Mission (USA)
3640. Amagon (USA)
3641. America Daitouryou Senkyo (Japan)
3642. America Oudan Ultra Quiz – Shijou Saidai no Tatakai (Japan)
3643. American Dream (Japan)
3644. American Gladiators (USA)
3645. Ankoku Shinwa – Yamato Takeru Densetsu (Japan)
3646. Anticipation (Europe)
3647. Anticipation (USA)
3648. Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika – Genchou Hishi (Japan)
3649. Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika – Genghis Khan (Japan)
3650. Arabian Dream Scheherazade (Japan)
3651. Arcadia VI (USA) (Proto)
3652. Arch Rivals – A Basketbrawl! (Europe)
3653. Arch Rivals – A Basketbrawl! (USA)
3654. Archon (USA)
3655. Arctic (Japan)
3656. Argos no Senshi (Japan)
3657. Argus (Japan)
3658. Arkanoid (Japan)
3659. Arkanoid (USA)
3660. Arkanoid II (Japan) (Beta)
3661. Arkanoid II (Japan)
3662. Arkista’s Ring (USA)
3663. Armadillo (Japan)
3664. Artelius (Japan)
3665. Asmik-kun Land (Japan)
3666. ASO – Armored Scrum Object (Japan) (En) (Sample)
3667. ASO – Armored Scrum Object (Japan)
3668. ”Asterix (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
3669. Astro Fang – Super Machine (Japan)
3670. Astro Robo Sasa (Japan)
3671. Astyanax (Europe)
3672. Astyanax (USA) (Beta)
3673. Astyanax (USA)
3674. Athena (Japan)
3675. Athena (USA)
3676. Athletic World (Europe)
3677. Athletic World (USA)
3678. Atlantis no Nazo (Japan) (Sample)
3679. Atlantis no Nazo (Japan)
3680. Attack Animal Gakuen (Japan)
3681. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Europe)
3682. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (USA)
3683. Aussie Rules Footy (Australia)
3684. Auto-Upturn (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
3685. AV Hanafuda Club (Japan) (Unl)
3686. AV Kyuukyoku Mahjong 2 (Asia) (Unl)
3687. AV Mahjong Club (Asia) (Unl)
3688. AV Mahjong Club (Japan) (Unl)
3689. AV Pachi-Slot (Japan) (Unl)
3690. AV Poker (Japan) (Unl)
3691. AV Soccer (Japan) (Unl)
3692. AV Super Real Pachinko (Japan) (Unl)
3693. Babel no Tou (Japan)
3694. Baby Boomer (USA) (Unl)
3695. Back to the Future (USA)
3696. Back to the Future Part II & III (USA)
3697. Bad Dudes (USA)
3698. Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (Europe)
3699. Bad News Baseball (USA)
3700. Bad Street Brawler (USA)
3701. Baken Hisshou Gaku – Gate In (Japan)
3702. Bakushou! Star Monomane Shitennou (Japan)
3703. Bakushou!! Ai no Gekijou (Japan)
3704. Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou (Japan)
3705. Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 2 (Japan)
3706. Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3 (Japan)
3707. Ballblazer (Japan)
3708. Balloon Fight (Europe)
3709. Balloon Fight (Japan)
3710. Balloon Fight (USA)
3711. Baltron (Japan) (Beta)
3712. Baltron (Japan)
3713. Banana (Japan) (Beta) (1986-06-30)
3714. Banana (Japan) (Beta) (Earlier)
3715. Banana (Japan)
3716. Banana Prince (Germany)
3717. Bananan Ouji no Daibouken (Japan)
3718. Bandai Golf – Challenge Pebble Beach (USA)
3719. Bandit Kings of Ancient China (USA)
3720. Barbie (Europe)
3721. Barbie (USA) (Rev A)
3722. Barbie (USA)
3723. Barcode World (Japan)
3724. ”Bard’s Tale II. The – The Destiny Knight (Japan)”
3725. ”Bard’s Tale. The – Tales of the Unknown (USA) (Beta 1)”
3726. ”Bard’s Tale. The – Tales of the Unknown (USA) (Beta 2)”
3727. ”Bard’s Tale. The (Japan) (Sample)”
3728. ”Bard’s Tale. The (Japan)”
3729. ”Bard’s Tale. The (USA)”
3730. Barker Bill’s Trick Shooting (Europe)
3731. Barker Bill’s Trick Shooting (USA)
3732. Baseball (Japan)
3733. Baseball (USA) (GameCube Edition)
3734. ”Baseball (USA. Europe)”
3735. Baseball Fighter (Japan)
3736. Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA)
3737. Baseball Star – Mezase Sankanou!! (Japan)
3738. Baseball Stars (USA)
3739. Baseball Stars II (USA)
3740. Bases Loaded (USA) (Rev A)
3741. Bases Loaded (USA) (Rev B)
3742. Bases Loaded (USA)
3743. Bases Loaded 3 (USA)
3744. Bases Loaded 4 (USA)
3745. Bases Loaded II – Second Season (USA)
3746. Bashi Bazook – Morphoid Masher (USA) (Proto)
3747. Batman – Return of the Joker (Europe)
3748. Batman – Return of the Joker (USA) (Beta)
3749. Batman – Return of the Joker (USA)
3750. Batman – The Video Game (Europe)
3751. Batman – The Video Game (USA) (Beta 1)
3752. Batman – The Video Game (USA) (Beta 2)
3753. Batman – The Video Game (USA)
3754. Batman (Japan)
3755. Batman Returns (Europe)
3756. Batman Returns (Unknown) (Beta)
3757. Batman Returns (USA)
3758. Batsu & Terry – Makyou no Tetsujin Race (Japan)
3759. Battle Baseball (Japan)
3760. Battle Chess (USA)
3761. Battle Fleet (Japan)
3762. Battle Formula (Japan)
3763. ”Battle of Olympus. The (Europe)”
3764. ”Battle of Olympus. The (USA)”
3765. Battle Stadium – Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
3766. Battle Storm (Japan)
3767. BattleCity (Japan)
3768. ”Battleship (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
3769. Battleship (USA)
3770. Battletoads (Europe)
3771. Battletoads (Japan)
3772. Battletoads (USA)
3773. Battletoads-Double Dragon (Europe)
3774. Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA)
3775. BB Car (Unknown) (Unl)
3776. Beauty and the Beast (Europe)
3777. Be-Bop-Highschool – Koukousei Gokuraku Densetsu (Japan)
3778. Bee 52 (USA) (Unl)
3779. Beetlejuice (USA)
3780. Best Keiba – Derby Stallion (Japan) (Rev A)
3781. Best Keiba – Derby Stallion (Japan)
3782. Best of the Best – Championship Karate (Europe)
3783. Best of the Best – Championship Karate (USA)
3784. Best Play Pro Yakyuu – Shin Data (Japan)
3785. Best Play Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
3786. Best Play Pro Yakyuu ’90 (Japan)
3787. Best Play Pro Yakyuu II (Japan)
3788. Best Play Pro Yakyuu Special (Japan) (Rev A)
3789. Best Play Pro Yakyuu Special (Japan)
3790. Bible Adventures (USA) (Unl)
3791. Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.1) (Unl)
3792. Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.2) (Unl)
3793. Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.3) (Unl)
3794. Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.4) (Unl)
3795. Bible Buffet (USA) (v6.0) (Unl)
3796. Big Nose and the Witchdoctor (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
3797. Big Nose Freaks Out (USA) (Unl)
3798. Big Nose the Caveman (USA) (Unl)
3799. Bigfoot (Europe)
3800. Bigfoot (USA)
3801. Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! – Harukanaru Kin Medal (Japan)
3802. Bikkuriman World – Gekitou Sei Senshi (Japan)
3803. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Adventure (USA)
3804. Bill Elliott’s NASCAR Challenge (USA)
3805. Binary Land (Japan)
3806. Bingo 75 (Asia) (Unl)
3807. BinGuo 75 (Asia) (Unl)
3808. Bio Force Ape (Japan) (En) (Proto)
3809. Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Japan)
3810. Bio Senshi Dan – Increaser Tono Tatakai (Japan)
3811. Bionic Commando (Europe)
3812. Bionic Commando (USA)
3813. Bird Week (Japan) (Beta)
3814. Bird Week (Japan)
3815. ”Black Bass II. The (Japan)”
3816. ”Black Bass. The (Japan)”
3817. ”Black Bass. The (USA)”
3818. Blackjack (USA) (Unl)
3819. Blades of Steel (Europe)
3820. Blades of Steel (USA)
3821. Blaster Master (Europe)
3822. Blaster Master (USA) (Beta)
3823. Blaster Master (USA)
3824. Block Out (USA) (Proto)
3825. Blodia Land – Puzzle Quest (Japan)
3826. Bloody Warriors – Shan-Go no Gyakushuu (Japan)
3827. ”Bloque Magico. El (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
3828. ”Blue Marlin. The (Japan)”
3829. ”Blue Marlin. The (USA)”
3830. Blue Shadow (Europe)
3831. ”Blues Brothers. The (Europe)”
3832. ”Blues Brothers. The (USA)”
3833. Bo Jackson Baseball (USA)
3834. Bokosuka Wars (Japan)
3835. Bomber King (Japan)
3836. Bomber Man (Japan)
3837. Bomber Man II (Japan)
3838. Bomberman (USA)
3839. Bomberman II (USA)
3840. Bonk’s Adventure (USA)
3841. Booby Kids (Japan)
3842. Booky Man (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
3843. Boulder Dash (Europe)
3844. Boulder Dash (Japan)
3845. Boulder Dash (USA)
3846. Bowling (Unknown) (Proto)
3847. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Europe)
3848. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (USA)
3849. Break Time – The National Pool Tour (USA)
3850. BreakThru (USA)
3851. Brilliant Com Pack 2 (Korea) (Unl)
3852. Brush Roller (Asia) (Unl)
3853. Bubble Bath Babes (USA) (Unl)
3854. Bubble Bobble (Europe)
3855. Bubble Bobble (USA)
3856. Bubble Bobble 2 (Japan)
3857. Bubble Bobble Part 2 (USA)
3858. Bucky O’Hare (Europe)
3859. Bucky O’Hare (Japan)
3860. Bucky O’Hare (USA)
3861. Buggy Popper (Japan)
3862. Bugs Bunny Birthday Bash (USA) (Beta) [b]
3863. ”Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout. The (USA)”
3864. ”Bugs Bunny Blowout. The (Europe)”
3865. ”Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle. The (USA)”
3866. Bugs Bunny Fun House (USA) (Beta)
3867. Bump’n’Jump (USA)
3868. Burai Fighter (Europe)
3869. Burai Fighter (Japan)
3870. Burai Fighter (USA)
3871. BurgerTime (Japan)
3872. BurgerTime (USA)
3873. Business Wars (Japan)
3874. Buzz & Waldog (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
3875. B-Wings (Japan)
3876. Cabal (USA)
3877. Cadillac (Japan)
3878. Caesars Palace (USA) (Beta)
3879. Caesars Palace (USA)
3880. California Games (Europe)
3881. California Games (USA)
3882. California Raisins – The Grape Escape (USA) (Proto 1)
3883. California Raisins – The Grape Escape (USA) (Proto 2)
3884. Caltron – 6 in 1 (USA) (Unl)
3885. Capcom Barcelona ’92 (Japan)
3886. Capcom’s Gold Medal Challenge ’92 (Europe)
3887. Capcom’s Gold Medal Challenge ’92 (USA)
3888. Captain America and the Avengers (Australia)
3889. Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
3890. Captain Comic – The Adventure (USA) (Unl)
3891. Captain ED (Japan)
3892. Captain Planet and the Planeteers (Europe)
3893. Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA)
3894. Captain Saver (Japan)
3895. Captain Silver (Japan)
3896. Captain Skyhawk (Europe)
3897. Captain Skyhawk (USA) (Rev A)
3898. Captain Skyhawk (USA)
3899. Captain Tsubasa (Japan)
3900. Captain Tsubasa Vol. II – Super Striker (Japan)
3901. Casino Derby (Japan)
3902. Casino Kid (USA)
3903. Casino Kid II (USA)
3904. Castelian (Europe)
3905. Castelian (USA)
3906. Castle Excellent (Japan)
3907. Castle of Deceit (USA) (Unl)
3908. Castle of Dragon (USA)
3909. Castle Quest (Japan)
3910. Castlequest (USA)
3911. Castlevania (Europe)
3912. Castlevania (USA) (Rev A)
3913. Castlevania (USA)
3914. Castlevania II – Simon’s Quest (Europe)
3915. Castlevania II – Simon’s Quest (USA)
3916. Castlevania III – Dracula’s Curse (Europe)
3917. Castlevania III – Dracula’s Curse (USA)
3918. Cat Ninden Teyandee (Japan)
3919. Caveman Games (USA)
3920. Chack’n Pop (Japan)
3921. Challenge of the Dragon (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
3922. Challenge of the Dragon (USA) (Unl)
3923. Challenger (Japan)
3924. Championship Bowling (Japan)
3925. Championship Bowling (USA)
3926. Championship Lode Runner (Japan)
3927. Championship Pool (USA)
3928. Championship Rally (Europe)
3929. Chaos World (Japan)
3930. Cheetahmen II (USA) (Unl)
3931. Chess Academy (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)
3932. ”Chessmaster. The (Europe)”
3933. ”Chessmaster. The (USA) (Rev A)”
3934. ”Chessmaster. The (USA)”
3935. Chester Field – Ankoku Shin e no Chousen (Japan) (Beta)
3936. Chester Field – Ankoku Shin e no Chousen (Japan)
3937. ”Chevaliers du Zodiaque. Les – La Legende d’Or (France)”
3938. Chibi Maruko-chan – Uki Uki Shopping (Japan)
3939. Chiisana Obake – Acchi Socchi Kocchi (Japan)
3940. Chik Bik Ji Jin – Saam Gwok Ji (Asia) (Unl)
3941. Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race (Japan)
3942. Chiller (Australia) (Unl)
3943. Chiller (USA) (Unl)
3944. Chinese Checkers (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)
3945. Chinese Checkers (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
3946. Chinese KungFu (Asia) (Unl)
3947. Chip ‘n Dale – Rescue Rangers (Europe)
3948. Chip ‘n Dale – Rescue Rangers (USA)
3949. Chip ‘n Dale – Rescue Rangers 2 (Europe)
3950. Chip ‘n Dale – Rescue Rangers 2 (USA) (Beta)
3951. Chip ‘n Dale – Rescue Rangers 2 (USA)
3952. Chip to Dale no Daisakusen (Japan)
3953. Chip to Dale no Daisakusen 2 (Japan)
3954. Chip’s Challenge (USA) (v0.924B) (Proto)
3955. Chitei Senkuu Vazolder (Japan)
3956. Chiyonofuji no Ooichou (Japan)
3957. Choplifter (Japan) (En) (Rev 1)
3958. Choplifter (Japan)
3959. Chou Fuyuu Yousai Exed Exes (Japan)
3960. Choujikuu Yousai – Macross (Japan)
3961. Choujin – Ultra Baseball (Japan)
3962. Choujin Sentai Jetman (Japan)
3963. Choujinrou Senki Warwolf (Japan)
3964. Chou-Wakusei Senki – MetaFight (Japan)
3965. Chris Evert & Ivan Lendl in Top Players’ Tennis (USA)
3966. Chubby Cherub (USA)
3967. Chuck Yeager’s Fighter Combat (USA) (Proto)
3968. Chuugoku Janshi Story – Tonfuu (Japan)
3969. Chuugoku Senseijutsu (Japan)
3970. Chuugoku Taitei (Asia) (Unl)
3971. Chuuka Taisen (Japan)
3972. Circus Caper (USA)
3973. Circus Charlie (Japan)
3974. City Adventure Touch – Mystery of Triangle (Japan)
3975. City Connection (Europe)
3976. City Connection (Japan)
3977. City Connection (USA)
3978. Clash at Demonhead (USA)
3979. Classic Concentration (USA)
3980. Cliffhanger (USA)
3981. Clu Clu Land (USA) (GameCube Edition)
3982. Clu Clu Land (World)
3983. Cobra Command (Japan)
3984. Cobra Command (USA)
3985. Cobra Mission (Asia) (Unl)
3986. Cobra Triangle (Europe)
3987. Cobra Triangle (USA)
3988. Cocoron (Japan)
3989. Code Name – Viper (USA)
3990. Color a Dinosaur (USA) (Beta)
3991. Color a Dinosaur (USA)
3992. Colorful Dragon (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
3993. Columbus – Ougon no Yoake (Japan) (Sample)
3994. Columbus – Ougon no Yoake (Japan)
3995. Commando (USA)
3996. Conan (USA)
3997. Conflict (Japan)
3998. Conflict (USA)
3999. Conquest of the Crystal Palace (USA)
4000. Contra (Japan) (Sample)
4001. Contra (Japan)
4002. Contra (USA)
4003. Contra Force (USA)
4004. Cool World (USA)
4005. Corre Benny (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
4006. Corvette ZR-1 Challenge (Europe)
4007. Cosmic Epsilon (Japan)
4008. ”Cosmic Spacehead (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es) (Unl)”
4009. Cosmic Wars (Japan)
4010. Cosmo Genesis (Japan)
4011. Cosmo Police Galivan (Japan)
4012. Cosmos Cop (Asia) (Mega Soft) (Unl)
4013. Cosmos Cop (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
4014. Cowboy Kid (USA)
4015. Crackout (Europe)
4016. Crackout (USA) (Proto)
4017. Crash ‘n’ the Boys – Street Challenge (USA)
4018. Crayon Shin-chan – Ora to Poi Poi (Japan)
4019. Crazy Climber (Japan)
4020. Creatom (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
4021. Crime Busters (Unknown) (Unl)
4022. Crisis Force (Japan) (Sample)
4023. Crisis Force (Japan)
4024. Cross Fire (Japan)
4025. Cross Fire (USA) (Proto)
4026. Crystal Mines (USA) (Unl)
4027. Crystalis (USA) (Beta)
4028. Crystalis (USA)
4029. Cyber Stadium Series – Base Wars (USA)
4030. Cyberball (USA)
4031. Cybernoid – The Fighting Machine (USA)
4032. Cycle Race – Road Man (Japan)
4033. Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan)
4034. Daikaijuu Deburas (Japan)
4035. Daikoukai Jidai (Japan)
4036. Daiku no Gen-san (Japan)
4037. Daiku no Gen-san 2 – Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu (Japan)
4038. Daisenryaku (Japan)
4039. Daiva – Imperial of Nirsartia (Japan)
4040. Dance Aerobics (USA)
4041. Dancing Blocks (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4042. Danny Sullivan’s Indy Heat (Europe)
4043. Danny Sullivan’s Indy Heat (USA)
4044. Dao Shuai (Asia) (Unl)
4045. Dark Lord (Japan)
4046. Darkman (Europe)
4047. Darkman (USA)
4048. Darkwing Duck (Europe)
4049. Darkwing Duck (Germany)
4050. Darkwing Duck (USA) (Beta)
4051. Darkwing Duck (USA)
4052. Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (USA)
4053. Dash Yarou (Japan)
4054. Datach – Battle Rush – Build Up Robot Tournament (Japan)
4055. Datach – Crayon Shin-chan – Ora to Poi Poi (Japan)
4056. Datach – Dragon Ball Z – Gekitou Tenkaichi Budoukai (Japan)
4057. Datach – J League Super Top Players (Japan)
4058. Datach – SD Gundam – Gundam Wars (Japan)
4059. Datach – Ultraman Club – Supokon Fight! (Japan)
4060. Datach – Yu Yu Hakusho – Bakutou Ankoku Bujutsukai (Japan)
4061. Datsugoku (Japan)
4062. David Crane’s A Boy and His Blob – Trouble on Blobolonia (Europe) (Rev A)
4063. David Crane’s A Boy and His Blob – Trouble on Blobolonia (Europe)
4064. David Crane’s A Boy and His Blob – Trouble on Blobolonia (USA)
4065. Day Dreamin’ Davey (USA)
4066. Days of Thunder (Europe)
4067. Days of Thunder (USA)
4068. Dead Fox (Japan)
4069. Deadly Towers (USA)
4070. Death Race (USA) (Unl)
4071. Deathbots (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl)
4072. Deathbots (USA) (Unl)
4073. Deblock (Japan)
4074. Decathlon (Asia) (Unl)
4075. Deep Dungeon III – Yuushi e no Tabi (Japan)
4076. Deep Dungeon IV – Kuro no Youjutsushi (Japan)
4077. Defender II (USA)
4078. Defender of the Crown (Europe)
4079. Defender of the Crown (France)
4080. Defender of the Crown (USA)
4081. Defenders of Dynatron City (USA)
4082. Deja Vu – Akumu wa Hontou ni Yatte Kita (Japan)
4083. Deja Vu (Sweden)
4084. Deja Vu (USA)
4085. Demon Sword (USA)
4086. Dengeki – Big Bang! (Japan) (Beta)
4087. Dengeki – Big Bang! (Japan)
4088. Densetsu no Kishi – Elrond (Japan)
4089. Derby Stallion – Zenkoku Ban (Japan)
4090. Desert Commander (USA)
4091. Destination Earthstar (USA)
4092. Destiny of an Emperor (USA)
4093. ”Destructor. El (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
4094. Devil Man (Japan)
4095. Devil World (Europe)
4096. Devil World (Japan) (Rev A)
4097. Devil World (Japan)
4098. Dick Tracy (USA)
4099. Die Hard (Europe)
4100. Die Hard (Japan)
4101. Die Hard (USA)
4102. Dig Dug (Japan)
4103. Dig Dug II – Trouble in Paradise (USA)
4104. Dig Dug II (Japan)
4105. Digger – The Legend of the Lost City (USA)
4106. Digger T. Rock – The Legend of the Lost City (Europe)
4107. Digital Devil Story – Megami Tensei (Japan)
4108. Digital Devil Story – Megami Tensei II (Japan) (Rev A)
4109. Digital Devil Story – Megami Tensei II (Japan)
4110. Dino-Hockey (USA) (Proto)
4111. Dirty Harry (USA)
4112. Dizzy the Adventurer (USA) (Aladdin Compact Cartridge) (Unl)
4113. Doki!Doki! Yuuenchi – Crazy Land Daisakusen (Japan)
4114. Dokuganryuu Masamune (Japan)
4115. Don Doko Don (Japan)
4116. Don Doko Don 2 (Japan)
4117. Donald Duck (Japan)
4118. Donald Land (Japan)
4119. Dong Dong Nao 1 (Asia) (Unl)
4120. Dong Dong Nao II – Guo Zhong Ying Wen (Yi) (Asia) (Unl)
4121. Donkey Kong (Japan)
4122. Donkey Kong (USA) (GameCube Edition)
4123. Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A)
4124. Donkey Kong 3 (World)
4125. ”Donkey Kong Classics (USA. Europe)”
4126. Donkey Kong Jr. (Japan)
4127. Donkey Kong Jr. (USA) (GameCube Edition)
4128. Donkey Kong Jr. (World) (Rev A)
4129. Donkey Kong Jr. + Jr. Lesson (Japan)
4130. ”Donkey Kong Jr. Math (USA. Europe)”
4131. Donkey Kong Jr. no Sansuu Asobi (Japan)
4132. Dooly Bravo Land (Korea) (Unl)
4133. Door Door (Japan)
4134. Doraemon – Giga Zombie no Gyakushuu (Japan)
4135. Doraemon (Japan) (Rev A)
4136. Doraemon (Japan)
4137. Dou Zhi Pin Pan – Wisdom Boy (China) (Unl)
4138. Double Dare (USA)
4139. Double Dragon – Sou Setsu Ryuu (Japan)
4140. Double Dragon (Europe)
4141. Double Dragon (USA)
4142. Double Dragon II – The Revenge (Europe)
4143. Double Dragon II – The Revenge (USA) (Rev A)
4144. Double Dragon II – The Revenge (USA)
4145. Double Dragon III – The Sacred Stones (Europe)
4146. Double Dragon III – The Sacred Stones (USA)
4147. Double Dribble (Europe)
4148. Double Dribble (USA) (Rev A)
4149. Double Dribble (USA)
4150. Double Moon Densetsu (Japan)
4151. Double Strike – Aerial Attack Force (USA) (v1.0) (Unl)
4152. Double Strike – Aerial Attack Force (USA) (v1.1) (Unl)
4153. Dough Boy (Japan)
4154. Downtown – Nekketsu Koushinkyoku – Soreyuke Daiundoukai (Japan)
4155. Downtown – Nekketsu Monogatari (Japan)
4156. Downtown Special – Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou! (Japan)
4157. Dr. Chaos (USA)
4158. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (USA)
4159. Dr. Mario (Europe)
4160. ”Dr. Mario (Japan. USA) (Rev A)”
4161. ”Dr. Mario (Japan. USA)”
4162. Dr. Mario (USA) (Beta) (1990-04-27)
4163. ”Dr. Mario (USA) (Beta) (Between 1990-02-02 & 1990-04-27. later)”
4164. Drac’s Night Out (USA) (Proto)
4165. Dragon Ball – Daimaou Fukkatsu (Japan)
4166. Dragon Ball – Le Secret du Dragon (France) (Rev A)
4167. Dragon Ball – Le Secret du Dragon (France)
4168. Dragon Ball – Shen Long no Nazo (Japan)
4169. Dragon Ball 3 – Gokuu Den (Japan) (Rev 1)
4170. Dragon Ball 3 – Gokuu Den (Japan)
4171. Dragon Ball Z – Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin (Japan)
4172. Dragon Ball Z Gaiden – Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (Japan)
4173. Dragon Ball Z II – Gekishin Freeza!! (Japan) (Rev 1)
4174. Dragon Ball Z II – Gekishin Freeza!! (Japan)
4175. Dragon Ball Z III – Ressen Jinzou Ningen (Japan)
4176. Dragon Buster (Japan)
4177. Dragon Buster II – Yami no Fuuin (Japan)
4178. Dragon Fighter (Japan)
4179. Dragon Fighter (USA)
4180. Dragon Ninja (Japan) (Rev A)
4181. Dragon Ninja (Japan)
4182. Dragon Power (USA)
4183. Dragon Quest (Japan)
4184. Dragon Quest II – Akuryou no Kamigami (Japan)
4185. Dragon Quest III – Soshite Densetsu e… (Japan) (Rev 0A)
4186. Dragon Quest III – Soshite Densetsu e… (Japan) (Rev B)
4187. Dragon Quest IV – Michibikareshi Monotachi (Japan) (Rev A)
4188. Dragon Quest IV – Michibikareshi Monotachi (Japan)
4189. Dragon Scroll – Yomigaerishi Maryuu (Japan)
4190. Dragon Slayer 4 – Drasle Family (Japan)
4191. Dragon Spirit – Aratanaru Densetsu (Japan)
4192. Dragon Spirit – The New Legend (USA)
4193. Dragon Unit (Japan)
4194. Dragon Warrior (USA) (Rev A)
4195. Dragon Warrior (USA)
4196. Dragon Warrior II (USA)
4197. Dragon Warrior III (USA)
4198. Dragon Warrior IV (USA)
4199. Dragon Wars (Japan)
4200. Dragon Wars (USA) (Proto)
4201. Dragon’s Lair (Europe)
4202. Dragon’s Lair (Japan)
4203. Dragon’s Lair (USA)
4204. Dreamworld Pogie (Unknown) (Proto 1) (Unl)
4205. Dreamworld Pogie (Unknown) (Proto 2) (Unl)
4206. Dropzone (Europe)
4207. Druaga no Tou (Japan)
4208. Duck Hunt (World)
4209. Duck Maze (Australia) (Unl)
4210. DuckTales (Europe)
4211. DuckTales (USA) (Beta)
4212. DuckTales (USA)
4213. DuckTales 2 (Europe) (Beta)
4214. DuckTales 2 (Europe)
4215. DuckTales 2 (France)
4216. DuckTales 2 (Germany)
4217. DuckTales 2 (Japan)
4218. DuckTales 2 (USA)
4219. Dudes with Attitude (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl)
4220. Dudes with Attitude (USA) (Unl)
4221. Dungeon & Magic – Swords of Element (Japan)
4222. Dungeon Kid (Japan)
4223. Dungeon Magic – Sword of the Elements (USA)
4224. Dusty Diamond’s All-Star Softball (USA)
4225. Dynablaster (Europe)
4226. Dynamite Batman (Japan)
4227. Dynamite Bowl (Japan) (Rev A)
4228. Dynamite Bowl (Japan)
4229. Dynowarz – Destruction of Spondylus (USA)
4230. Earth Bound (USA) (Proto)
4231. Eggerland – Meikyuu no Fukkatsu (Japan)
4232. Egypt (Japan)
4233. Elevator Action (Japan) (Rev A)
4234. Elevator Action (Japan)
4235. Elevator Action (USA)
4236. Eliminator Boat Duel (Europe)
4237. Eliminator Boat Duel (USA)
4238. ”Elite (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
4239. Elite (USA) (Proto) [b]
4240. Elnark no Zaihou (Japan)
4241. Elysion (Japan)
4242. Emoyan no 10 Bai Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
4243. ”Empereur. L’ (Japan)”
4244. ”Empereur. L’ (USA)”
4245. Eric Cantona Football Challenge – Goal! 2 (Europe)
4246. Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken (Japan)
4247. ”Escape from Atlantis. The (USA) (Proto 1) (Unl)”
4248. ”Escape from Atlantis. The (USA) (Proto 2) (Unl)”
4249. Esper Bouken Tai (Japan)
4250. Esper Dream 2 – Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan)
4251. Excitebike (Europe)
4252. ”Excitebike (Japan. USA)”
4253. Excitebike (USA) (GameCube Edition)
4254. Exciting Boxing (Japan)
4255. Exciting Rally – World Rally Championship (Japan)
4256. Exerion (Japan) (En) (Proto) [b]
4257. Exerion (Japan) (En)
4258. Exodus – Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (v4.0) (Unl)
4259. Exodus – Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (v5.0) (Unl)
4260. Exploding Fist (USA) (Proto 1)
4261. Exploding Fist (USA) (Proto 2)
4262. F1 Circus (Japan)
4263. F-1 Race (Japan) (Beta)
4264. F-1 Race (Japan)
4265. F-1 Sensation (Japan)
4266. F-117A – Stealth Fighter (USA)
4267. F15 City War (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
4268. F15 City War (USA) (v1.0) (Unl)
4269. F15 City War (USA) (v1.1) (Unl)
4270. F-15 Strike Eagle (Europe)
4271. ”F-15 Strike Eagle (France) (En. Fr. Nl)”
4272. F-15 Strike Eagle (Germany)
4273. F-15 Strike Eagle (Italy)
4274. ”F-15 Strike Eagle (Sweden) (Sv. Da. Fi)”
4275. F-15 Strike Eagle (USA)
4276. Famicom Doubutsu Seitai Zukan! – Katte ni Shirokuma – Mori o Sukue no Maki! (Japan)
4277. Famicom Igo Nyuumon (Japan)
4278. Famicom Jump – Eiyuu Retsuden (Japan)
4279. Famicom Jump II – Saikyou no 7 Nin (Japan)
4280. Famicom Meijin Sen (Japan) (Rev A)
4281. Famicom Meijin Sen (Japan)
4282. Famicom Shougi – Ryuuousen (Japan) (Beta)
4283. Famicom Shougi – Ryuuousen (Japan)
4284. Famicom Top Management (Japan)
4285. Famicom Wars (Japan) (Rev 0B)
4286. Famicom Yakyuu Ban (Japan)
4287. Family BASIC (Japan) (v1.0)
4288. Family BASIC (Japan) (v2.0a)
4289. Family BASIC (Japan) (v2.1a)
4290. Family BASIC (Japan) (v3.0)
4291. Family Block (Japan)
4292. Family Boxing (Japan)
4293. Family Circuit (Japan)
4294. Family Circuit ’91 (Japan) (En)
4295. Family Feud (USA)
4296. Family Jockey (Japan)
4297. Family Mahjong (Japan) (Rev A)
4298. Family Mahjong (Japan)
4299. Family Mahjong II – Shanghai e no Michi (Japan)
4300. Family Pinball (Japan)
4301. Family Quiz – 4-nin wa Rival (Japan)
4302. Family School (Japan)
4303. Family Tennis (Japan)
4304. Family Trainer 1 – Athletic World (Japan) (Rev 1)
4305. Family Trainer 1 – Athletic World (Japan)
4306. Family Trainer 10 – Rairai Kyonsees (Japan) (Beta)
4307. Family Trainer 10 – Rairai Kyonsees (Japan)
4308. Family Trainer 2 – Running Stadium (Japan)
4309. Family Trainer 3 – Aerobics Studio (Japan)
4310. Family Trainer 4 – Jogging Race (Japan)
4311. Family Trainer 5 – Meiro Daisakusen (Japan)
4312. Family Trainer 6 – Manhattan Police (Japan)
4313. Family Trainer 7 – Daiundoukai (Japan)
4314. Family Trainer 8 – Totsugeki! Fuuun Takeshi-jou (Japan)
4315. Family Trainer 9 – Fuuun Takeshi-jou 2 (Japan)
4316. Famista ’89 – Kaimaku Ban!! (Japan)
4317. Famista ’90 (Japan)
4318. Famista ’91 (Japan)
4319. Famista ’92 (Japan)
4320. Famista ’93 (Japan)
4321. Famista ’94 (Japan)
4322. Fan Kong Jing Ying (China) (Unl)
4323. ”Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy. The (USA) (Aladdin Compact Cartridge) (Unl)”
4324. ”Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy. The (USA) (Unl)”
4325. Fantasy Zone (Japan)
4326. Fantasy Zone (USA) (Unl)
4327. Fantasy Zone II – Opa-Opa no Namida (Japan)
4328. Faria – A World of Mystery & Danger! (USA)
4329. Faria – Fuuin no Tsurugi (Japan)
4330. Faxanadu (Europe)
4331. Faxanadu (Japan)
4332. Faxanadu (USA) (Rev A)
4333. Faxanadu (USA)
4334 Genjin – Freakthoropus Computerus (Japan)
4335. Felix the Cat (Europe)
4336. Felix the Cat (USA)
4337. Feng Shen Bang (Asia) (Unl)
4338. Ferrari (Japan)
4339. Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (Europe)
4340. Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA)
4341. Fester’s Quest (Europe)
4342. Fester’s Quest (USA)
4343. Field Combat (Japan)
4344. Fighting Golf (Japan)
4345. Fighting Hero (Asia) (Unl)
4346. Fighting Hero III (Asia) (Unl)
4347. Fighting Road (Japan)
4348. Final Combat (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)
4349. Final Combat (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4350. Final Fantasy (Japan) (Rev 0A)
4351. Final Fantasy (Japan) (Rev B)
4352. Final Fantasy (USA)
4353. ”Final Fantasy I. II (Japan)”
4354. Final Fantasy II (Japan)
4355. Final Fantasy II (USA) (Proto)
4356. Final Fantasy III (Japan)
4357. Final Lap (Japan)
4358. Final Mission (Japan)
4359. Fire Dragon (Asia) (Unl)
4360. Fire Emblem – Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (Japan)
4361. Fire Emblem Gaiden (Japan)
4362. Fire Hawk (USA) (Unl)
4363. Fire ‘n Ice (USA)
4364. Fisher-Price – Firehouse Rescue (USA)
4365. Fisher-Price – I Can Remember (USA)
4366. Fisher-Price – Perfect Fit (USA)
4367. Fist of the North Star (USA)
4368. Flappy (Japan)
4369. Fleet Commander (Japan)
4370. Flight of the Intruder (USA)
4371. ”Flintstones. The – The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (Europe)”
4372. ”Flintstones. The – The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (Japan)”
4373. ”Flintstones. The – The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (USA)”
4374. ”Flintstones. The – The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak (Europe)”
4375. ”Flintstones. The – The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! (USA)”
4376. Flipull – An Exciting Cube Game (Japan) (En) (Rev 1)
4377. Flipull – An Exciting Cube Game (Japan) (En)
4378. Flying Dragon – The Secret Scroll (USA)
4379. Flying Hero (Japan)
4380. Flying Warriors (USA) (Beta)
4381. Flying Warriors (USA)
4382. Formation Z (Japan) (Rev A)
4383. Formation Z (Japan)
4384. Formula 1 Sensation (Europe)
4385. Formula One – Built to Win (USA)
4386. Foton – The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth (Japan)
4387. Four Players’ Tennis (Europe)
4388. Fox’s Peter Pan & the Pirates – The Revenge of Captain Hook (USA)
4389. Frankenstein – The Monster Returns (USA)
4390. Free Fall (USA) (Proto)
4391. Freedom Force (USA)
4392. Friday the 13th (USA)
4393. Front Line (Japan)
4394. Fudou Myouou Den (Japan)
4395. Fun Blaster Pak (Australia) (Unl)
4396. Fun House (USA)
4397. Fushigi na Blobby – Blobania no Kiki (Japan)
4398. Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (Japan)
4399. Futebol (Brazil) (Unl)
4400. Future Wars – Mirai Senshi Lios (Japan)
4401. Fuzzical Fighter (Japan)
4402. G.I. Joe – A Real American Hero – The Atlantis Factor (USA) (Beta)
4403. G.I. Joe – A Real American Hero (USA)
4404. G.I. Joe – The Atlantis Factor (USA)
4405. Gaiapolis (Asia) (Unl)
4406. Galactic Crusader (Asia) (Unl)
4407. Galactic Crusader (USA) (Unl)
4408. Galaga – Demons of Death (USA)
4409. Galaga (Europe)
4410. Galaga (Japan)
4411. Galaxian (Japan) (Rev A)
4412. Galaxian (Japan)
4413. Galaxy 5000 (Europe)
4414. Galaxy 5000 (USA)
4415. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha – Mahjong Game (Japan)
4416. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha 2 (Japan)
4417. Game Designer Yousei Soft – Dezaemon (Japan)
4418. Game Genie (USA) (Unl)
4419. Game Party (Japan)
4420. Ganbare Goemon 2 (Japan)
4421. Ganbare Goemon Gaiden – Kieta Ougon Kiseru (Japan)
4422. Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 – Tenka no Zaihou (Japan)
4423. Ganbare Goemon! – Karakuri Douchuu (Japan)
4424. Ganbare Pennant Race! (Japan)
4425. Ganso Saiyuuki – Super Monkey Daibouken (Japan)
4426. Garfield – A Week of Garfield (Japan) (Sample)
4427. Garfield – A Week of Garfield (Japan)
4428. Gargoyle’s Quest II (Europe)
4429. Gargoyle’s Quest II (USA)
4430. Garry Kitchen’s BattleTank (USA)
4431. Gauntlet (USA) (Unl)
4432. Gauntlet (USA)
4433. Gauntlet II (Europe)
4434. Gauntlet II (USA)
4435. Gegege no Kitarou – Youkai Daimakyou (Japan) (Beta)
4436. Gegege no Kitarou – Youkai Daimakyou (Japan)
4437. Gegege no Kitarou 2 – Youkai Gundan no Chousen (Japan)
4438. Geimos (Japan)
4439. Gekikame Ninja Den (Japan)
4440. Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (Japan)
4441. Gekitou Pro Wrestling!! – Toukon Densetsu (Japan)
4442. Gekitou Stadium!! (Japan)
4443. Gemfire (USA)
4444. Genghis Khan (USA)
4445. Genpei Touma Den – Computer Boardgame (Japan)
4446. George Foreman’s KO Boxing (Europe)
4447. George Foreman’s KO Boxing (USA)
4448. Getsu Fuuma Den (Japan)
4449. Ghost Lion (USA)
4450. Ghostbusters (Japan) (Beta)
4451. Ghostbusters (Japan)
4452. Ghostbusters (USA)
4453. Ghostbusters II (Europe)
4454. Ghostbusters II (USA)
4455. Ghost’n Goblins (Europe)
4456. Ghosts’n Goblins (USA)
4457. Ghoul School (USA)
4458. Gimmi a Break – Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen (Japan)
4459. Gimmi a Break – Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen 2 (Japan)
4460. Gimmick! (Japan) (Beta)
4461. Gimmick! (Japan)
4462. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan)
4463. Ginga no Sannin (Japan)
4464. Gluk the Thunder Warrior (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
4465. Goal! (Europe)
4466. Goal! (USA)
4467. Goal! Two (USA)
4468. Goal!! (Japan)
4469. God Slayer – Haruka Tenkuu no Sonata (Japan)
4470. Godzilla – Monster of Monsters! (Europe)
4471. Godzilla – Monster of Monsters! (USA)
4472. Godzilla 2 – War of the Monsters (USA)
4473. Gojira (Japan)
4474. Golf (Europe)
4475. Golf (Japan)
4476. Golf (USA)
4477. ”Golf ’92. The (Japan)”
4478. Golf Club – Birdy Rush (Japan)
4479. Golf Grand Slam (Japan)
4480. Golf Grand Slam (USA)
4481. Golfkko Open (Japan)
4482. Golgo 13 – Daiisshou – Kamigami no Tasogare (Japan)
4483. Golgo 13 – Dainishou – Icarus no Nazo (Japan)
4484. Golgo 13 – Top Secret Episode (USA)
4485. Gomoku Narabe (Japan)
4486. Goonies (Japan)
4487. Goonies 2 – Fratelli Saigo no Chousen (Japan)
4488. ”Goonies II. The – Fratelli Saigo no Chousen (Japan) (Beta)”
4489. ”Goonies II. The (Europe)”
4490. ”Goonies II. The (USA)”
4491. Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen (Japan)
4492. ”Gorilla Man. The (Japan)”
4493. Gotcha! – The Sport! (USA)
4494. Gozonji – Yaji Kita Chin Douchuu (Japan)
4495. Gradius (Europe)
4496. Gradius (Japan) (ArchiMENdes Hen)
4497. Gradius (Japan)
4498. Gradius (USA)
4499. Gradius II (Japan)
4500. ”Gran Aventura Submarina. La (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
4501. Grand Master (Japan)
4502. Great Battle Cyber (Japan)
4503. Great Boxing – Rush Up (Japan)
4504. Great Deal (Japan)
4505. Great Tank (Japan)
4506. ”Great Waldo Search. The (USA)”
4507. ”Great Wall. The (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)”
4508. Greg Norman’s Golf Power (USA)
4509. Gremlin 2 – Shinshu Tanjou (Japan)
4510. Gremlins 2 – The New Batch (Europe) (Beta)
4511. Gremlins 2 – The New Batch (Europe)
4512. Gremlins 2 – The New Batch (USA)
4513. ”Guardian Legend. The (Europe)”
4514. ”Guardian Legend. The (USA)”
4515. Guardic Gaiden (Japan)
4516. Guerrilla War (Europe)
4517. Guerrilla War (USA)
4518. Guevara (Japan)
4519. ”Gumshoe (USA. Europe)”
4520. Gun Nac (Japan)
4521. Gun Nac (USA)
4522. Gun Sight (Japan)
4523. Gun.Smoke (Europe)
4524. Gun.Smoke (USA)
4525. Gun-Dec (Japan)
4526. Gunhed – Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan)
4527. Gyrodine (Japan)
4528. Gyromite (World)
4529. Gyruss (USA)
4530. Haja no Fuuin (Japan)
4531. Hammerin’ Harry (Europe)
4532. Hana no Star Kaidou (Japan)
4533. Hanafuda Yuukyou Den – Nagarebana Oryuu (Japan) (Unl) [b]
4534. Hanjuku Hero (Japan)
4535. Happily Ever After (USA) (Proto)
4536. Happy Birthday Bugs (Japan)
4537. Happy Pairs (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4538. Hard Drivin’ (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
4539. Harlem Globetrotters (USA)
4540. Hatris (Japan)
4541. Hatris (USA)
4542. Hayauchi Super Igo (Japan)
4543. Heavy Barrel (Japan)
4544. Heavy Barrel (USA)
4545. Heavy Shreddin’ (USA)
4546. Hebereke (Japan)
4547. Hector ’87 (Japan)
4548. Heisei Tensai Bakabon (Japan)
4549. Hell Fighter (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4550. Hello Kitty no Ohanabatake (Japan)
4551. Hello Kitty World (Japan)
4552. Heracles no Eikou – Toujin Makyou Den (Japan)
4553. Heracles no Eikou II – Titan no Metsubou (Japan)
4554. Hero Quest (Europe) (Proto)
4555. Hero Quest (USA) (Proto)
4556. Hidden Chinese Chess – An Qi (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)
4557. Higemaru – Makai-jima – Nanatsu no Shima Daibouken (Japan)
4558. High Speed (Europe)
4559. High Speed (USA)
4560. Highway Star (Japan)
4561. Hinotori – Houou Hen – Gaou no Bouken (Japan)
4562. Hirake! Ponkikki (Japan)
4563. Hiryuu no Ken – Ougi no Sho (Japan)
4564. Hiryuu no Ken II – Dragon no Tsubasa (Japan)
4565. Hiryuu no Ken III – 5 Nin no Dragon (Japan)
4566. Hiryuu no Ken Special – Fighting Wars (Japan) (Beta)
4567. Hiryuu no Ken Special – Fighting Wars (Japan)
4568. Hissatsu Doujou Yaburi (Japan)
4569. Hissatsu Shigoto Nin (Japan)
4570. Hit Marmot (Asia) (Unl)
4571. Hit the Ice – VHL – The Video Hockey League (USA) (Proto)
4572. Hitler no Fukkatsu – Top Secret (Japan)
4573. Hogan’s Alley (World)
4574. Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin – Okhotsk ni Kiyu (Japan)
4575. Hokuto no Ken (Japan) (Beta)
4576. Hokuto no Ken (Japan)
4577. Hokuto no Ken 2 (Japan)
4578. Hokuto no Ken 3 – Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Restuden (Japan)
4579. Hokuto no Ken 4 – Shichisei Haken Den – Hokuto Shinken no Kanata e (Japan)
4580. Hollywood Squares (USA)
4581. Holy Diver (Japan)
4582. Home Alone (USA) (Rev A)
4583. Home Alone (USA)
4584. Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York (Europe)
4585. Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York (USA)
4586. Honey Peach – Mei Nv Quan (Asia) (Unl)
4587. Honoo no Toukyuuji – Dodge Danpei (Japan)
4588. Honoo no Toukyuuji – Dodge Danpei 2 (Japan)
4589. Honshougi – Naitou 9 Dan Shougi Hiden (Japan)
4590. Hook (Europe)
4591. Hook (Japan)
4592. Hook (USA)
4593. Hoops (Europe)
4594. Hoops (USA)
4595. Hoshi no Kirby – Yume no Izumi no Monogatari (Japan)
4596. Hoshi o Miru Hito (Japan)
4597. Hostages – The Embassy Mission (Japan)
4598. Hot Slots (Asia) (Unl)
4599. Hototogisu (Japan)
4600. Hottarman no Chitei Tanken (Japan) (Beta)
4601. Hottarman no Chitei Tanken (Japan)
4602. Houma ga Toki (Japan)
4603. Huang Di (Asia) (Unl)
4604. Hudson Hawk (Europe)
4605. Hudson Hawk (Japan)
4606. Hudson Hawk (USA)
4607. Hudson’s Adventure Island (USA)
4608. Hudson’s Adventure Island II (USA) (Beta)
4609. Huge Insect (Asia) (Unl)
4610. ”Hunt for Red October. The (Europe)”
4611. ”Hunt for Red October. The (USA) (Rev A)”
4612. ”Hunt for Red October. The (USA)”
4613. HVC Kensa Cassette Controller Test (Japan)
4614. Hyakkiyagyou (Japan)
4615. Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari – The Tales on a Watery Wilderness (Japan)
4616. Hydlide (USA)
4617. Hydlide 3 – Yami kara no Houmonsha (Japan)
4618. Hydlide Special (Japan)
4619. Hyokkori Hyoutan-jima – Nazo no Kaizokusen (Japan)
4620. Hyper Olympic (Japan) (Genteiban!)
4621. Hyper Olympic (Japan)
4622. Hyper Sports (Japan) (Rev 1)
4623. Hyper Sports (Japan)
4624. I Love Softball (Japan)
4625. Ice Climber (Japan)
4626. ”Ice Climber (USA. Europe)”
4627. Ice Hockey (Europe)
4628. Ice Hockey (USA)
4629. Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong (Japan) (Rev A)
4630. Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong (Japan)
4631. Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong II (Japan)
4632. Idol Hakkenden (Japan)
4633. Idol Shisen Mahjong (Japan) (Unl)
4634. Igo – Kyuu Roban Taikyoku (Japan)
4635. Igo Meikan (Japan)
4636. Igo Shinan (Japan)
4637. Igo Shinan ’91 (Japan)
4638. Igo Shinan ’92 (Japan)
4639. Igo Shinan ’93 (Japan)
4640. Igo Shinan ’94 (Japan)
4641. Ikari (Japan)
4642. Ikari II – Dogosoken (Japan)
4643. Ikari III – The Rescue (USA)
4644. Ikari III (Japan)
4645. Ikari Warriors (Europe)
4646. Ikari Warriors (USA) (Rev A)
4647. Ikari Warriors (USA)
4648. Ikari Warriors II – Victory Road (USA)
4649. Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu – Subette Koronde Dairantou (Japan)
4650. Ikinari Musician (Japan) (Beta)
4651. Ikinari Musician (Japan)
4652. Ikki (Japan)
4653. Image Fight (Japan)
4654. Image Fight (USA)
4655. ”Immortal. The (USA)”
4656. Impossible Mission II (USA) (Unl)
4657. Incantation (Asia) (Unl)
4658. ”Incredible Crash Dummies. The (Europe)”
4659. ”Incredible Crash Dummies. The (USA)”
4660. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Europe)
4661. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) (Taito)
4662. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) (UBI Soft)
4663. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (USA) (Rev A)
4664. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (USA) (Unl)
4665. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (USA)
4666. Indora no Hikari (Japan)
4667. Infiltrator (USA)
4668. Insector X (Japan)
4669. International Cricket (Australia) (Beta)
4670. International Cricket (Australia)
4671. Iron Tank – The Invasion of Normandy (Europe)
4672. Iron Tank – The Invasion of Normandy (USA)
4673. IronSword – Wizards & Warriors II (Europe)
4674. IronSword – Wizards & Warriors II (USA)
4675. Isaki Shuugorou no Keiba Hisshou Gaku (Japan)
4676. Ishin no Arashi (Japan)
4677. Isolated Warrior (Europe)
4678. Isolated Warrior (USA)
4679. Itadaki Street – Watashi no Omise ni Yottette (Japan)
4680. Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart’s Super Off Road (Europe)
4681. Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart’s Super Off Road (USA)
4682. J.League Fighting Soccer – The King of Ace Strikers (Japan)
4683. J.League Winning Goal (Japan)
4684. Jack Nicklaus’ Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf (Europe)
4685. Jack Nicklaus’ Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf (USA)
4686. Jackal (USA)
4687. Jackie Chan (Japan)
4688. Jackie Chan’s Action Kung Fu (Europe)
4689. Jackie Chan’s Action Kung Fu (USA)
4690. Jackpot (Australia) (Unl)
4691. Jajamaru Gekimaden – Maboroshi no Kinmajou (Japan)
4692. Jajamaru Ninpou Chou (Japan)
4693. Jajamaru no Daibouken (Japan)
4694. James Bond Jr (Europe)
4695. James Bond Jr (USA)
4696. Janggun-ui Adeul (Korea) (Unl)
4697. Jangou (Japan)
4698. Jarinko Chie – Bakudan Musume no Shiawase Sagashi (Japan)
4699. Jaws (USA)
4700. Jeopardy! (USA) (Rev A)
4701. Jeopardy! (USA)
4702. Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (USA)
4703. Jeopardy! Junior Edition (USA)
4704. Jesus – Kyoufu no Bio Monster (Japan)
4705. ”Jetsons. The – Cogswell’s Caper (Europe)”
4706. ”Jetsons. The – Cogswell’s Caper (Japan)”
4707. ”Jetsons. The – Cogswell’s Caper (USA)”
4708. Jigoku Gokuraku Maru (Japan)
4709. Jikuu Yuuden – Debias (Japan)
4710. Jimmy Connors Tennis (Europe)
4711. Jimmy Connors Tennis (USA)
4712. Jin Gwok Sei Chuen Saang (Asia) (Unl)
4713. JJ (Japan)
4714. Joe & Mac – Caveman Ninja (Europe)
4715. Joe & Mac (USA)
4716. John Elway’s Quarterback (USA)
4717. Jongbou (Japan)
4718. Jordan vs Bird – One On One (USA)
4719. Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (USA) (v5.0) (Unl)
4720. Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (USA) (v6.0) (Unl)
4721. Journey to Silius (Europe)
4722. Journey to Silius (USA)
4723. Journey to the West (Asia) (Unl)
4724. Joust (Japan)
4725. Joust (USA)
4726. Jovial Race (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4727. Jovial Race (Unknown) (Unl)
4728. Joy Mech Fight (Japan)
4729. JuJu Densetsu (Japan)
4730. Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One Professional (Japan)
4731. Jumpin’ Kid – Jack to Mame no Ki Monogatari (Japan)
4732. ”Jungle Book. The (Europe)”
4733. ”Jungle Book. The (USA)”
4734. Jurassic Boy (Asia) (Unl)
4735. Jurassic Park (Europe)
4736. Jurassic Park (USA)
4737. Just Breed (Japan)
4738. Juuouki (Japan)
4739. Juuryoku Soukou Metal Storm (Japan)
4740. Juvei Quest (Japan) (Rev 1)
4741. Juvei Quest (Japan)
4742. Kabuki – Quantum Fighter (Europe)
4743. Kabuki – Quantum Fighter (USA)
4744. Kabushiki Doujou (Japan)
4745. Kaettekita! Gunjin Shougi – Nanya Sore! (Japan)
4746. Kage (Japan)
4747. Kage no Densetsu (Japan)
4748. Kagerou Densetsu (Japan)
4749. Kaguya Hime Densetsu (Japan)
4750. Kaijuu Monogatari (Japan)
4751. Kaiketsu Yancha Maru (Japan)
4752. Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 – Karakuri Land (Japan)
4753. Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 – Taiketsu! Zouringen (Japan)
4754. Kakefu-kun no Jump Tengoku – Speed Jigoku (Japan)
4755. Kame no Ongaeshi – Urashima Densetsu (Japan)
4756. Kamen no Ninja – Akakage (Japan)
4757. Kamen no Ninja – Hanamaru (Japan)
4758. Kamen Rider Club (Japan)
4759. Kamen Rider SD – Granshocker no Yabou (Japan)
4760. Kanshakudama Nage Kantarou no Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi (Japan)
4761. Karakuri Kengou Den Musashi Lord – Karakuribito Hashiru (Japan)
4762. Karaoke Studio (Japan)
4763. Karaoke Studio Senyou Cassette Vol. 1 (Japan)
4764. Karaoke Studio Senyou Cassette Vol. 2 (Japan)
4765. Karate Champ (USA) (Rev A)
4766. Karate Champ (USA)
4767. ”Karate Kid. The (USA)”
4768. Karateka (Japan) (Beta)
4769. Karateka (Japan)
4770. Karnov (Japan) (Rev 1)
4771. Karnov (Japan)
4772. Karnov (USA)
4773. Kawa no Nushi Tsuri (Japan)
4774. Kazama Jun to Asama Yuuko no AV Dragon Mahjong (Japan) (Unl)
4775. Keiba Simulation – Honmei (Japan)
4776. Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibouken (Japan) (Rev 1)
4777. Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibouken (Japan)
4778. Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken (Japan)
4779. Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 – Donuts Ike wa Oosawagi! (Japan)
4780. Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb! (Japan)
4781. Ki no Bouken – The Quest of Ki (Japan)
4782. Kick Master (USA)
4783. Kick Off (Europe)
4784. Kickle Cubicle (Europe)
4785. Kickle Cubicle (USA)
4786. Kid Icarus (Europe) (Rev A)
4787. ”Kid Icarus (USA. Europe)”
4788. Kid Klown in Night Mayor World (USA)
4789. Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs (USA)
4790. Kid Niki – Radical Ninja (USA) (Rev A)
4791. Kid Niki – Radical Ninja (USA)
4792. Kiddy Sun in Fantasia (Taiwan)
4793. Kidou Senshi Z Gundam – Hot Scramble (Japan) (Final Version)
4794. Kidou Senshi Z Gundam – Hot Scramble (Japan)
4795. King Kong 2 – Ikari no Megaton Punch (Japan)
4796. King Neptune’s Adventure (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
4797. King Neptune’s Adventure (USA) (Unl)
4798. King of Kings (Japan)
4799. ”King of Kings. The (USA) (v1.1) (Unl)”
4800. ”King of Kings. The (USA) (v1.2) (Unl)”
4801. ”King of Kings. The (USA) (v1.3) (Unl)”
4802. ”King of Kings. The (USA) (v5.0) (Unl)”
4803. King’s Knight (Japan)
4804. King’s Knight (USA)
4805. Kings of the Beach – Professional Beach Volleyball (USA)
4806. King’s Quest V (USA)
4807. Kinnikuman – Muscle Tag Match (Japan) (Rev 1)
4808. Kinnikuman – Muscle Tag Match (Japan)
4809. Kirby’s Adventure (Canada)
4810. Kirby’s Adventure (Europe)
4811. Kirby’s Adventure (France)
4812. Kirby’s Adventure (Germany)
4813. Kirby’s Adventure (USA) (Rev A)
4814. Kirby’s Adventure (USA)
4815. Kiteretsu Daihyakka (Japan)
4816. Kitty’s Catch (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
4817. Kiwi Kraze – A Bird-Brained Adventure! (USA)
4818. KlashBall (USA)
4819. Klax (Japan)
4820. Klax (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
4821. Klax (USA) (Unl)
4822. Knight Rider (Europe)
4823. Knight Rider (Japan)
4824. Knight Rider (USA)
4825. Koko Adventure (Korea) (Unl)
4826. Konami Hyper Soccer (Europe)
4827. Konamic Sports in Seoul (Japan)
4828. Korean Igo (Korea) (Unl)
4829. Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (Japan)
4830. Koushien (Japan)
4831. Krazy Kreatures (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
4832. Krazy Kreatures (USA) (Unl)
4833. ”Krion Conquest. The (USA)”
4834. Krusty’s Fun House (Europe)
4835. Krusty’s Fun House (USA)
4836. Kujaku Ou (Japan)
4837. Kujaku Ou II (Japan)
4838. Kung Fu (Europe)
4839. ”Kung Fu (Japan. USA)”
4840. Kung-Fu Heroes (USA)
4841. Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League (Japan)
4842. Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! – Kachiuma Densetsu (Japan)
4843. Kyonshiizu 2 (Japan) (Sample)
4844. Kyonshiizu 2 (Japan)
4845. Kyoro-chan Land (Japan)
4846. Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger (Japan)
4847. Kyouto Hana no Misshitsu Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
4848. Kyouto Ryuu no Tera Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
4849. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Koushien (Japan)
4850. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium – ’88 Senshu Shin Data Version (Japan)
4851. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium – Heisei Gannen Ban (Japan)
4852. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium (Japan)
4853. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium III (Japan)
4854. Kyuukyoku Tiger (Japan)
4855. Labyrinth (Japan)
4856. Lagrange Point (Japan)
4857. Lasalle Ishii no Child’s Quest (Japan)
4858. Laser Invasion (USA)
4859. Last Action Hero (USA)
4860. Last Armageddon (Japan)
4861. ”Last Ninja. The (USA)”
4862. ”Last Starfighter. The (USA)”
4863. Law of the West (Japan)
4864. Layla (Japan)
4865. Lee Trevino’s Fighting Golf (Europe)
4866. Lee Trevino’s Fighting Golf (USA)
4867. Legacy of the Wizard (USA)
4868. ”Legend of Kage. The (USA)”
4869. ”Legend of Prince Valiant. The (Europe)”
4870. ”Legend of Robin Hood. The (USA) (Proto)”
4871. ”Legend of Zelda. The (Europe) (Rev A)”
4872. ”Legend of Zelda. The (Europe)”
4873. ”Legend of Zelda. The (USA) (Rev A) (GameCube Edition)”
4874. ”Legend of Zelda. The (USA) (Rev A)”
4875. ”Legend of Zelda. The (USA) (Rev B) (GameCube Edition)”
4876. ”Legend of Zelda. The (USA)”
4877. Legendary Wings (USA)
4878. Legends of the Diamond – The Baseball Championship Game (USA)
4879. Lemmings (Europe)
4880. Lemmings (USA)
4881. Lethal Weapon (Europe)
4882. Lethal Weapon (USA)
4883. Life Force – Salamander (Europe)
4884. Life Force (USA)
4885. Lightgun Game 2 in 1 – Cosmocop + Cyber Monster (Asia) (Unl)
4886. Lightgun Game 2 in 1 – Tough Cop + Super Tough Cop (Asia) (Unl)
4887. Lin Ze Xu Jin Yan (China) (Unl)
4888. ”Linus Spacehead’s Cosmic Crusade (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es) (Unl)”
4889. ”Lion King. The (Europe)”
4890. Lipple Island (Japan)
4891. Little League Baseball – Championship Series (USA)
4892. Little Magic (Japan)
4893. Little Mermaid – Ningyo Hime (Japan) (Beta)
4894. Little Mermaid – Ningyo Hime (Japan)
4895. ”Little Mermaid. The (USA)”
4896. Little Nemo – The Dream Master (Europe)
4897. Little Nemo – The Dream Master (USA)
4898. Little Ninja Brothers (Europe)
4899. Little Ninja Brothers (USA)
4900. Little Red Hood – Xiao Hong Mao (Asia) (Unl)
4901. Little Red Hood (Australia) (Unl)
4902. Little Samson (Europe)
4903. Little Samson (USA)
4904. Locksmith (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4905. Lode Runner (Japan)
4906. Lode Runner (USA)
4907. ”Lone Ranger. The (USA)”
4908. Loopz (USA)
4909. ”Lord of King. The (Japan)”
4910. Lost Word of Jenny – Ushinawareta Message (Japan)
4911. Lot Lot (Japan)
4912. Low G Man – The Low Gravity Man (Europe)
4913. Low G Man – The Low Gravity Man (USA)
4914. Lucky Bingo 777 (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4915. Lunar Ball (Japan)
4916. Lunar Pool (Europe)
4917. Lunar Pool (USA)
4918. Lupin Sansei – Pandora no Isan (Japan)
4919. M.C. Kids (USA) (Beta)
4920. M.C. Kids (USA)
4921. M.U.L.E. (USA)
4922. M.U.S.C.L.E. – Tag Team Match (USA)
4923. M82 Game Selectable Working Product Display (Europe)
4924. Mach Rider (Europe)
4925. ”Mach Rider (Japan. USA) (Rev A)”
4926. ”Mach Rider (Japan. USA)”
4927. Mad City (Japan) (Beta)
4928. Mad City (Japan)
4929. Mad Max (USA)
4930. Madoola no Tsubasa (Japan)
4931. ”Mafat Conspiracy. The (USA)”
4932. Magic Block (Asia) (Mega Soft) (Unl)
4933. ”Magic Candle. The (Japan)”
4934. Magic Cube (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4935. Magic Darts (Japan)
4936. Magic Darts (USA)
4937. Magic Jewelry (Asia) (Unl)
4938. Magic Jewelry 2 (Asia) (Unl)
4939. Magic John (Japan)
4940. Magic Johnson’s Fast Break (USA)
4941. Magic Kid Googoo (Korea) (Unl)
4942. ”Magic of Scheherazade. The (USA)”
4943. Magical Kid’s Doropie (Japan)
4944. Magical Mathematics (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)
4945. Magical Mathematics (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
4946. Magical Taruruuto-kun – Fantastic World!! (Japan) (Rev 1)
4947. Magical Taruruuto-kun – Fantastic World!! (Japan)
4948. Magical Taruruuto-kun 2 – Mahou Daibouken (Japan)
4949. Magician (USA) (Beta 1)
4950. Magician (USA) (Beta 2)
4951. Magician (USA)
4952. Magmax (Japan)
4953. Magmax (USA)
4954. Magnum Kikiippatsu – Empire City – 1931 (Japan)
4955. Maharaja (Japan)
4956. Mahjang Companion (Asia) (Hacker) (Unl)
4957. Mahjang Companion (Asia) (Sachen) (Unl)
4958. Mahjong (Japan) (Rev A)
4959. Mahjong (Japan) (Rev B)
4960. Mahjong (Japan)
4961. Mahjong Academy (Asia) (Unl)
4962. Mahjong Block (Unknown) (Unl)
4963. Mahjong Club Nagatachou – Sousaisen (Japan)
4964. Mahjong RPG Dora Dora Dora (Japan)
4965. Mahjong Samit – Kabukicho Hen (Japan) (Unl)
4966. Mahjong Taikai (Japan)
4967. Mahjong Taisen (Japan)
4968. Mahjong Trap – Si Cuan Ma Que (Asia) (Unl)
4969. ”Mahjong World. The – Ma Que Shi Jie (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)”
4970. ”Mahjong World. The – Ma Que Shi Jie (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)”
4971. Mahou no Princess Minky Momo – Remember Dream (Japan)
4972. Maison Ikkoku (Japan)
4973. Majaventure – Mahjong Senki (Japan)
4974. Major League (Japan)
4975. Major League Baseball (USA) (Rev A)
4976. Major League Baseball (USA)
4977. Majou Densetsu II – Daimashikyou Galious (Japan)
4978. Makai Island (USA) (Proto)
4979. Makaimura (Japan)
4980. Maniac Mansion (Europe)
4981. Maniac Mansion (France)
4982. Maniac Mansion (Germany)
4983. Maniac Mansion (Italy)
4984. Maniac Mansion (Japan)
4985. Maniac Mansion (Spain)
4986. Maniac Mansion (Sweden)
4987. Maniac Mansion (USA) (Beta)
4988. Maniac Mansion (USA)
4989. Mappy (Japan)
4990. Mappy Kids (Japan)
4991. Mappy-Land (Japan)
4992. Mappy-Land (USA)
4993. Marble Madness (Europe)
4994. Marble Madness (USA)
4995. Mario & Yoshi (Europe)
4996. Mario Bros. (Europe) (Rev A)
4997. Mario Bros. (USA) (GameCube Edition)
4998. Mario Bros. (World)
4999. Mario Bros. Classic (Europe)
5000. Mario Is Missing! (Europe)
5001. Mario Is Missing! (USA)
5002. Mario Open Golf (Japan) (Rev A)
5003. Mario Open Golf (Japan)
5004. Mario’s Time Machine (USA)
5005. Marusa no Onna (Japan)
5006. Mashin Eiyuu Den Wataru Gaiden (Japan)
5007. Mashou (Japan)
5008. Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5009. Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (USA) (Unl)
5010. Master Shooter (Asia) (Unl)
5011. Masuzoe Youichi – Asa Made Famicom (Japan)
5012. Matendouji (Japan)
5013. Matsumoto Tooru no Kabushiki Hisshou Gaku – Part II (Japan)
5014. Matsumoto Tooru no Kabushiki Hisshou Gaku – Vol. 1 (Japan)
5015. Max Warrior – Wakusei Kaigenrei (Japan)
5016. Maxi 15 (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl)
5017. Maxi 15 (USA) (Unl)
5018. Maxi-15 Pack (Australia) (Unl)
5019. McDonaldland (Europe)
5020. McDonaldland (France)
5021. Mechanized Attack (USA)
5022. Mega Man (Europe)
5023. Mega Man (USA)
5024. Mega Man 2 (Europe)
5025. Mega Man 2 (USA)
5026. Mega Man 3 (Europe) (Rev A)
5027. Mega Man 3 (Europe)
5028. Mega Man 3 (USA) (Beta)
5029. Mega Man 3 (USA)
5030. Mega Man 4 (Europe)
5031. Mega Man 4 (USA) (Rev A)
5032. Mega Man 4 (USA)
5033. Mega Man 5 (Europe)
5034. Mega Man 5 (USA)
5035. Mega Man 6 (USA)
5036. Mei Guo Fu Hao – American Man (China) (Unl)
5037. Meiji Ishin (Japan)
5038. Meikyuu Kumikyoku – Milon no Daibouken (Japan)
5039. Meikyuu no Tatsujin – Daimeiro (Japan)
5040. Meikyuu-jima (Japan)
5041. Meimon! Daisan Yakyuubu (Japan)
5042. Meimon! Takonishi Ouendan – Kouha 6 Nin Shuu (Japan)
5043. Meitantei Holmes – Kiri no London Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5044. Meitantei Holmes – M kara no Chousenjou (Japan)
5045. Menace Beach (USA) (Unl)
5046. Mendel Palace (USA)
5047. Meng Huan – Xiang Shuai Chuan Qi Zhi Xue Hai Piao Ling (China) (Unl)
5048. Mermaids of Atlantis – The Riddle of the Magic Bubble (USA) (Unl)
5049. Metal Fighter (Asia) (Sachen) (Unl)
5050. Metal Fighter (USA) (Unl)
5051. Metal Fighter Mu (Japan) (Unl)
5052. Metal Flame Psybuster (Japan)
5053. Metal Force (Korea) (Unl)
5054. Metal Gear (Europe)
5055. Metal Gear (Japan)
5056. Metal Gear (USA)
5057. Metal Max (Japan)
5058. Metal Mech – Man & Machine (USA)
5059. Metal Slader Glory (Japan)
5060. Metal Storm (USA)
5061. Metro-Cross (Japan)
5062. Metroid (Europe)
5063. Metroid (USA)
5064. Mezase Pachi Pro – Pachio-kun (Japan) (Beta)
5065. Mezase Pachi Pro – Pachio-kun (Japan)
5066. Mezase Top Pro – Green ni Kakeru Yume (Japan)
5067. Michael Andretti’s World GP (USA)
5068. Mickey Mouse – Dream Balloon (USA) (Beta)
5069. Mickey Mouse – Fushigi no Kuni no Daibouken (Japan)
5070. Mickey Mouse III – Yume Fuusen (Japan)
5071. Mickey Mousecapade (USA)
5072. Mickey’s Adventure in Numberland (USA)
5073. Mickey’s Safari in Letterland (USA)
5074. Micro Machines (Europe) (Unl)
5075. Micro Machines (USA) (Aladdin Compact Cartridge) (Unl)
5076. Micro Machines (USA) (Unl)
5077. MiG 29 – Soviet Fighter (USA) (Unl)
5078. Might & Magic – Secret of the Inner Sanctum (USA)
5079. Might and Magic – Book One – Secret of the Inner Sanctum (Japan)
5080. Mighty Bomb Jack (Europe)
5081. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan) (Rev A)
5082. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan)
5083. Mighty Bomb Jack (USA)
5084. Mighty Final Fight (Europe)
5085. Mighty Final Fight (Japan)
5086. Mighty Final Fight (USA)
5087. Mike Tyson’s Intergalactic Power Punch (USA) (Beta) [b]
5088. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (Europe) (Rev A)
5089. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (Europe)
5090. ”Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (Japan. USA) (Rev A)”
5091. ”Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (Japan. USA)”
5092. Millionaire (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5093. Millipede – Kyodai Konchuu no Gyakushuu (Japan)
5094. Millipede (USA)
5095. Milon’s Secret Castle (USA)
5096. Mind Blower Pak (Australia) (Unl)
5097. Mindseeker (Japan)
5098. Minelvaton Saga – Ragon no Fukkatsu (Japan)
5099. Mini Putt (Japan)
5100. Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen (Japan)
5101. ”Miracle Piano Teaching System. The (France)”
5102. ”Miracle Piano Teaching System. The (Germany)”
5103. ”Miracle Piano Teaching System. The (USA)”
5104. Miracle Ropit’s – 2100 Nen no Daibouken (Japan)
5105. Mirai Shinwa Jarvas (Japan)
5106. Mission Cobra (USA) (Unl)
5107. Mission Impossible (Europe)
5108. Mission Impossible (France)
5109. Mission Impossible (USA)
5110. Mississippi Satsujin Jiken (Japan) (Rev A)
5111. Mississippi Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5112. Mito Koumon – Sekai Manyuu Ki (Japan)
5113. Mitsume ga Tooru (Japan)
5114. Mizushima Shinji no Daikoushien (Japan)
5115. Moai-kun (Japan)
5116. Moe Pro! – Saikyou Hen (Japan)
5117. Moe Pro! ’90 – Kandou Hen (Japan)
5118. Moero TwinBee – Cinnamon Hakase o Sukue! (Japan)
5119. Moero!! Junior Basket – Two on Two (Japan)
5120. Moero!! Juudou Warriors (Japan)
5121. Moero!! Pro Soccer (Japan)
5122. Moero!! Pro Tennis (Japan)
5123. Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) (Beta)
5124. Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) (Rev 1)
5125. Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) (Rev 2)
5126. Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) (Rev 3)
5127. Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
5128. Moero!! Pro Yakyuu ’88 – Ketteiban (Japan)
5129. Moeru! Oniisan (Japan)
5130. Momotarou Densetsu (Japan)
5131. Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden (Japan)
5132. Momotarou Dentetsu (Japan)
5133. ”Money Game II. The – Kabutochou no Kiseki (Japan)”
5134. ”Money Game. The (Japan)”
5135. Monopoly (France)
5136. Monopoly (Germany)
5137. Monopoly (Japan)
5138. Monopoly (USA)
5139. Monster in My Pocket (Europe)
5140. Monster in My Pocket (USA) (Beta)
5141. Monster in My Pocket (USA)
5142. Monster Maker – 7 Tsu no Hihou (Japan)
5143. Monster Party (USA)
5144. Monster Truck Rally (USA)
5145. ”Monstruo de los Globos. El (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
5146. ”Monstruo de los Globos. El (Spain) (Rev 1) (Gluk Video) (Unl)”
5147. Moon Crystal (Japan)
5148. Moon Ranger (USA) (Unl)
5149. Morita Shougi (Japan)
5150. Mother (Japan)
5151. Motocross Champion (Japan)
5152. MotorCity Patrol (USA)
5153. Mottomo Abunai Deka (Japan)
5154. Moulin Rouge Senki – Melville no Honoo (Japan)
5155. Mouryou Senki Madara (Japan)
5156. Mr. Gimmick (Europe)
5157. Mr. Gimmick (USA) (Proto)
5158. Ms. Pac-Man (USA) (Unl)
5159. Ms. Pac-Man (USA)
5160. Mugen Senshi Valis (Japan)
5161. Muppet Adventure – Chaos at the Carnival (USA)
5162. Murder Club – Honkaku Mystery Adventure (Japan)
5163. Musashi no Bouken (Japan)
5164. Musashi no Ken – Tadaima Shugyou Chuu (Japan)
5165. ”Mutant Virus. The – Crisis in a Computer World (USA)”
5166. My Life My Love – Boku no Yume – Watashi no Negai (Japan)
5167. Mystery Quest (USA)
5168. Nagagutsu o Haita Neko – Sekai Isshuu 80 Nichi Daibouken (Japan) (Beta)
5169. Nagagutsu o Haita Neko – Sekai Isshuu 80 Nichi Daibouken (Japan)
5170. Nakajima Satoru – F-1 Hero (Japan)
5171. Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu – F-1 Hero 2 (Japan)
5172. Nakayoshi to Issho (Japan)
5173. Namco Classic (Japan)
5174. Namco Classic II (Japan)
5175. Namco Prism Zone – Dream Master (Japan)
5176. Namcot Mahjong III – Mahjong Tengoku (Japan)
5177. Nangoku Shirei!! – Spy vs Spy (Japan)
5178. Nantettatte!! Baseball (Japan) (Sample)
5179. Nantettatte!! Baseball (Japan)
5180. Nantettatte!! Baseball + Nantettatte!! Baseball – Ko-Game Cassette – ’91 Kaimaku Hen (Japan)
5181. Nantettatte!! Baseball + Nantettatte!! Baseball – Ko-Game Cassette – OB All Star Hen (Japan)
5182. Napoleon Senki (Japan)
5183. NARC (USA)
5184. Navy Blue (Japan)
5185. Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu (Japan)
5186. Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan)
5187. Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu – Soccer Hen (Japan)
5188. Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu (Japan)
5189. Nekketsu! Street Basket – Ganbare Dunk Heroes (Japan)
5190. NES Open Tournament Golf (Europe)
5191. NES Open Tournament Golf (USA)
5192. NES Play Action Football (USA)
5193. New Ghostbusters II (Europe)
5194. New Ghostbusters II (Japan)
5195. New Ghostbusters II (USA) (Proto)
5196. New York Nyankies (Japan)
5197. ”New Zealand Story. The (Europe)”
5198. NFL (USA)
5199. Nichibutsu Mahjong III – Mahjong G Men (Japan)
5200. Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Challenge (USA)
5201. ”Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
5202. ”Nightmare on Elm Street. A (USA)”
5203. Nightshade (USA)
5204. Nihonichi no Mei Kantoku (Japan)
5205. Niji no Silk Road (Japan)
5206. Ninja Cop Saizou (Japan)
5207. Ninja Crusaders – Ryuuga (Japan)
5208. Ninja Crusaders (USA)
5209. Ninja Gaiden – Episode II – The Dark Sword of Chaos (USA) (Beta) (1990-01-18)
5210. Ninja Gaiden (USA) (Beta)
5211. Ninja Gaiden (USA)
5212. Ninja Gaiden II – The Dark Sword of Chaos (USA)
5213. Ninja Gaiden III – The Ancient Ship of Doom (USA)
5214. Ninja Hattori-kun – Ninja wa Syugyou de Gozaru (Japan)
5215. Ninja Jajamaru – Ginga Daisakusen (Japan) (Beta)
5216. Ninja Jajamaru – Ginga Daisakusen (Japan)
5217. Ninja Jajamaru-kun (Japan)
5218. Ninja Kid (USA)
5219. Ninja Ryuuken Den (Japan)
5220. Ninja Ryuuken Den II – Ankoku no Jashin Ken (Japan)
5221. Ninja Ryuuken Den III – Yomi no Hakobune (Japan)
5222. Ninja-kun – Ashura no Shou (Japan)
5223. Ninja-kun – Majou no Bouken (Japan) (Rev 1)
5224. Ninja-kun – Majou no Bouken (Japan)
5225. Ninjara Hoi! (Japan)
5226. Nintendo – NTF2 System Cartridge (USA)
5227. Nintendo – NTF2 Test Cartridge (NES Test) (USA) (Rev 1)
5228. Nintendo – NTF2 Test Cartridge (USA)
5229. Nintendo World Championships 1990 (USA)
5230. Nintendo World Class Service – Control Deck Test Cartridge (USA)
5231. Nintendo World Class Service – Joystick Test Cartridge (USA)
5232. Nintendo World Class Service – Port Test Cartridge (USA)
5233. Nintendo World Class Service – Power Pad Test Cartridge (USA)
5234. Nintendo World Cup (Europe) (Rev A)
5235. Nintendo World Cup (Europe) (Rev B)
5236. Nintendo World Cup (Europe)
5237. Nintendo World Cup (USA)
5238. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery – Blue Train Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5239. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery – Super Express Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5240. Noah’s Ark (Europe)
5241. Nobunaga no Yabou – Bushou Fuuun Roku (Japan)
5242. Nobunaga no Yabou – Sengoku Gunyuu Den (Japan) (Rev A)
5243. Nobunaga no Yabou – Sengoku Gunyuu Den (Japan)
5244. Nobunaga no Yabou – Zenkoku Ban (Japan) (Rev A)
5245. Nobunaga no Yabou – Zenkoku Ban (Japan)
5246. Nobunaga’s Ambition (USA)
5247. Nobunaga’s Ambition II (USA)
5248. North & South – Wakuwaku Nanboku Sensou (Japan)
5249. North & South (Europe)
5250. North and South (USA)
5251. Nuts & Milk (Japan)
5252. Obake no Q Tarou – Wanwan Panic (Japan)
5253. Obocchama-kun (Japan)
5254. Oeka Kids – Anpanman no Hiragana Daisuki (Japan)
5255. Oeka Kids – Anpanman to Oekaki Shiyou!! (Japan)
5256. Oishinbo – Kyuukyoku no Menu Sanbon Shoubu (Japan)
5257. Okkotoshi Puzzle – Tonjan! (Japan)
5258. Olympic I.Q. (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5259. Olympus no Tatakai (Japan)
5260. Onyanko Town (Japan)
5261. Operation Secret Storm (USA) (Unl)
5262. Operation Wolf (Europe)
5263. Operation Wolf (Japan)
5264. Operation Wolf (USA) (Rev 0A)
5265. Orb 3D (USA)
5266. Osomatsu-kun (Japan)
5267. Otaku no Seiza – An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy (Japan)
5268. Othello (Australia) (Unl)
5269. Othello (Japan)
5270. Othello (USA)
5271. Outlanders (Japan)
5272. Over Horizon (Europe)
5273. Over Horizon (Japan)
5274. Overlord (USA)
5275. P.O.W. – Prisoners of War (Europe)
5276. P.O.W. – Prisoners of War (USA)
5277. Pachicom (Japan)
5278. Pachinko Daisakusen (Japan)
5279. Pachinko Daisakusen 2 (Japan)
5280. Pachio-kun 2 (Japan)
5281. Pachio-kun 3 (Japan) (Rev A)
5282. Pachio-kun 3 (Japan)
5283. Pachio-kun 4 (Japan)
5284. Pachio-kun 5 (Japan)
5285. Pachi-Slot Adventure 2 – Sorotta-kun no Pachi-Slot Tanteidan (Japan)
5286. Pachi-Slot Adventure 3 – Bitaoshii 7 Kenzan! (Japan)
5287. Pac-Land (Japan)
5288. Pac-Man (Europe)
5289. Pac-Man (Japan) (En) (Rev B)
5290. Pac-Man (Japan) (Rev A)
5291. Pac-Man (Japan)
5292. Pac-Man (USA) (Namco)
5293. Pac-Man (USA) (Tengen) (Unl)
5294. Pac-Man (USA) (Tengen)
5295. Pac-Mania (USA) (Unl)
5296. Pajama Hero – Nemo (Japan)
5297. Palamedes (Japan)
5298. Palamedes (USA)
5299. ”Palamedes II – Star Twinkle. Hoshi no Mabataki (Japan)”
5300. Panic Restaurant (Europe)
5301. Panic Restaurant (USA)
5302. Paperboy (Europe)
5303. Paperboy (Japan)
5304. Paperboy (USA)
5305. Paperboy 2 (Europe)
5306. Paperboy 2 (USA)
5307. Papillon Gals (Japan) (Unl)
5308. Parallel World (Japan)
5309. Parasol Henbee (Japan)
5310. Parasol Stars – Rainbow Islands II (Europe)
5311. Parasol Stars – The Story of Bubble Bobble III (Europe) (Beta)
5312. Paris-Dakar Rally Special (Japan)
5313. Parodius (Europe) (Beta)
5314. Parodius (Europe)
5315. Parodius Da! (Japan)
5316. Parody World – Monster Party (Japan) (Proto)
5317. Peek-A-Boo Poker (Asia) (Unl)
5318. Peepar Time (Japan)
5319. Pegasus 4 in 1 (Unknown) (Unl)
5320. Pegasus 5 in 1 (Unknown) (Unl)
5321. ”Penguin & Seal. The (Asia. Australia) (Unl)”
5322. Penguin-kun Wars (Japan)
5323. Pennant League!! – Home Run Nighter (Japan)
5324. ”Pennant League. The – Home Run Nighter ’90 (Japan)”
5325. Perfect Bowling (Japan)
5326. Perman (Japan)
5327. Perman Part 2 – Himitsu Kessha Madoodan o Taose! (Japan)
5328. Pescatore (Japan) (Proto)
5329. Pesterminator (USA) (Unl)
5330. Phantom Air Mission (Europe)
5331. Phantom Fighter (USA)
5332. Pictionary – The Game of Video Quick Draw (USA)
5333. Pin Bot (Europe)
5334. Pin Bot (USA)
5335. Pinball (Europe) (Rev A)
5336. Pinball (USA) (GameCube Edition)
5337. Pinball (World)
5338. Pinball Quest (Australia)
5339. Pinball Quest (Japan)
5340. Pinball Quest (USA)
5341. Pipe 5 (Asia) (Unl)
5342. Pipe Dream (USA)
5343. Pipemania (Australia) (HES) (Unl)
5344. Pirates! (Europe)
5345. Pirates! (Germany)
5346. Pirates! (USA)
5347. Pizza Pop! (Japan)
5348. Plasma Ball (Japan)
5349. Platoon (USA) (Rev A)
5350. Platoon (USA)
5351. Playbox BASIC (Japan) (v0.0) (Beta)
5352. Pocket Zaurus – Juu Ouken no Nazo (Japan)
5353. Poke Block (Asia) (Unl)
5354. Poker II (Asia) (Unl)
5355. Poker III (Asia) (Unl)
5356. Poker Mahjong – Pu Ke Mao Que (Asia) (Unl)
5357. Policeman (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
5358. Pooyan (Japan)
5359. Popeye (Japan)
5360. Popeye (World) (Rev A)
5361. Popeye no Eigo Asobi (Japan)
5362. Popo Team (Asia) (Unl)
5363. Porter (Asia) (Unl)
5364. Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5365. Power Blade (Europe)
5366. Power Blade (USA)
5367. Power Blade 2 (USA)
5368. Power Blazer (Japan)
5369. Power Punch II (USA)
5370. Power Soccer (Japan)
5371. P’Radikus Conflict (USA) (Unl)
5372. Predator (Australia)
5373. Predator (Japan)
5374. Predator (USA)
5375. President no Sentaku (Japan)
5376. Prince of Persia (Europe)
5377. Prince of Persia (France)
5378. Prince of Persia (Germany)
5379. Prince of Persia (Spain)
5380. Prince of Persia (USA)
5381. Princess Tomato in Salad Kingdom (USA) (Beta)
5382. Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom (USA)
5383. Pro Action Replay (Europe) (v1.0) (Unl)
5384. Pro Action Replay (Europe) (v1.2) (Cart Present) (Unl)
5385. Pro Action Replay (Europe) (v1.2) (No Cart Present) (Unl)
5386. Pro Sport Hockey (USA)
5387. Pro Wres (Japan) (FamicomBox)
5388. Pro Wrestling (Europe)
5389. Pro Wrestling (USA) (Rev A)
5390. Pro Wrestling (USA)
5391. Pro Yakyuu – Family Stadium (Japan)
5392. Pro Yakyuu – Family Stadium ’87 (Japan)
5393. Pro Yakyuu – Family Stadium ’88 (Japan)
5394. Pro Yakyuu Satsujin Jiken! (Japan)
5395. Probotector (Europe)
5396. Probotector II – Return of the Evil Forces (Europe)
5397. Project Q (Japan)
5398. Pu Ke Jing Ling (China) (Unl)
5399. Punch-Out!! (Europe)
5400. Punch-Out!! (Japan) (Gold Edition)
5401. Punch-Out!! (USA)
5402. ”Punisher. The (USA)”
5403. Puss n Boots – Pero’s Great Adventure (USA)
5404. Puyo Puyo (Japan)
5405. Puzslot (Japan)
5406. Puzzle (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
5407. Puzzle (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
5408. Puzzle (USA) (Unl)
5409. Puzznic (Europe)
5410. Puzznic (Japan)
5411. Puzznic (USA)
5412. Pyokotan no Daimeiro (Japan)
5413. Pyramid – Cleopatra Kikiippatsu (Japan) (Hacker inc.) (Unl)
5414. Pyramid (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl)
5415. Pyramid (USA) (Unl)
5416. Pyramid II (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5417. Q Boy (Asia) (Unl)
5418. Q-bert (USA)
5419. Qi Wang – Chinese Chess (Asia) (Unl)
5420. QIX (USA)
5421. Quarter Back Scramble (Japan)
5422. Quarth (Japan)
5423. Quattro Adventure (USA) (Unl)
5424. Quattro Arcade (USA) (Unl)
5425. Quattro Sports (USA) (Unl)
5426. Quinty (Japan)
5427. R.B.I. Baseball (USA) (Unl)
5428. R.B.I. Baseball (USA)
5429. R.B.I. Baseball 2 (USA) (Unl)
5430. R.B.I. Baseball 3 (USA) (Unl)
5431. R.C. Pro-Am (Europe) (Rev A)
5432. R.C. Pro-Am (Europe)
5433. R.C. Pro-Am (USA) (Rev A)
5434. R.C. Pro-Am (USA)
5435. R.C. Pro-Am II (Europe)
5436. R.C. Pro-Am II (USA)
5437. Race America (USA)
5438. Racer Mini Yonku – Japan Cup (Japan)
5439. Racermate Challenge II (USA) (v3.11.088) (Unl)
5440. Racermate Challenge II (USA) (v3.12.027) (Unl)
5441. Racermate Challenge II (USA) (v5.01.033) (Unl)
5442. Racermate Challenge II (USA) (v6.02.002) (Unl)
5443. Racermate Challenge II (USA) (v9.03.128) (Unl)
5444. Racket Attack (Europe)
5445. Racket Attack (USA)
5446. Rackets & Rivals (Europe)
5447. Rad Racer (Europe)
5448. Rad Racer (USA)
5449. Rad Racer II (USA)
5450. Rad Racket – Deluxe Tennis II (USA) (Unl)
5451. Radac Tailor-Made (Japan)
5452. Radia Senki – Reimei Hen (Japan)
5453. Raf World (Japan)
5454. Raid 2020 (USA) (Unl)
5455. Raid on Bungeling Bay (Japan) (En) (Rev A)
5456. Raid on Bungeling Bay (Japan)
5457. Raid on Bungeling Bay (USA)
5458. Rainbow Islands – Bubble Bobble 2 (Europe)
5459. Rainbow Islands – The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Japan) (Sample)
5460. Rainbow Islands – The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Japan)
5461. Rainbow Islands (USA)
5462. Rally Bike (USA)
5463. Rambo (Japan)
5464. Rambo (USA) (Rev A)
5465. Rambo (USA)
5466. Rampage (USA)
5467. Rampart (Europe)
5468. Rampart (Japan)
5469. Rampart (USA)
5470. Real Player’s Pak (Australia) (Unl)
5471. Red Arremer II (Japan)
5472. Reigen Doushi (Japan)
5473. Remote Control (USA)
5474. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Buckeroo$! (USA)”
5475. Renegade (USA)
5476. Rescue – The Embassy Mission (Europe)
5477. Rescue – The Embassy Mission (USA) (Beta)
5478. Rescue – The Embassy Mission (USA)
5479. Ring King (USA)
5480. River City Ransom (USA)
5481. Road Fighter (Europe)
5482. Road Fighter (Japan)
5483. Road Runner (USA) (Unl)
5484. RoadBlasters (Europe)
5485. RoadBlasters (USA)
5486. Robert Byrne’s Pool Challenge (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
5487. Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (Europe)
5488. Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (Germany)
5489. Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (Spain)
5490. Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (USA) (Rev A)
5491. Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (USA)
5492. Robo Warrior (Europe)
5493. Robo Warrior (USA)
5494. Robocco Wars (Japan)
5495. RoboCop (Europe)
5496. RoboCop (Japan)
5497. RoboCop (USA) (Beta)
5498. RoboCop (USA)
5499. RoboCop 2 (Europe)
5500. RoboCop 2 (Japan)
5501. RoboCop 2 (USA) (Rev A)
5502. RoboCop 2 (USA)
5503. RoboCop 3 (Europe)
5504. RoboCop 3 (USA)
5505. RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA) (Proto)
5506. Robodemons (USA) (Unl)
5507. Rock ‘n’ Ball (USA)
5508. Rockball (Asia) (Unl)
5509. Rocket Ranger (USA)
5510. ”Rocketeer. The (USA)”
5511. Rockin’ Kats (Europe)
5512. Rockin’ Kats (USA) (Beta)
5513. Rockin’ Kats (USA)
5514. Rockman (Japan) (En)
5515. Rockman 2 – Dr. Wily no Nazo (Japan)
5516. Rockman 3 – Dr. Wily no Saigo! (Japan)
5517. Rockman 4 – Aratanaru Yabou!! (Japan)
5518. Rockman 5 – Blues no Wana! (Japan)
5519. Rockman 6 – Shijou Saidai no Tatakai!! (Japan)
5520. Rocman X (Asia) (Unl)
5521. Rod Land (Europe)
5522. Rod Land featuring Rit and Tam (Europe) (Beta)
5523. Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball (USA)
5524. Rokudenashi Blues (Japan)
5525. Rollerball (Australia)
5526. Rollerball (Japan)
5527. Rollerball (USA)
5528. Rollerblade Racer (USA)
5529. Rollergames (Europe)
5530. Rollergames (USA)
5531. Rolling Thunder (Japan)
5532. Rolling Thunder (USA) (Unl)
5533. Romance of the Three Kingdoms (USA)
5534. Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA)
5535. Romancia (Japan)
5536. Roundball – 2-on-2 Challenge (Europe)
5537. Roundball – 2-on-2 Challenge (USA)
5538. Route-16 Turbo (Japan)
5539. Royal Blood (Japan)
5540. RPG Jinsei Game (Japan)
5541. Rumble Station – 15 in 1 (USA) (Unl)
5542. Rush’n Attack (Europe)
5543. Rush’n Attack (USA)
5544. Rygar (Europe)
5545. Rygar (USA) (Rev A)
5546. Rygar (USA)
5547. S.C.A.T. – Special Cybernetic Attack Team (USA) (Beta)
5548. S.C.A.T. – Special Cybernetic Attack Team (USA)
5549. Safety Rally (Japan)
5550. Saint Seiya – Ougon Densetsu (Japan)
5551. Saint Seiya – Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen (Japan) (Beta)
5552. Saint Seiya – Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen (Japan)
5553. Saiyuuki World (Japan)
5554. Saiyuuki World 2 – Tenjoukai no Majin (Japan)
5555. Sakigake!! Otoko Juku – Shippuu Ichi Gou Sei (Japan)
5556. Salad no Kuni no Tomato Hime (Japan)
5557. Salamander (Japan)
5558. Samsara Naga (Japan)
5559. San Guo Zhi – Qun Xiong Zheng Ba (Asia) (Unl)
5560. San Guo Zhong Lie Zhuan (China) (Unl)
5561. Sanada Juu Yuushi (Japan)
5562. Sangokushi – Chuugen no Hasha (Japan)
5563. Sangokushi (Japan) (Rev A)
5564. Sangokushi (Japan)
5565. Sangokushi II – Haou no Tairiku (Japan)
5566. Sangokushi II (Japan) (Rev AB)
5567. Sangokushi II (Japan)
5568. Sanma no Mei Tantei (Japan)
5569. Sanrio Carnival (Japan)
5570. Sanrio Carnival 2 (Japan)
5571. Sanrio Cup – Pon Pon Volley (Japan)
5572. Sansuu 1 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan)
5573. Sansuu 2 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan)
5574. Sansuu 3 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan)
5575. Sansuu 4 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan) (Beta)
5576. Sansuu 4 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan)
5577. Sansuu 5 & 6 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan) (Beta)
5578. Sansuu 5 & 6 Nen – Keisan Game (Japan)
5579. Satomi Hakkenden (Japan)
5580. Satsui no Kaisou – Soft House Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5581. Scarabeus (USA) (Sample)
5582. SD Battle Oozumou – Heisei Hero Basho (Japan)
5583. SD Gundam – Gachapon Senshi 2 – Capsule Senki (Japan)
5584. SD Gundam – Gachapon Senshi 3 – Eiyuu Senki (Japan)
5585. SD Gundam – Gachapon Senshi 4 – NewType Story (Japan)
5586. SD Gundam – Gachapon Senshi 5 – Battle of Universal Century (Japan)
5587. SD Gundam Gaiden – Knight Gundam Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1)
5588. SD Gundam Gaiden – Knight Gundam Monogatari (Japan)
5589. SD Gundam Gaiden – Knight Gundam Monogatari 2 – Hikari no Knight (Japan)
5590. SD Gundam Gaiden – Knight Gundam Monogatari 3 – Densetsu no Kishi Dan (Japan)
5591. SD Hero Soukessen – Taose! Aku no Gundan (Japan)
5592. SD Keiji – Blader (Japan)
5593. SD Sengoku Bushou Retsuden (Japan)
5594. Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
5595. Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise (USA) (Unl)
5596. Secret Ties (USA) (Proto)
5597. Section-Z (Europe)
5598. Section-Z (USA)
5599. Seicross (Japan) (Rev 1)
5600. Seicross (Japan)
5601. Seicross (USA)
5602. Seikima II – Akuma no Gyakushuu! (Japan)
5603. Seirei Densetsu Lickle (Japan)
5604. Seirei Gari (Japan)
5605. Seiryaku Simulation – Inbou no Wakusei – Shancara (Japan)
5606. Sekiryuuou (Japan)
5607. Senjou no Ookami (Japan)
5608. Sensha Senryaku – Sabaku no Kitsune (Japan)
5609. Sesame Street – Big Bird’s Hide & Speak (USA)
5610. Sesame Street 123 (USA)
5611. Sesame Street ABC & 123 (USA)
5612. Sesame Street ABC (USA)
5613. Sesame Street Countdown (USA)
5614. Shadow Brain (Japan)
5615. Shadow of the Ninja (USA)
5616. Shadow Warriors (Europe)
5617. Shadow Warriors II – Ninja Gaiden II (Europe)
5618. Shadowgate (Europe)
5619. Shadowgate (France)
5620. Shadowgate (Germany)
5621. Shadowgate (Japan)
5622. Shadowgate (Sweden)
5623. Shadowgate (USA)
5624. Shaffle Fight (Japan)
5625. Shang Gu Shen Jian (China) (Unl)
5626. Shanghai (Japan) (Sample)
5627. Shanghai (Japan)
5628. Shanghai II (Japan)
5629. Shatterhand (Europe)
5630. Shatterhand (USA) (Beta)
5631. Shatterhand (USA)
5632. Shen Tan Ke Nan (China) (Unl)
5633. Sheng Huo Lie Zhuan (Asia) (Unl)
5634. Sherlock Holmes – Hakushaku Reijou Yuukai Jiken (Japan)
5635. Shikinjou (Japan)
5636. Shin 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong – Yakuman Tengoku (Japan)
5637. Shin Jinrui – The New Type (Japan)
5638. Shin Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
5639. Shin Satomi Hakken-Den – Hikari to Yami no Tatakai (Japan)
5640. Shingen the Ruler (USA)
5641. Shinobi (USA) (Unl)
5642. Shinsenden (Japan)
5643. Shisen Mahjong – Seifuku Hen (Japan) (Unl)
5644. Shockwave (USA) (Unl)
5645. Shogun (Japan)
5646. Shooting Range (USA)
5647. Short Order + Egg-Splode! (USA)
5648. Shougi Meikan ’92 (Japan)
5649. Shougi Meikan ’93 (Japan)
5650. Shoukoushi Ceddie (Japan)
5651. Shounen Ashibe – Nepal Daibouken no Maki (Japan)
5652. Shuang Xiang Pao (Asia) (Unl)
5653. Shuang Ying (Asia) (Unl)
5654. Shufflepuck Cafe (Japan)
5655. Shui Guo Li (Asia) (Unl)
5656. Side Pocket (Europe)
5657. Side Pocket (Japan)
5658. Side Pocket (USA)
5659. Sidewinder (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5660. Sidewinder (Australia) (Unl)
5661. Silent Assault (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5662. Silent Assault (USA) (Unl)
5663. Silent Service (Europe)
5664. Silent Service (USA) (Rev A)
5665. Silent Service (USA)
5666. Silk Worm (USA)
5667. Silva Saga (Japan)
5668. Silver Eagle (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5669. Silver Surfer (USA)
5670. ”Simpsons. The – Bart vs. the Space Mutants (Europe)”
5671. ”Simpsons. The – Bart vs. the Space Mutants (USA) (Rev A)”
5672. ”Simpsons. The – Bart vs. the Space Mutants (USA)”
5673. ”Simpsons. The – Bart vs. the World (Europe)”
5674. ”Simpsons. The – Bart vs. the World (USA)”
5675. ”Simpsons. The – Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (Europe)”
5676. ”Simpsons. The – Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (USA) (Beta)”
5677. ”Simpsons. The – Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (USA)”
5678. Skate Boy (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
5679. Skate or Die (Europe)
5680. Skate or Die (USA)
5681. Skate or Die 2 – The Search for Double Trouble (USA)
5682. Ski or Die (Europe)
5683. Ski or Die (USA)
5684. Skull & Crossbones (USA) (Unl)
5685. Sky Destroyer (Japan)
5686. Sky Kid (Japan)
5687. Sky Kid (USA)
5688. Sky Shark (USA) (Rev 0A)
5689. Slalom (Europe)
5690. Slalom (USA)
5691. Smash T.V. (Europe)
5692. Smash T.V. (USA)
5693. ”Smurfs. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
5694. Snake Rattle n Roll (Europe)
5695. Snake Rattle n Roll (USA)
5696. Snake’s Revenge (Europe)
5697. Snake’s Revenge (USA)
5698. Snoopy’s Silly Sports Spectacular! (USA)
5699. Snow Bros. (Japan)
5700. Snow Brothers (Europe)
5701. Snow Brothers (USA)
5702. Snowboard Challenge (Europe)
5703. Soap Panic (Japan) (Unl)
5704. Soccer (Europe) (Rev A)
5705. Soccer (World)
5706. Soccer League – Winner’s Cup (Japan)
5707. Softball Tengoku (Japan)
5708. Solar Jetman – Hunt for the Golden Warpship (Europe)
5709. Solar Jetman – Hunt for the Golden Warpship (USA)
5710. Solitaire (USA) (Unl)
5711. Solomon no Kagi (Japan)
5712. Solomon no Kagi 2 – Coolmintou Kyuushutsu Sakusen (Japan)
5713. Solomon’s Key (Europe)
5714. Solomon’s Key (USA)
5715. Solomon’s Key 2 (Europe)
5716. Solomon’s Key 2 (USA) (Beta)
5717. Solstice – The Quest for the Staff of Demnos (Europe)
5718. Solstice – The Quest for the Staff of Demnos (USA) (Beta)
5719. Solstice – The Quest for the Staff of Demnos (USA)
5720. Solstice (Japan)
5721. Son Son (Japan)
5722. Soreike! Anpanman – Minna de Hiking Game! (Japan)
5723. Sou Setsu Ryuu (Japan) (Beta)
5724. Sou Setsu Ryuu II – The Revenge (Japan) (Beta)
5725. Sou Setsu Ryuu II – The Revenge (Japan)
5726. Sou Setsu Ryuu III – The Rosetta Stone (Japan)
5727. Space Harrier (Japan)
5728. Space Hunter (Japan)
5729. Space Invaders (Japan)
5730. Space Shadow (Japan)
5731. Space Shuttle Project (USA)
5732. Spartan X (Japan)
5733. Spartan X 2 (Japan)
5734. Special Tag Team Pro Wrestling (Japan)
5735. Spelunker (Japan)
5736. Spelunker (USA)
5737. Spelunker II – Yuusha e no Chousen (Japan)
5738. Spider-Man – Return of the Sinister Six (Europe)
5739. Spider-Man – Return of the Sinister Six (USA)
5740. Spiritual Warfare (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
5741. Spiritual Warfare (USA) (v5.1) (Unl)
5742. Spiritual Warfare (USA) (v6.0) (Unl)
5743. Spiritual Warfare (USA) (v6.1) (Unl)
5744. Splatter House – Wanpaku Graffiti (Japan)
5745. Spot – The Video Game (Japan)
5746. Spot – The Video Game (USA)
5747. Spy Hunter (USA)
5748. Spy vs Spy (Europe)
5749. Spy vs Spy (Japan)
5750. Spy vs Spy (USA)
5751. Sqoon (Japan) (Rev A)
5752. Sqoon (Japan)
5753. Sqoon (USA)
5754. Square Deal (Japan) (Beta)
5755. Square no Tom Sawyer (Japan)
5756. Squashed (USA) (Proto)
5757. Stack-Up (World)
5758. Stadium Events (Europe)
5759. Stadium Events (USA)
5760. Stanley – The Search for Dr. Livingston (USA)
5761. Star Force (Europe)
5762. Star Force (Japan)
5763. Star Force (USA) (Beta)
5764. Star Force (USA)
5765. Star Gate (Japan)
5766. Star Luster (Japan)
5767. Star Soldier (Japan)
5768. Star Soldier (USA)
5769. Star Trek – 25th Anniversary (Germany)
5770. Star Trek – 25th Anniversary (USA)
5771. Star Trek – The Next Generation (USA)
5772. Star Trek V – The Final Frontier (Unknown) (Proto)
5773. Star Voyager (USA)
5774. Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (Europe)
5775. Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (Japan)
5776. Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (USA) (Beta)
5777. Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (USA)
5778. Star Wars (Europe)
5779. Star Wars (Japan) (Namco)
5780. Star Wars (Japan) (Victor)
5781. Star Wars (USA) (Beta)
5782. Star Wars (USA)
5783. Starship Hector (USA)
5784. StarTropics (Europe)
5785. StarTropics (USA)
5786. Stealth ATF (Europe)
5787. Stealth ATF (USA)
5788. Sted – Iseki Wakusei no Yabou (Japan)
5789. Stick Hunter – Exciting Ice Hockey (Japan)
5790. Stinger (USA)
5791. Strategist (Asia) (NTSC) (Unl)
5792. Strategist (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5793. Street Cop (USA)
5794. Street Fighter 2010 – The Final Fight (USA)
5795. Street Gangs (Europe)
5796. Street Heroes (Asia) (Unl)
5797. Strider (USA)
5798. Strider Hiryu (Japan) (Proto)
5799. Study Box (Japan)
5800. Stunt Kids (USA) (Unl)
5801. Sugoro Quest – Dice no Senshitachi (Japan)
5802. Suikoden – Tenmei no Chikai (Japan)
5803. Sukeban Deka III (Japan)
5804. Summer Carnival ’92 – Recca (Japan)
5805. Sunday Funday – The Ride (USA) (Unl)
5806. Sunman (Europe) (Proto)
5807. Super Arabian (Japan)
5808. Super Black Onyx (Japan)
5809. Super C (USA)
5810. Super Cars (USA)
5811. Super Cartridge Ver 1 – 4 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5812. Super Cartridge Ver 2 – 10 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5813. Super Cartridge Ver 3 – 8 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5814. Super Cartridge Ver 4 – 6 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5815. Super Cartridge Ver 5 – 7 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5816. Super Cartridge Ver 6 – 6 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5817. Super Cartridge Ver 7 – 4 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5818. Super Cartridge Ver 8 – 4 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5819. Super Cartridge Ver 9 – 3 in 1 (Asia) (Unl)
5820. Super Chinese (Japan)
5821. Super Chinese 2 – Dragon Kid (Japan)
5822. Super Chinese 3 (Japan)
5823. Super Contra (Japan)
5824. Super Dodge Ball (USA)
5825. Super Dyna’mix Badminton (Japan)
5826. Super Glove Ball (USA)
5827. Super Jeopardy! (USA)
5828. Super Mario Bros. (Europe) (Rev A)
5829. Super Mario Bros. (World)
5830. Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt (Europe)
5831. Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt (USA)
5832. Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet (USA) (Rev A)
5833. Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet (USA)
5834. Super Mario Bros. + Tetris + Nintendo World Cup (Europe) (Rev A)
5835. Super Mario Bros. + Tetris + Nintendo World Cup (Europe)
5836. Super Mario Bros. 2 (Europe)
5837. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) (Beta)
5838. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) (Rev A)
5839. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
5840. ”Super Mario Bros. 25 Shuunen Version (Japan) (En) (Promo. Virtual Console)”
5841. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Europe) (Wii Virtual Console)
5842. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Europe)
5843. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Japan) (Rev A)
5844. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Japan)
5845. Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)
5846. Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA)
5847. Super Mario USA (Japan)
5848. Super Mogura Tataki!! – Pokkun Mogurar (Japan)
5849. Super Momotarou Dentetsu (Japan)
5850. Super Pang (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
5851. Super Pang II (Asia) (Unl)
5852. Super Pinball (Japan) (Beta)
5853. Super Pinball (Japan)
5854. Super Pitfall (Japan)
5855. Super Pitfall (USA)
5856. Super Pitfall II (USA) (Proto)
5857. Super Real Baseball ’88 (Japan)
5858. Super Rugby (Japan)
5859. Super Spike V’Ball (Europe)
5860. Super Spike V’Ball (USA)
5861. Super Spike V’Ball + Nintendo World Cup (USA)
5862. Super Sports Challenge (Europe) (Plug-Thru Cart) (Unl)
5863. Super Sports Challenge (Europe) (Unl)
5864. Super Sprint (Japan)
5865. Super Sprint (USA) (Unl)
5866. Super Spy Hunter (Europe)
5867. Super Spy Hunter (USA)
5868. Super Star Force (Japan)
5869. Super Team Games (USA)
5870. Super Turrican (Europe)
5871. Super Xevious – Gump no Nazo (Japan)
5872. Superman (Japan) (Beta)
5873. Superman (Japan)
5874. Superman (Sunsoft) (USA) (Proto)
5875. Superman (USA)
5876. Superstar Pro Wrestling (Japan)
5877. Swamp Thing (Europe)
5878. Swamp Thing (USA)
5879. SWAT – Special Weapons and Tactics (Japan)
5880. Sweet Home (Japan) (Beta)
5881. Sweet Home (Japan)
5882. Sword Master (Europe)
5883. Sword Master (Japan)
5884. Sword Master (USA)
5885. Swords and Serpents (Europe)
5886. Swords and Serpents (France)
5887. Swords and Serpents (USA)
5888. Taboo – The Sixth Sense (USA) (Rev A)
5889. Taboo – The Sixth Sense (USA)
5890. Tag Team Pro-Wrestling (Japan)
5891. Tag Team Wrestling (USA)
5892. Tagin’ Dragon (USA) (Unl)
5893. Taito Basketball (Japan)
5894. Taito Chase H.Q. (Japan)
5895. Taito Grand Prix – Eikou e no License (Japan)
5896. Taiwan Mahjong – Tai Wan Ma Que 16 (Asia) (Unl)
5897. Taiwan Mahjong 2 (Asia) (Unl)
5898. Taiyou no Shinden (Japan)
5899. Taiyou no Yuusha – Fighbird (Japan)
5900. Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima (Japan)
5901. Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima II (Japan)
5902. Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima III (Japan)
5903. Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima IV (Japan)
5904. Takahashi Meijin no Bugutte Honey (Japan)
5905. Takeda Shingen (Japan)
5906. Takeda Shingen 2 (Japan)
5907. Takeshi no Chousenjou (Japan)
5908. Takeshi no Sengoku Fuuunji (Japan) (Beta)
5909. Takeshi no Sengoku Fuuunji (Japan)
5910. TaleSpin (Europe)
5911. TaleSpin (USA)
5912. Tamura Koushou Mahjong Seminar (Japan)
5913. Tanigawa Kouji no Shougi Shinan II (Japan)
5914. Tanigawa Kouji no Shougi Shinan III (Japan)
5915. Tanque (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
5916. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou – Toki no Sugiyuku Mama ni… (Japan)
5917. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou – Yokohamakou Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
5918. Tao (Japan)
5919. Target Renegade (USA)
5920. Taro’s Quest (USA) (Proto)
5921. Tasac (Asia) (Unl)
5922. Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (Japan)
5923. Tatakae! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers – Convoy no Nazo (Japan)
5924. Tatakae!! Rahmen Man – Sakuretsu Choujin 102 Gei (Japan)
5925. Tatakai no Banka (Japan) (Rev A)
5926. Tatakai no Banka (Japan)
5927. Tecmo Baseball (USA)
5928. Tecmo Bowl (Japan)
5929. Tecmo Bowl (USA) (Beta)
5930. Tecmo Bowl (USA) (Rev A)
5931. Tecmo Bowl (USA)
5932. Tecmo Cup – Football Game (Europe)
5933. Tecmo Cup – Football Game (Spain)
5934. Tecmo Cup – Soccer Game (USA)
5935. Tecmo NBA Basketball (USA) (Rev A)
5936. Tecmo NBA Basketball (USA)
5937. Tecmo Super Bowl (Japan)
5938. Tecmo Super Bowl (USA) (Beta)
5939. Tecmo Super Bowl (USA)
5940. Tecmo World Cup Soccer (Europe)
5941. Tecmo World Cup Soccer (Japan)
5942. Tecmo World Wrestling (Europe)
5943. Tecmo World Wrestling (USA)
5944. Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles – Tournament Fighters (Europe)
5945. Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe)
5946. Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II – The Arcade Game (Europe)
5947. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters (USA)
5948. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Italy)
5949. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan)
5950. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA) (Beta)
5951. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA)
5952. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II – The Arcade Game (Australia)
5953. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II – The Arcade Game (Unknown) (Beta)
5954. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II – The Arcade Game (USA)
5955. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II – The Manhattan Project (Japan)
5956. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III – The Manhattan Project (USA)
5957. Tenchi o Kurau (Japan) (Rev A)
5958. Tenchi o Kurau (Japan)
5959. Tenchi o Kurau II – Shokatsu Koumei Den (Japan) (Rev A)
5960. Tenchi o Kurau II – Shokatsu Koumei Den (Japan)
5961. Tenka no Goikenban – Mito Koumon (Japan)
5962. Tenkaichi Bushi – Keru Naguuru (Japan)
5963. Tennis (Europe)
5964. ”Tennis (Japan. USA)”
5965. Tennis (USA) (GameCube Edition)
5966. Terao no Dosukoi Oozumou (Japan)
5967. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (Europe)
5968. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (USA) (Beta)
5969. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (USA)
5970. Terminator 2 (Japan)
5971. ”Terminator. The (USA. Europe)”
5972. Terra Cresta (Japan)
5973. Terra Cresta (USA)
5974. Tetrastar – The Fighter (Japan)
5975. Tetris (Bulletproof) (Japan) (Rev A)
5976. Tetris (Bulletproof) (Japan) (Rev B)
5977. Tetris (Bulletproof) (Japan)
5978. Tetris (Europe)
5979. Tetris (USA) (Unl)
5980. Tetris (USA)
5981. Tetris 2 (Europe)
5982. Tetris 2 (USA)
5983. Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) (Rev A)
5984. Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan)
5985. Tetris Flash (Japan)
5986. Tetsudou Ou – Famicom Boardgame (Japan)
5987. Tetsuwan Atom (Japan)
5988. Thexder (Japan)
5989. Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends (USA) (Proto)
5990. ”Three Stooges. The (USA) (Beta)”
5991. ”Three Stooges. The (USA)”
5992. Thunder & Lightning (USA)
5993. Thunder Warrior (Asia) (Unl)
5994. Thunderbirds (Japan)
5995. Thunderbirds (USA)
5996. Thundercade (USA)
5997. Tiger-Heli (Europe) (Rev A)
5998. Tiger-Heli (Europe)
5999. Tiger-Heli (Japan)
6000. Tiger-Heli (USA)
6001. Tiles of Fate (USA) (Unl)
6002. Time Diver Eon Man (USA) (Proto)
6003. Time Lord (Europe)
6004. Time Lord (USA)
6005. Time Zone (Japan)
6006. Times of Lore (Japan)
6007. Times of Lore (USA)
6008. Tiny Toon Adventures (Europe)
6009. Tiny Toon Adventures (Japan)
6010. Tiny Toon Adventures (USA)
6011. Tiny Toon Adventures 2 – Montana Land e Youkoso (Japan)
6012. Tiny Toon Adventures 2 – Trouble in Wackyland (Europe)
6013. Tiny Toon Adventures 2 – Trouble in Wackyland (USA)
6014. Tiny Toon Adventures Cartoon Workshop (Europe)
6015. Tiny Toon Adventures Cartoon Workshop (USA)
6016. Titan (Japan)
6017. Titan Warriors (USA) (Proto)
6018. TM Network – Live in Power Bowl (Japan)
6019. To the Earth (Europe)
6020. To the Earth (USA)
6021. Toki (USA) (Beta)
6022. Toki (USA)
6023. Toki no Tabibito (Japan)
6024. Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain (Japan)
6025. Tokoro-san no Mamoru mo Semeru mo (Japan)
6026. Tom & Jerry – The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse! (Europe)
6027. Tom & Jerry – The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse! (USA)
6028. Tom & Jerry (Japan)
6029. Tom Sawyer no Bouken (Japan)
6030. Tombs & Treasure (USA)
6031. Toobin’ (USA) (Unl)
6032. Top Gun – Dual Fighters (Japan)
6033. Top Gun – The Second Mission (Europe)
6034. Top Gun – The Second Mission (USA)
6035. Top Gun (Europe)
6036. Top Gun (Japan)
6037. Top Gun (USA) (Rev A)
6038. Top Gun (USA)
6039. Top Rider (Japan)
6040. Top Striker (Japan)
6041. Total Funpak (Australia) (Unl)
6042. Total Recall (Europe)
6043. Total Recall (USA)
6044. Totally Rad (Europe)
6045. Totally Rad (USA)
6046. Totsuzen! Macchoman (Japan) (Beta)
6047. Totsuzen! Macchoman (Japan)
6048. Touch Down Fever (Japan)
6049. Touch Down Fever (USA)
6050. Touhou Kenbun Roku (Japan)
6051. Toukon Club (Japan)
6052. Toukyou Pachi-Slot Adventure (Japan) (Rev 0)
6053. Toukyou Pachi-Slot Adventure (Japan) (Rev A)
6054. Tower of Radia (USA) (Proto)
6055. Town & Country Surf Designs – Thrilla’s Surfari (USA)
6056. Town & Country Surf Designs – Wood & Water Rage (USA)
6057. Toxic Crusaders (USA)
6058. Track & Field (USA)
6059. Track & Field II (Europe)
6060. Track & Field II (USA) (Rev A)
6061. Track & Field II (USA)
6062. Track & Field in Barcelona (Europe)
6063. Treasure Master (USA)
6064. ”Triathron. The (Japan)”
6065. Trog! (Europe)
6066. Trog! (USA)
6067. Trojan (Europe)
6068. Trojan (USA)
6069. ”Trolls in Crazyland. The (Europe)”
6070. Trolls on Treasure Island (USA) (Unl)
6071. Tsuppari Oozumou (Japan)
6072. Tsuppari Wars (Japan)
6073. Tsuri Kichi Sanpei – Blue Marlin Hen (Japan)
6074. Tsuru Pika Hagemaru – Mezase! Tsuru Seko no Akashi (Japan)
6075. Turbo Racing (Europe)
6076. Twin Cobra (USA)
6077. Twin Eagle (Asia) (PAL) (Unl)
6078. Twin Eagle (Japan)
6079. Twin Eagle (USA)
6080. TwinBee (Japan)
6081. TwinBee 3 – Poko Poko Daimaou (Japan) (Sample)
6082. TwinBee 3 – Poko Poko Daimaou (Japan)
6083. U.S. Championship V’Ball (Japan) (Beta)
6084. U.S. Championship V’Ball (Japan)
6085. Uchuu Keibitai SDF (Japan)
6086. Uchuusen Cosmo Carrier (Japan)
6087. Uforce Power Games (USA) (Proto 1)
6088. Uforce Power Games (USA) (Proto 2) [b]
6089. U-Force Test (USA)
6090. Ufouria – The Saga (Europe) (Beta)
6091. Ufouria – The Saga (Europe)
6092. Ultima – Exodus (Japan)
6093. Ultima – Exodus (USA)
6094. Ultima – Quest of the Avatar (USA)
6095. Ultima – Seija e no Michi (Japan)
6096. Ultima – Warriors of Destiny (USA)
6097. ”Ultimate Air Combat (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Beta)”
6098. ”Ultimate Air Combat (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6099. Ultimate Air Combat (USA)
6100. Ultimate Basketball (USA)
6101. Ultimate League Soccer (Italy) (Unl)
6102. Ultimate League Soccer (USA) (Unl)
6103. ”Ultimate Stuntman. The (USA) (Unl)”
6104. Ultraman Club – Kaijuu Daikessen!! (Japan)
6105. Ultraman Club 2 – Kaettekita Ultraman Club (Japan)
6106. Ultraman Club 3 – Matamata Shutsugeki!! Ultra Kyoudai (Japan)
6107. ”Uncanny X-Men. The (USA)”
6108. Uncharted Waters (USA)
6109. Uninvited (USA)
6110. ”Universe Soldiers. The (Unknown) (Unl)”
6111. ”Untouchables. The (Japan)”
6112. ”Untouchables. The (USA) (Rev A)”
6113. ”Untouchables. The (USA) (Rev B)”
6114. ”Untouchables. The (USA)”
6115. Urban Champion (World)
6116. Urusei Yatsura – Lum no Wedding Bell (Japan) (Beta)
6117. Urusei Yatsura – Lum no Wedding Bell (Japan)
6118. USA Ice Hockey in FC (Japan)
6119. Ushio to Tora – Shinen no Taiyou (Japan)
6120. Utsurun Desu (Japan)
6121. Valkyrie no Bouken – Toki no Kagi Densetsu (Japan)
6122. Vegas Connection – Casino kara Ai o Komete (Japan)
6123. Vegas Dream (USA)
6124. Venice Beach Volleyball (Asia) (Unl)
6125. Venice Beach Volleyball (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
6126. Venice Beach Volleyball (USA) (Unl)
6127. Venus Senki – Back the City (Japan)
6128. Vice – Project Doom (USA)
6129. Videomation (USA)
6130. Vindicators (USA) (Unl)
6131. Virus (USA) (Beta) (1989)
6132. Virus (USA) (Beta) (1990-02-02)
6133. ”Virus (USA) (Beta) (Between 1990-02-02 & 1990-04-27. earlier)”
6134. Viva! Las Vegas (Japan)
6135. Volguard II (Japan)
6136. Volley Ball (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
6137. ”Volleyball (USA. Europe)”
6138. Wacky Races (USA)
6139. Wagyan Land (Japan)
6140. Wagyan Land 2 (Japan)
6141. Wagyan Land 3 (Japan)
6142. Wai Wai World (Japan)
6143. Wai Wai World 2 – SOS!! Paseri Jou (Japan)
6144. Wait and See (Russia) (Unl)
6145. Wall Street Kid (USA)
6146. Wally Bear and the No! Gang (USA) (Beta) (Unl)
6147. Wally Bear and the No! Gang (USA) (Unl)
6148. Wang Zi Fu Chou Ji (China) (Unl)
6149. Wanpaku Duck Yume Bouken (Japan) (Beta)
6150. Wanpaku Duck Yume Bouken (Japan)
6151. Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourmet World (Japan)
6152. ”War in the Gulf (Brazil) (CCE. Gluk Video) (Unl)”
6153. War on Wheels (USA) (Proto)
6154. Wario no Mori (Japan)
6155. Wario’s Woods (Europe)
6156. Wario’s Woods (USA)
6157. Warpman (Japan)
6158. Wayne Gretzky Hockey (USA)
6159. Wayne’s World (USA)
6160. WCW World Championship Wrestling (USA)
6161. Wei Lai Xiao Zi (Asia) (Unl)
6162. Werewolf – The Last Warrior (Europe)
6163. Werewolf – The Last Warrior (USA)
6164. Western Kids (Japan)
6165. Wheel of Fortune – Family Edition (USA)
6166. Wheel of Fortune – Junior Edition (USA)
6167. Wheel of Fortune (USA) (Rev A)
6168. Wheel of Fortune (USA)
6169. Wheel of Fortune Starring Vanna White (USA)
6170. Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego (USA)
6171. Where’s Waldo (USA)
6172. White Lion Densetsu – Pyramid no Kanata ni (Japan)
6173. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (USA)
6174. Whomp ‘Em (USA)
6175. Widget (USA)
6176. ”Wild Gunman (Japan. USA)”
6177. Wild Gunman (World) (Rev A)
6178. Willow (Europe)
6179. Willow (Japan)
6180. Willow (USA)
6181. Wily & Right no Rockboard – That’s Paradise (Japan)
6182. ”Win. Lose or Draw (USA)”
6183. ”Wing of Madoola. The (Japan) (Sample)”
6184. Winter Games (USA) (Rev A)
6185. Winter Games (USA)
6186. Wit’s (Japan)
6187. Wizardry – Knight of Diamonds – The Second Scenario (USA)
6188. Wizardry – Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (Japan)
6189. Wizardry – Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (USA)
6190. Wizardry II – Llylgamyn no Isan (Japan)
6191. Wizardry III – Diamond no Kishi (Japan)
6192. Wizards & Warriors (Europe)
6193. Wizards & Warriors (USA) (Rev A)
6194. Wizards & Warriors (USA)
6195. Wizards & Warriors III – Kuros…Visions of Power (Europe)
6196. Wizards & Warriors III – Kuros…Visions of Power (USA)
6197. Wolverine (USA)
6198. Wonderland Dizzy (Unknown) (Proto) (1993-09-24) (Unl)
6199. Woody Poko (Japan)
6200. World Boxing (Japan)
6201. World Champ – Super Boxing Great Fight (Europe)
6202. World Champ – Super Boxing Great Fight (USA)
6203. World Class Track Meet (USA) (Rev A)
6204. World Class Track Meet (USA)
6205. World Games (USA)
6206. World Grand-Prix – Pole to Finish (Japan)
6207. ”World of Card Games. The (Asia) (Unl)”
6208. World Super Tennis (Japan)
6209. Wrath of the Black Manta (Europe)
6210. Wrath of the Black Manta (USA) (Rev A)
6211. Wrath of the Black Manta (USA)
6212. Wrecking Crew (World)
6213. Wurm – Journey to the Center of the Earth! (USA)
6214. WWF King of the Ring (Europe)
6215. WWF King of the Ring (USA)
6216. WWF Wrestlemania (Europe)
6217. WWF Wrestlemania (USA)
6218. WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (Europe)
6219. WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (Japan)
6220. WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (USA)
6221. WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (Europe)
6222. WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (USA)
6223. Xenophobe (USA)
6224. Xevious – The Avenger (USA)
6225. Xevious (Europe)
6226. Xevious (Japan) (En) (Rev 1)
6227. Xevious (Japan)
6228. Xexyz (USA)
6229. Xing He Zhan Shi (China) (Unl)
6230. Xing Ji Zheng Ba (China) (Unl)
6231. Xing Zhan Qing Yuan (China) (Unl)
6232. Xybots (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
6233. Yamamura Misa Suspense Series – Kyouto Zai-Tech Satsujin Jiken (Japan)
6234. Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) (Rev 1.2)
6235. Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) (Rev 1.4)
6236. Ying Xiong Yuan Yi Jing Chuan Qi (China) (Unl)
6237. Yo! Noid (USA)
6238. Yoshi (USA)
6239. Yoshi no Cookie (Japan)
6240. Yoshi no Tamago (Japan)
6241. Yoshi’s Cookie (Europe)
6242. Yoshi’s Cookie (USA)
6243. You Ling Xing Dong (China) (Unl)
6244. Youkai Club (Japan)
6245. Youkai Douchuuki (Japan)
6246. ”Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. The (USA)”
6247. Yousei Monogatari – Rod Land (Japan)
6248. Ys (Japan)
6249. Ys II – Ancient Ys Vanished – The Final Chapter (Japan)
6250. Ys III – Wanderers from Ys (Japan)
6251. Yume Penguin Monogatari (Japan)
6252. Zanac (USA)
6253. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (Europe) (Rev A)
6254. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (Europe) (Rev B)
6255. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (Europe)
6256. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (USA) (GameCube Edition)
6257. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (USA)
6258. Zelda no Densetsu 1 – The Hyrule Fantasy (Japan)
6259. Zen – Intergalactic Ninja (Europe)
6260. Zen – Intergalactic Ninja (USA)
6261. Zenbei Pro Basket (Japan)
6262. Zhen Ben Xi You Ji (Asia) (Unl)
6263. Zhi Li Xiao Zhuang Yuan (China) (Unl)
6264. Zhuang Qiu Chuan Shuo Hua Zhuang II – Ball Story (China) (Unl)
6265. Zippy Race (Japan)
6266. Zoda’s Revenge – StarTropics II (USA)
6267. Zoids – Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai (Japan) (Rev A)
6268. Zoids – Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai (Japan)
6269. Zoids 2 – Zenebas no Gyakushuu (Japan)
6270. Zoids Mokushiroku (Japan)
6271. Zombie Hunter (Japan)
6272. Zombie Nation (USA)
6273. Zunou Senkan Galg (Japan) (En) (Beta)
6274. Zunou Senkan Galg (Japan)
6275. 2020 Super Baseball (Japan)
6276. 2020 Super Baseball (USA)
6277. 3 Jigen Kakutou Ballz (Japan) (Sample)
6278. 3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA)
6279. 3-jigen Kakutou Ballz (Japan)
6280. 3×3 Eyes – Juuma Houkan (Japan)
6281. 3×3 Eyes – Seima Kourinden (Japan)
6282. 46 Okunen Monogatari – Harukanaru Eden e (Japan)
6283. 4-nin Shougi (Japan)
6284. ”7th Saga. The (USA)”
6285. 90 Minutes – European Prime Goal (Europe) (Beta)
6286. 90 Minutes – European Prime Goal (Europe)
6287. 96 Zenkoku Koukou Soccer Senshuken (Japan)
6288. A.S.P. – Air Strike Patrol (USA)
6289. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (Europe)
6290. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (USA)
6291. ABC Monday Night Football (Japan)
6292. ABC Monday Night Football (USA)
6293. Accele Brid (Japan)
6294. Ace o Nerae! (Japan)
6295. ACME Animation Factory (Europe)
6296. ACME Animation Factory (USA)
6297. Acrobat Mission (Japan) (En)
6298. Action Pachio (Japan)
6299. ActRaiser (Europe)
6300. ActRaiser (France)
6301. ActRaiser (Germany)
6302. Actraiser (Japan)
6303. ActRaiser (USA) (Arcade)
6304. ActRaiser (USA)
6305. ActRaiser 2 – Chinmoku e no Seisen (Japan)
6306. ”Actraiser 2 (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6307. ActRaiser 2 (USA)
6308. ”Addams Family Values (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6309. ”Addams Family Values (USA) (En. Fr. De)”
6310. ”Addams Family. The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (Europe)”
6311. ”Addams Family. The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (USA) (Beta)”
6312. ”Addams Family. The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (USA)”
6313. ”Addams Family. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6314. ”Addams Family. The (Japan)”
6315. ”Addams Family. The (USA) (Arcade)”
6316. ”Addams Family. The (USA)”
6317. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Eye of the Beholder (USA)
6318. ”Adventures of Batman & Robin. The (Europe)”
6319. ”Adventures of Batman & Robin. The (USA)”
6320. ”Adventures of Dr. Franken. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Sv)”
6321. ”Adventures of Dr. Franken. The (USA)”
6322. ”Adventures of Kid Kleets. The (USA) (En. Fr. Es)”
6323. ”Adventures of Mighty Max. The (Europe)”
6324. ”Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends. The (USA)”
6325. ”Adventures of the Rocketeer. The (Japan)”
6326. Adventures of Yogi Bear (USA)
6327. Aero Fighters (USA)
6328. Aero the Acro-Bat (Europe)
6329. Aero the Acro-Bat (USA)
6330. Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (Europe)
6331. Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA)
6332. Aerobiz (USA)
6333. Aerobiz Supersonic (USA)
6334. Aging Cassette (Japan)
6335. Aguri Suzuki F-1 Super Driving (Europe)
6336. AIII S.V. – A Ressha de Ikou 3 – Super Version (Japan)
6337. Air Cavalry (Europe)
6338. Air Cavalry (USA)
6339. Air Management – Oozora ni Kakeru (Japan) (Rev 1)
6340. Air Management – Oozora ni Kakeru (Japan)
6341. Air Management II – Koukuu Ou o Mezase (Japan)
6342. Akagawa Jirou – Majotachi no Nemuri (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
6343. Akagawa Jirou – Majotachi no Nemuri (Japan)
6344. Akazukin Chacha (Japan)
6345. Akumajou Dracula (Japan)
6346. Akumajou Dracula XX (Japan)
6347. Al Unser Jr.’s Road to the Top (Europe)
6348. Al Unser Jr.’s Road to the Top (USA)
6349. Aladdin (Europe)
6350. Aladdin (France)
6351. Aladdin (Germany)
6352. Aladdin (Japan)
6353. Aladdin (Spain)
6354. Aladdin (USA) (Beta)
6355. Aladdin (USA)
6356. Albert Odyssey (Japan)
6357. Albert Odyssey 2 – Jashin no Taidou (Japan)
6358. Alcahest (Japan)
6359. Alfred Chicken (Europe)
6360. Alice no Paint Adventure (Japan)
6361. Alien 3 (Europe)
6362. Alien 3 (Japan)
6363. Alien 3 (USA) (Beta)
6364. Alien 3 (USA)
6365. Alien vs Predator (Europe)
6366. Alien vs Predator (USA)
6367. Aliens vs. Predator (Japan)
6368. All-American Championship Football (Europe)
6369. ”Amazing Spider-Man. The – Lethal Foes (Japan)”
6370. America Oudan Ultra Quiz (Japan)
6371. American Battle Dome (Japan)
6372. American Gladiators (USA)
6373. ”American Tail. An – Fievel Goes West (Europe)”
6374. ”American Tail. An – Fievel Goes West (USA)”
6375. Andre Agassi Tennis (Japan) (En)
6376. Andre Agassi Tennis (USA)
6377. Angelique – Voice Fantasy (Japan)
6378. Angelique (Japan) (Premium Box)
6379. Angelique (Japan)
6380. Animal Buranden – Brutal (Japan)
6381. Animaniacs (Europe)
6382. Animaniacs (Japan)
6383. Animaniacs (USA)
6384. Another World (Europe)
6385. Aoki Densetsu Shoot! (Japan) (Beta)
6386. Aoki Densetsu Shoot! (Japan)
6387. Apocalypse II (Europe) (Proto)
6388. Appleseed – Prometheus no Shintaku (Japan)
6389. Aqutallion (Japan)
6390. Arabian Nights – Sabaku no Seirei Ou (Japan) (Beta)
6391. Arabian Nights – Sabaku no Seirei Ou (Japan)
6392. Araiguma Rascal (Japan)
6393. Arcade’s Greatest Hits – The Atari Collection 1 (Europe)
6394. Arcade’s Greatest Hits – The Atari Collection 1 (USA)
6395. Arcana (USA)
6396. Archer Maclean’s Super Dropzone (Europe)
6397. Arcus Odyssey (USA) (Proto)
6398. Arcus Spirits (Japan)
6399. Ardy Lightfoot (Europe)
6400. Ardy Lightfoot (Japan) (Beta)
6401. Ardy Lightfoot (Japan)
6402. Ardy Lightfoot (USA)
6403. Area 88 (Japan)
6404. Aretha (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
6405. Aretha (Japan)
6406. Aretha II – Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi (Japan) (Beta 1)
6407. Aretha II – Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi (Japan) (Beta 2)
6408. Aretha II – Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi (Japan)
6409. Arkanoid – Doh It Again (Europe)
6410. Arkanoid – Doh It Again (Japan) (En)
6411. Arkanoid – Doh It Again (USA)
6412. Art of Fighting (Europe)
6413. Art of Fighting (USA)
6414. Aryol (Japan)
6415. Asahi Shinbun Rensai – Katou Hifumi Kudan Shougi – Shingiryuu (Japan)
6416. Asameshimae Nyanko (Japan)
6417. Ashita no Joe (Japan)
6418. ”Asterix & Obelix (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
6419. ”Asterix (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
6420. ”Atlas. The – Renaissance Voyager (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)”
6421. ”Atlas. The – Renaissance Voyager (Japan)”
6422. Axelay (Europe)
6423. Axelay (Japan)
6424. Axelay (USA) (Sample)
6425. Axelay (USA)
6426. B.O.B. (Europe)
6427. B.O.B. (USA)
6428. Bahamut Lagoon (Japan)
6429. Bakukyuu Renpatsu!! Super B-Daman (Japan)
6430. Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni (Japan)
6431. Bakutou Dochers – Bumps-jima wa Oosawagi (Japan)
6432. Ball Bullet Gun (Japan)
6433. Ballz 3D – Fighting at Its Ballziest (USA)
6434. Barbarossa (Japan)
6435. Barbie Super Model (USA)
6436. Barbie Vacation Adventure (USA) (Proto)
6437. Barkley no Power Dunk (Japan) (En)
6438. Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (Europe)
6439. Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (USA)
6440. Bass Masters Classic – Pro Edition (Europe)
6441. Bass Masters Classic – Pro Edition (USA)
6442. Bass Masters Classic (Japan)
6443. Bass Masters Classic (USA)
6444. Bassin’s Black Bass (USA)
6445. Bastard!! – Ankoku no Hakaishin (Japan)
6446. Batman – Revenge of the Joker (USA) (Proto)
6447. Batman (USA) (Proto) [b]
6448. Batman Forever (Europe)
6449. Batman Forever (Japan) (En)
6450. Batman Forever (USA)
6451. Batman Returns (Europe)
6452. Batman Returns (Japan) (En)
6453. Batman Returns (Japan) (Sample)
6454. Batman Returns (USA)
6455. Battle Blaze (Japan) (En)
6456. Battle Blaze (USA) (Beta)
6457. Battle Blaze (USA)
6458. Battle Cars (USA)
6459. Battle Clash (Europe)
6460. Battle Clash (USA)
6461. ”Battle Commander – Hachibushuu. Shura no Heihou (Japan)”
6462. Battle Cross (Japan)
6463. Battle Dodge Ball – Toukyuu Daigekitotsu! (Japan)
6464. Battle Dodge Ball II (Japan)
6465. Battle Grand Prix (Japan) (En)
6466. Battle Grand Prix (USA)
6467. Battle Jockey (Japan)
6468. Battle Master – Kyuukyoku no Senshi-tachi (Japan)
6469. Battle Pinball (Japan)
6470. Battle Racers (Japan)
6471. Battle Robot Retsuden (Japan)
6472. Battle Soccer – Field no Hasha (Japan)
6473. Battle Soccer 2 (Japan)
6474. Battle Submarine (Japan)
6475. Battle Tycoon – Flash Hiders SFX (Japan) (Rev 1)
6476. Battle Tycoon – Flash Hiders SFX (Japan)
6477. Battle Zeque Den (Japan)
6478. BattleTech (Japan)
6479. BattleTech 3050 (Japan)
6480. Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (Europe)
6481. Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (Japan)
6482. Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (USA) (Beta)
6483. Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (USA)
6484. Battletoads-Double Dragon (Europe)
6485. Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA)
6486. Bazoe! Mahou Sekai (Japan)
6487. Bazooka Blitzkrieg (USA)
6488. Beauty and the Beast (Europe) (Beta)
6489. Beauty and the Beast (Europe)
6490. Beauty and the Beast (USA)
6491. Beavis and Butt-Head (Europe)
6492. Beavis and Butt-Head (USA)
6493. Bebe’s Kids (USA)
6494. Beethoven – The Ultimate Canine Caper! (Europe)
6495. Beethoven – The Ultimate Canine Caper! (USA)
6496. Beethoven’s 2nd (USA) (Beta)
6497. Benkei Gaiden – Suna no Shou (Japan)
6498. Best of the Best – Championship Karate (Europe) (Beta)
6499. Best of the Best – Championship Karate (Europe)
6500. Best of the Best – Championship Karate (USA)
6501. Best Shot Pro Golf (Japan)
6502. Big Ichigeki! Pachi-Slot Daikouryaku (Japan)
6503. Big Ichigeki! Pachi-Slot Daikouryaku 2 – Universal Collection (Japan)
6504. Big Sky Trooper (Europe)
6505. Big Sky Trooper (USA) (Beta)
6506. Big Sky Trooper (USA)
6507. Bijo to Yajuu (Japan)
6508. Bike Daisuki! Hashiriya Tamashii (Japan)
6509. Biker Mice from Mars (Europe)
6510. Biker Mice from Mars (USA)
6511. Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball (USA)
6512. Bill Walsh College Football (USA)
6513. Bing Bing! Bingo (Japan)
6514. BioMetal (Europe)
6515. BioMetal (Japan) (En)
6516. BioMetal (USA)
6517. Bishin Densetsu Zoku (Japan)
6518. Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai (Japan) (Rev 1)
6519. Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai (Japan)
6520. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon – Another Story (Japan)
6521. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan)
6522. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R (Japan)
6523. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S – Jougai Rantou! Shuyaku Soudatsusen (Japan)
6524. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S – Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo! (Japan)
6525. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S – Kurukkurin (Japan)
6526. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS – Fuwafuwa Panic (Japan)
6527. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS – Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen (Japan)
6528. Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden – Blizzard Yuki Rannyuu!! (Japan)
6529. ”Blackhawk (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6530. Blackthorne – Fukushuu no Kuroki Toge (Japan)
6531. Blackthorne (USA) (Beta) (CES Version)
6532. Blackthorne (USA)
6533. BlaZeon – The Bio-Cyborg Challenge (USA)
6534. BlaZeon (Japan) (En)
6535. Blazing Skies (Europe)
6536. Block Kuzushi (Japan)
6537. ”Blue Crystalrod. The (Japan)”
6538. ”Blues Brothers. The (Europe) (Beta)”
6539. ”Blues Brothers. The (Europe)”
6540. ”Blues Brothers. The (Japan)”
6541. ”Blues Brothers. The (USA)”
6542. Bobby’s World (USA) (Proto)
6543. Bokujou Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1)
6544. Bokujou Monogatari (Japan)
6545. Bomber Man B-Daman (Japan)
6546. Bombuzal (Japan)
6547. Bonkers – Hollywood Daisakusen! (Japan)
6548. Bonkers (USA)
6549. Boogerman – A Pick and Flick Adventure (Europe)
6550. Boogerman – A Pick and Flick Adventure (USA)
6551. Bounty Sword (Japan) (Beta)
6552. Bounty Sword (Japan)
6553. Boxing Legends of the Ring (Europe)
6554. Boxing Legends of the Ring (USA)
6555. Brain Lord (Japan)
6556. Brain Lord (USA)
6557. ”Brainies. The (Europe)”
6558. ”Brainies. The (USA)”
6559. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Europe)
6560. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (USA) (Beta)
6561. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (USA)
6562. Brandish (Japan)
6563. Brandish (USA)
6564. Brandish 2 – Expert (Japan)
6565. Brandish 2 – The Planet Buster (Japan)
6566. Brawl Brothers – Rival Turf! 2 (Europe)
6567. Brawl Brothers (USA)
6568. BreakThru! (USA)
6569. Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi (Japan) (Rev 1)
6570. Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi (Japan)
6571. Breath of Fire (USA)
6572. Breath of Fire II – Shimei no Ko (Japan) (Rev 1)
6573. Breath of Fire II – Shimei no Ko (Japan)
6574. Breath of Fire II (Europe)
6575. Breath of Fire II (USA) (Beta)
6576. Breath of Fire II (USA)
6577. Brett Hull Hockey (Europe)
6578. Brett Hull Hockey (USA)
6579. Brett Hull Hockey 95 (USA)
6580. ”Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus (USA) (En. Es)”
6581. Brunswick World Tournament of Champions (USA)
6582. ”Brutal – Paws of Fury (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6583. Brutal – Paws of Fury (USA) (Beta)
6584. Brutal – Paws of Fury (USA)
6585. BS-X – Sore wa Namae o Nusumareta Machi no Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1)
6586. Bubsy II (Europe)
6587. Bubsy II (USA)
6588. Bubsy in – Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Europe) (Accolade)
6589. Bubsy in – Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Europe)
6590. Bubsy in – Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (USA)
6591. Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (USA) (Beta 1)
6592. Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (USA) (Beta 2)
6593. Bugs Bunny – Hachamecha Daibouken (Japan)
6594. Bugs Bunny – Rabbit Rampage (Europe)
6595. Bugs Bunny – Rabbit Rampage (USA)
6596. Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (Europe) (Rev 1)
6597. Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (Europe)
6598. Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (USA) (Rev 1)
6599. Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (USA)
6600. Burai – Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu (Japan)
6601. Bushi Seiryuuden – Futari no Yuusha (Japan)
6602. Bust-A-Move (USA)
6603. Cacoma Knight (Japan)
6604. Cacoma Knight in Bizyland (USA)
6605. Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (Europe)
6606. Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (USA) (Beta)
6607. Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (USA)
6608. ”California Games II (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6609. ”California Games II (Japan) (En. Ja)”
6610. California Games II (USA)
6611. Cameltry (Japan)
6612. Cannon Fodder (Europe)
6613. Cannondale Cup (USA)
6614. Capcom’s MVP Football (USA)
6615. Capcom’s Soccer Shootout (USA) (Beta)
6616. Capcom’s Soccer Shootout (USA)
6617. Captain America and the Avengers (Europe)
6618. Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
6619. Captain Commando (Europe)
6620. Captain Commando (Japan)
6621. Captain Commando (USA)
6622. ”Captain Novolin (USA) (En. Fr. Es)”
6623. Captain Tsubasa III – Koutei no Chousen (Japan)
6624. Captain Tsubasa IV – Pro no Rival-tachi (Japan)
6625. Captain Tsubasa J – The Way to World Youth (Japan)
6626. Captain Tsubasa V – Hasha no Shougou Campione (Japan)
6627. Caravan Shooting Collection (Japan) (En)
6628. Card Master – Rimusaria no Fuuin (Japan)
6629. Carrier Aces (Europe)
6630. Carrier Aces (Japan) (En)
6631. Carrier Aces (USA)
6632. Casper (Europe)
6633. Casper (Japan)
6634. Casper (USA)
6635. Cassette Kensaki – NUS-you S Cassette (Japan) (En)
6636. Castlevania – Dracula X (USA)
6637. Castlevania – Vampire’s Kiss (Europe)
6638. CB Chara Wars – Ushinawareta Gag (Japan)
6639. ”Champions – World Class Soccer (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
6640. Champions – World Class Soccer (Japan)
6641. ”Champions – World Class Soccer (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
6642. Championship Pool (Europe)
6643. Championship Pool (USA)
6644. ”Championship Soccer ’94 (USA) (En. Fr. De. It)”
6645. ”Chaos Engine. The (Europe)”
6646. Chaos Seed – Fuusui Kairouki (Japan)
6647. Chavez (USA) (Beta)
6648. Chavez (USA) (Es)
6649. Chavez II (USA) (Es)
6650. ”Chessmaster. The (Europe)”
6651. ”Chessmaster. The (Japan)”
6652. ”Chessmaster. The (USA)”
6653. Chester Cheetah – Too Cool to Fool (USA)
6654. Chester Cheetah – Wild Wild Quest (USA) (Beta)
6655. Chester Cheetah – Wild Wild Quest (USA)
6656. Chibi Maruko-chan – Harikiri 365-nichi no Maki (Japan)
6657. Chibi Maruko-chan – Mezase! Minami no Island!! (Japan) (Sample)
6658. Chibi Maruko-chan – Mezase! Minami no Island!! (Japan)
6659. Chinhai (Japan)
6660. Choplifter III – Rescue-Survive (Japan) (En)
6661. Choplifter III – Rescue-Survive (USA) (Beta) [b]
6662. Choplifter III – Rescue-Survive (USA)
6663. Choplifter III (Europe)
6664. Chou Aniki – Bakuretsu Rantou Hen (Japan)
6665. Chou Gojira – Super Godzilla (Japan) (Rev 1)
6666. Chou Gojira – Super Godzilla (Japan)
6667. Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz (Japan)
6668. Chou Makai Taisen! Dorabocchan (Japan) (Beta) (1992-12-21)
6669. Chou Makai Taisen! Dorabocchan (Japan)
6670. Chou Makaimura (Japan)
6671. Choujikuu Yousai Macross – Scrambled Valkyrie (Japan)
6672. Choukou Gasshin Xardion (Japan)
6673. Chrono Trigger (Japan) (Sample)
6674. Chrono Trigger (Japan)
6675. Chrono Trigger (USA)
6676. Chuck Rock (Europe)
6677. Chuck Rock (USA) (Beta)
6678. Chuck Rock (USA)
6679. Circuit USA (Japan)
6680. Civilization – Sekai Shichi Daibunmei (Japan)
6681. Classic Road (Japan)
6682. Classic Road II (Japan)
6683. Clay Fighter – Tournament Edition (USA)
6684. Clay Fighter (Europe)
6685. Clay Fighter (USA)
6686. Clay Fighter 2 – Judgment Clay (Europe)
6687. Clay Fighter 2 – Judgment Clay (USA)
6688. Claymates (Europe)
6689. Claymates (USA) (Sample)
6690. Claymates (USA)
6691. Cliffhanger (Europe)
6692. Cliffhanger (USA)
6693. Clock Tower (Japan) (Beta)
6694. Clock Tower (Japan)
6695. Clockwerx (Japan)
6696. Clue (USA)
6697. College Football USA 97 (USA)
6698. College Slam (USA)
6699. Columns (Japan) (NP)
6700. ”Combatribes. The (Japan)”
6701. ”Combatribes. The (USA)”
6702. Computer Nouryoku Kaiseki – Ultra Baken (Japan)
6703. Congo – The Movie – Secret of Zinj (USA) (Proto)
6704. Congo’s Caper (Europe)
6705. Congo’s Caper (USA)
6706. Contra III – The Alien Wars (USA) (Beta)
6707. Contra III – The Alien Wars (USA)
6708. Contra IV – The Alien Wars (USA) (Beta)
6709. Contra Spirits (Japan) (Demo)
6710. Contra Spirits (Japan)
6711. Controller Test Cassette (Japan)
6712. Conveni Wars Barcode Battler Senki – Super Senshi Shutsugeki seyo! (Japan)
6713. Cool Spot (Europe)
6714. Cool Spot (Japan)
6715. Cool Spot (USA) (Beta)
6716. Cool Spot (USA)
6717. Cool World (Spain)
6718. Cool World (USA)
6719. Corn Buster (Europe) (Proto)
6720. Coron Land (Japan)
6721. Cosmo Gang – The Puzzle (Japan)
6722. Cosmo Gang – The Video (Japan)
6723. Cosmo Police Galivan II – Arrow of Justice (Japan)
6724. Crayon Shin-chan – Arashi o Yobu Enji (Japan)
6725. Crayon Shin-chan 2 – Daimaou no Gyakushuu (Japan)
6726. Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer (Japan)
6727. Cu-On-Pa SFC (Japan)
6728. Cutthroat Island (Europe)
6729. Cutthroat Island (USA)
6730. Cyber Knight (Japan)
6731. Cyber Knight II – Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou (Japan)
6732. Cyber Spin (USA)
6733. Cybernator (Europe)
6734. Cybernator (USA) (Beta)
6735. Cybernator (USA)
6736. Cyborg 009 (Japan) (Beta)
6737. Cyborg 009 (Japan)
6738. Daffy Duck – The Marvin Missions (Europe)
6739. Daffy Duck – The Marvin Missions (USA) (Sample)
6740. Daffy Duck – The Marvin Missions (USA)
6741. Dai-3-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan) (Rev 1)
6742. Dai-3-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan) (Rev 2)
6743. Dai-3-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan)
6744. Dai-4-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan) (Rev 1)
6745. Dai-4-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan)
6746. Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou – Dokidoki Seishun Hen (Japan)
6747. Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou – Ooedo Nikki (Japan)
6748. Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou – Zukkoke Salaryman Hen (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
6749. Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou – Zukkoke Salaryman Hen (Japan)
6750. Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou (Japan)
6751. Daikaijuu Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1)
6752. Daikaijuu Monogatari (Japan)
6753. Daikaijuu Monogatari II (Japan)
6754. Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan)
6755. Daisenryaku Expert (Japan)
6756. Daisenryaku Expert WWII – War in Europe (Japan)
6757. Darius Force (Japan) (En)
6758. Darius Twin (Europe)
6759. Darius Twin (Japan)
6760. Darius Twin (USA)
6761. Dark Half (Japan)
6762. Dark Kingdom (Japan) (Beta)
6763. Dark Kingdom (Japan)
6764. Dark Law – Meaning of Death (Japan)
6765. Date Kimiko no Virtual Tennis (Japan)
6766. David Crane’s Amazing Tennis (Europe)
6767. David Crane’s Amazing Tennis (Japan)
6768. David Crane’s Amazing Tennis (USA) (Arcade)
6769. David Crane’s Amazing Tennis (USA)
6770. Daze Before Christmas (Europe)
6771. Dead Dance (Japan)
6772. Deae Tonosama – Appare Ichiban (Japan)
6773. Dear Boys (Japan)
6774. ”Death and Return of Superman. The (Europe)”
6775. ”Death and Return of Superman. The (USA) (Rev 1)”
6776. ”Death and Return of Superman. The (USA)”
6777. Death Brade (Japan)
6778. Dekitate High School (Japan)
6779. Demolition Man (Europe)
6780. Demolition Man (USA)
6781. Demon’s Blazon – Makaimura Monshou Hen (Japan) (Sample)
6782. Demon’s Blazon – Makaimura Monshou Hen (Japan)
6783. Demon’s Crest (Europe)
6784. Demon’s Crest (USA)
6785. Dennis (Europe)
6786. Dennis the Menace (USA)
6787. Densetsu no Ogre Battle – The March of the Black Queen (Japan) (NP)
6788. Densetsu no Ogre Battle – The March of the Black Queen (Japan)
6789. Denz Traffic Panic (Japan) (Beta)
6790. Derby Jockey – Kishu Ou e no Michi (Japan) (Rev 1)
6791. Derby Jockey – Kishu Ou e no Michi (Japan)
6792. Derby Jockey 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
6793. Derby Jockey 2 (Japan)
6794. Derby Stallion 96 (Japan)
6795. Derby Stallion 98 (Japan) (NP)
6796. Derby Stallion II (Japan)
6797. Derby Stallion III (Japan) (Rev 1)
6798. Derby Stallion III (Japan) (Rev 2)
6799. Derby Stallion III (Japan) (Rev 3)
6800. Derby Stallion III (Japan)
6801. Desert Fighter – Suna no Arashi Sakusen (Japan)
6802. Desert Fighter (Europe) (Beta)
6803. Desert Fighter (Europe)
6804. Desert Strike – Return to the Gulf (Europe)
6805. Desert Strike – Return to the Gulf (USA)
6806. Desert Strike – Wangan Sakusen (Japan)
6807. Destructive (Japan)
6808. D-Force (USA)
6809. Dharma Doujou (Japan)
6810. Dig & Spike Volleyball (USA)
6811. Dimension-Force (Japan) (En)
6812. Dino City (Europe)
6813. Dino City (USA)
6814. ”Dino Dini’s Soccer! (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6815. Dinowars – Kyouryuu Oukoku e no Daibouken (Japan)
6816. ”Dirt Racer (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6817. Dirt Trax FX (Europe)
6818. Dirt Trax FX (USA)
6819. Dokapon 3-2-1 – Arashi o Yobu Yuujou (Japan) (Rev 1)
6820. Dokapon 3-2-1 – Arashi o Yobu Yuujou (Japan)
6821. Dokapon Gaiden – Honoo no Audition (Japan)
6822. Dokuritsu Sensou – Liberty or Death (Japan)
6823. Dolucky no A.League Soccer (Japan)
6824. Dolucky no Kusayakiu (Japan)
6825. Dolucky no Puzzle Tour ’94 (Japan)
6826. Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi (Japan)
6827. Donald Duck no Maui Mallard (Japan)
6828. Donald in Maui Mallard (Europe)
6829. Donkey Kong Country – Competition Cartridge (USA)
6830. ”Donkey Kong Country (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Rev 1)”
6831. ”Donkey Kong Country (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6832. Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 1)
6833. Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 2)
6834. Donkey Kong Country (USA)
6835. ”Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy’s Kong Quest (Europe) (En. Fr) (Rev 1)”
6836. ”Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy’s Kong Quest (Germany) (En. De) (Rev 1)”
6837. ”Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy’s Kong Quest (Germany) (En. De)”
6838. ”Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy’s Kong Quest (USA) (En. Fr) (Rev 1)”
6839. ”Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy’s Kong Quest (USA) (En. Fr)”
6840. ”Donkey Kong Country 3 – Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble! (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
6841. ”Donkey Kong Country 3 – Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble! (USA) (En. Fr)”
6842. Doom (Europe)
6843. Doom (Japan) (En)
6844. Doom (USA)
6845. Doom Troopers – Mutant Chronicles (USA)
6846. Doomsday Warrior (USA)
6847. Doraemon – Nobita to Yousei no Kuni (Japan) (Rev 1)
6848. Doraemon – Nobita to Yousei no Kuni (Japan)
6849. Doraemon 2 – Nobita no Toys Land Daibouken (Japan)
6850. Doraemon 3 – Nobita to Toki no Hougyoku (Japan)
6851. Doraemon 4 – Nobita to Tsuki no Oukoku (Japan)
6852. Do-Re-Mi Fantasy – Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken (Japan)
6853. Dossun! Ganseki Battle (Japan)
6854. Double Dragon V – The Shadow Falls (Europe)
6855. Double Dragon V – The Shadow Falls (USA)
6856. Doukyuusei 2 (Japan) (NP)
6857. Down the World – Mervil’s Ambition (Japan) (Sample)
6858. Down the World – Mervil’s Ambition (Japan)
6859. Downtown – Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari – Yakyuu de Shoubu da! Kunio-kun (Japan)
6860. Dr. Mario (Japan) (En) (NP)
6861. Dragon – The Bruce Lee Story (Europe)
6862. Dragon – The Bruce Lee Story (USA)
6863. Dragon Ball Z – Chomutujeon (Korea)
6864. Dragon Ball Z – Hyper Dimension (France)
6865. Dragon Ball Z – Hyper Dimension (Japan)
6866. Dragon Ball Z – La Legende Saien (France)
6867. Dragon Ball Z – Super Butouden (France)
6868. Dragon Ball Z – Super Butouden (Japan) (Sample)
6869. Dragon Ball Z – Super Butouden (Japan)
6870. Dragon Ball Z – Super Butouden 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
6871. Dragon Ball Z – Super Butouden 2 (Japan)
6872. Dragon Ball Z – Super Butouden 3 (Japan)
6873. Dragon Ball Z – Super Gokuu Den – Kakusei Hen (Japan)
6874. Dragon Ball Z – Super Gokuu Den – Totsugeki Hen (Japan)
6875. Dragon Ball Z – Super Saiya Densetsu (Japan) (Rev 1)
6876. Dragon Ball Z – Super Saiya Densetsu (Japan)
6877. Dragon Ball Z – Ultime Menace (France)
6878. Dragon Knight 4 (Japan)
6879. Dragon Quest I & II (Japan)
6880. Dragon Quest III – Soshite Densetsu e… (Japan)
6881. Dragon Quest V – Tenkuu no Hanayome (Japan)
6882. Dragon Quest VI – Maboroshi no Daichi (Japan)
6883. Dragon Slayer – Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
6884. Dragon Slayer – Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan)
6885. Dragon Slayer – Eiyuu Densetsu II (Japan)
6886. Dragon View (USA)
6887. Dragon’s Earth (Japan)
6888. Dragon’s Lair (Europe) (Beta)
6889. ”Dragon’s Lair (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Sv)”
6890. Dragon’s Lair (USA)
6891. Dragon’s Magic (Japan) (En)
6892. Drakkhen (Europe)
6893. Drakkhen (Germany)
6894. Drakkhen (Japan)
6895. Drakkhen (USA)
6896. Dream Basketball – Dunk & Hoop (Japan)
6897. Dream Maze – Kigurumi Daibouken (Japan)
6898. Dream T.V. (USA)
6899. Dream TV (USA) (Beta 1)
6900. Dream TV (USA) (Beta 2)
6901. Drift King Shutokou Battle 2 – Tsuchiya Keiichi & Bandou Masaaki (Japan)
6902. Drift King Shutokou Battle ’94 – Tsuchiya Keiichi & Bandou Masaaki (Japan)
6903. DSP1 Tech Demo (USA) (Demo)
6904. Dual Orb – Seirei Tama Densetsu (Japan)
6905. Dual Orb II (Japan)
6906. ”Duel. The – Test Drive II (Europe)”
6907. ”Duel. The – Test Drive II (USA)”
6908. Dun Quest – Majin Fuuin no Densetsu (Japan)
6909. Dungeon Master (Europe)
6910. Dungeon Master (Japan) (Rev 1)
6911. Dungeon Master (Japan)
6912. Dungeon Master (USA)
6913. Dynamaite the Las Vegas (Japan)
6914. Dynamic Stadium (Japan)
6915. E.V.O. – Search for Eden (USA)
6916. Earth Defense Force (Europe)
6917. Earth Defense Force (USA)
6918. Earth Light – Luna Strike (Japan)
6919. Earth Light (Japan)
6920. EarthBound (USA)
6921. Earthworm Jim (Europe) (GamesMaster Special Edition)
6922. Earthworm Jim (Europe)
6923. Earthworm Jim (Japan)
6924. Earthworm Jim (USA)
6925. Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe)
6926. Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) (Beta)
6927. Earthworm Jim 2 (USA)
6928. Edono Kiba (Japan)
6929. Eek! The Cat (Europe)
6930. Eek! The Cat (USA)
6931. Eien no Filerna (Japan)
6932. Elfaria – The Isle of the Blest (Japan)
6933. Elfaria II – The Quest of the Meld (Japan)
6934. Elite Soccer (USA)
6935. Elnard (Japan)
6936. Emerald Dragon (Japan)
6937. Emit Vol. 1 – Toki no Maigo (Japan)
6938. Emit Vol. 2 – Inochigake no Tabi (Japan)
6939. Emit Vol. 3 – Watashi ni Sayonara o (Japan)
6940. Emmitt Smith Football (USA)
6941. Energy Breaker (Japan)
6942. Equinox (Europe)
6943. Equinox (USA) (Beta)
6944. Equinox (USA)
6945. ”Eric Cantona Football Challenge (France) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Sv)”
6946. Esparks – Ijikuu kara no Raihousha (Japan)
6947. ESPN Baseball Tonight (Europe)
6948. ESPN Baseball Tonight (USA) (Beta)
6949. ESPN Baseball Tonight (USA)
6950. ESPN National Hockey Night (USA)
6951. ESPN Speedworld (USA) (Beta)
6952. ESPN Speedworld (USA)
6953. ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA)
6954. Estpolis Denki (Japan) (Rev 1)
6955. Estpolis Denki (Japan)
6956. Estpolis Denki II (Japan)
6957. Eurit (USA) (Proto)
6958. Euro Football Champ (Europe)
6959. Europe Sensen (Japan)
6960. Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally (USA)
6961. ”Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally + Speed Racer (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. Nl) (Proto)”
6962. Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally + Speed Racer (USA)
6963. Exhaust Heat (Europe)
6964. Exhaust Heat (Japan) (En)
6965. Exhaust Heat II – F1 Driver e no Michi (Japan)
6966. Extra Innings (USA)
6967. Eye of the Beholder (Japan)
6968. F-1 Grand Prix – Part II (Japan)
6969. F-1 Grand Prix – Part III (Japan)
6970. F-1 Grand Prix (Japan)
6971. F1 Pole Position (Europe)
6972. F1 Pole Position (USA) (Beta)
6973. F1 Pole Position (USA)
6974. F1 Pole Position 2 (Europe)
6975. F1 ROC – Race of Champions (USA)
6976. F1 World Championship Edition (Europe)
6977. F-15 Super Strike Eagle (Japan) (En)
6978. F1-ROC II – Race of Champions (USA)
6979. Faceball 2000 (USA)
6980. Falcon (USA) (Proto)
6981. Famicom Bunko – Hajimari no Mori (Japan) (NP)
6982. Famicom Tantei Club Part II – Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo (Japan) (NP)
6983. Famicom Tantei Club Part II – Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
6984. Family Dog (Europe)
6985. Family Dog (USA)
6986. Family Feud (USA) (Rev 1)
6987. Family Feud (USA)
6988. Farland Story (Japan)
6989. Farland Story 2 (Japan)
6990. Fatal Fury (Europe)
6991. Fatal Fury (USA)
6992. Fatal Fury 2 (Europe)
6993. Fatal Fury 2 (USA)
6994. Fatal Fury Special (Europe) (Beta)
6995. Fatal Fury Special (Europe)
6996. Fatal Fury Special (USA)
6997. Feda – The Emblem of Justice (Japan) (Beta)
6998. Feda – The Emblem of Justice (Japan)
6999. Fever Pitch Soccer (Europe) (Beta)
7000. ”Fever Pitch Soccer (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
7001. ”FIFA – A Caminho Da Copa 98 (Brazil) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Sv)”
7002. ”FIFA – Road to World Cup 98 (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Sv)”
7003. ”FIFA 97 (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Sv)”
7004. FIFA International Soccer (Europe)
7005. FIFA International Soccer (Japan)
7006. FIFA International Soccer (USA)
7007. ”FIFA Soccer 96 (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Sv)”
7008. ”FIFA Soccer 96 (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Sv)”
7009. ”FIFA Soccer 97 (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Sv)”
7010. Fighter’s History – Mizoguchi Kikiippatsu!! (Japan)
7011. Fighter’s History (Japan)
7012. Fighter’s History (USA) (Beta)
7013. Fighter’s History (USA) (Rev 1)
7014. Fighting Baseball (Japan)
7015. Final Fantasy – Mystic Quest (USA) (Rev 1)
7016. Final Fantasy – Mystic Quest (USA)
7017. Final Fantasy II (USA) (Rev 1)
7018. Final Fantasy II (USA)
7019. Final Fantasy III (USA) (Beta)
7020. Final Fantasy III (USA) (Rev 1)
7021. Final Fantasy III (USA)
7022. Final Fantasy IV – Easy Type (Japan)
7023. Final Fantasy IV (Japan) (Rev 1)
7024. Final Fantasy IV (Japan)
7025. Final Fantasy USA – Mystic Quest (Japan)
7026. Final Fantasy V (Japan)
7027. Final Fantasy VI (Japan)
7028. Final Fight (Europe)
7029. Final Fight (Japan)
7030. Final Fight (USA)
7031. Final Fight 2 (Europe)
7032. Final Fight 2 (Japan)
7033. Final Fight 2 (USA)
7034. Final Fight 3 (Europe)
7035. Final Fight 3 (USA) (Beta)
7036. Final Fight 3 (USA)
7037. Final Fight Guy (Japan)
7038. Final Fight Guy (USA)
7039. Final Fight Tough (Japan)
7040. Final Knockout (Japan)
7041. Final Stretch (Japan)
7042. Finalset (Japan) (Beta)
7043. Finalset (Japan)
7044. Fire Emblem – Monshou no Nazo (Japan) (Rev 1)
7045. Fire Emblem – Monshou no Nazo (Japan)
7046. Fire Emblem – Seisen no Keifu (Japan)
7047. Fire Emblem – Thracia 776 (Japan) (NP)
7048. Fire Emblem – Thracia 776 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
7049. Fire Emblem – Thracia 776 (Japan)
7050. Fire Fighting (Japan)
7051. Fire Pro Joshi – All Star Dream Slam (Japan)
7052. Firearm (USA) (Proto)
7053. ”Firemen. The (Europe) (Beta)”
7054. ”Firemen. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
7055. ”Firemen. The (Japan)”
7056. Firepower 2000 (USA)
7057. FireStriker (USA) (Beta)
7058. FireStriker (USA)
7059. Fireteam Rogue (USA) (Proto 1)
7060. Fireteam Rogue (USA) (Proto 2)
7061. First Queen – Ornic Senki (Japan)
7062. First Samurai (Europe) (Beta)
7063. First Samurai (Europe)
7064. First Samurai (Japan)
7065. First Samurai (USA)
7066. Fishing Koushien (Japan)
7067. ”Flashback – The Quest for Identity (USA) (En. Fr. De)”
7068. ”Flashback (Europe) (En. Fr)”
7069. ”Flashback (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
7070. Flashback (Japan)
7071. ”Flintstones. The – The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Europe)”
7072. ”Flintstones. The – The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Japan)”
7073. ”Flintstones. The – The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (USA) (Beta)”
7074. ”Flintstones. The – The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (USA)”
7075. ”Flintstones. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It) (Beta)”
7076. ”Flintstones. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
7077. ”Flintstones. The (USA) (Beta)”
7078. ”Flintstones. The (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
7079. Flying Hero – Bugyuru no Daibouken (Japan)
7080. Football Fury (USA)
7081. Foreman for Real (Europe)
7082. Foreman for Real (Japan) (En)
7083. Foreman for Real (USA)
7084. Fortune Quest – Dice o Korogase (Japan)
7085. Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Europe)
7086. Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Japan) (En)
7087. Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA)
7088. Frantic Flea (Europe) (Beta)
7089. Frantic Flea (Europe)
7090. Frantic Flea (USA)
7091. Frogger (USA)
7092. From TV Animation Slam Dunk – Dream Team – Shuueisha Limited (Japan)
7093. From TV Animation Slam Dunk – SD Heat Up!! (Japan)
7094. From TV Animation Slam Dunk – Yonkyou Gekitotsu!! (Japan)
7095. From TV Animation Slam Dunk 2 – IH Yosen Kanzen Ban!! (Japan)
7096. Front Mission (Japan) (Rev 1)
7097. Front Mission (Japan)
7098. Front Mission Series – Gun Hazard (Japan)
7099. Full Power (Japan)
7100. Full Throttle – All-American Racing (Europe)
7101. Full Throttle – All-American Racing (USA) (Beta)
7102. Full Throttle – All-American Racing (USA)
7103. Fun ‘n Games (Europe)
7104. Fun ‘n Games (USA)
7105. Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler – Tougi Denshou (Japan)
7106. Fune Tarou (Japan)
7107. Furuta Atsuya no Simulation Pro Yakyuu 2 (Japan)
7108. Fushigi no Dungeon 2 – Fuurai no Shiren (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
7109. Fushigi no Dungeon 2 – Fuurai no Shiren (Japan)
7110. F-Zero (Europe)
7111. F-Zero (Japan) (En)
7112. F-Zero (USA)
7113. G.O.D – Mezame yo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe (Japan)
7114. Gaia Gensouki (Japan)
7115. Gaia Saver – Hero Saidai no Sakusen (Japan)
7116. Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
7117. Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi (Japan)
7118. Galaxy Robo (Japan)
7119. Galaxy Wars (Japan) (En)
7120. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha – Mahjong Kouisen (Japan)
7121. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha 2 – Dorapon Quest (Japan)
7122. Gambling Hourouki (Japan)
7123. Game Genie (USA) (Alt 1) (Unl) [b]
7124. Game Genie (USA) (Unl) [b]
7125. Game Genie (USA) (v2.0) (Unl)
7126. Game no Tatsujin (Japan)
7127. Game no Tetsujin – The Shanghai (Japan)
7128. Game Saver (Europe) (v1.6) (Unl)
7129. Game Saver (Europe) (v1.7) (Unl)
7130. Gamera – Gyaos Gekimetsu Sakusen (Japan)
7131. Ganbare Goemon – Yuki Hime Kyuushutsu Emaki (Japan) (Rev 1)
7132. Ganbare Goemon – Yuki Hime Kyuushutsu Emaki (Japan) (Rev 2)
7133. Ganbare Goemon – Yuki Hime Kyuushutsu Emaki (Japan)
7134. Ganbare Goemon 2 – Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu (Japan)
7135. Ganbare Goemon 3 – Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame (Japan) (Rev 1)
7136. Ganbare Goemon 3 – Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame (Japan) (Rev 2)
7137. Ganbare Goemon 3 – Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame (Japan) (Sample)
7138. Ganbare Goemon 3 – Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame (Japan)
7139. Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu – Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake (Japan) (Rev 1)
7140. Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu – Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake (Japan) (Rev 2)
7141. Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu – Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake (Japan)
7142. Ganbare! Daiku no Gen-san (Japan)
7143. Gangan Gan-chan (Japan)
7144. Ganpuru – Gunman’s Proof (Japan) (Beta)
7145. Ganpuru – Gunman’s Proof (Japan)
7146. Ganso Pachinko Ou (Japan)
7147. Ganso Pachi-Slot Nihonichi (Japan)
7148. Garou Densetsu – Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan) (Rev 1)
7149. Garou Densetsu – Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan)
7150. Garou Densetsu 2 – Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) (Rev 1)
7151. Garou Densetsu 2 – Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan)
7152. Garou Densetsu Special (Japan)
7153. Garry Kitchen’s Super Battletank – War in the Gulf (USA) (Rev 1)
7154. Garry Kitchen’s Super Battletank – War in the Gulf (USA)
7155. Garry Kitchen’s Super Battletank (Europe)
7156. Gdleen (Japan) (Rev 1)
7157. Gdleen (Japan)
7158. Gegege no Kitarou – Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou (Japan)
7159. Gekitotsu Dangan Jidousha Kessen – Battle Mobile (Japan)
7160. Gekitou Burning Pro Wres (Japan)
7161. Gemfire (USA)
7162. Genghis Khan II – Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA)
7163. Genjuu Ryodan (Japan) (NP)
7164. Genocide 2 (Japan) (Beta)
7165. Genocide 2 (Japan)
7166. George Foreman’s KO Boxing (Europe)
7167. George Foreman’s KO Boxing (USA) (Doritos Promo)
7168. George Foreman’s KO Boxing (USA) (Rev 1)
7169. George Foreman’s KO Boxing (USA)
7170. Gerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds – Kokusai Kyuujotai Shutsudou Seyo!! (Japan)
7171. Get in the Hole (Japan)
7172. Getsumen no Anubis (Japan)
7173. Ghost Chaser Densei (Japan)
7174. Ghoul Patrol (Europe)
7175. Ghoul Patrol (Japan)
7176. Ghoul Patrol (USA)
7177. Gindama Oyakata no Pachinko Hisshouhou (Japan) (Rev 1)
7178. Gindama Oyakata no Pachinko Hisshouhou (Japan)
7179. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan)
7180. Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai (Japan)
7181. Gionbana (Japan)
7182. Go Go Ackman (Japan)
7183. Go Go Ackman 2 (Japan)
7184. Go Go Ackman 3 (Japan)
7185. Go! Go! Dodge League (Japan) (Rev 1)
7186. Go! Go! Dodge League (Japan)
7187. Goal! (USA)
7188. Gods (Europe)
7189. Gods (USA) (Beta)
7190. Gods (USA)
7191. Gojira – Kaijuu Daikessen (Japan)
7192. Gokujou Parodius (Japan) (Beta)
7193. Gokujou Parodius (Japan) (Sample)
7194. Gokujou Parodius (Japan)
7195. Gon (Japan)
7196. Goof Troop (Europe)
7197. Goof Troop (France)
7198. Goof Troop (Germany)
7199. Goof Troop (USA)
7200. Goofy to Max – Kaizoku-jima no Daibouken (Japan)
7201. Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan)
7202. Gourmet Sentai Barayarou (Japan)
7203. Gousou Jinrai Densetsu – Musha (Japan)
7204. GP-1 – Part II (USA)
7205. GP-1 (Europe)
7206. GP-1 (Japan) (En)
7207. GP-1 (USA)
7208. GP-1 RS – Rapid Stream (Japan) (En)
7209. Gradius III (Japan) (En)
7210. Gradius III (USA)
7211. Granhistoria – Genshi Sekaiki (Japan) (Rev 1)
7212. Granhistoria – Genshi Sekaiki (Japan) (Sample)
7213. Granhistoria – Genshi Sekaiki (Japan)
7214. ”Great Battle Gaiden 2. The – Matsuri da Wasshoi (Japan)”
7215. ”Great Battle II. The – Last Fighter Twin (Japan)”
7216. ”Great Battle III. The (Japan)”
7217. ”Great Battle IV. The (Japan) (Sample)”
7218. ”Great Battle IV. The (Japan)”
7219. ”Great Battle V. The (Japan)”
7220. ”Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie. The (Europe)”
7221. ”Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie. The (USA)”
7222. ”Great Waldo Search. The (USA)”
7223. GS Mikami – Joreishi wa Nice Body (Japan)
7224. GT Racing (Japan)
7225. GunForce – Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Europe) (Proto)
7226. GunForce (Japan) (En)
7227. GunForce (USA)
7228. Habu Meijin no Omoshiro Shougi (Japan)
7229. Hagane – The Final Conflict (Europe)
7230. Hagane – The Final Conflict (USA)
7231. Hagane (Japan) (Beta)
7232. Hagane (Japan)
7233. Haisei Mahjong – Ryouga (Japan)
7234. Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu – Ganba League (Japan) (Rev 1)
7235. Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu – Ganba League (Japan)
7236. Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu ’93 – Ganba League (Japan)
7237. Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu ’94 – Ganba League 3 (Japan) (Beta)
7238. Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu ’94 – Ganba League 3 (Japan)
7239. HAL’s Hole in One Golf (Europe)
7240. HAL’s Hole in One Golf (USA)
7241. Hameln no Violin Hiki (Japan)
7242. Hammer Lock Wrestling (USA)
7243. Hana no Keiji – Kumo no Kanata ni (Japan)
7244. Hanafuda Ou (Japan)
7245. Hanguk Pro Yagu (Korea)
7246. ”Hanjuku Hero – Ah. Sekai yo Hanjuku Nare…!! (Japan)”
7247. Hansei Zaru Jiro-kun no Daibouken (Japan)
7248. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight – Lord of Paladin (Japan) (Beta)
7249. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight – Lord of Paladin (Japan) (Rev 1)
7250. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight – Lord of Paladin (Japan)
7251. Harapeko Bakka (Japan)
7252. HardBall III (USA)
7253. Harley’s Humongous Adventure (Europe)
7254. Harley’s Humongous Adventure (USA) (Beta)
7255. Harley’s Humongous Adventure (USA)
7256. Harvest Moon (Europe)
7257. Harvest Moon (Germany)
7258. Harvest Moon (USA)
7259. Hashire Hebereke (Japan)
7260. Hat Trick Hero (Japan) (En)
7261. Hat Trick Hero 2 (Japan)
7262. Hatayama Hatch no Pro Yakyuu News! – Jitsumei Ban (Japan)
7263. Havoc (USA) (Beta)
7264. Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi (Japan)
7265. Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi 2 (Japan)
7266. Head-On Soccer (USA)
7267. Hebereke no Oishii Puzzle wa Irimasenka (Japan)
7268. Hebereke no Popoon (Japan) (Beta)
7269. Hebereke no Popoon (Japan)
7270. Hebereke’s Popoitto (Europe)
7271. Hebereke’s Popoon (Europe)
7272. Heian Fuuunden (Japan)
7273. Heisei Gunjin Shougi (Japan)
7274. Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow – Pop’n Smash!! (Japan)
7275. Heisei Shin Onigashima – Kouhen (Japan)
7276. Heisei Shin Onigashima – Zenpen (Japan)
7277. Heiwa Pachinko World (Japan)
7278. Heiwa Pachinko World 2 (Japan)
7279. Heiwa Pachinko World 3 (Japan)
7280. Heiwa Parlor! Mini 8 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
7281. Hello! Pac-Man (Japan)
7282. Heracles no Eikou III – Kamigami no Chinmoku (Japan)
7283. Heracles no Eikou IV – Kamigami kara no Okurimono (Japan)
7284. Hero Senki – Project Olympus (Japan)
7285. Hi no Ouji – Yamato Takeru (Japan)
7286. Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Super Pro Yakyuu Stadium (Japan)
7287. Hiouden – Mamono-tachi to no Chikai (Japan)
7288. Hiryuu no Ken S – Golden Fighter (Japan)
7289. Hiryuu no Ken S – Hyper Version (Japan)
7290. Hissatsu Pachinko Collection (Japan)
7291. Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 2 (Japan)
7292. Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 3 (Japan)
7293. Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 4 (Japan)
7294. Hisshou 777 Fighter – Pachi-Slot Ryuuguu Densetsu (Japan)
7295. Hisshou 777 Fighter II – Pachi-Slot Maruhi Jouhou (Japan)
7296. Hisshou 777 Fighter III – Kokuryuu Ou no Fukkatsu (Japan)
7297. Hisshou Pachi-Slot Fun (Japan)
7298. Hit the Ice – VHL – The Official Video Hockey League (USA)
7299. Hokuto no Ken 5 – Tenma Ryuuseiden Ai Zetsu Shou (Japan)
7300. Hokuto no Ken 6 – Gekitou Denshouken Haou e no Michi (Japan)
7301. Hokuto no Ken 7 – Seiken Retsuden Denshousha e no Michi (Japan)
7302. Holy Striker (Japan)
7303. Holy Umbrella – Dondera no Mubou!! (Japan)
7304. Home Alone (Europe)
7305. Home Alone (Japan)
7306. Home Alone (USA)
7307. Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York (Europe)
7308. Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York (USA)
7309. Home Improvement – Power Tool Pursuit! (USA)
7310. Honkaku Mahjong – Tetsuman (Japan)
7311. Honkaku Mahjong – Tetsuman II (Japan)
7312. Honkaku Shougi – Fuuunji Ryuuou (Japan)
7313. Honkakuha Igo – Gosei (Japan)
7314. Honke Hanafuda (Japan)
7315. Honke Sankyo Fever – Jikki Simulation (Japan)
7316. Honke Sankyo Fever 2 – Jikki Simulation (Japan)
7317. Honke Sankyo Fever 3 – Jikki Simulation (Japan)
7318. Honoo no Toukyuuji – Dodge Danpei (Japan) (Sample)
7319. Honoo no Toukyuuji – Dodge Danpei (Japan)
7320. Hook (Europe)
7321. Hook (Japan)
7322. Hook (USA) (Beta)
7323. Hook (USA)
7324. Hoshi no Kirby 3 (Japan)
7325. Hoshi no Kirby Super Deluxe (Japan) (Rev 1)
7326. Hoshi no Kirby Super Deluxe (Japan) (Rev 2)
7327. Hoshi no Kirby Super Deluxe (Japan)
7328. Houkago in Beppin Jogakuin (Japan)
7329. Hourai Gakuen no Bouken! – Tenkousei Scramble (Japan)
7330. Human Baseball (Japan)
7331. Human Grand Prix (Japan) (En)
7332. Human Grand Prix 2 (Japan) (Sample)
7333. Human Grand Prix II (Japan) (En)
7334. Human Grand Prix III – F1 Triple Battle (Japan) (En)
7335. Human Grand Prix IV – F1 Dream Battle (Japan) (En)
7336. ”Humans. The (Europe)”
7337. ”Humans. The (Germany)”
7338. Hungry Dinosaurs (Europe)
7339. ”Hunt for Red October. The (Europe) (Beta)”
7340. ”Hunt for Red October. The (Europe)”
7341. ”Hunt for Red October. The (USA)”
7342. Hurricanes (Europe) (Beta)
7343. Hurricanes (Europe)
7344. Hurricanes (USA)
7345. Hyper Iria (Japan) (Sample)
7346. Hyper Iria (Japan)
7347. Hyper V-Ball (Europe)
7348. Hyper V-Ball (USA)
7349. HyperZone (Europe)
7350. HyperZone (Japan) (En)
7351. HyperZone (USA)
7352. Idea no Hi (Japan)
7353. ”Ignition Factor. The (USA)”
7354. Igo Club (Japan) (Rev 2)
7355. Igo Club (Japan)
7356. Ihatov Monogatari (Japan)
7357. Ikari no Yousai (Japan)
7358. Illusion of Gaia (USA) (Beta)
7359. Illusion of Gaia (USA)
7360. Illusion of Time (Europe)
7361. Illusion of Time (France)
7362. Illusion of Time (Germany) (Rev 1)
7363. Illusion of Time (Germany)
7364. Illusion of Time (Spain)
7365. Illvanian no Shiro (Japan)
7366. Imperium (USA)
7367. Inazuma Serve da! Super Beach Volley (Japan)
7368. Incantation (Europe)
7369. Incantation (USA)
7370. ”Incredible Crash Dummies. The – Dr. Zabu o Sukuidase (Japan)”
7371. ”Incredible Crash Dummies. The (Europe)”
7372. ”Incredible Crash Dummies. The (USA) (Beta)”
7373. ”Incredible Crash Dummies. The (USA)”
7374. ”Incredible Hulk. The (Europe)”
7375. ”Incredible Hulk. The (USA)”
7376. Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures (Europe)
7377. Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures (Japan)
7378. Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures (USA)
7379. Inindo – Way of the Ninja (USA)
7380. Inspector Gadget (USA)
7381. ”International Sensible Soccer – World Champions Limited Edition (Europe) (En. Fr. De. It) (Rev 1)”
7382. International Superstar Soccer (Europe)
7383. International Superstar Soccer (USA)
7384. International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (Europe)
7385. International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (USA)
7386. International Tennis Tour (Europe)
7387. International Tennis Tour (Japan) (En)
7388. International Tennis Tour (USA)
7389. Ippatsu Gyakuten (Japan)
7390. ”Irem Skins Game. The (USA) (Arcade)”
7391. ”Irem Skins Game. The (USA)”
7392. Iron Commando – Koutetsu no Senshi (Japan)
7393. Iron Commando (Europe) (Proto) [b]
7394. Isozuri – Ritou Hen (Japan)
7395. Itadaki Street 2 – Neon Sign wa Barairo ni (Japan) (Beta)
7396. Itadaki Street 2 – Neon Sign wa Barairo ni (Japan)
7397. ”Itchy & Scratchy Game. The (Europe)”
7398. ”Itchy & Scratchy Game. The (USA)”
7399. Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 (Japan)
7400. Itou Hatasu Rokudan no Shougi Doujou (Japan) (Rev 1)
7401. Itou Hatasu Rokudan no Shougi Doujou (Japan)
7402. Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings (Europe)
7403. Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings (USA) (Beta)
7404. Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings (USA)
7405. J.League ’96 Dream Stadium (Japan)
7406. J.League Excite Stage ’94 (Japan) (Rev 1)
7407. J.League Excite Stage ’94 (Japan)
7408. J.League Excite Stage ’95 (Japan) (Sample)
7409. J.League Excite Stage ’95 (Japan)
7410. J.League Excite Stage ’96 (Japan) (Rev 1)
7411. J.League Excite Stage ’96 (Japan)
7412. J.League Soccer Prime Goal (Japan) (Rev 1)
7413. J.League Soccer Prime Goal (Japan)
7414. J.League Soccer Prime Goal 2 (Japan)
7415. J.League Soccer Prime Goal 3 (Japan)
7416. J.League Super Soccer (Japan)
7417. J.League Super Soccer ’95 – Jikkyou Stadium (Japan)
7418. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings – Volume 1 (USA)
7419. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings – Volume One (Europe)
7420. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings – Volume One (Germany)
7421. Jack Nicklaus Golf (Europe)
7422. Jack Nicklaus Golf (France)
7423. Jack Nicklaus Golf (USA)
7424. Jaleco Rally Big Run – The Supreme 4WD Challenge (Japan) (En)
7425. James Bond Jr (Europe)
7426. James Bond Jr (USA)
7427. James Pond’s Crazy Sports (Europe)
7428. Jammes (Japan)
7429. Janyuuki – Gokuu Randa (Japan)
7430. JB The Super Bass (Japan)
7431. Jeff’s Shoot’Em Up (USA) (Proto)
7432. Jelly Boy (Europe)
7433. Jelly Boy 2 (Japan) (Proto)
7434. Jeopardy! – Deluxe Edition (USA)
7435. Jeopardy! – Sports Edition (USA)
7436. Jeopardy! (USA)
7437. Jerry Boy (Japan)
7438. ”Jetsons. The – Invasion of the Planet Pirates (USA)”
7439. Jigsaw Party (Japan)
7440. Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius (Japan)
7441. Jikkyou Power Pro Wrestling ’96 – Max Voltage (Japan)
7442. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu – Basic Ban ’98 (Japan)
7443. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
7444. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2 (Japan) (Rev 2)
7445. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2 (Japan)
7446. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 3 – ’97 Haru (Japan) (Rev 1)
7447. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 3 – ’97 Haru (Japan)
7448. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 3 (Japan)
7449. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu ’94 (Japan)
7450. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu ’96 – Kaimaku Ban (Japan) (Rev 1)
7451. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu ’96 – Kaimaku Ban (Japan)
7452. Jikkyou World Soccer – Perfect Eleven (Japan) (Rev 1)
7453. Jikkyou World Soccer – Perfect Eleven (Japan)
7454. Jikkyou World Soccer 2 – Fighting Eleven (Japan) (Beta)
7455. Jikkyou World Soccer 2 – Fighting Eleven (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
7456. Jikkyou World Soccer 2 – Fighting Eleven (Japan)
7457. Jim Lee’s WildC.A.T.S – Covert-Action-Teams (USA)
7458. Jim Power – The Lost Dimension in 3D (Europe) (Proto)
7459. Jim Power – The Lost Dimension in 3D (USA)
7460. Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (Europe)
7461. Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (France)
7462. Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (Germany)
7463. Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (Japan)
7464. Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (USA)
7465. Jimmy Houston’s Bass Tournament U.S.A. (USA)
7466. Jissen Bass Fishing Hisshouhou in USA (Japan)
7467. Jissen Kyoutei (Japan)
7468. Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou! 2 (Japan)
7469. Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin (Japan)
7470. Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin Vol. 2 (Japan)
7471. Jissen! Mahjong Shinan (Japan)
7472. Jissen! Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! (Japan)
7473. Jissen! Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! 2 (Japan)
7474. Jissen! Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Classic (Japan)
7475. Jissen! Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Yamasa Densetsu (Japan)
7476. ”Joe & Mac – Caveman Ninja (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl) (Beta)”
7477. ”Joe & Mac – Caveman Ninja (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl)”
7478. Joe & Mac – Tatakae Genshijin (Japan)
7479. Joe & Mac (USA)
7480. Joe & Mac 2 – Lost in the Tropics (USA) (Beta)
7481. Joe & Mac 2 – Lost in the Tropics (USA)
7482. ”Joe & Mac 3 – Lost in the Tropics (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Beta)”
7483. ”Joe & Mac 3 – Lost in the Tropics (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
7484. John Madden Football (USA)
7485. John Madden Football ’93 (Europe)
7486. John Madden Football ’93 (USA) (Rev 1)
7487. John Madden Football ’93 (USA)
7488. JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan)
7489. Joushou Mahjong Tenpai (Japan)
7490. JRA PAT – Wide Taiouban (Japan) (TJDJ)
7491. JRA PAT – Wide Taiouban (Japan) (TJEJ)
7492. JRA PAT (Japan) (TJAJ)
7493. JRA PAT (Japan) (TJBJ)
7494. JRA PAT (Japan) (TJCJ)
7495. Judge Dredd (Europe)
7496. Judge Dredd (Japan) (En)
7497. Judge Dredd (USA) (Sample)
7498. Judge Dredd (USA)
7499. Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One (Japan)
7500. Jumpin’ Derby (Japan)
7501. ”Jungle Book. The (Europe)”
7502. ”Jungle Book. The (Japan) (En)”
7503. ”Jungle Book. The (USA) (Beta)”
7504. ”Jungle Book. The (USA)”
7505. Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan – Sekaimanyuu Daikakutou no Maki (Japan)
7506. Jungle Strike – Uketsugareta Kyouki (Japan)
7507. Jungle Strike (Europe)
7508. Jungle Strike (USA)
7509. Jungle Wars 2 – Kodai Mahou Atimos no Nazo (Japan)
7510. Jurassic Park (Europe) (Beta)
7511. Jurassic Park (Europe)
7512. Jurassic Park (France)
7513. Jurassic Park (Germany)
7514. Jurassic Park (Italy)
7515. Jurassic Park (Japan)
7516. Jurassic Park (Spain)
7517. Jurassic Park (USA) (Rev 1)
7518. Jurassic Park (USA)
7519. ”Jurassic Park II – The Chaos Continues (USA) (En. Fr. De. It) (Beta)”
7520. ”Jurassic Park Part 2 – The Chaos Continues (Europe) (En. Fr. De. It)”
7521. ”Jurassic Park Part 2 – The Chaos Continues (USA) (En. Fr. De. It)”
7522. Justice League Task Force (Europe)
7523. Justice League Task Force (Japan) (En)
7524. Justice League Task Force (USA) (Beta)
7525. Justice League Task Force (USA)
7526. Jutei Senki (Japan)
7527. Juusou Kihei Valken (Japan)
7528. JWP Joshi Pro Wres – Pure Wrestle Queens (Japan)
7529. K.H. Rummenigge’s Player Manager (Germany) (Sample)
7530. K.H. Rummenigge’s Player Manager (Germany)
7531. Ka-blooey (USA)
7532. Kabuki Chou Reach Mahjong Tonpuusen (Japan)
7533. Kabuki Rocks (Japan)
7534. Kachiuma Yosou Soft – Baken Renkinjutsu (Japan)
7535. Kachou Shima Kousaku (Japan)
7536. Kagakusha Harley no Haran Banjou (Japan) (En)
7537. Kaite Tsukutte Asoberu Dezaemon (Japan)
7538. Kakinoki Shougi (Japan)
7539. Kamaitachi no Yoru (Japan)
7540. Kamen Rider (Japan)
7541. Kamen Rider SD – Shutsugeki!! Rider Machine (Japan)
7542. Karura Ou (Japan)
7543. Kashiwagi Shigetaka no Top Water Bassing (Japan)
7544. Katou Hifumi Kudan – Shougi Club (Japan)
7545. Kat’s Run – Zen-Nihon K-Car Senshuken (Japan)
7546. Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 2 (Japan)
7547. Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge (USA)
7548. Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (Europe)
7549. Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (USA)
7550. Keeper (Japan)
7551. Keiba Eight Special (Japan) (Rev 1)
7552. Keiba Eight Special (Japan)
7553. Keiba Eight Special 2 (Japan)
7554. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA) (Rev 1)
7555. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA)
7556. Ken Griffey Jr.’s Winning Run (USA)
7557. Kendo Rage (USA)
7558. Kentou Ou World Champion (Japan)
7559. Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba (Japan)
7560. Kero Kero Keroppi no Bouken Nikki – Nemureru Mori no Keroleen (Japan)
7561. Kessen! Dokapon Oukoku IV – Densetsu no Yuusha-tachi (Japan)
7562. Kevin Keegan’s Player Manager (Europe) (Sample)
7563. Kevin Keegan’s Player Manager (Europe)
7564. Kick Off (Europe)
7565. Kick Off 3 – European Challenge (Europe) (Beta)
7566. ”Kick Off 3 – European Challenge (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
7567. Kid Klown in Crazy Chase (Europe)
7568. Kid Klown in Crazy Chase (USA) (Beta)
7569. Kid Klown in Crazy Chase (USA)
7570. Kid Klown no Crazy Chase (Japan)
7571. Kidou Butouden G Gundam (Japan)
7572. Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor (Japan)
7573. Kidou Senshi Gundam – Cross Dimension 0079 (Japan)
7574. Kidou Senshi Gundam F91 – Formula Senki 0122 (Japan)
7575. Kidou Senshi V Gundam (Japan)
7576. Kidou Senshi Z Gundam – Away to the Newtype (Japan)
7577. Kidou Soukou Dion (Japan)
7578. Kikikai-kai – Nazo no Kuro Manteau (Japan)
7579. Kikikai-kai – Tsukiyo Soushi (Japan)
7580. Kikou Keisatsu Metal Jack (Japan)
7581. Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Doraou (Japan)
7582. Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Doraou 2 (Japan)
7583. Killer Instinct (Europe)
7584. Killer Instinct (USA) (Beta)
7585. Killer Instinct (USA) (Rev 1)
7586. Killer Instinct (USA)
7587. Kindai Mahjong Special (Japan)
7588. King Arthur & The Knights of Justice (USA)
7589. King Arthur’s World (Europe)
7590. King Arthur’s World (USA) (Beta)
7591. King Arthur’s World (USA)
7592. King of Dragons (Europe)
7593. King of Dragons (USA)
7594. ”King of Dragons. The (Japan)”
7595. King of Fighters 2000 (Brazil) (Unl) (Pirate)
7596. ”King of Rally. The (Japan)”
7597. King of the Monsters (Europe)
7598. King of the Monsters (Japan)
7599. King of the Monsters (USA)
7600. King of the Monsters 2 – The Next Thing (Japan)
7601. King of the Monsters 2 (USA)
7602. Kingyo Chuuihou! – Tobidase! Game Gakuen (Japan)
7603. Kinnikuman – Dirty Challenger (Japan)
7604. Kirby Bowl (Japan)
7605. Kirby no Kirakira Kids (Japan)
7606. Kirby Super Star (USA)
7607. Kirby’s Avalanche (USA)
7608. Kirby’s Dream Course (Europe)
7609. Kirby’s Dream Course (USA)
7610. Kirby’s Dream Land 3 (USA)
7611. Kirby’s Fun Pak (Europe)
7612. Kirby’s Ghost Trap (Europe)
7613. Kishin Douji Zenki – Battle Raiden (Japan)
7614. Kishin Douji Zenki – Denei Raibu (Japan)
7615. Kishin Douji Zenki – Tenchi Meidou (Japan)
7616. Kishin Kourinden Oni (Japan) (Beta)
7617. Kishin Kourinden Oni (Japan)
7618. Kiteretsu Daihyakka – Choujikuu Sugoroku (Japan)
7619. Knights of the Round (Europe)
7620. Knights of the Round (Japan)
7621. Knights of the Round (USA)
7622. Konpeki no Kantai (Japan)
7623. Kouryaku Casino Bar (Japan)
7624. Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust – Kieta Shoujo (Japan)
7625. Kouryuu no Mimi (Japan)
7626. Kouryuuki (Japan)
7627. Koushien 2 (Japan)
7628. Koushien 3 (Japan)
7629. Koushien 4 (Japan)
7630. Kousoku Shikou Shougi Ou (Japan)
7631. Koutetsu no Kishi (Japan)
7632. Koutetsu no Kishi 2 – Sabaku no Rommel Gundan (Japan)
7633. Koutetsu no Kishi 3 – Gekitotsu Europe Sensen (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
7634. Koutetsu no Kishi 3 – Gekitotsu Europe Sensen (Japan)
7635. Krusty World (Japan)
7636. Krusty’s Super Fun House (Europe) (Rev 1)
7637. Krusty’s Super Fun House (Europe)
7638. Krusty’s Super Fun House (USA) (Rev 1)
7639. Krusty’s Super Fun House (USA)
7640. Kunio no Oden (Japan)
7641. Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball Da yo Zenin Shuugou! – Tournament Special (Japan)
7642. Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball Da yo Zenin Shuugou! (Japan)
7643. Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy (Japan)
7644. Kyle Petty’s No Fear Racing (USA)
7645. Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei (Japan)
7646. La Wares (Japan)
7647. Lady Stalker – Kako kara no Chousen (Japan)
7648. Lagoon (Europe)
7649. Lagoon (Germany)
7650. Lagoon (Japan)
7651. Lagoon (USA)
7652. Lamborghini American Challenge (Europe)
7653. Lamborghini American Challenge (USA)
7654. ”Langrisser. Der (Japan) (Rev 1)”
7655. ”Langrisser. Der (Japan)”
7656. Laplace no Ma (Japan)
7657. Larry Nixon’s Super Bass Fishing (Japan) (Rev 1)
7658. Larry Nixon’s Super Bass Fishing (Japan)
7659. Las Vegas Dream in Golden Paradise (Japan)
7660. Last Action Hero (Europe)
7661. Last Action Hero (USA)
7662. ”Last Battle. The (Japan)”
7663. Last Bible III (Japan)
7664. ”Lawnmower Man. The (Europe)”
7665. ”Lawnmower Man. The (USA) (Beta)”
7666. ”Lawnmower Man. The (USA)”
7667. Leading Company (Japan)
7668. Leading Jockey (Japan)
7669. Leading Jockey 2 (Japan)
7670. Legend (Europe)
7671. Legend (USA) (Beta)
7672. Legend (USA)
7673. ”Legend of the Mystical Ninja. The (Europe)”
7674. ”Legend of the Mystical Ninja. The (Germany)”
7675. ”Legend of the Mystical Ninja. The (USA)”
7676. ”Legend of Zelda. The – A Link to the Past (Canada)”
7677. ”Legend of Zelda. The – A Link to the Past (Europe)”
7678. ”Legend of Zelda. The – A Link to the Past (France)”
7679. ”Legend of Zelda. The – A Link to the Past (Germany)”
7680. ”Legend of Zelda. The – A Link to the Past (USA)”
7681. Lemmings (Europe)
7682. Lemmings (Japan) (En)
7683. Lemmings (USA) (Rev 1)
7684. Lemmings (USA)
7685. Lemmings 2 – The Tribes (Europe)
7686. Lemmings 2 – The Tribes (Japan)
7687. Lemmings 2 – The Tribes (USA)
7688. Lennus – Kodai Kikai no Kioku (Japan)
7689. Lennus II – Fuuin no Shito (Japan)
7690. Lester the Unlikely (USA)
7691. Lethal Enforcers (Europe)
7692. Lethal Enforcers (Japan)
7693. Lethal Enforcers (USA)
7694. Lethal Weapon (Europe)
7695. Lethal Weapon (USA) (Arcade)
7696. Lethal Weapon (USA)
7697. Libble Rabble (Japan)
7698. Liberty or Death (USA)
7699. Light Fantasy (Japan)
7700. Light Fantasy II (Japan)
7701. ”Lion King. The (Europe)”
7702. ”Lion King. The (Japan)”
7703. ”Lion King. The (USA) (Beta 1)”
7704. ”Lion King. The (USA) (Beta 2)”
7705. ”Lion King. The (USA) (Beta 3)”
7706. ”Lion King. The (USA)”
7707. Little Magic (Europe) (Proto)
7708. Little Magic (Japan) (Beta)
7709. Little Magic (Japan)
7710. Little Master – Nijiiro no Maseki (Japan)
7711. Live A Live (Japan)
7712. Lobo (USA) (Proto)
7713. Lock On (USA)
7714. Lode Runner Twin – Justy to Liberty no Daibouken (Japan)
7715. Lodoss-tou Senki (Japan)
7716. Logos Panic Goaisatsu (Japan)
7717. Looney Tunes – Road Runner (Europe)
7718. Looney Tunes – Road Runner vs Wile E. Coyote (Japan)
7719. Looney Tunes Basketball (Europe)
7720. Looney Tunes B-Ball (USA)
7721. Lord Monarch (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
7722. Lord Monarch (Japan)
7723. Lord of Darkness (USA)
7724. Lost Vikings 2 (USA)
7725. ”Lost Vikings II. The – Norse by Norsewest (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
7726. ”Lost Vikings. The (Europe)”
7727. ”Lost Vikings. The (France) (En. Fr)”
7728. ”Lost Vikings. The (Germany)”
7729. ”Lost Vikings. The (Spain)”
7730. ”Lost Vikings. The (USA) (Beta)”
7731. ”Lost Vikings. The (USA)”
7732. Lothar Matthaeus Super Soccer (Germany)
7733. Love Quest (Japan)
7734. ”Lucky Luke (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
7735. Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (USA) (Beta)
7736. Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (USA)
7737. Lufia (Europe)
7738. Lufia (Germany)
7739. Lufia (Netherlands)
7740. Lufia (Spain)
7741. Lufia II – Rise of the Sinistrals (USA)
7742. Lupin Sansei – Densetsu no Hihou o Oe! (Japan)
7743. M.A.C.S. Basic Rifle Marksmanship (USA) [b]
7744. Madden NFL ’94 (Europe)
7745. Madden NFL ’94 (USA)
7746. Madden NFL 95 (Europe)
7747. Madden NFL 95 (USA)
7748. Madden NFL 96 (USA) (Sample)
7749. Madden NFL 96 (USA)
7750. Madden NFL 97 (USA)
7751. Madden NFL 98 (USA)
7752. Madou Monogatari – Hanamaru Daiyouchienji (Japan)
7753. Maerchen Adventure Cotton 100% (Japan)
7754. Magic Boy (Europe)
7755. Magic Boy (USA)
7756. Magic Johnson no Super Slam Dunk (Japan)
7757. Magic Knight Rayearth (Japan)
7758. Magic Sword (Europe)
7759. Magic Sword (Japan)
7760. Magic Sword (USA)
7761. Magical Drop (Japan)
7762. Magical Drop 2 (Japan) (Bunka Housou Special Version)
7763. Magical Drop 2 (Japan)
7764. Magical Pop’n (Japan)
7765. ”Magical Quest con Topolino. The (Italy)”
7766. ”Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse. The (Europe) (Rev 1)”
7767. ”Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse. The (Europe)”
7768. ”Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse. The (Germany) (Rev 1)”
7769. ”Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse. The (Germany)”
7770. ”Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse. The (USA) (Beta)”
7771. ”Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse. The (USA)”
7772. Magical Taruruuto-kun – Magic Adventure (Japan)
7773. Magna Braban – Henreki no Yuusha (Japan)
7774. Mahjong Club (Japan)
7775. Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku (Japan)
7776. Mahjong Hanjouki (Japan)
7777. Mahjong Hishouden – Shin Naki no Ryuu (Japan)
7778. Mahjong Sengoku Monogatari (Japan)
7779. Mahjong Taikai II (Japan) (Rev 1)
7780. Mahjong Taikai II (Japan)
7781. ”Mahjong Touhaiden. The (Japan)”
7782. Mahou Poi Poi Poitto! (Japan)
7783. Mahoujin Guruguru (Japan)
7784. Mahoujin Guruguru 2 (Japan)
7785. Majin Tensei (Japan) (Rev 1)
7786. Majin Tensei (Japan) (Rev 2)
7787. Majin Tensei (Japan)
7788. Majin Tensei II – Spiral Nemesis (Japan)
7789. Major Title (Europe)
7790. Major Title (Japan)
7791. Majuu Ou (Japan)
7792. Maka Maka (Japan)
7793. Makeruna! Makendou (Japan)
7794. Makeruna! Makendou 2 – Kimero! Youkai Souridaijin (Japan)
7795. Manchester United Championship Soccer (Europe) (Beta)
7796. Manchester United Championship Soccer (Europe)
7797. Mario Is Missing! (Europe)
7798. Mario Is Missing! (France)
7799. Mario Is Missing! (Germany)
7800. Mario Is Missing! (USA)
7801. Mario no Super Picross (Japan)
7802. Mario Paint (Europe)
7803. ”Mario Paint (Japan. USA) (Beta)”
7804. ”Mario Paint (Japan. USA)”
7805. Mario to Wario (Japan) (En)
7806. Mario’s Early Years – Fun with Letters (USA)
7807. Mario’s Early Years – Fun with Numbers (USA)
7808. Mario’s Early Years – Preschool Fun (USA)
7809. Mario’s Time Machine (Europe)
7810. Mario’s Time Machine (Germany)
7811. Mario’s Time Machine (USA)
7812. Mark Davis’ The Fishing Master (USA)
7813. ”Marko’s Magic Football (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
7814. Marmalade Boy (Japan) (Sample)
7815. Marmalade Boy (Japan)
7816. Marvel Super Heroes – War of the Gems (Japan)
7817. Marvel Super Heroes – War of the Gems (USA) (Beta)
7818. Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems (Europe)
7819. Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems (USA)
7820. Marvelous – Mouhitotsu no Takara-jima (Japan)
7821. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (USA) (Beta)
7822. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (USA)
7823. Mask (Japan)
7824. ”Mask. The (Europe)”
7825. ”Mask. The (USA) (Beta)”
7826. ”Mask. The (USA)”
7827. Masters – Harukanaru Augusta 2 (Japan)
7828. Masters New – Harukanaru Augusta 3 (Japan) (Rev 1)
7829. Masters New – Harukanaru Augusta 3 (Japan)
7830. Maten Densetsu – Senritsu no Ooparts (Japan)
7831. Math Blaster – Episode 1 (USA)
7832. Matsukata Hiroki no Super Trawling (Japan)
7833. Matsumura Kunihiro Den – Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero! (Japan)
7834. Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (USA)
7835. Mazinger Z (Japan) (Putative Beta)
7836. Mazinger Z (Japan)
7837. Mecarobot Golf (USA)
7838. MechWarrior (Europe)
7839. MechWarrior (France)
7840. MechWarrior (Germany)
7841. MechWarrior (Italy)
7842. MechWarrior (Spain)
7843. MechWarrior (USA)
7844. MechWarrior 3050 (Europe)
7845. MechWarrior 3050 (USA)
7846. Mega lo Mania – Jikuu Daisenryaku (Japan)
7847. ”Mega lo Mania (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Beta)”
7848. Mega Man 7 (Europe)
7849. Mega Man 7 (USA)
7850. Mega Man Soccer (USA)
7851. Mega Man X (Europe)
7852. Mega Man X (USA) (Rev 1)
7853. Mega Man X (USA)
7854. Mega Man X2 (Europe)
7855. Mega Man X2 (USA)
7856. Mega Man X3 (Europe)
7857. Mega Man X3 (USA)
7858. ”Mega-lo-Mania (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
7859. Melfand Stories (Japan)
7860. Metal Combat – Falcon’s Revenge (Europe)
7861. Metal Combat – Falcon’s Revenge (USA)
7862. Metal Jack (USA) (Proto)
7863. Metal Marines (Europe)
7864. Metal Marines (USA)
7865. Metal Max 2 (Japan)
7866. Metal Max Returns (Japan)
7867. Metal Morph (USA)
7868. Metal Slader Glory – Director’s Cut (Japan) (NP)
7869. Metal Warriors (USA)
7870. Michael Andretti’s IndyCar Challenge (Japan)
7871. Michael Andretti’s IndyCar Challenge (USA)
7872. Michael Jordan – Chaos in the Windy City (Europe)
7873. Michael Jordan – Chaos in the Windy City (USA)
7874. Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA) (Proto) [b]
7875. Mickey Mania – The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Japan)
7876. Mickey Mania – The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA)
7877. Mickey Mania (Europe)
7878. Mickey no Magical Adventure (Japan) (Rev 1)
7879. Mickey no Magical Adventure (Japan)
7880. Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken (Japan)
7881. Mickey to Donald – Magical Adventure 3 (Japan)
7882. Mickey to Minnie – Magical Adventure 2 (Japan) (Sample)
7883. Mickey to Minnie – Magical Adventure 2 (Japan)
7884. Mickey’s Playtown Adventure – A Day of Discovery! (USA) (Proto)
7885. Mickey’s Ultimate Challenge (USA)
7886. Micro Machines (Europe)
7887. Micro Machines (USA)
7888. Micro Machines 2 – Turbo Tournament (Europe)
7889. Might and Magic – Book II (Japan)
7890. Might and Magic II (Europe)
7891. Might and Magic II (Germany)
7892. Might and Magic III – Isles of Terra (USA) (Beta)
7893. Might and Magic III – Isles of Terra (USA)
7894. Mighty Max (USA) (Beta)
7895. Mighty Max (USA)
7896. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Fighting Edition (Europe)
7897. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Fighting Edition (USA)
7898. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Movie (Europe)
7899. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Movie (USA)
7900. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Japan) (En)
7901. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA)
7902. Milandra (Japan)
7903. Militia (Japan)
7904. Mini Yonku Let’s & Go!! – Power WGP 2 (Japan)
7905. Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion – Let’s & Go!! (Japan)
7906. Miracle Casino Paradise (Japan)
7907. Miracle Girls (Japan)
7908. ”Miracle Piano Teaching System. The (USA)”
7909. Miyaji Shachou no Pachinko Fan – Shouri Sengen 2 (Japan)
7910. Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Hyakkiyakou (Japan)
7911. MLBPA Baseball (USA)
7912. Mohawk & Headphone Jack (Europe)
7913. Mohawk & Headphone Jack (USA)
7914. Momotarou Dentetsu Happy (Japan)
7915. Monopoly (Japan)
7916. Monopoly (USA) (Rev 1)
7917. Monopoly (USA)
7918. ”Monopoly Game 2. The (Japan)”
7919. Monstania (Japan)
7920. Monster Maker III – Hikari no Majutsushi (Japan)
7921. Monster Maker Kids – Ousama ni Naritai (Japan)
7922. Mortal Kombat – Shinken Kourin Densetsu (Japan) (En)
7923. Mortal Kombat (Europe) (Beta)
7924. Mortal Kombat (Europe) (Rev 1)
7925. Mortal Kombat (Europe)
7926. Mortal Kombat (USA)
7927. Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) (Beta)
7928. Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe)
7929. Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) (Beta 1)
7930. Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) (Beta 2)
7931. Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)
7932. Mortal Kombat II – Kyuukyoku Shinken (Japan) (En)
7933. Mortal Kombat II (Europe) (Rev 1)
7934. Mortal Kombat II (Europe)
7935. Mortal Kombat II (USA) (Rev 1)
7936. Mortal Kombat II (USA)
7937. Mother 2 – Gyiyg no Gyakushuu (Japan)
7938. Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen (Japan)
7939. Motteke Oh! Dorobou (Japan)
7940. Mouryou Senki Madara 2 (Japan)
7941. ”Mr Nutz (USA) (En. Fr) (Beta)”
7942. Mr. Bloopy – Saves the World (USA) (Proto) (1994-06-21 Level 11-G)
7943. Mr. Bloopy – Saves the World (USA) (Proto) (1994-06-21 Levels 000)
7944. Mr. Bloopy – Saves the World (USA) (Proto) (1994-06-22 Levels-B)
7945. Mr. Bloopy – Saves the World (USA) (Proto) (1995-02-16)
7946. Mr. Do! (Europe)
7947. Mr. Do! (Japan)
7948. Mr. Do! (USA)
7949. ”Mr. Nutz (Europe) (En. Fr)”
7950. Mr. Nutz (Japan)
7951. ”Mr. Nutz (USA) (En. Fr)”
7952. ”Mr. Tuff (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It) (Proto) (1994-12-05)”
7953. ”Mr. Tuff (USA) (En. Fr. De) (Proto) (1994-07-12)”
7954. Ms. Pac-Man (Europe)
7955. Ms. Pac-Man (USA)
7956. Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA) (Proto)
7957. Mujintou Monogatari (Japan)
7958. Multi Play Volleyball (Japan)
7959. Muscle Bomber – The Body Explosion (Japan)
7960. Musya – The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror (USA)
7961. MVP Baseball (Japan) (En)
7962. Mystery Circle (Japan)
7963. Mystic Ark (Japan)
7964. Mystic Quest Legend (Europe)
7965. Mystic Quest Legend (France)
7966. Mystic Quest Legend (Germany)
7967. Nage Libre – Seijaku no Suishin (Japan)
7968. Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu – F-1 Hero ’94 (Japan)
7969. Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu – Super F-1 Hero (Japan)
7970. Nakano Kouichi Kanshuu Keirin Ou (Japan)
7971. Naki no Ryuu – Mahjong Hishouden (Japan)
7972. Namcot Open (Japan)
7973. Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun (Japan)
7974. Naruhodo! The World (Japan)
7975. Natsuki Crisis Battle (Japan)
7976. Natsume Championship Wrestling (USA)
7977. Naxat Super Pinball – Jaki Crush (Japan)
7978. NBA All-Star Challenge (Europe)
7979. NBA All-Star Challenge (Japan) (En)
7980. NBA All-Star Challenge (USA)
7981. NBA Give ‘n Go (Europe)
7982. NBA Give ‘n Go (USA)
7983. NBA Hang Time (Europe)
7984. NBA Hang Time (USA)
7985. NBA Jam – Tournament Edition (Europe)
7986. NBA Jam – Tournament Edition (Japan) (En)
7987. NBA Jam – Tournament Edition (USA) (Beta)
7988. NBA Jam – Tournament Edition (USA)
7989. NBA Jam (Europe) (Rev 1)
7990. NBA Jam (Europe)
7991. NBA Jam (Japan) (En)
7992. NBA Jam (USA) (Beta)
7993. NBA Jam (USA) (Rev 1)
7994. NBA Jam (USA)
7995. NBA Jikkyou Basket – Winning Dunk (Japan)
7996. NBA Live 95 (Europe)
7997. NBA Live 95 (Japan)
7998. NBA Live 95 (USA)
7999. NBA Live 96 (Europe)
8000. NBA Live 96 (USA)
8001. NBA Live 97 (Europe)
8002. NBA Live 97 (USA)
8003. NBA Live 98 (USA)
8004. NBA Pro Basketball – Bulls vs Blazers (Japan)
8005. NBA Pro Basketball ’94 – Bulls vs Suns (Japan)
8006. NBA Showdown (USA) (Beta)
8007. NBA Showdown (USA)
8008. NCAA Basketball (USA) (Arcade)
8009. NCAA Basketball (USA) (Beta)
8010. NCAA Basketball (USA) (Rev 1)
8011. NCAA Basketball (USA)
8012. NCAA Final Four Basketball (USA)
8013. NCAA Football (USA)
8014. Nekketsu Tairiku Burning Heroes (Japan)
8015. Network Q Rally (USA) (Proto)
8016. Neugier – Umi to Kaze no Kodou (Japan)
8017. New 3D Golf Simulation – Devil’s Course (Japan) (Sample)
8018. New 3D Golf Simulation – Devil’s Course (Japan)
8019. New 3D Golf Simulation – Harukanaru Augusta (Japan) (Rev 1)
8020. New 3D Golf Simulation – Harukanaru Augusta (Japan)
8021. New 3D Golf Simulation – Pebble Beach no Hatou (Japan)
8022. New 3D Golf Simulation – Waialae no Kiseki (Japan)
8023. New Horizons (USA)
8024. New Yatterman – Nandai Kandai Yajirobee (Japan)
8025. Newman Haas IndyCar featuring Nigel Mansell (Europe)
8026. Newman Haas IndyCar featuring Nigel Mansell (USA)
8027. NFL Football (Europe) (Proto)
8028. NFL Football (Europe)
8029. NFL Football (Japan) (En)
8030. NFL Football (USA)
8031. NFL Pro Football ’94 (Japan)
8032. NFL Quarterback Club (Europe)
8033. NFL Quarterback Club (USA) (Beta)
8034. NFL Quarterback Club (USA)
8035. NFL Quarterback Club ’95 (Japan) (En)
8036. NFL Quarterback Club 96 (Europe)
8037. NFL Quarterback Club 96 (Japan) (En)
8038. NFL Quarterback Club 96 (USA) (Beta)
8039. NFL Quarterback Club 96 (USA)
8040. NHL ’94 (USA) (Beta)
8041. NHL ’94 (USA)
8042. NHL 95 (Europe)
8043. NHL 95 (USA)
8044. NHL 96 (Europe)
8045. NHL 96 (USA)
8046. NHL 97 (Europe) (Rev 1)
8047. NHL 97 (Europe)
8048. NHL ’97 (USA) (Beta)
8049. NHL 97 (USA) (Rev 1)
8050. NHL 97 (USA)
8051. NHL 98 (USA)
8052. NHL Hockey ’94 (Europe)
8053. NHL Pro Hockey ’94 (Japan)
8054. ”NHL Stanley Cup (USA) (En. Fr)”
8055. NHLPA Hockey 93 (Europe)
8056. NHLPA Hockey 93 (USA)
8057. Nice de Shot (Japan)
8058. Nichibutsu Arcade Classics (Japan)
8059. Nichibutsu Arcade Classics 2 – Heiankyou Alien (Japan)
8060. Nichibutsu Collection 1 (Japan)
8061. Nichibutsu Collection 2 (Japan)
8062. Nickelodeon GUTS (USA)
8063. Nigel Mansell F-1 Challenge (Japan)
8064. Nigel Mansell IndyCar (Japan) (En)
8065. Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing (Europe) (Gremlin Graphics)
8066. Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing (Europe) (Rev 1)
8067. Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing (Europe)
8068. Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing (USA)
8069. Nightmare Busters (Europe) (Proto)
8070. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (USA)
8071. Ninja Ryuuken Den Tomoe (Japan)
8072. Ninjawarriors – The New Generation (Europe)
8073. Ninjawarriors (USA)
8074. ”Ninjawarriors Again. The (Japan)”
8075. Nintama Rantarou (Japan)
8076. Nintama Rantarou 2 (Japan)
8077. Nintama Rantarou 3 (Japan)
8078. Nintama Rantarou Special (Japan)
8079. Nintendo Power Menu Program (Japan) (NP)
8080. Nintendo Power Menu Program (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8081. Nintendo Scope 6 (Europe)
8082. Nishijin Pachinko 3 (Japan)
8083. Nishijin Pachinko Monogatari (Japan)
8084. Nishijin Pachinko Monogatari 2 (Japan)
8085. Nitropunks – Might Heads (Japan)
8086. No Escape (USA)
8087. Nobunaga no Yabou – Haouden (Japan) (Rev 1)
8088. Nobunaga no Yabou – Haouden (Japan)
8089. Nobunaga no Yabou – Tenshouki (Japan)
8090. Nobunaga’s Ambition (USA)
8091. Nolan Ryan’s Baseball (USA)
8092. Nomark Baku Haitou – Shijou Saikyou no Janshi-tachi (Japan)
8093. Nontan to Issho – Kurukuru Puzzle (Japan)
8094. Nosferatu (Japan)
8095. Nosferatu (USA)
8096. Numbers Paradise (Japan)
8097. Obitus (USA)
8098. Oda Nobunaga – Haou no Gundan (Japan)
8099. Odekake Lester – Lelele no Le (Japan) 8100. Oekaki Logic (Japan) (NP)
8101. Oekaki Logic 2 (Japan) (NP)
8102. Ogre Battle – The March of the Black Queen (USA)
8103. Okamoto Ayako to Match Play Golf – Ko Olina Golf Club in Hawaii (Japan)
8104. Olivia no Mystery (Japan)
8105. Olympic Summer Games (Europe)
8106. Olympic Summer Games (USA)
8107. On the Ball (Europe)
8108. On the Ball (USA)
8109. Ongaku Tsukuru Kanadeeru (Japan)
8110. Onizuka Katsuya Super Virtual Boxing – Shin Kentou Ou Densetsu (Japan)
8111. Oomono Black Bass Fishing – Jinzouko Hen (Japan)
8112. Oonita Atsushi FMW (Japan) (Beta)
8113. Oonita Atsushi FMW (Japan)
8114. Oozumou Spirits (Japan)
8115. Operation Europe – Path to Victory 1939-45 (USA)
8116. Operation Logic Bomb – The Ultimate Search & Destroy (Europe)
8117. Operation Logic Bomb – The Ultimate Search & Destroy (USA)
8118. Operation Starfi5h (Europe)
8119. Operation Thunderbolt (USA)
8120. Oraga Land Shusai – Best Farmer Shuukakusai (Japan) (Sample)
8121. Oraga Land Shusai – Best Farmer Shuukakusai (Japan)
8122. Oscar (Europe)
8123. Oscar (USA)
8124. Ossu!! Karate-bu (Japan)
8125. Othello World (Japan)
8126. Otoboke Ninja Colosseum (Japan)
8127. Otogirisou (Japan)
8128. Ou-chan no Oekaki Logic (Japan)
8129. Out of this World (USA) (Beta)
8130. Out of this World (USA)
8131. Out to Lunch (USA)
8132. Outer World (Japan)
8133. Outlander (Europe)
8134. Outlander (USA)
8135. P.T.O. – Pacific Theater of Operations (USA)
8136. P.T.O. II – Pacific Theater of Operations (USA)
8137. Pac-Attack (Europe)
8138. Pac-Attack (USA)
8139. Pachinko Challenger (Japan)
8140. Pachinko Fan – Shouri Sengen (Japan)
8141. Pachinko Maruhi Hisshouhou (Japan)
8142. Pachinko Monogatari – Pachi-Slot mo Aru deyo!! (Japan)
8143. Pachinko Monogatari 2 – Nagoya Shachihoko no Teiou (Japan)
8144. Pachinko Ren-chan Tengoku – Super CR Special (Japan)
8145. Pachinko Tetsujin – Nanaban Shoubu (Japan)
8146. Pachinko Wars (Japan)
8147. Pachinko Wars II (Japan)
8148. Pachio-kun Special (Japan)
8149. Pachio-kun Special 2 (Japan)
8150. Pachio-kun Special 3 (Japan)
8151. Pachi-Slot Gambler (Japan)
8152. Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku – Universal Shindai Nyuuka Volume 1 (Japan)
8153. Pachi-Slot Kenkyuu (Japan)
8154. Pachi-Slot Land – Pachipachi Coin no Densetsu (Japan)
8155. Pachi-Slot Love Story (Japan)
8156. Pachi-Slot Monogatari – PAL Kougyou Special (Japan)
8157. Pachi-Slot Monogatari – Universal Special (Japan)
8158. Pac-In-Time (Europe) (Beta)
8159. Pac-In-Time (Europe)
8160. Pac-In-Time (Japan)
8161. Pac-In-Time (USA)
8162. ”Packy & Marlon (USA) (En. Fr. Es)”
8163. Pac-Man 2 – The New Adventures (Europe)
8164. Pac-Man 2 – The New Adventures (France)
8165. Pac-Man 2 – The New Adventures (Germany)
8166. Pac-Man 2 – The New Adventures (USA)
8167. ”Pagemaster. The (Europe)”
8168. ”Pagemaster. The (USA) (Beta 1)”
8169. ”Pagemaster. The (USA) (Beta 2)”
8170. ”Pagemaster. The (USA)”
8171. Paladin’s Quest (USA)
8172. Panel de Pon (Japan)
8173. Panic in Nakayoshi World (Japan)
8174. Paperboy 2 (Europe)
8175. Paperboy 2 (USA)
8176. Parame ROM Cassette Vol. 1 (Japan) (Unl)
8177. Parame ROM Cassette Vol. 2 (Japan) (Unl)
8178. Parame ROM Cassette Vol. 3 (Japan) (Unl)
8179. Parame ROM Cassette Vol. 4 (Japan) (Unl)
8180. Parame ROM Cassette Vol. 5 (Japan) (Unl)
8181. Parlor! Mini – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan) (Rev 1)
8182. Parlor! Mini – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8183. Parlor! Mini 2 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8184. Parlor! Mini 3 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8185. Parlor! Mini 4 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8186. Parlor! Mini 5 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8187. Parlor! Mini 6 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8188. Parlor! Mini 7 – Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan)
8189. Parlor! Parlor! (Japan)
8190. Parlor! Parlor! 2 (Japan)
8191. Parlor! Parlor! 3 (Japan)
8192. Parlor! Parlor! 5 (Japan)
8193. Parlor! Parlor! IV CR (Japan)
8194. Parodius (Europe)
8195. Parodius Da! – Shinwa kara Owarai e (Japan)
8196. ”Peace Keepers. The (USA)”
8197. Pebble Beach no Hatou New – Tournament Edition (Japan)
8198. PGA European Tour (Europe)
8199. PGA European Tour (USA)
8200. PGA Tour 96 (Europe)
8201. PGA Tour 96 (USA) (Rev 1)
8202. PGA Tour 96 (USA)
8203. PGA Tour Golf (Europe)
8204. PGA Tour Golf (Japan) (En)
8205. PGA Tour Golf (USA) (Rev 1)
8206. PGA Tour Golf (USA)
8207. Phalanx – The Enforce Fighter A-144 (Japan) (En)
8208. Phalanx – The Enforce Fighter A-144 (USA) (Beta)
8209. Phalanx (Europe)
8210. Phalanx (USA)
8211. ”Phantom 2040 (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
8212. Phantom 2040 (USA) (Beta)
8213. Phantom 2040 (USA)
8214. Picachu (World) (Unl) (Pirate)
8215. Picross NP Vol. 1 (Japan) (NP)
8216. Picross NP Vol. 1 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8217. Picross NP Vol. 2 (Japan) (NP)
8218. Picross NP Vol. 2 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8219. Picross NP Vol. 3 (Japan) (NP)
8220. Picross NP Vol. 3 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8221. Picross NP Vol. 4 (Japan) (NP)
8222. Picross NP Vol. 4 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8223. Picross NP Vol. 5 (Japan) (NP)
8224. Picross NP Vol. 5 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8225. Picross NP Vol. 6 (Japan) (NP)
8226. Picross NP Vol. 6 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8227. Picross NP Vol. 7 (Japan) (NP)
8228. Picross NP Vol. 7 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8229. Picross NP Vol. 8 (Japan) (NP)
8230. Picross NP Vol. 8 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8231. Pieces (USA)
8232. Pierre le Chef Is… Out to Lunch (Europe)
8233. Pikiinya! (Japan) (Beta)
8234. Pikiinya! (Japan)
8235. Pilotwings (Europe)
8236. Pilotwings (Japan)
8237. Pilotwings (USA)
8238. Pinball Dreams (Europe) (Beta)
8239. Pinball Dreams (Europe)
8240. Pinball Dreams (USA)
8241. Pinball Fantasies (Europe)
8242. Pinball Fantasies (USA)
8243. Pinball Pinball (Japan)
8244. Pink Goes to Hollywood (Europe)
8245. Pink Goes to Hollywood (USA)
8246. Pink Panther (Japan) (En)
8247. Pinkie (USA) (Proto)
8248. Pinocchio (Europe)
8249. Pinocchio (Japan)
8250. Pinocchio (USA)
8251. Pipe Dream (Japan)
8252. ”Pirates of Dark Water. The (Europe) (Sample)”
8253. ”Pirates of Dark Water. The (Europe)”
8254. ”Pirates of Dark Water. The (USA) (Beta)”
8255. ”Pirates of Dark Water. The (USA)”
8256. Pitfall – Maya no Daibouken (Japan) (En)
8257. Pitfall – The Mayan Adventure (Europe)
8258. Pitfall – The Mayan Adventure (USA) (Beta)
8259. Pitfall – The Mayan Adventure (USA)
8260. Pit-Fighter (Europe)
8261. Pit-Fighter (USA)
8262. ”Planet’s Champ TG 3000. The (Japan)”
8263. Plok (Europe)
8264. ”Plok (France) (En. Fr)”
8265. Plok (Germany)
8266. Plok (USA)
8267. Plok! (Japan)
8268. P-Man (Japan)
8269. Pocky & Rocky (Europe) (Sample)
8270. Pocky & Rocky (Europe)
8271. Pocky & Rocky (USA)
8272. Pocky & Rocky 2 (Europe)
8273. Pocky & Rocky 2 (USA) (Beta)
8274. Pocky & Rocky 2 (USA)
8275. Pokemon Stadium (World) (Unl) (Pirate)
8276. Pokonyan! – Henpokorin Adventure (Japan)
8277. Popeye – Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki (Japan)
8278. Popful Mail (Japan)
8279. Pop’n TwinBee – Rainbow Bell Adventures (Europe)
8280. Pop’n TwinBee – Rainbow Bell Adventures (Germany)
8281. Pop’n TwinBee (Europe)
8282. Pop’n TwinBee (Japan) (Putative Sample) [b]
8283. Pop’n TwinBee (Japan)
8284. Popoitto Hebereke (Japan)
8285. Populous (Europe)
8286. Populous (Japan)
8287. Populous (USA)
8288. Populous II – Trials of the Olympian Gods (Europe)
8289. Populous II – Trials of the Olympian Gods (Germany)
8290. Populous II – Trials of the Olympian Gods (Japan)
8291. Porky Pig’s Haunted Holiday (Europe)
8292. Porky Pig’s Haunted Holiday (USA) (Beta)
8293. Porky Pig’s Haunted Holiday (USA)
8294. Power Athlete (Japan) (En)
8295. ”Power Drive (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. Pt)”
8296. Power Instinct (USA) (Beta)
8297. Power Instinct (USA)
8298. Power Lode Runner (Japan) (NP)
8299. Power Moves (USA)
8300. Power of the Hired (Japan)
8301. Power Piggs of the Dark Age (Europe) (Beta)
8302. Power Piggs of the Dark Age (Europe)
8303. Power Piggs of the Dark Age (USA)
8304. Power Rangers (Europe)
8305. Power Rangers Zeo – Battle Racers (Europe)
8306. Power Rangers Zeo – Battle Racers (USA)
8307. Power Slide (Europe) (Proto) (1994-04-12)
8308. Power Soukoban (Japan)
8309. PowerFest 94 – Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA)
8310. PowerFest 94 – Scoring (USA)
8311. PowerFest 94 – Super Mario Bros. – The Lost Levels (USA)
8312. PowerFest 94 – Super Mario Kart (USA)
8313. PowerMonger – Mashou no Bouryaku (Japan)
8314. PowerMonger (Europe)
8315. ”Prehistorik Man (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
8316. ”Prehistorik Man (USA) (En. Fr. Es)”
8317. Primal Rage (Europe)
8318. Primal Rage (USA) (Beta)
8319. Primal Rage (USA)
8320. Prime (USA) (Proto)
8321. Prince of Persia (Europe)
8322. Prince of Persia (Japan)
8323. Prince of Persia (USA)
8324. Prince of Persia 2 – The Shadow & the Flame (USA) (Beta)
8325. Prince of Persia 2 (Europe)
8326. Prince of Persia 2 (USA)
8327. Princess Maker – Legend of Another World (Japan)
8328. Princess Minerva (Japan)
8329. Pro Action Replay (Europe) (Unl) [b]
8330. Pro Action Replay MK2 (Europe) (Unl) [b]
8331. Pro Action Replay MK2 (Europe) (v1.1) (Unl) [b]
8332. Pro Action Replay MK3 (Europe) (Unl)
8333. Pro Football (Japan) (En)
8334. Pro Football ’93 (Japan)
8335. Pro Kishi Jinsei Simulation – Shougi no Hanamichi (Japan)
8336. Pro Mahjong Kiwame (Japan) (Rev 1)
8337. Pro Mahjong Kiwame (Japan)
8338. Pro Mahjong Kiwame II (Japan) (Rev 1)
8339. Pro Mahjong Kiwame II (Japan)
8340. Pro Mahjong Kiwame III (Japan)
8341. Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono (Japan) (Renkaban)
8342. Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono (Japan)
8343. Pro Quarterback (USA)
8344. Pro Soccer (Japan)
8345. Pro Sport Hockey (USA)
8346. Pro Yakyuu Nettou Puzzle Stadium (Japan) (Beta)
8347. Pro Yakyuu Nettou Puzzle Stadium (Japan)
8348. Pro Yakyuu Star (Japan)
8349. Psycho Dream (Japan)
8350. ”Push-Over (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
8351. ”Push-Over (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es) (Beta)”
8352. Push-Over (USA)
8353. Putty Moon (Japan)
8354. Putty Squad (Europe)
8355. Puzzle Bobble – Bust-A-Move (Europe)
8356. Puzzle Bobble (Japan)
8357. Puzzle Nintama Rantarou – Ninjutsu Gakuen Puzzle Taikai no Dan (Japan)
8358. Puzzle’n Desu! (Japan)
8359. Q-bert 3 (Japan)
8360. Q-bert 3 (USA)
8361. R.P.M. Racing (Japan) (En)
8362. Race Drivin’ (Europe)
8363. Race Drivin’ (USA)
8364. Radical Psycho Machine Racing (USA)
8365. Radical Rex (Europe)
8366. Radical Rex (USA) (Beta)
8367. Radical Rex (USA)
8368. Raiden Densetsu (Japan)
8369. Raiden Trad (USA)
8370. Ramos Ruy no World Wide Soccer (Japan) (En)
8371. Rampart (USA)
8372. Ranma 1-2 – Akanekodan Teki Hihou (Japan)
8373. Ranma 1-2 – Bakuretsu Rantou Hen (Japan)
8374. Ranma 1-2 – Chougi Ranbu Hen (Japan)
8375. Ranma 1-2 – Chounai Gekitou Hen (Japan)
8376. Ranma 1-2 – Hard Battle (USA)
8377. Ranma 1-2 – Ougi Jaanken (Japan)
8378. Ranma 1-2 (Europe) (Beta)
8379. Ranma 1-2 (Europe)
8380. Ranma 1-2 (France)
8381. Rap Basketball (USA) (Proto)
8382. ”Rap Jam – Volume One (USA) (En. Fr. Es)”
8383. Rayman (USA) (Proto)
8384. Realm (Europe)
8385. Realm (USA)
8386. Red October (Japan)
8387. Redline F-1 Racer (USA)
8388. Rejoice – Aretha Oukoku no Kanata (Japan)
8389. Relief Pitcher (USA) (Beta)
8390. Relief Pitcher (USA)
8391. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Buckeroo$! (USA)”
8392. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Fire Dogs (USA)”
8393. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Time Warp (Europe)”
8394. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Time Warp (USA)”
8395. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Veediots! (Europe)”
8396. ”Ren & Stimpy Show. The – Veediots! (USA)”
8397. Rendering Ranger R2 (Japan) (En)
8398. Res Arcana – Diana Ray – Uranai no Meikyuu (Japan)
8399. Return of Double Dragon (Japan) (En)
8400. Reverse Kids (Japan) (Unl)
8401. Revolution X (Europe)
8402. Revolution X (Germany)
8403. Revolution X (Japan)
8404. Revolution X (USA)
8405. ”Rex Ronan – Experimental Surgeon (USA) (En. Es)”
8406. RHI Roller Hockey ’95 (USA) (Proto)
8407. Riddick Bowe Boxing (Japan) (En)
8408. Riddick Bowe Boxing (USA)
8409. Rin Kaihou Kudan no Igo Taidou (Japan)
8410. Ring ni Kakero (Japan) (NP)
8411. Rise of the Phoenix (USA)
8412. Rise of the Robots (Europe)
8413. Rise of the Robots (Japan) (En)
8414. Rise of the Robots (USA) (Beta)
8415. Rise of the Robots (USA)
8416. Rival Turf (Europe)
8417. Rival Turf! (USA)
8418. Road Riot 4WD (Europe)
8419. Road Riot 4WD (USA) (Beta)
8420. Road Riot 4WD (USA)
8421. Road Runner (Europe) (Beta)
8422. Road Runner’s Death Valley Rally (USA)
8423. RoboCop 3 (Europe)
8424. RoboCop 3 (USA) (Arcade)
8425. RoboCop 3 (USA)
8426. RoboCop versus The Terminator (Europe)
8427. RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA)
8428. Robotrek (USA)
8429. Rock & Roll Racing (Europe) (Beta)
8430. Rock n’ Roll Racing (Europe)
8431. Rock n’ Roll Racing (Japan)
8432. Rock n’ Roll Racing (USA) (Beta)
8433. Rock n’ Roll Racing (USA)
8434. ”Rocketeer. The (USA)”
8435. Rockman & Forte (Japan)
8436. Rockman 7 – Shukumei no Taiketsu! (Japan) (Sample)
8437. Rockman 7 – Shukumei no Taiketsu! (Japan)
8438. Rockman X (Japan) (Rev 1)
8439. Rockman X (Japan)
8440. Rockman X2 (Japan)
8441. Rockman X3 (Japan) (Beta)
8442. Rockman X3 (Japan)
8443. Rockman’s Soccer (Japan)
8444. Rocko’s Modern Life – Spunky’s Dangerous Day (USA)
8445. Rocky Rodent (Europe) (Proto)
8446. Rocky Rodent (USA)
8447. Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball (USA) (Beta)
8448. Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball (USA) (Rev 1)
8449. Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball (USA)
8450. Rokudenashi Blues – Taiketsu! Tokyo Shitennou (Japan)
8451. Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA)
8452. Romance of the Three Kingdoms III – Dragon of Destiny (USA)
8453. Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV – Wall of Fire (USA)
8454. Romancing Sa-Ga (Japan) (Rev 1)
8455. Romancing Sa-Ga (Japan)
8456. Romancing Sa-Ga 2 (Japan)
8457. Romancing Sa-Ga 3 (Japan) (Rev 1)
8458. Romancing Sa-Ga 3 (Japan) (Sample)
8459. Romancing Sa-Ga 3 (Japan)
8460. Royal Conquest (Japan)
8461. RPG Tsukuru – Super Dante (Japan)
8462. RPG Tsukuru 2 (Japan)
8463. R-Type III – The Third Lightning (Europe) (Beta)
8464. R-Type III – The Third Lightning (Japan) (En)
8465. R-Type III (Europe)
8466. R-Type III (USA)
8467. Rudra no Hihou (Japan)
8468. Ruin Arm (Japan)
8469. Run Saber (Europe)
8470. Run Saber (USA)
8471. Rushing Beat (Japan)
8472. Rushing Beat Ran – Fukusei Toshi (Japan)
8473. Rushing Beat Shura (Japan)
8474. Ryuuki Heidan Danzarb (Japan)
8475. Ryuuko no Ken (Japan) (Rev 1)
8476. Ryuuko no Ken (Japan)
8477. Ryuuko no Ken 2 (Japan)
8478. S.O.S – Sink or Swim (Europe)
8479. S.O.S – Sink or Swim (USA)
8480. Saibara Rieko no Mahjong Hourouki (Japan)
8481. Saikousoku Shikou Shougi Mahjong (Japan)
8482. Saikyou – Takada Nobuhiko (Japan)
8483. Sailormoon (France)
8484. Sakurai Shouichi no Jankiryuu Mahjong Hisshouhou (Japan)
8485. Same Game (Japan)
8486. Samsara Naga 2 (Japan)
8487. Samurai Shodown (Europe)
8488. Samurai Shodown (USA)
8489. Samurai Spirits (Japan) (Beta)
8490. Samurai Spirits (Japan)
8491. Sangokushi Eiketsuden (Japan)
8492. Sangokushi III (Hong Kong)
8493. Sangokushi III (Japan) (Rev 1)
8494. Sangokushi III (Japan)
8495. Sangokushi IV (Japan) (Rev 1)
8496. Sangokushi IV (Japan)
8497. Sangokushi Seishi – Tenbu Spirits (Japan)
8498. Sankyo Fever! Fever! (Japan)
8499. Sanrio Shanghai (Japan)
8500. Sanrio World Smash Ball! (Japan)
8501. Sanspo Fishing – Keiryuu Ou (Japan)
8502. Saturday Night Slam Masters (Europe)
8503. Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA)
8504. Scooby-Doo Mystery (USA)
8505. SD F-1 Grand Prix (Japan) (Sample)
8506. SD F-1 Grand Prix (Japan)
8507. SD Gundam – Power Formation Puzzle (Japan)
8508. SD Gundam G Next (Japan)
8509. SD Gundam Gaiden – Knight Gundam Monogatari – Ooinaru Isan (Japan) (Rev 1)
8510. SD Gundam Gaiden – Knight Gundam Monogatari – Ooinaru Isan (Japan)
8511. SD Gundam Gaiden 2 – Entaku no Kishi (Japan)
8512. SD Gundam GX (Japan)
8513. SD Hiryuu no Ken (Japan)
8514. SD Kidou Senshi Gundam – V Sakusen Shidou (Japan)
8515. SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2 (Japan)
8516. SD The Great Battle – Aratanaru Chousen (Japan)
8517. SeaQuest DSV (Europe)
8518. SeaQuest DSV (USA)
8519. Secret of Evermore (Europe)
8520. Secret of Evermore (France)
8521. Secret of Evermore (Germany)
8522. Secret of Evermore (Spain)
8523. Secret of Evermore (USA)
8524. Secret of Mana (Europe) (Rev 1)
8525. Secret of Mana (Europe)
8526. Secret of Mana (France) (Rev 1)
8527. Secret of Mana (France)
8528. Secret of Mana (Germany)
8529. Secret of Mana (USA)
8530. Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter (Japan)
8531. Seijuu Maden Beasts & Blades (Japan)
8532. Seiken Densetsu 2 (Japan)
8533. Seiken Densetsu 3 (Japan) (Sample)
8534. Seiken Densetsu 3 (Japan)
8535. Sengoku Denshou (Japan)
8536. Sengoku no Hasha – Tenkafubu e no Michi (Japan)
8537. ”Sensible Soccer – European Champions (Europe) (En. Fr. De. It) (Beta)”
8538. ”Sensible Soccer – European Champions (Europe) (En. Fr. De. It)”
8539. Septentrion (Japan)
8540. Serizawa Nobuo no Birdie Try (Japan)
8541. Sgt. Saunders’ Combat! (Japan)
8542. ”Shadow. The (USA) (Proto 1)”
8543. ”Shadow. The (USA) (Proto 2)”
8544. Shadowhawk (USA) (Proto)
8545. Shadowrun (Europe) (Sample)
8546. Shadowrun (Europe)
8547. Shadowrun (Germany)
8548. ”Shadowrun (Japan) (En. Ja)”
8549. Shadowrun (Sweden)
8550. Shadowrun (USA) (Beta)
8551. Shadowrun (USA)
8552. Shanghai – Banri no Choujou (Japan) (Rev 1)
8553. Shanghai – Banri no Choujou (Japan)
8554. Shanghai II – Dragon’s Eye (Europe)
8555. Shanghai II – Dragon’s Eye (USA)
8556. Shanghai III (Japan)
8557. Shaq Fu (USA) (Beta)
8558. Shaq-Fu (Europe)
8559. Shaq-Fu (USA)
8560. Shichuusuimeigaku Nyuumon – Shin Tougenkyou (Japan)
8561. Shien – The Blade Chaser (Japan)
8562. Shien’s Revenge (USA) (Beta)
8563. Shien’s Revenge (USA)
8564. Shijou Saikyou League Serie A – Ace Striker (Japan)
8565. Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen Super (Japan)
8566. Shiki Eiyuu Den – Jinryuu Densetsu (Japan)
8567. Shimono Masaki no Fishing to Bassing (Japan)
8568. Shin Ikkakusenkin (Japan)
8569. Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W – Endless Duel (Japan)
8570. Shin Mahjong (Japan)
8571. Shin Megami Tensei (Japan) (Rev 1)
8572. Shin Megami Tensei (Japan)
8573. Shin Megami Tensei if… (Japan) (Rev 1)
8574. Shin Megami Tensei if… (Japan)
8575. Shin Megami Tensei II (Japan) (Rev 1)
8576. Shin Megami Tensei II (Japan) (Rev 2)
8577. Shin Megami Tensei II (Japan)
8578. Shin Momotarou Densetsu (Japan) (Rev 1)
8579. Shin Momotarou Densetsu (Japan)
8580. Shin Nekketsu Kouha – Kunio-tachi no Banka (Japan)
8581. Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling – Chou Senshi in Tokyo Dome – Fantastic Story (Japan)
8582. Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Kounin – ’94 Battlefield in Tokyo Dome (Japan)
8583. Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Kounin – ’95 Tokyo Dome Battle 7 (Japan)
8584. Shin SD Sengokuden – Daishougun Retsuden (Japan)
8585. Shin Shougi Club (Japan)
8586. Shin Star Trek – Ooinaru Isan IFD no Nazo o Oe (Japan)
8587. Shinchou Kouki (Japan)
8588. ”Shinri Game 2. The – Magical Trip (Japan)”
8589. ”Shinri Game 3. The (Japan)”
8590. ”Shinri Game. The – Akuma no Kokoroji (Japan)”
8591. Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula (Japan)
8592. Shinseiki Odysselya (Japan) (Sample)
8593. Shinseiki Odysselya (Japan)
8594. Shinseiki Odysselya II (Japan)
8595. Shinzui Taikyoku Igo – Go Sennin (Japan)
8596. Shiroi Ring e – Twinkle Little Star (Japan)
8597. Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan) (Rev 1)
8598. Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan)
8599. Shodan Morita Shougi (Japan)
8600. Shodani Nintei – Shodan Pro Mahjong (Japan)
8601. Shooter (USA) (Proto)
8602. Shougi Club (Japan)
8603. Shougi Fuurinkazan (Japan)
8604. Shougi Saikyou (Japan)
8605. Shougi Saikyou II – Jissen Taikyoku Hen (Japan)
8606. Shougi Zanmai (Japan)
8607. Shounen Ashibe – Goma-chan no Yuuenchi Daibouken (Japan)
8608. Shounen Ninja Sasuke (Japan) (Sample)
8609. Shounen Ninja Sasuke (Japan)
8610. ”Shounin yo. Taishi o Idake!! (Japan)”
8611. Shuushoku Game (Japan)
8612. Sid Meier’s Civilization (USA) (Beta)
8613. Sid Meier’s Civilization (USA)
8614. Side Pocket (Europe)
8615. Side Pocket (Japan) (En)
8616. Side Pocket (USA)
8617. Silva Saga II – The Legend of Light and Darkness (Japan)
8618. SimAnt – The Electronic Ant Colony (USA)
8619. SimAnt (Japan)
8620. SimAnt (USA) (Beta)
8621. SimCity (Europe)
8622. SimCity (France)
8623. SimCity (Germany)
8624. SimCity (Japan)
8625. SimCity (USA)
8626. SimCity 2000 – The Ultimate City Simulator (Europe)
8627. SimCity 2000 – The Ultimate City Simulator (USA)
8628. SimCity 2000 (Japan)
8629. SimCity Jr. (Japan)
8630. SimEarth – The Living Planet (Japan) (Rev 1)
8631. SimEarth – The Living Planet (Japan)
8632. SimEarth – The Living Planet (USA)
8633. ”Simpsons. The – Bart no Fushigi na Yume no Daibouken (Japan) (En)”
8634. ”Simpsons. The – Bart’s Nightmare (Europe)”
8635. ”Simpsons. The – Bart’s Nightmare (USA)”
8636. Simulation Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
8637. Ski Paradise with Snowboard (Japan)
8638. Skuljagger – Revolt of the Westicans (USA) (Beta)
8639. Skuljagger – Revolt of the Westicans (USA)
8640. Sky Mission (Japan) (En)
8641. Skyblazer (Europe)
8642. Skyblazer (USA) (Beta 1)
8643. Skyblazer (USA) (Beta 2)
8644. Skyblazer (USA)
8645. Slap Stick (Japan)
8646. Slayers (Japan)
8647. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi – Bangai Hen (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8648. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi – Bangai Hen 2 – Maki no Love Love Panic (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8649. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi – Test Version (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8650. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8651. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 2 – Trial Version (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8652. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 2 (Japan) (Unl)
8653. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 2 Remix (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8654. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3 – Test Version (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8655. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3 (Japan) (Alt 1) (Unl) [b]
8656. SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3 (Japan) (Unl) [b]
8657. Smart Ball (USA)
8658. Smash T.V. (Japan) (En)
8659. Smash Tennis (Europe) (Beta)
8660. Smash Tennis (Europe)
8661. ”Smurfs Travel the World. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
8662. ”Smurfs. The (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
8663. SNES Burn-in Test Cartridge (Unknown) (Rev D)
8664. Snoopy Concert (Japan)
8665. Snow White in Happily Ever After (USA)
8666. ”Soccer Kid (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
8667. Soccer Kid (Japan) (Beta)
8668. Soccer Kid (Japan)
8669. Soccer Shootout (Europe)
8670. Soldiers of Fortune (USA)
8671. Solid Runner (Japan)
8672. Solstice II (Japan) (Beta) (1993-03-03)
8673. Solstice II (Japan)
8674. Song Master (Japan)
8675. Sonic Blast Man (Europe)
8676. Sonic Blast Man (Japan)
8677. Sonic Blast Man (USA)
8678. Sonic Blast Man II (Japan)
8679. Sonic Blast Man II (USA)
8680. Sonic Wings (Japan)
8681. Soreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro – Kieta Goemon no Nazo!! (Japan)
8682. SOS (USA)
8683. Sotsugyou Bangai Hen – Nee Mahjong Shiyo! (Japan)
8684. Sougou Kakutougi – Astral Bout (Japan)
8685. Sougou Kakutougi – Astral Bout 2 – The Total Fighters (Japan)
8686. Sougou Kakutougi Rings – Astral Bout 3 (Japan)
8687. Soukou Kihei Votoms – The Battling Road (Japan)
8688. Soul & Sword (Japan)
8689. Soul Blade (World) (Unl) (Pirate)
8690. Soul Blader (Japan)
8691. Soul Blazer (Europe)
8692. Soul Blazer (France)
8693. Soul Blazer (Germany)
8694. Soul Blazer (USA)
8695. Sound Factory (Japan) (En) (Proto)
8696. Sound Novel Tsukuru (Japan)
8697. Space Ace (Europe)
8698. Space Ace (Japan) (En)
8699. Space Ace (USA) (Beta)
8700. Space Ace (USA)
8701. Space Bazooka (Japan)
8702. Space Football – One on One (USA)
8703. Space Funky B.O.B. (Japan)
8704. Space Invaders – The Original Game (Japan)
8705. Space Invaders (Europe)
8706. Space Invaders (USA)
8707. Space Megaforce (USA)
8708. Spanky’s Quest (Europe)
8709. Spanky’s Quest (USA)
8710. Spark World (Japan)
8711. Sparkster (Europe)
8712. Sparkster (Japan)
8713. Sparkster (USA)
8714. Spectre (Europe)
8715. Spectre (USA)
8716. Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures (USA)
8717. Speedy Gonzales – Los Gatos Bandidos (USA) (Rev 1)
8718. Speedy Gonzales – Los Gatos Bandidos (USA)
8719. Speedy Gonzales in Los Gatos Bandidos (Europe) (Proto) (No. 04)
8720. Speedy Gonzales in Los Gatos Bandidos (Europe) (Proto) (No. 14)
8721. Speedy Gonzales in Los Gatos Bandidos (USA) (Beta)
8722. SpellCraft – Aspects of Valor (USA) (Proto)
8723. Spider-Man – Venom – Maximum Carnage (Europe)
8724. Spider-Man – Venom – Maximum Carnage (USA)
8725. Spider-Man – X-Men – Arcade’s Revenge (Europe)
8726. Spider-Man – X-Men – Arcade’s Revenge (USA)
8727. Spider-Man (Europe)
8728. Spider-Man (USA) (Beta)
8729. Spider-Man (USA)
8730. Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge (USA) (Beta) [b]
8731. Spindizzy Worlds (Europe)
8732. Spindizzy Worlds (Japan) (En)
8733. Spindizzy Worlds (USA)
8734. ”Spirou (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
8735. ”Sporting News Baseball. The (USA)”
8736. Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (USA) (Beta)
8737. Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (USA)
8738. Spriggan Powered (Japan)
8739. Sprinter Monogatari – Mezase!! Ikkakusenkin (Japan)
8740. Squaresoft Mode 7 Demo (USA) (Demo)
8741. St. Andrews – Eikou to Rekishi no Old Course (Japan)
8742. Stable Star – Kyuusha Monogatari (Japan)
8743. Star Fox – Super Weekend (USA)
8744. Star Fox (Japan) (Rev 1)
8745. Star Fox (Japan)
8746. Star Fox (USA) (Rev 1)
8747. Star Fox (USA) (Rev 2)
8748. Star Fox (USA)
8749. Star Fox 2 (Japan) (Proto 1)
8750. Star Fox 2 (Japan) (Proto 2)
8751. Star Ocean (Japan)
8752. Star Trek – Deep Space Nine – Crossroads of Time (Europe)
8753. Star Trek – Deep Space Nine – Crossroads of Time (USA) (Beta)
8754. Star Trek – Deep Space Nine – Crossroads of Time (USA)
8755. Star Trek – Starfleet Academy – Starship Bridge Simulator (Europe)
8756. Star Trek – Starfleet Academy – Starship Bridge Simulator (Germany)
8757. Star Trek – Starfleet Academy – Starship Bridge Simulator (USA)
8758. Star Trek – The Next Generation – Future’s Past (Europe)
8759. Star Trek – The Next Generation – Future’s Past (USA)
8760. Stardust Suplex (Japan)
8761. ”Stargate (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
8762. Stargate (Japan)
8763. Stargate (USA) (Beta)
8764. Stargate (USA)
8765. Starwing – Competition (Europe)
8766. Starwing – Competition (Germany)
8767. Starwing (Europe) (Rev 1)
8768. Starwing (Europe)
8769. Starwing (Germany)
8770. Stealth (Japan)
8771. Steel Talons (USA)
8772. Sterling Sharpe – End 2 End (USA)
8773. Steven Seagal Is The Final Option (USA) (Proto)
8774. Stone Protectors (Japan)
8775. Stone Protectors (USA)
8776. Street Combat (Europe) (Putative Proto)
8777. Street Combat (USA)
8778. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Europe)
8779. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA)
8780. Street Fighter EX (World) (Unl) (Pirate)
8781. Street Fighter II (Europe)
8782. Street Fighter II (Japan)
8783. Street Fighter II (USA) (Beta)
8784. Street Fighter II (USA)
8785. Street Fighter II Turbo (Europe) (Rev 1)
8786. Street Fighter II Turbo (Europe)
8787. Street Fighter II Turbo (Japan)
8788. Street Fighter II Turbo (USA) (Rev 1)
8789. Street Fighter II Turbo (USA)
8790. Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan)
8791. Street Hockey ’95 (USA) (Beta)
8792. Street Racer (Europe) (Rev 1)
8793. Street Racer (Europe)
8794. Street Racer (Japan) (En)
8795. Street Racer (USA) (Beta)
8796. Street Racer (USA)
8797. Street Sports – Jammit (USA)
8798. Street Sports – Street Hockey ’95 (USA)
8799. Strike Gunner S.T.G (Japan) (En)
8800. Strike Gunner S.T.G (USA)
8801. ”Striker (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Sv) (Beta)”
8802. ”Striker (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Sv)”
8803. Stunt Race FX (Europe)
8804. Stunt Race FX (USA) (Rev 1)
8805. Sufami Turbo (Japan)
8806. Sugoi Hebereke (Japan)
8807. Sugoro Quest++ – Dicenics (Japan)
8808. Sugoroku Ginga Senki (Japan)
8809. Sunset Riders (Europe)
8810. Sunset Riders (USA)
8811. Supapoon (Japan)
8812. Supapoon DX (Japan)
8813. Super 3D Baseball (Japan)
8814. Super 3D Noah’s Ark (USA) (Unl)
8815. Super 4WD – The Baja (Japan)
8816. Super 8 (USA) (Unl)
8817. Super Adventure Island (Europe)
8818. Super Adventure Island (USA)
8819. Super Adventure Island II (Europe)
8820. Super Adventure Island II (USA)
8821. Super Air Diver (Europe)
8822. Super Air Diver (Japan)
8823. Super Air Diver 2 (Japan)
8824. Super Aleste (Europe)
8825. Super Aleste (Japan)
8826. Super Alfred Chicken (USA)
8827. Super Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika – Genchou Hishi (Japan)
8828. ”Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats. The (USA) (Beta)”
8829. ”Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats. The (USA)”
8830. Super B.C. Kid (Europe)
8831. Super Back to the Future Part II (Japan)
8832. Super Baken Ou ’95 (Japan)
8833. Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA)
8834. Super Bases Loaded (USA)
8835. Super Bases Loaded 2 (USA)
8836. Super Bases Loaded 3 – License to Steal (USA)
8837. Super Batter Up (USA)
8838. Super Battleship (Europe)
8839. Super Battleship (USA)
8840. Super Battletank (Japan)
8841. Super Battletank 2 (Europe)
8842. Super Battletank 2 (Japan)
8843. Super Battletank 2 (Spain)
8844. Super Battletank 2 (USA)
8845. Super Big 2 (China) (Unl)
8846. Super Bikkuriman (Japan)
8847. Super Billiard – Championship Pool (Japan)
8848. Super Birdie Rush (Japan)
8849. Super Black Bass (Japan)
8850. Super Black Bass (USA)
8851. Super Black Bass 2 (Japan)
8852. Super Black Bass 3 (Japan) (Rev 1)
8853. Super Black Bass 3 (Japan)
8854. Super Bomber Man – Panic Bomber W (Japan)
8855. Super Bomber Man (Japan)
8856. Super Bomber Man 2 (Japan) (Caravan You Taikenban)
8857. Super Bomber Man 2 (Japan) (En)
8858. Super Bomber Man 3 (Japan) (Beta)
8859. Super Bomber Man 3 (Japan)
8860. Super Bomber Man 4 (Japan)
8861. Super Bomber Man 5 (Japan) (Caravan Event Ban)
8862. Super Bomber Man 5 (Japan)
8863. Super Bomberman (Europe)
8864. Super Bomberman (USA) (Sample)
8865. Super Bomberman (USA)
8866. Super Bomberman 2 (Europe)
8867. Super Bomberman 2 (USA)
8868. Super Bomberman 3 (Europe)
8869. Super Bombliss (Japan) (En)
8870. Super Bonk (USA)
8871. Super Bowling (Japan) (En)
8872. Super Bowling (USA)
8873. Super Buster Bros. (USA) (Beta)
8874. Super Buster Bros. (USA) (Rev 1)
8875. Super Buster Bros. (USA)
8876. Super Caesars Palace (USA) (Beta)
8877. Super Caesars Palace (USA)
8878. Super Casino – Caesars Palace (Japan) (Rev 1)
8879. Super Casino – Caesars Palace (Japan)
8880. Super Casino 2 (Japan)
8881. Super Castles (Japan)
8882. Super Castlevania IV (Europe)
8883. Super Castlevania IV (USA)
8884. Super Chase H.Q. (Europe)
8885. Super Chase H.Q. (USA)
8886. Super Chinese Fighter (Japan)
8887. Super Chinese World (Japan)
8888. Super Chinese World 2 – Uchuuichi Butou Taikai (Japan) (Beta)
8889. Super Chinese World 2 – Uchuuichi Butou Taikai (Japan) (Sample)
8890. Super Chinese World 2 – Uchuuichi Butou Taikai (Japan)
8891. Super Chinese World 3 – Chou Jigen Daisakusen (Japan)
8892. Super Conflict (Europe)
8893. Super Conflict (USA)
8894. ”Super Copa (Brazil) (Es. Pt)”
8895. Super Cup Soccer (Japan) (En)
8896. Super Daikoukai Jidai (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
8897. Super Daikoukai Jidai (Japan)
8898. Super Dany (France) (Beta)
8899. Super Dany (France)
8900. Super Disc (Japan) (En) (v0.95) (Proto)
8901. Super Dogfight (Japan)
8902. Super Donkey Kong (Japan) (Rev 1)
8903. Super Donkey Kong (Japan)
8904. Super Donkey Kong 2 – Dixie & Diddy (Japan) (Rev 1)
8905. Super Donkey Kong 2 – Dixie & Diddy (Japan)
8906. Super Donkey Kong 3 – Nazo no Kremis-tou (Japan) (Rev 1)
8907. Super Donkey Kong 3 – Nazo no Kremis-tou (Japan)
8908. Super Double Dragon (Europe) (Beta)
8909. Super Double Dragon (Europe)
8910. Super Double Dragon (USA)
8911. Super Double Yakuman (Japan)
8912. Super Double Yakuman II (Japan)
8913. Super Drakkhen (Japan)
8914. Super Drift Out – World Rally Championships (Japan) (En)
8915. Super Drift Out – World Rally Championships (USA) (Proto)
8916. Super Dunk Shot (Japan) (En)
8917. Super Dunk Star (Japan) (En)
8918. Super E.D.F. (Japan) (En)
8919. Super F1 Circus (Japan)
8920. Super F1 Circus 2 (Japan)
8921. Super F1 Circus 3 (Japan)
8922. Super F1 Circus Gaiden (Japan)
8923. Super F1 Circus Limited (Japan)
8924. Super Famicom Box 4S Attraction (Japan)
8925. Super Famicom Wars (Japan) (NP)
8926. Super Family Circuit (Japan)
8927. Super Family Gelaende (Japan) (NP)
8928. Super Family Tennis (Japan)
8929. Super Famista (Japan)
8930. Super Famista 2 (Japan)
8931. Super Famista 3 (Japan)
8932. Super Famista 4 (Japan) (Rev 1)
8933. Super Famista 4 (Japan)
8934. Super Famista 5 (Japan)
8935. Super Final Match Tennis (Japan)
8936. Super Fire Pro Wrestling – Queen’s Special (Japan)
8937. Super Fire Pro Wrestling (Japan)
8938. Super Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (Japan) (Beta)
8939. Super Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (Japan)
8940. Super Fire Pro Wrestling 3 (Japan) (Sample)
8941. Super Fire Pro Wrestling III – Easy Type (Japan)
8942. Super Fire Pro Wrestling III – Final Bout (Japan) (Rev 1)
8943. Super Fire Pro Wrestling III – Final Bout (Japan)
8944. Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special (Japan) (Rev 1)
8945. Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special (Japan)
8946. Super Fire Pro Wrestling X (Japan)
8947. Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium (Japan)
8948. Super Fishing Big Fight (Japan)
8949. Super Formation Soccer (Japan)
8950. Super Formation Soccer 94 – World Cup Edition (Japan)
8951. Super Formation Soccer 94 – World Cup Final Data (Japan)
8952. Super Formation Soccer 95 della Serie A (Japan) (UCC Xaqua Version)
8953. Super Formation Soccer 95 della Serie A (Japan)
8954. Super Formation Soccer 96 – World Club Edition (Japan)
8955. Super Formation Soccer II (Japan)
8956. ”Super Full Metal (Europe) (It. Sv) (Proto)”
8957. Super Gachapon World – SD Gundam X (Japan)
8958. Super Game Boy (Japan)
8959. ”Super Game Boy (Japan. USA) (Beta)”
8960. ”Super Game Boy (Japan. USA) (Rev 1)”
8961. Super Game Boy (World) (Rev 2)
8962. Super Game Boy 2 (Japan)
8963. Super Genjin (Japan)
8964. Super Genjin 2 (Japan)
8965. Super Ghouls’n Ghosts (Europe)
8966. Super Ghouls’n Ghosts (USA)
8967. Super Goal! (Europe)
8968. Super Goal! 2 (USA)
8969. Super Godzilla (USA)
8970. Super Gomoku Narabe – Renju (Japan)
8971. Super Gomoku Shougi – Jouseki Kenkyuu Hen (Japan)
8972. Super Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) (Beta)
8973. Super Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) (Sample)
8974. Super Gussun Oyoyo (Japan)
8975. Super Gussun Oyoyo 2 (Japan)
8976. Super H.Q. – Criminal Chaser (Japan)
8977. Super Hanafuda (Japan)
8978. Super Hanafuda 2 (Japan)
8979. Super High Impact (Japan) (En)
8980. Super High Impact (USA) (Beta)
8981. Super High Impact (USA)
8982. Super Hockey (Europe)
8983. ”Super Hockey (France) (En. Fr)”
8984. Super Hockey ’94 (Japan) (En)
8985. Super Honmei – GI Seiha (Japan)
8986. Super Ice Hockey (Europe)
8987. Super Igo – Go Ou (Japan)
8988. Super Indy Champ (Japan)
8989. Super Inindou – Datou Nobunaga (Japan)
8990. Super International Cricket (Europe) (Beta)
8991. Super International Cricket (Europe)
8992. Super James Pond (USA) (Beta)
8993. Super James Pond (USA)
8994. Super James Pond II (Europe)
8995. Super James Pond II (Japan)
8996. Super Jangou (Japan)
8997. Super Jinsei Game (Japan) (Rev 1)
8998. Super Jinsei Game (Japan)
8999. Super Jinsei Game 2 (Japan) (Rev 2)
9000. Super Jinsei Game 2 (Japan)
9001. Super Jinsei Game 3 (Japan) (Rev 1)
9002. Super Jinsei Game 3 (Japan)
9003. Super Keiba (Japan)
9004. Super Keiba 2 (Japan)
9005. Super Keirin (Japan)
9006. Super Kick Boxing – Best of the Best (Japan) (En)
9007. Super Kick Off (Japan)
9008. Super Koukou Yakyuu – Ikkyuu Nyuukon (Japan)
9009. Super Kyousouba – Kaze no Sylphid (Japan)
9010. Super Kyoutei (Japan) (Rev 1)
9011. Super Kyoutei (Japan)
9012. Super Kyoutei 2 (Japan)
9013. Super Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium (Japan)
9014. Super Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium 2 (Japan)
9015. Super Linearball (Japan)
9016. Super Loopz (Europe) (Proto)
9017. Super Loopz (Japan)
9018. Super Mad Champ (Japan)
9019. Super Mahjong (Japan)
9020. Super Mahjong 2 – Honkaku 4-nin Uchi! (Japan) (Rev 1)
9021. Super Mahjong 2 – Honkaku 4-nin Uchi! (Japan)
9022. Super Mahjong 3 – Karakuchi (Japan)
9023. Super Mahjong Taikai (Japan) (Rev 1)
9024. Super Mahjong Taikai (Japan) (Rev 2)
9025. Super Mahjong Taikai (Japan) (Rev 3)
9026. Super Mahjong Taikai (Japan) (Rev 4)
9027. Super Mahjong Taikai (Japan) (Rev 5)
9028. Super Mahjong Taikai (Japan)
9029. Super Mario – Yossy Island (Japan) (Rev 1)
9030. Super Mario – Yossy Island (Japan) (Rev 2)
9031. Super Mario – Yossy Island (Japan)
9032. Super Mario All-Stars (Europe)
9033. Super Mario All-Stars (USA)
9034. Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)
9035. Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario World (Europe)
9036. Super Mario Collection (Japan) (Rev 1)
9037. Super Mario Collection (Japan)
9038. Super Mario Kart (Europe)
9039. Super Mario Kart (Japan)
9040. Super Mario Kart (USA)
9041. Super Mario RPG – Legend of the Seven Stars (USA)
9042. Super Mario RPG (Japan)
9043. Super Mario World – Super Mario Bros. 4 (Japan)
9044. Super Mario World (Europe) (Rev 1)
9045. Super Mario World (Europe)
9046. Super Mario World (Japan) (En) (Arcade) [b]
9047. Super Mario World (USA)
9048. ”Super Mario World 2 – Yoshi’s Island (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Rev 1)”
9049. ”Super Mario World 2 – Yoshi’s Island (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
9050. Super Mario World 2 – Yoshi’s Island (USA) (Rev 1)
9051. Super Mario World 2 – Yoshi’s Island (USA)
9052. ”Super Metroid (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
9053. ”Super Metroid (Japan. USA) (En. Ja)”
9054. Super Moero!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
9055. Super Momotarou Dentetsu DX (Japan) (JR Nishi-Nihon Presents)
9056. Super Momotarou Dentetsu DX (Japan)
9057. Super Momotarou Dentetsu II (Japan)
9058. Super Momotarou Dentetsu III (Japan) (Rev 1)
9059. Super Momotarou Dentetsu III (Japan) (Rev 2)
9060. Super Momotarou Dentetsu III (Japan)
9061. Super Morph (Europe)
9062. Super Naxat Open – Golf de Shoubu da Dorabocchan (Japan)
9063. Super Nazo Puyo – Rulue no Roux (Japan)
9064. Super Nazo Puyo Tsuu – Rulue no Tetsuwan Hanjouki (Japan)
9065. Super Nichibutsu Mahjong (Japan)
9066. Super Nichibutsu Mahjong 2 – Zenkoku Seiha Hen (Japan)
9067. Super Nichibutsu Mahjong 3 – Yoshimoto Gekijou Hen (Japan)
9068. Super Nichibutsu Mahjong 4 – Kisokenkyuu Hen (Japan)
9069. Super Ninja Boy (USA)
9070. Super Ninja-kun (Japan)
9071. Super Nobunaga no Yabou – Bushou Fuuunroku (Japan) (Rev 1)
9072. Super Nobunaga no Yabou – Bushou Fuuunroku (Japan)
9073. Super Nobunaga no Yabou – Zenkoku Ban (Japan)
9074. Super Nova (USA)
9075. Super Off Road – The Baja (USA) (Beta)
9076. Super Off Road – The Baja (USA)
9077. Super Off Road (Europe)
9078. Super Off Road (Japan) (En)
9079. Super Off Road (USA)
9080. Super Okumanchouja Game (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
9081. Super Okumanchouja Game (Japan)
9082. Super Oozumou – Nessen Ooichiban (Japan) (Beta)
9083. Super Oozumou – Nessen Ooichiban (Japan)
9084. Super Pachinko Taisen (Japan)
9085. Super Pachi-Slot Mahjong (Japan)
9086. Super Pang (Europe)
9087. Super Pang (Japan)
9088. Super Pinball – Behind the Mask (Europe)
9089. Super Pinball – Behind the Mask (Japan) (Beta)
9090. Super Pinball – Behind the Mask (Japan)
9091. Super Pinball – Behind the Mask (USA) (Rev 1)
9092. Super Pinball – Behind the Mask (USA)
9093. Super Pinball II – The Amazing Odyssey (Japan)
9094. Super Play Action Football (USA)
9095. Super Power League (Japan)
9096. Super Power League 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
9097. Super Power League 2 (Japan)
9098. Super Power League 3 (Japan)
9099. Super Power League 4 (Japan)
9100. Super Probotector – Alien Rebels (Europe) (Sample)
9101. Super Probotector – Alien Rebels (Europe)
9102. Super Professional Baseball (Japan)
9103. Super Professional Baseball II (Japan)
9104. Super Punch-Out!! (Europe)
9105. Super Punch-Out!! (Japan) (NP)
9106. Super Punch-Out!! (USA)
9107. Super Putty (Europe) (Beta) [b]
9108. Super Putty (Europe)
9109. Super Putty (USA)
9110. Super Puyo Puyo (Japan) (Rev 1)
9111. Super Puyo Puyo (Japan) (Rev 2)
9112. Super Puyo Puyo (Japan)
9113. Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Japan)
9114. Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix (Japan)
9115. Super R.B.I. Baseball (USA)
9116. Super Real Mahjong PIV (Japan)
9117. Super Real Mahjong PV Paradise – All-Star 4-nin Uchi (Japan)
9118. Super Robot Taisen EX (Japan)
9119. Super Robot Taisen Gaiden – Masou Kishin – The Lord of Elemental (Japan)
9120. Super Royal Blood (Japan)
9121. Super R-Type (Europe)
9122. Super R-Type (Japan) (En)
9123. Super R-Type (USA)
9124. Super Rugby (Japan)
9125. Super Sangokushi (Japan)
9126. Super Sangokushi II (Japan) (Rev 1)
9127. Super Sangokushi II (Japan)
9128. Super Scope 6 (Japan)
9129. Super Scope 6 (USA)
9130. Super Shadow of the Beast (USA) (Proto)
9131. Super Shanghai – Dragon’s Eye (Japan) (Activision)
9132. Super Shanghai – Dragon’s Eye (Japan) (HOT B)
9133. Super Shougi (Japan) (Rev 1)
9134. Super Shougi (Japan)
9135. Super Shougi 2 (Japan)
9136. Super Shougi 3 – Kitaihei (Japan)
9137. Super Slam Dunk (USA)
9138. Super Slap Shot (Japan) (En)
9139. Super Slap Shot (USA)
9140. Super Smash T.V. (Europe)
9141. Super Smash T.V. (USA)
9142. Super Snakey (Japan)
9143. Super Soccer (Europe)
9144. Super Soccer (USA) (Arcade)
9145. Super Soccer (USA)
9146. Super Soccer Champ (USA)
9147. ”Super Solitaire (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It) (Proto)”
9148. ”Super Solitaire (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
9149. Super Soukoban (Japan)
9150. Super Stadium (Japan)
9151. Super Star Wars – Jedi no Fukushuu (Japan)
9152. Super Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (Europe) (Rev 1)
9153. Super Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (Europe)
9154. Super Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (USA) (Rev 1)
9155. Super Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (USA)
9156. Super Star Wars – Teikoku no Gyakushuu (Japan)
9157. Super Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (Europe) (Beta)
9158. Super Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (Europe) (Rev 1)
9159. Super Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (Europe)
9160. Super Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (USA) (Rev 1)
9161. Super Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (USA)
9162. Super Star Wars (Europe) (Rev 1)
9163. Super Star Wars (Europe)
9164. Super Star Wars (Japan)
9165. Super Star Wars (USA) (Beta)
9166. Super Star Wars (USA) (Rev 1)
9167. Super Star Wars (USA)
9168. Super Street Fighter II – The New Challengers (Japan)
9169. Super Street Fighter II (Europe)
9170. Super Street Fighter II (USA)
9171. ”Super Strike Eagle (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
9172. Super Strike Eagle (USA)
9173. Super Strike Gunner (Europe)
9174. Super SWIV (Europe)
9175. Super SWIV (Japan) (En)
9176. Super Tekkyuu Fight! (Japan)
9177. Super Tennis – World Circuit (Japan)
9178. Super Tennis (Europe) (Rev 1)
9179. Super Tennis (Europe)
9180. Super Tennis (USA) (Arcade)
9181. Super Tennis (USA)
9182. Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) (En) (Rev 1)
9183. Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) (En)
9184. Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) (Genteiban)
9185. Super Tetris 3 (Japan) (En)
9186. Super Troll Islands – Shiawase o Ageru (Japan)
9187. Super Troll Islands (Europe)
9188. Super Troll Islands (USA) (Beta)
9189. Super Troll Islands (USA)
9190. Super Trump Collection (Japan)
9191. Super Trump Collection 2 (Japan)
9192. Super Tsumeshougi 1000 (Japan)
9193. Super Turrican (Europe)
9194. Super Turrican (Japan) (En)
9195. Super Turrican (USA)
9196. Super Turrican 2 (Europe)
9197. Super Turrican 2 (USA) (Beta 1)
9198. Super Turrican 2 (USA) (Beta 2)
9199. Super Turrican 2 (USA)
9200. Super Ultra Baseball (Japan)
9201. Super Ultra Baseball 2 (Japan)
9202. Super Uno (Japan) (Beta)
9203. Super Uno (Japan) (Rev 1)
9204. Super Uno (Japan)
9205. Super Valis – Akaki Tsuki no Otome (Japan)
9206. Super Valis IV (USA)
9207. Super Variable Geo (Japan)
9208. Super Volley II (Japan)
9209. Super Wagyan Land (Japan)
9210. Super Wagyan Land 2 (Japan)
9211. Super Widget (Europe)
9212. Super Widget (USA)
9213. Super Wrestle Angels (Japan)
9214. Super X-Terminator 2 Sasuke (Japan) (Unl) [b]
9215. Super Yakyuudou (Japan)
9216. Super Zugan – Hakotenjou kara no Shoutaijou (Japan)
9217. Super Zugan 2 – Tsukanpo Fighter (Japan)
9218. Super!! Pachinko (Japan)
9219. Sutobasu Yarou Show (Japan)
9220. Sutte Hakkun (Japan)
9221. Suzuka 8 Hours (Japan) (En)
9222. Suzuka 8 Hours (USA)
9223. Suzuki Aguri no F-1 Super Driving (Japan) (En)
9224. SWAT Kats – The Radical Squadron (USA)
9225. Sword Maniac (Japan)
9226. Sword World SFC (Japan)
9227. Sword World SFC 2 – Inishie no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) (Rev 1)
9228. Sword World SFC 2 – Inishie no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan)
9229. Sylvester and Tweety (USA) (Proto 1)
9230. Sylvester and Tweety (USA) (Proto 2)
9231. ”Syndicate (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Beta)”
9232. ”Syndicate (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
9233. Syndicate (Japan)
9234. Syndicate (USA)
9235. Syvalion (Europe) (Beta)
9236. Syvalion (Europe)
9237. Syvalion (Japan)
9238. T2 – The Arcade Game (Europe)
9239. T2 – The Arcade Game (Japan)
9240. T2 – The Arcade Game (USA)
9241. Table Game Daishuugou!! (Japan)
9242. Tactical Soccer (Japan)
9243. Tactics Ogre – Let Us Cling Together (Japan) (Rev 1)
9244. Tactics Ogre – Let Us Cling Together (Japan) (Rev 2)
9245. Tactics Ogre – Let Us Cling Together (Japan)
9246. Tadaima Yuusha Boshuuchuu Okawari (Japan)
9247. ”Taekwon-Do (Japan) (Ja. Ko)”
9248. Taekwon-Do (Korea)
9249. Taiketsu!! Brass Numbers (Japan)
9250. Taikou Risshiden (Japan)
9251. Taikyoku Igo – Goliath (Japan)
9252. Taikyoku Igo – Idaten (Japan)
9253. Taiwan 16 Mahjong II – Horoscope Girls Edition (Hong Kong) (Unl) [b]
9254. Takahashi Meijin no Daibouken-jima (Japan)
9255. Takahashi Meijin no Daibouken-jima II (Japan)
9256. Take Yutaka GI Memory (Japan)
9257. Takeda Nobuhiro no Super Cup Soccer (Japan)
9258. Takeda Nobuhiro no Super League Soccer (Japan)
9259. Takemiya Masaki Kudan no Igo Taishou (Japan)
9260. Tales of Phantasia (Japan)
9261. Tamagotch Town (Japan) (NP)
9262. Targa (Europe) (Proto)
9263. Tarot Mystery (Japan)
9264. Tatakae Genshijin 2 – Rookie no Bouken (Japan)
9265. Tatakae Genshijin 3 – Shuyaku wa Yappari Joe & Mac (Japan)
9266. Taz-Mania (Europe)
9267. Taz-Mania (USA) (Beta)
9268. Taz-Mania (USA) (Rev 1)
9269. Taz-Mania (USA)
9270. Tecmo Secret of the Stars (USA) (Beta)
9271. Tecmo Secret of the Stars (USA)
9272. Tecmo Super Baseball (Japan) (En)
9273. Tecmo Super Baseball (USA) (Beta)
9274. Tecmo Super Baseball (USA)
9275. Tecmo Super Bowl (Japan) (En)
9276. Tecmo Super Bowl (USA) (Beta)
9277. Tecmo Super Bowl (USA)
9278. Tecmo Super Bowl II – Special Edition (Japan) (En)
9279. Tecmo Super Bowl II – Special Edition (USA)
9280. Tecmo Super Bowl III – Final Edition (Japan) (En)
9281. Tecmo Super Bowl III – Final Edition (USA)
9282. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (Australia)
9283. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (Europe)
9284. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (Japan) (En) (Rev 1)
9285. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (Japan) (En)
9286. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA) (Beta)
9287. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA)
9288. Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles – Tournament Fighters (Europe)
9289. Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles IV – Turtles in Time (Europe)
9290. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Mutant Warriors (Japan)
9291. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters (Australia)
9292. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters (USA) (Beta)
9293. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters (USA)
9294. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (Japan)
9295. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV – Turtles in Time (Australia)
9296. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV – Turtles in Time (USA) (Beta 1)
9297. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV – Turtles in Time (USA) (Beta 2)
9298. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV – Turtles in Time (USA)
9299. Teitoku no Ketsudan (Japan) (Rev 1)
9300. Teitoku no Ketsudan (Japan)
9301. Teitoku no Ketsudan II (Japan) (Rev 1)
9302. Teitoku no Ketsudan II (Japan)
9303. Tekichuu Keiba Juku (Japan)
9304. Tekken 2 (World) (Unl) (Pirate)
9305. Tenchi Muyou! – Game Hen (Japan) (Sample)
9306. Tenchi Muyou! – Game Hen (Japan)
9307. Tenchi o Kurau – Sangokushi Gunyuuden (Japan)
9308. Tenchi Souzou (Japan)
9309. Tengai Makyou Zero (Japan) (Shounen Jump no Shou)
9310. Tengai Makyou Zero (Japan)
9311. Tenryuu Genichirou no Pro Wres Revolution (Japan)
9312. Tenshi no Uta – Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori (Japan)
9313. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (Europe) (Beta)
9314. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (Europe)
9315. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (USA)
9316. ”Terminator. The (Europe) (Beta)”
9317. ”Terminator. The (Europe)”
9318. ”Terminator. The (USA)”
9319. Terranigma (Europe)
9320. Terranigma (France)
9321. Terranigma (Germany) (Rev 1)
9322. Terranigma (Germany)
9323. Terranigma (Spain)
9324. Tetris & Dr. Mario (Europe)
9325. Tetris & Dr. Mario (USA)
9326. Tetris 2 (Europe)
9327. Tetris 2 (USA) (Rev 1)
9328. Tetris 2 (USA)
9329. ”Tetris Attack (Europe) (En. Ja)”
9330. ”Tetris Attack (USA) (En. Ja)”
9331. Tetris Battle Gaiden (Japan)
9332. Tetris Flash (Japan)
9333. Tetsuwan Atom (Japan)
9334. ”Theme Park (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
9335. Theme Park (Japan)
9336. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (Europe)
9337. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (USA)
9338. Thoroughbred Breeder (Japan)
9339. Thoroughbred Breeder II (Japan)
9340. Thoroughbred Breeder III (Japan)
9341. Thunder Spirits (Japan) (En)
9342. Thunder Spirits (USA)
9343. ”Tick. The (USA)”
9344. Time Slip (Europe) (Beta)
9345. Time Slip (Europe)
9346. Time Slip (USA)
9347. Time Trax (Europe)
9348. Time Trax (USA) (Beta)
9349. Time Trax (USA)
9350. Timecop (Europe)
9351. Timecop (Japan)
9352. Timecop (USA)
9353. Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Games (Europe)
9354. Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Games (USA)
9355. Tin Star (USA)
9356. Tinhead (Europe) (Proto)
9357. ”Tintin – Prisoners of the Sun (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es)”
9358. ”Tintin in Tibet (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Nl)”
9359. Tiny Toon Adventures – Buster Busts Loose! (Europe)
9360. Tiny Toon Adventures – Buster Busts Loose! (Spain)
9361. Tiny Toon Adventures – Buster Busts Loose! (USA) (Beta)
9362. Tiny Toon Adventures – Buster Busts Loose! (USA)
9363. Tiny Toon Adventures – Dotabata Daiundoukai (Japan)
9364. Tiny Toon Adventures – Wacky Sports Challenge (USA)
9365. Tiny Toon Adventures – Wild & Wacky Sports (Europe) (Beta)
9366. Tiny Toon Adventures – Wild & Wacky Sports (Europe) (Rev 1)
9367. Tiny Toon Adventures – Wild & Wacky Sports (Europe)
9368. Tiny Toon Adventures (Japan) (Rev 1)
9369. Tiny Toon Adventures (Japan)
9370. TKO Super Championship Boxing (Europe)
9371. TKO Super Championship Boxing (USA) (Sample)
9372. TKO Super Championship Boxing (USA)
9373. TNN Bass Tournament of Champions (USA)
9374. Todd McFarlane’s Spawn – The Video Game (Europe)
9375. Todd McFarlane’s Spawn – The Video Game (Japan) (En) (Putative Proto)
9376. Todd McFarlane’s Spawn – The Video Game (USA)
9377. Tokimeki Memorial – Densetsu no Ki no Shita de (Japan) (Rev 1)
9378. Tokimeki Memorial – Densetsu no Ki no Shita de (Japan)
9379. Tokoro’s Mahjong (Japan)
9380. Tom & Jerry (USA) (Beta)
9381. Tom and Jerry (Europe)
9382. Tom and Jerry (USA)
9383. Tom to Jerry (Japan)
9384. Tommy Moe’s Winter Extreme – Skiing and Snowboarding (USA)
9385. Tony Meola’s Sidekicks Soccer (USA) (Beta)
9386. Tony Meola’s Sidekicks Soccer (USA)
9387. Top Gear (Europe)
9388. Top Gear (USA)
9389. Top Gear 2 (Europe)
9390. Top Gear 2 (USA)
9391. Top Gear 3000 (Europe)
9392. Top Gear 3000 (USA)
9393. Top Management II (Japan)
9394. Top Racer (Japan) (En)
9395. Top Racer 2 (Japan) (En)
9396. Toride (Japan)
9397. Torneko no Daibouken – Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) (Rev 1)
9398. Torneko no Daibouken – Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan)
9399. Total Carnage (Europe)
9400. Total Carnage (USA) (Beta 1)
9401. Total Carnage (USA) (Beta 2)
9402. Total Carnage (USA)
9403. Tottemo! Lucky Man – Lucky Cookie Roulette de Totsugekii (Japan)
9404. Touge Densetsu – Saisoku Battle (Japan) (Beta)
9405. Touge Densetsu – Saisoku Battle (Japan)
9406. Tower Dream (Japan)
9407. ”Toy Story (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
9408. Toy Story (Japan)
9409. Toy Story (USA)
9410. Toys – Let the Toy Wars begin! (Europe)
9411. Toys – Let the Toy Wars begin! (USA)
9412. Traverse – Starlight & Prairie (Japan)
9413. Treasure Hunter G (Japan)
9414. Trinea (Japan)
9415. Tri-Star (USA) (Unl)
9416. Troddlers (Europe) (Beta)
9417. Troddlers (Europe)
9418. Troddlers (USA)
9419. Troy Aikman NFL Football (Europe)
9420. Troy Aikman NFL Football (USA)
9421. True Golf Classics – Pebble Beach Golf Links (Europe)
9422. True Golf Classics – Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA)
9423. True Golf Classics – Waialae Country Club (USA)
9424. True Golf Classics – Wicked 18 (USA)
9425. True Lies (Europe)
9426. True Lies (Germany) (En)
9427. True Lies (Japan) (En)
9428. True Lies (USA) (Beta)
9429. True Lies (USA)
9430. Trump Island (Japan)
9431. Tsukikomori (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
9432. Tsukikomori (Japan)
9433. Tsuppari Oozumou – Risshinshusse Hen (Japan)
9434. Tsuri Tarou (Japan)
9435. Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai – Taisen Puzzle Dama (Japan)
9436. Tuff E Nuff (Europe)
9437. Tuff E Nuff (USA)
9438. Turbo Toons (Europe)
9439. Turf Hero (Japan)
9440. Turf Memories (Japan)
9441. Turn and Burn – No-Fly Zone (Europe)
9442. Turn and Burn – No-Fly Zone (Spain)
9443. Turn and Burn – No-Fly Zone (USA)
9444. TwinBee – Rainbow Bell Adventure (Japan)
9445. ”Twisted Tales of Spike McFang. The (USA)”
9446. U.F.O. Kamen Yakisoban – Kettler no Kuroi Inbou (Japan) (Keihin Ban)
9447. U.F.O. Kamen Yakisoban – Kettler no Kuroi Inbou (Japan)
9448. U.N. Squadron (Europe)
9449. U.N. Squadron (USA)
9450. Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade (Japan) (Beta)
9451. Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade (Japan)
9452. Uchuu Race – Astro Go! Go! (Japan)
9453. Ultima – Kyouryuu Teikoku (Japan)
9454. Ultima – Runes of Virtue II (USA) (Beta) (1993-07-30)
9455. Ultima – Runes of Virtue II (USA) (Beta) (1994-xx-xx)
9456. Ultima – Runes of Virtue II (USA)
9457. Ultima – The Black Gate (USA)
9458. Ultima – The False Prophet (USA)
9459. Ultima Gaiden – Kuro Kishi no Inbou (Japan)
9460. Ultima VI – Itsuwari no Yogensha (Japan) (Beta)
9461. Ultima VI – Itsuwari no Yogensha (Japan)
9462. Ultima VII – The Black Gate (Japan)
9463. Ultima VII – The Black Gate (USA) (Beta)
9464. Ultimate Fighter (USA)
9465. Ultimate Football (Japan) (En)
9466. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe)
9467. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)
9468. Ultra Baseball Jitsumei Ban (Japan)
9469. Ultra Baseball Jitsumei Ban 2 (Japan)
9470. Ultra Baseball Jitsumei Ban 3 (Japan)
9471. Ultra League – Moero! Soccer Daikessen!! (Japan)
9472. Ultra Seven (Japan)
9473. Ultraman (Europe)
9474. Ultraman (Japan)
9475. Ultraman (USA)
9476. Umi no Nushi Tsuri (Japan) (Rev 1)
9477. Umi no Nushi Tsuri (Japan)
9478. Umihara Kawase (Japan)
9479. Umizuri Meijin – Suzuki Hen (Japan) (Beta)
9480. Umizuri Meijin – Suzuki Hen (Japan)
9481. Uncharted Waters (USA)
9482. Undake 30 Same Game Daisakusen – Mario Version (Japan)
9483. Undercover Cops (Japan)
9484. Uniracers (USA)
9485. Unirally (Europe)
9486. Universal Soldier (USA) (Proto)
9487. ”Untouchables. The (USA)”
9488. Urban Strike (Europe)
9489. Urban Strike (USA)
9490. USA Ice Hockey (Japan) (En) (Rev 1)
9491. USA Ice Hockey (Japan) (En)
9492. Ushio to Tora (Japan)
9493. Utopia – The Creation of a Nation (Europe)
9494. Utopia – The Creation of a Nation (USA) (Beta)
9495. Utopia – The Creation of a Nation (USA)
9496. Utopia (Germany)
9497. Utopia (Japan)
9498. Val d’Isere Championship (Europe)
9499. Val d’Isere Championship (France) (Beta) (1993-10-27)
9500. Val d’Isere Championship (France)
9501. Vegas Stakes (Europe)
9502. Vegas Stakes (USA)
9503. Venom – Spider-Man – Separation Anxiety (Europe)
9504. Venom – Spider-Man – Separation Anxiety (USA)
9505. Verne World (Japan)
9506. Viking no Daimeiwaku (Japan)
9507. Virtual Bart (Europe)
9508. Virtual Bart (Japan) (En)
9509. Virtual Bart (USA) (Beta)
9510. Virtual Bart (USA)
9511. Virtual Soccer (Europe)
9512. Virtual Soccer (USA) (Proto)
9513. Virtual Wars (Japan)
9514. Volleyball Twin (Japan)
9515. ”Vortex (Europe) (En. Es)”
9516. ”Vortex (Japan) (En. Ja)”
9517. ”Vortex (USA) (En. Es)”
9518. Vs. Collection (Japan)
9519. Wagyan Paradise (Japan)
9520. Wakataka Oozumou – Yume no Kyoudai Taiketsu (Japan)
9521. Wakuwaku Ski Wonder Spur (Japan)
9522. Wally o Sagase! – Ehon no Kuni no Daibouken (Japan)
9523. War 2410 (USA)
9524. War 3010 – The Revolution (USA)
9525. Waratte Iitomo! Tamolympic (Japan)
9526. Wario’s Woods (Europe)
9527. Wario’s Woods (USA)
9528. Warlock (Europe)
9529. Warlock (Japan) (En)
9530. Warlock (USA) (Beta 1)
9531. Warlock (USA) (Beta 2)
9532. Warlock (USA)
9533. WarpSpeed (Europe)
9534. WarpSpeed (USA)
9535. Waterworld (Europe)
9536. Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (USA) (Beta)
9537. Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (USA)
9538. Wayne’s World (Europe)
9539. Wayne’s World (USA)
9540. WCW Super Brawl Wrestling (USA)
9541. WeaponLord (Europe)
9542. WeaponLord (USA)
9543. Wedding Peach (Japan)
9544. We’re Back! – A Dinosaur’s Story (Europe)
9545. We’re Back! – A Dinosaur’s Story (USA)
9546. Wheel of Fortune – Deluxe Edition (USA)
9547. Wheel of Fortune (USA)
9548. ”Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
9549. ”Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
9550. ”Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It)”
9551. Whirlo (Europe)
9552. Whizz (Europe)
9553. Whizz (USA)
9554. Wild Guns (Europe)
9555. Wild Guns (Japan) (Beta)
9556. Wild Guns (Japan) (Sample)
9557. Wild Guns (Japan)
9558. Wild Guns (USA)
9559. Wild Snake (USA)
9560. Wild Trax (Japan) (Rev 1)
9561. Wile E’s Revenge (Europe) (Proto)
9562. Williams Arcade’s Greatest Hits (Europe)
9563. Williams Arcade’s Greatest Hits (USA)
9564. Wing Commander – The Secret Missions (Europe) (Beta)
9565. Wing Commander – The Secret Missions (Europe)
9566. Wing Commander – The Secret Missions (USA)
9567. Wing Commander (Europe)
9568. Wing Commander (Germany)
9569. Wing Commander (Japan)
9570. Wing Commander (USA)
9571. Wings 2 – Aces High (USA) (Beta)
9572. Wings 2 – Aces High (USA)
9573. Winning Post (Japan) (Rev 1)
9574. Winning Post (Japan)
9575. Winning Post 2 – Program ’96 (Japan) (Rev 1)
9576. Winning Post 2 – Program ’96 (Japan)
9577. Winning Post 2 (Japan)
9578. Winter Gold (Europe)
9579. ”Winter Olympic Games – Lillehammer ’94 (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Pt. Sv. No)”
9580. ”Winter Olympic Games – Lillehammer ’94 (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Pt. Sv. No)”
9581. Wizap! – Ankoku no Ou (Japan) (Beta)
9582. Wizap! – Ankoku no Ou (Japan)
9583. ”Wizard of Oz. The (USA)”
9584. Wizardry Gaiden IV – Taima no Kodou (Japan) (Rev 1)
9585. Wizardry Gaiden IV – Taima no Kodou (Japan)
9586. ”Wizardry I-II-III – Story of Llylgamyn (Japan) (En. Ja) (NP)”
9587. Wizardry V – Heart of the Maelstrom (USA)
9588. ”Wizardry V – Saika no Chuushin (Japan) (En. Ja)”
9589. Wizardry VI – Kindan no Mahitsu (Japan)
9590. Wolfchild (USA)
9591. Wolfenstein 3D – The Claw of Eisenfaust (Japan)
9592. Wolfenstein 3D (Europe)
9593. Wolfenstein 3D (USA) (Beta 1)
9594. Wolfenstein 3D (USA) (Beta 2)
9595. Wolfenstein 3-D (USA)
9596. Wolverine – Adamantium Rage (Europe)
9597. Wolverine – Adamantium Rage (USA) (Beta 1)
9598. Wolverine – Adamantium Rage (USA) (Beta 2)
9599. Wolverine – Adamantium Rage (USA)
9600. Wolverine (Japan) (En)
9601. Wonder Project J – Kikai no Shounen Pino (Japan)
9602. Wondrous Magic (Japan)
9603. Wordtris (USA)
9604. World Class Rugby (Europe)
9605. World Class Rugby (France)
9606. World Class Rugby (Japan) (En)
9607. World Class Rugby 2 – Kokunai Gekitou Hen ’93 (Japan)
9608. World Class Service Super Nintendo Tester (USA)
9609. ”World Cup Striker (Europe) (En. Fr. De) (Beta)”
9610. ”World Cup Striker (Europe) (En. Fr. De)”
9611. World Cup Striker (Japan)
9612. ”World Cup USA 94 (Europe) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Pt. Sv)”
9613. ”World Cup USA 94 (Japan) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Pt. Sv)”
9614. ”World Cup USA 94 (USA) (En. Fr. De. Es. It. Nl. Pt. Sv)”
9615. World Heroes (Europe)
9616. World Heroes (Japan)
9617. World Heroes (USA)
9618. World Heroes 2 (Japan)
9619. World Heroes 2 (USA) (Beta)
9620. World Heroes 2 (USA)
9621. World League Basketball (Europe)
9622. World League Soccer (USA)
9623. World Masters Golf (Europe)
9624. World Soccer (Europe)
9625. World Soccer (Japan) (En)
9626. World Soccer 94 – Road to Glory (USA)
9627. Worms (Europe)
9628. Wrecking Crew ’98 (Japan)
9629. WWF Raw (Europe)
9630. WWF Raw (USA)
9631. WWF Royal Rumble (Europe) (Rev 1)
9632. WWF Royal Rumble (Europe)
9633. WWF Royal Rumble (Japan) (En)
9634. WWF Royal Rumble (USA)
9635. WWF Super WrestleMania (Europe)
9636. WWF Super WrestleMania (Japan) (En)
9637. WWF Super WrestleMania (USA)
9638. WWF WrestleMania – The Arcade Game (Europe)
9639. WWF WrestleMania – The Arcade Game (Japan) (En)
9640. WWF WrestleMania – The Arcade Game (USA)
9641. X (Japan) (Proto)
9642. X Zone (Europe)
9643. ”X Zone (Japan. USA)”
9644. Xak – The Art of Visual Stage (Japan)
9645. Xandra no Daibouken – Valkyrie to no Deai (Japan)
9646. Xardion (USA)
9647. XBAND (Japan)
9648. XBAND (USA)
9649. X-Kaliber 2097 (Europe)
9650. X-Kaliber 2097 (USA) (Beta)
9651. X-Kaliber 2097 (USA)
9652. X-Men – Mutant Apocalypse (Europe)
9653. X-Men – Mutant Apocalypse (Japan)
9654. X-Men – Mutant Apocalypse (USA)
9655. X-Men vs. Street Fighter (World) (Unl) (Pirate)
9656. Yadamon – Wonderland Dreams (Japan) (Sample)
9657. Yadamon – Wonderland Dreams (Japan)
9658. Yakouchuu (Japan)
9659. Yam Yam (Japan)
9660. Yamaneko Bubsy no Daibouken (Japan)
9661. Yogi Bear (Japan) (En)
9662. Yogi Bear’s Cartoon Capers (Europe)
9663. Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi (Japan) (Rev 1)
9664. Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi (Japan)
9665. Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi 2 (Japan)
9666. Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi Bangi – Sugoroku Eiyuu-ki (Japan)
9667. Yokozuna Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1)
9668. Yokozuna Monogatari (Japan)
9669. Yoshi no Cookie – Kuruppon Oven de Cookie (Japan)
9670. Yoshi no Cookie (Japan)
9671. Yoshi no Road Hunting (Japan)
9672. Yoshi’s Cookie (Europe)
9673. Yoshi’s Cookie (USA) (Beta)
9674. Yoshi’s Cookie (USA)
9675. Yoshi’s Safari (Europe)
9676. Yoshi’s Safari (USA)
9677. Youchien Senki Madara (Japan)
9678. Youkai Buster – Ruka no Daibouken (Japan)
9679. Young Merlin (Europe)
9680. Young Merlin (USA)
9681. Ys III – Wanderers from Ys (Japan)
9682. Ys III – Wanderers from Ys (USA)
9683. Ys IV – Mask of the Sun (Japan)
9684. Ys V – Expert (Japan)
9685. Ys V – Ushinawareta Suna no Miyako Kefin (Japan)
9686. Yu Yu Hakusho – Tokubetsu Hen (Japan)
9687. Yu Yu Hakusho (Japan)
9688. Yu Yu Hakusho 2 – Kakutou no Shou (Japan)
9689. Yu Yu Hakusho Final – Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan)
9690. Yumemaboroshi no Gotoku (Japan)
9691. Yuujin Janjuu Gakuen (Japan)
9692. Yuujin Janjuu Gakuen 2 (Japan)
9693. Yuujin no Furi Furi Girls (Japan)
9694. Yuuyu no Quiz de Go! Go! (Japan)
9695. Zaitaku Touhyou System – SPAT4-Wide (Japan)
9696. Zakuro no Aji (Japan)
9697. Zan II Spirits (Japan)
9698. Zan III Spirits (Japan)
9699. Zelda no Densetsu – Kamigami no Triforce (Japan) (Rev 1)
9700. Zelda no Densetsu – Kamigami no Triforce (Japan) (Rev 2)
9701. Zelda no Densetsu – Kamigami no Triforce (Japan)
9702. Zenkoku Juudan Ultra Shinri Game (Japan)
9703. Zenkoku Koukou Soccer (Japan)
9704. Zenkoku Koukou Soccer 2 (Japan)
9705. Zen-Nihon GT Senshuken (Japan)
9706. Zen-Nihon Pro Wres – Fight da Pon! (Japan)
9707. Zen-Nihon Pro Wres’ – Sekai Saikyou Tag (Japan)
9708. Zen-Nihon Pro Wres (Japan)
9709. Zen-Nihon Pro Wres 2 – 3-4 Budoukan (Japan)
9710. Zero 4 Champ RR (Japan)
9711. Zero 4 Champ RR-Z (Japan)
9712. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Europe) (Rev 1)
9713. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Europe)
9714. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (USA)
9715. Zico Soccer (Japan)
9716. Zig Zag Cat – Dachou Club mo Oosawagi da (Japan)
9717. Zombies (Europe) (Beta)
9718. Zombies (Europe)
9719. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA)
9720. Zool – Ninja of the ‘Nth’ Dimension (Europe)
9721. Zool – Ninja of the ‘Nth’ Dimension (USA)
9722. Zool (USA) (Sample)
9723. Zool no Yume Bouken (Japan)
9724. Zoop (Europe)
9725. Zoop (USA) (Beta)
9726. Zoop (USA)
9727. Zootto Mahjong! (Japan) (NP)
9728. Zootto Mahjong! (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP)
9729. 0050 – Super Mario Advance(UE)
9730. 0235 – Action Replay GBX(EU)
9731. 0244 – Action Replay GBX(EU)
9732. 0270 – GameShark GBA(US)
9733. 0271 – Xploder Advance(EU)
9734. 0299 – Advance Wars(US)
9735. Action Replay GBX(EU)
9736. Advance GT2(JP)
9737. Advance GTA(JP)
9738. Advance Rally(JP)
9739. Advance Wars(EU)
9740. Advance Wars(US)
9741. Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea(JP)
9742. Aero the Acro-Bat – Rascal Rival Revenge(US)
9743. Akumajou Dracula – Circle of the Moon(CN)
9744. Akumajou Dracula – Circle of the Moon(JP)
9745. Alienators – Evolution Continues(UE)
9746. All-Star Baseball 2003(US)
9747. American Bass Challenge(US)
9748. ”American Tail. An – Fievel’s Gold Rush(EU)”
9749. Angelique(JP)
9750. Animal Mania – Dokidoki Aishou Check(JP)
9751. Army Men – Operation Green(UE)
9752. Army Men Advance(UE)
9753. Asterix & Obelix – Bash Them All!(EU)
9754. Atari Anniversary Advance(US)
9755. Atlantis – The Lost Empire(EU)
9756. Atlantis – The Lost Empire(UE)
9757. ”Aventures de Jackie Chan. Les – La Legende de la Main Noire(FR)”
9758. BackTrack(UE)
9759. Backyard Baseball(US)
9760. Bakunetsu Dodge Ball Fighters(JP)
9761. Bakuten Shoot Beyblade – Gekitou! Saikyou Blader(JP)
9762. Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 – Ikuze! Bakutou! Chou Jiryoku Battle!!(JP)
9763. Baseball Advance(US)
9764. Batman Vengeance(EU)
9765. Batman Vengeance(US)
9766. Battle Network Rockman EXE 2(JP)
9767. Battle Network Rockman EXE(JP)
9768. Black Black – Bura Bura(JP)
9769. Blender Bros.(US)
9770. Boku ha Koukuu Kanseikan(JP)
9771. Bomberman Max 2 – Blue Advance(US)
9772. Bomberman Max 2 – Bomberman Version(JP)
9773. Bomberman Max 2 – Max Version(JP)
9774. Bomberman Max 2 – Red Advance(US)
9775. Bomberman Story(JP)
9776. Bomberman Tournament(UE)
9777. Boxing Fever(UE)
9778. Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi(JP)
9779. Breath of Fire II – Shimei no Ko(JP)
9780. Breath of Fire II(US)
9781. Breath of Fire(EU)
9782. Breath of Fire(US)
9783. Britney’s Dance Beat(EU)
9784. Britney’s Dance Beat(US)
9785. Broken Sword – The Shadow of the Templars(EU)
9786. Broken Sword – The Shadow of the Templars(US)
9787. Caesars Palace Advance(UE)
9788. Captain Tsubasa – Eikou no Kiseki(JP)
9789. Card e-Reader(JP)
9790. Casper(EU)
9791. Castlevania – Byakuya no Concerto(JP)
9792. Castlevania – Circle of the Moon(EU)
9793. Castlevania – Circle of the Moon(US)
9794. Chessmaster(EU)
9795. Chessmaster(FR)
9796. Chinmoku no Iseki – Estpolis Gaiden(JP)
9797. Choro Q Advance(JP)
9798. Chu Chu Rocket!(EU)
9799. Chu Chu Rocket!(JP)
9800. Chu Chu Rocket!(US)
9801. CodeBreaker(US)
9802. Columns Crown(EU)
9803. Columns Crown(JP)
9804. Columns Crown(US)
9805. Crash Bandicoot – The Huge Adventure(US)
9806. Crash Bandicoot XS(EU)
9807. Creatures(EU)
9808. Cruis’n Velocity(UE)
9809. CT Special Forces(EU)
9810. Dai-Mahjong(JP)
9811. Daisenryaku(JP)
9812. Dark Arena(UE)
9813. Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2(EU)
9814. Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2(US)
9815. David Beckham Soccer(EU)
9816. Davis Cup(EU)
9817. Denki Blocks!(EU)
9818. Desert Strike Advance(US)
9819. Dexter’s Laboratory – Deesaster Strikes!(US)
9820. Diadroids World – Evil Teikoku no Yabou(JP)
9821. Dinotopia – The Timestone Pirates(UE)
9822. Dokapon Q – Monster Hunter!(JP)
9823. Dokapon(EU)
9824. Dokapon(US)
9825. Dokodemo Taikyoku – Yakuman Advance(JP)
9826. Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi(JP)
9827. Donald Duck Advance(EU)
9828. Donald Duck Advance(JP)
9829. Donald Duck Advance(US)
9830. Doom(UE)
9831. Doraemon – Dokodemo Walker(JP)
9832. Doraemon – Midori no Wakusei Dokidoki Daikyuushutsu!(JP)
9833. Downforce(UE)
9834. Dragon Ball Z – Collectible Card Game(US)
9835. Dragon Ball Z – The Legacy of Goku(US)
9836. Dragon Quest Characters – Torneco no Daibouken 2 Advance – Fushigi no Dungeon(JP)
9837. Driven(EU)
9838. Driven(US)
9839. Droopy’s Tennis Open(EU)
9840. E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial(US)
9841. Earthworm Jim 2(US)
9842. Earthworm Jim(UE)
9843. Ecks vs. Sever(US)
9844. ESPN Final Round Golf 2002(US)
9845. ESPN Final Round Golf(EU)
9846. ESPN Great Outdoor Games – Bass 2002(US)
9847. ESPN Great Outdoor Games – Bass Tournament(EU)
9848. ESPN International Winter Sports 2002(US)
9849. ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002(JP)
9850. ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002(US)
9851. ESPN X-Games Skateboarding(JP)
9852. ESPN X-Games Skateboarding(US)
9853. European Super League(EU)
9854. EX Monopoly(JP)
9855. Extreme Ghostbusters – Code Ecto-1(EU)
9856. EZ-Talk – Shokyuu Hen 1(JP)
9857. EZ-Talk – Shokyuu Hen 2(JP)
9858. EZ-Talk – Shokyuu Hen 3(JP)
9859. EZ-Talk – Shokyuu Hen 4(JP)
9860. EZ-Talk – Shokyuu Hen 5(JP)
9861. EZ-Talk – Shokyuu Hen 6(JP)
9862. F-14 Tomcat(UE)
9863. Family Tennis Advance(JP)
9864. Field of Nine – Digital Edition 2001(JP)
9865. FILA Decathlon(EU)
9866. Final Fight One(EU)
9867. Final Fight One(JP)
9868. Final Fight One(US)
9869. Fire Emblem – Fuuin no Tsurugi(JP)
9870. Fire Pro Wrestling A(JP)
9871. Fire Pro Wrestling(UE)
9872. ”Flintstones. The – Big Trouble in Bedrock(EU)”
9873. ”Flintstones. The – Big Trouble in Bedrock(US)”
9874. Formation Soccer 2002(JP)
9875. Fortress(UE)
9876. Frogger Advance – The Great Quest(US)
9877. Frogger’s Adventures – Temple of the Frog(US)
9878. F-Zero – Maximum Velocity(UE)
9879. F-Zero(JP)
9880. Gadget Racers(US)
9881. Gakkou wo Tsukurou!! Advance(JP)
9882. GameShark GBA(US)
9883. Gekitou! Car Battler Go!!(JP)
9884. Gensou Suikoden – Card Stories(JP)
9885. GetBackers Dakkanya – Jigoku no Scaramouche(JP)
9886. Goemon – New Age Shutsudou!(JP)
9887. Golden Sun(DE)
9888. Golden Sun(ES)
9889. Golden Sun(FR)
9890. Golden Sun(IT)
9891. Golden Sun(UE)
9892. Gradius Advance(EU)
9893. Gradius Galaxies(US)
9894. Gradius Generation(JP)
9895. Gremlins – Stripe vs. Gizmo(EU)
9896. Groove Adventure Rave – Hikari to Yami no Daikessen(JP)
9897. GT Advance – Championship Racing(UE)
9898. GT Advance 2 – Rally Racing(US)
9899. GT Championship(EU)
9900. Guilty Gear X – Advance Edition(JP)
9901. Guranbo(JP)
9902. Guru Logic Champ(JP)
9903. Gyakuten Saiban(JP)
9904. Hamster Monogatari 2 GBA(JP)
9905. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone(UE)
9906. Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi(JP)
9907. Hatena Satena(JP)
9908. Hello Kitty Collection – Miracle Fashion Maker(JP)
9909. Hey Arnold! – The Movie(US)
9910. High Heat Major League Baseball 2002(UE)
9911. High Heat Major League Baseball 2003(US)
9912. Hikaru no Go(JP)
9913. Hitsuji no Kimochi(JP)
9914. Hot Potato!(US)
9915. Hot Wheels – Burnin’ Rubber(EU)
9916. Hot Wheels – Burnin’ Rubber(US)
9917. Hyper Sports 2002 Winter(JP)
9918. Ice Age(EU)
9919. Ice Age(US)
9920. Initial D – Another Stage(JP)
9921. Inspector Gadget – Advance Mission(EU)
9922. Inspector Gadget – Advance Mission(US)
9923. International Karate Advanced(EU)
9924. International Superstar Soccer(EU)
9925. Iridion 3D(UE)
9926. Isseki Hattyou – Kore 1ppon de 8syurui!(JP)
9927. J.League Pocket 2(JP)
9928. J.League Pocket(JP)
9929. Jackie Chan Adventures – Legend of the Darkhand(UE)
9930. JGTO Kounin Golf Master – Japan Golf Tour Game(JP)
9931. JGTO Kounin Golf Master Mobile – Japan Golf Tour Game(JP)
9932. Jikkyou World Soccer Pocket(JP)
9933. Jimmy Neutron – Boy Genius(EU)
9934. Jimmy Neutron – Boy Genius(US)
9935. Jinsei Game Advance(JP)
9936. Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! – Juuou Advance(JP)
9937. Jonny Moseley Mad Trix(UE)
9938. Jurassic Park III – Advanced Action(JP)
9939. Jurassic Park III – Dino Attack(EU)
9940. Jurassic Park III – Island Attack(US)
9941. Jurassic Park III – Kyouryuu ni Ainiikou!(JP)
9942. Jurassic Park III – Park Builder(EU)
9943. Jurassic Park III – Park Builder(US)
9944. Jurassic Park III – The DNA Factor(EU)
9945. Jurassic Park III – The DNA Factor(US)
9946. K-1 Pocket Grand Prix(JP)
9947. Kaeru B Back(JP)
9948. Kami no Kijutsu – Illusion of the Evil Eyes(JP)
9949. Kao the Kangaroo(EU)
9950. Kao the Kangaroo(US)
9951. Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 5 – Fushigi no Mori Kara(JP)
9952. Kaze no Klonoa – Yumemiru Teikoku(JP)
9953. Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2 – Power(JP)
9954. Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2 – Speed(JP)
9955. Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer – Misaki to Yume no Tenshi-tachi(JP)
9956. Kikaika Guntai – Mech Platoon(JP)
9957. Kiki Kaikai Advance(JP)
9958. ”King of Fighters EX. The – NeoBlood(JP)”
9959. Kinniku Banzuke – Kimero! Kiseki no Kanzen Seiha(JP)
9960. Kinniku Banzuke – Kongou-kun no Daibouken!(JP)
9961. Kiwame Mahjong Deluxe – Mirai Senshi 21(JP)
9962. Klonoa – Empire of Dreams(EU)
9963. Klonoa – Empire of Dreams(US)
9964. Konami Arcade Game Collection(JP)
9965. Konami Collector’s Series – Arcade Advanced(US)
9966. Konami Krazy Racers(EU)
9967. Konami Krazy Racers(US)
9968. Konami Wai Wai Racing Advance(JP)
9969. Kong – The Animated Series(EU)
9970. Koro Koro Puzzle – Happy Panechu!(JP)
9971. Koukou Juken Advance Series Eigo Koubun Hen – 26 Units Shuuroku(JP)
9972. Kurohige no Golf Shiyouyo(JP)
9973. Kurukuru Kururin(EU)
9974. Kurukuru Kururin(JP)
9975. Lady Sia(EU)
9976. Lady Sia(US)
9977. ”Land Before Time. The(EU)”
9978. LEGO Bionicle(EU)
9979. LEGO Bionicle(US)
9980. LEGO Island 2 – The Brickster’s Revenge(EU)
9981. LEGO Island 2 – The Brickster’s Revenge(US)
9982. LEGO Racers 2(US)
9983. LEGO Soccer Mania(UE)
9984. Lilo & Stitch(EU)
9985. Lilo & Stitch(US)
9986. Love Hina Advance – Shukufuku no Kane ha Naru Kana(JP)
9987. Lucky Luke – Wanted!(EU)
9988. Lunar Legend(JP)
9989. M&M’s Blast!(US)
9990. Magical Houshin(JP)
9991. Magical Vacation(JP)
9992. Mahjong Keiji(JP)
9993. Mail de Cute(JP)
9994. Maniac Racers Advance(EU)
9995. Mario Kart – Super Circuit(EU)
9996. Mario Kart – Super Circuit(US)
9997. Mario Kart Advance(JP)
9998. Mary-Kate and Ashley – Girls Night Out(US)
9999. Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX(EU)
10000. Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX(UE)
10001. Maya the Bee – The Great Adventure(EU)
10002. Mech Platoon(EU)
10003. Mech Platoon(US)
10004. Medabots AX – Metabee Version(US)
10005. Medabots AX – Rokusho Version(US)
10006. Medarot Navi – Kabuto(JP)
10007. Medarot Navi – Kuwagata(JP)
10008. Megaman Battle Network 2(US)
10009. Megaman Battle Network(EU)
10010. Megaman Battle Network(US)
10011. Men in Black – The Series(EU)
10012. Men in Black – The Series(US)
10013. Midnight Club – Street Racing(US)
10014. Midway’s Greatest Arcade Hits(UE)
10015. Mike Tyson Boxing(EU)
10016. Mike Tyson Boxing(US)
10017. Minna de Puyo Puyo(JP)
10018. Minna no Shiiku Series 1 – Boku no Kabuto Mushi(JP)
10019. Minna no Shiiku Series 2 – Boku no Kuwagata(JP)
10020. Mobile Pro Yakyuu – Kantoku no Saihai(JP)
10021. Momotarou Matsuri(JP)
10022. Monster Farm Advance(JP)
10023. Monster Gate(JP)
10024. Monster Guardians(JP)
10025. Monster Jam – Maximum Destruction(US)
10026. Monster Rancher Advance(US)
10027. ”Monsters. Inc.(UE)”
10028. Morita Shougi Advance(JP)
10029. Mortal Kombat Advance(US)
10030. Moto GP(EU)
10031. Moto GP(US)
10032. Motocross Maniacs Advance(JP)
10033. Motocross Maniacs Advance(US)
10034. Mr. Driller 2(JP)
10035. Muppet Pinball Mayhem(US)
10036. MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael(UE)
10037. Nakayoshi Mahjong – Kaburiichi(JP)
10038. Namco Museum(JP)
10039. Namco Museum(US)
10040. Nancy Drew – Message in a Haunted Mansion(US)
10041. Napoleon(JP)
10042. Narikiri Jockey Game – Yuushun Rhapsody(JP)
10043. NASCAR Heat 2002(US)
10044. NBA Jam 2002(UE)
10045. Next Generation Tennis(EU)
10046. NFL Blitz 20-02(US)
10047. NHL 2002(US)
10048. Nicktoons Racing(US)
10049. No Rules – Get Phat(UE)
10050. Nobunaga no Yabou(JP)
10051. Okumanchouja Game – Nottori Daisakusen!(JP)
10052. Ougon no Taiyou – Hirakareshi Fuuin(JP)
10053. Ougon no Taiyou – Ushinawareshi Toki(JP)
10054. Pac-Man Collection(EU)
10055. Pac-Man Collection(JP)
10056. Pac-Man Collection(US)
10057. Penny Racers(EU)
10058. Peter Pan – Return to Neverland(EU)
10059. Peter Pan – Return to Neverland(US)
10060. Phalanx – The Enforce Fighter A-144(EU)
10061. Phalanx – The Enforce Fighter A-144(JP)
10062. Phalanx – The Enforce Fighter A-144(US)
10063. Pinball Challenge Deluxe(EU)
10064. ”Pinball of the Dead. The(JP)”
10065. ”Pinball of the Dead. The(US)”
10066. Pinky Monkey Town(JP)
10067. Pinobee – Wings of Adventure(UE)
10068. Pinobee no Daibouken(JP)
10069. Pitfall – The Mayan Adventure(UE)
10070. Planet Monsters(EU)
10071. Planet Monsters(US)
10072. Planet of the Apes(EU)
10073. Planet of the Apes(US)
10074. Pocket Music(EU)
10075. Power Pro Kun Pocket 3(JP)
10076. Power Pro Kun Pocket 4(JP)
10077. Power Rangers – Time Force(DE)
10078. Power Rangers – Time Force(US)
10079. ”Powerpuff Girls. The – Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go(US)”
10080. Prehistorik Man(UE)
10081. Pro Tennis WTA Tour(EU)
10082. Punch King – Arcade Boxing(US)
10083. Puyo Pop(US)
10084. Rampage – Puzzle Attack(UE)
10085. Rayman Advance(EU)
10086. Rayman Advance(US)
10087. Razor Freestyle Scooter(US)
10088. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing – Round 2(EU)
10089. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing – Round 2(US)
10090. Recca no Honoo – The Game(JP)
10091. ”Ripping Friends. The(UE)”
10092. Robopon 2 – Cross Version(US)
10093. Robopon 2 – Ring Version(US)
10094. Robot Ponkottsu 2 – Cross Version(JP)
10095. Robot Ponkottsu 2 – Ring Version(JP)
10096. Robot Wars – Advanced Destruction(EU)
10097. Rocket Power – Dream Scheme(UE)
10098. Rockman Zero(JP)
10099. Rugrats – Castle Capers(UE)
10100. Saibara Rieko no Dendou Mahjong(JP)
10101. Salt Lake 2002(US)
10102. Sangokushi(JP)
10103. Sansara Naga 1×2(JP)
10104. Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase(EU)
10105. Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase(US)
10106. Scooby-Doo(US)
10107. ”Scorpion King. The – Sword of Osiris(EU)”
10108. ”Scorpion King. The – Sword of Osiris(US)”
10109. Scrabble(EU)
10110. Shanghai Advance(JP)
10111. Shaun Palmer’s Pro Snowboarder(DE)
10112. Shaun Palmer’s Pro Snowboarder(UE)
10113. Sheep(EU)
10114. Shining Soul(JP)
10115. Shrek – Swamp Kart Speedway(UE)
10116. Silent Hill – Play Novel(JP)
10117. Slot! Pro Advance – Takarabune & Ooedo Sakurafubuki 2(JP)
10118. Snap Kid’s(JP)
10119. Snood(US)
10120. Sonic Advance(EU)
10121. Sonic Advance(JP)
10122. Sonic Advance(US)
10123. Space Hexcite – Maetel Legend EX(JP)
10124. Space Invaders(UE)
10125. Spider-Man – Mysterio no Kyoui(JP)
10126. Spider-Man – Mysterio’s Menace(UE)
10127. Spider-Man(FR)
10128. Spider-Man(UE)
10129. Spirit – Stallion of the Cimarron – Search for Homeland(US)
10130. SpongeBob SquarePants – SuperSponge(US)
10131. Sports Illustrated for Kids – Baseball(US)
10132. Sports Illustrated for Kids – Football(US)
10133. Spy Hunter(US)
10134. Spyro – Season of Ice(EU)
10135. Spyro – Season of Ice(US)
10136. Star Wars – Jedi Power Battles(EU)
10137. Star Wars – Jedi Power Battles(US)
10138. Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones(EU)
10139. Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones(US)
10140. Star X(EU)
10141. Star X(US)
10142. Stuart Little 2(UE)
10143. Super Black Bass Advance(EU)
10144. Super Black Bass Advance(JP)
10145. Super Bust-A-Move(EU)
10146. Super Bust-A-Move(US)
10147. Super Dodge Ball Advance(EU)
10148. Super Dodge Ball Advance(US)
10149. Super Mario Advance 2 – Super Mario World(EU)
10150. Super Mario Advance 2 – Super Mario World(US)
10151. Super Mario Advance 2(JP)
10152. Super Mario Advance(JP)
10153. Super Mario Advance(UE)
10154. Super Puzzle Bobble Advance(JP)
10155. Super Robot Taisen A(CN)
10156. Super Robot Taisen A(JP)
10157. Super Street Fighter II Turbo – Revival(EU)
10158. Super Street Fighter II Turbo – Revival(US)
10159. Super Street Fighter II X – Revival(JP)
10160. Sutakomi – Star Communicator(JP)
10161. Sweet Cookie Pie(JP)
10162. Tactics Ogre – The Knight of Lodis(US)
10163. Tactics Ogre Gaiden – The Knight of Lodis(JP)
10164. Tanbi Musou – Meine Liebe(JP)
10165. Tang Tang(EU)
10166. Tang Tang(US)
10167. Tekken Advance(JP)
10168. Tekken Advance(US)
10169. Tennis no Ouji-sama – Genius Boys Academy(JP)
10170. Tetris Worlds(EU)
10171. Tetris Worlds(JP)
10172. Tetris Worlds(US)
10173. ”Three Stooges. The(US)”
10174. Thunderbirds – International Rescue(EU)
10175. Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf(UE)
10176. Tiny Toon Adventures – Wacky Stackers(EU)
10177. Titi et les Bijoux Magiques(FR)
10178. Tom and Jerry – The Magic Ring(EU)
10179. Tom and Jerry – The Magic Ring(US)
10180. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six – Rogue Spear(EU)
10181. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six – Rogue Spear(US)
10182. Tomato Adventure(JP)
10183. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2(DE)
10184. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2(FR)
10185. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2(UE)
10186. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3(FR)
10187. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3(UE)
10188. Top Gear GT Championship(EU)
10189. Top Gear GT Championship(US)
10190. Total Soccer Manager(EU)
10191. Total Soccer(EU)
10192. Tottoko Hamutarou 3 – Love Love Daibouken Dechu(JP)
10193. Toyrobo Force(JP)
10194. Tweety and the Magic Gems(DE)
10195. Tweety and the Magic Gems(EU)
10196. Tweety and the Magic Gems(US)
10197. Tweety no Hearty Party(JP)
10198. Ui-Ire – World Soccer Winning Eleven(JP)
10199. Virtual Kasparov(EU)
10200. Virtual Kasparov(US)
10201. V-Rally 3(EU)
10202. Wario Land 4(UE)
10203. Wario Land Advance(JP)
10204. ”Wild Thornberrys. The – Chimp Chase(UE)”
10205. Winning Post(JP)
10206. Wizardry Summoner(JP)
10207. Wolfenstein 3-D(US)
10208. World Advance Soccer – Shouri heno Michi(JP)
10209. WTA Tour Tennis Pocket(JP)
10210. WWF – Road to WrestleMania(UE)
10211. X-Bladez – Inline Skater(EU)
10212. X-Men – Reign of Apocalypse(UE)
10213. Xploder Advance(EU)
10214. Youkaidou(JP)
10215. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1(JP)
10216. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2(JP)
10217. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 7 – Kettou Toshi Densetsu(JP)
10218. Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters(JP)
10219. Yuujou no Victory Goal 4v4 Arashi – Get the Goal!!(JP)
1022. Baluba-louk no Densetsu
10220. Yuureiyashiki no Nijuuyojikan(JP)
10221. Z.O.E. 2173 – Testament(JP)
10222. Zen-Nippon GT Senshuken(JP)
10223. Zero-Tours(JP)
10224. Zoids Saga(JP)
10225. Zone of the Enders – The Fist of Mars(EU)
10226. Zone of the Enders – The Fist of Mars(US)
10227. ZooCube(US)

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